Cinnamon rolls with marshmallow glaze

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i think i have devised some uncommonly delicious cinnamon rolls really buttery and tender but also fluffy and they hold a real tidy shape in the oven i'll show you the standard sugar glaze but i'm also going to show you an unconventional frosting inspired by marshmallow fluff i love this frosting my wife hates it we report you decide to make a yeast dough that is extremely buttery but also has a strong enough gluten network to rise we need to follow a kind of weird procedure i've got a mixing bowl and that's a third of a cup of milk 80 mils and i'll throw a little pinch of sugar in there for the yeast even though they probably don't need it they do need me to heat this up a little bit which you could do in the microwave but my stove has the advantage of being right here i'm just looking for body temperature or something a little north of that i'm only making half a dozen rolls today and yet i'm putting in a whole packet of dry yeast which is a lot seven grams more than two teaspoons you could use half that but i like the flavor i get from extra yeast and i will let them rehydrate and wake up while i grab butter 2 tablespoons of butter 30 grams i'll melt that in the microwave real quick and then in goes a quarter cup of granulated sugar 50 grams that sugar will lower the temperature of the butter thus making it safe for my egg if you were gonna bake a full dozen you could just use the whole egg but i'm making half that so i'm just gonna use the yolk in my dough pure yolk makes the rolls taste a little better anyway and i have plans for that white in goes three or four grams of salt which is like half a teaspoon of this morton kosher i think cinnamon rolls are far better with a noticeable amount of salt in them and lastly a little glug of vanilla which you can skip the frosting will have vanilla in it too get all that stirred up and smooth my yeast is all frothy so it's time for flour you could use all-purpose flour but i think bread flour is better and lately i'm loving this double zero pizza flour that recently arrived at my grocery store hashtag not an ad just a fan double zero is a super fine grind of flour and it makes these rolls noticeably smoother but any flour is fine the extra protein of the bread flour will help these rise in spite of all that butter and also give them a heavier and silkier mouth feel literally just as much flour as i can stir in there if you want precise measurements watch somebody else i think it depends on what kind of flour you're using anyway so i say just go by feel as much flour as you can easily stir in to this much liquid which for me ended up being just under a cup that i will simply leave to autolyze and pre-ferment for about a half hour over here with my fatty liquids i might as well stir in some flour too again just as much as i can stir in which ended up being maybe two-thirds of a cup there's so much fat in here that the gluten in this flour basically won't be able to develop at all but at least i can get the particles hydrating a bit which will cut down on kneading time plus all the greasy liquid here will be much easier to integrate with the other dough when it's in paste form like this okay i'll just cover everything in a damp towel and come back half an hour later clearly a lot of fermentation and gluten development has happened if we'd mixed everything together at once the huge amount of butter and sugar in this recipe would not have allowed that kind of rise i'll dust more flour on there and dump in my greasy paste use my flowery hand to scrape off the spoon and get to kneading need until this is homogenous dusting flour as necessary to keep it workable kind of groovy at this stage yes lots of popular cinnamon roll recipes have you mix everything together at once but you will note they probably have proportionately less butter than mine here i've tried doing the direct mix on a dough this rich and it just doesn't rise you do it this way you get the best of all worlds i want enough flour in here so that the dough is still a little sticky but i can form it into a reasonably smooth ball perfect maybe two cups total of this double zero bread flour in here maybe 250 grams cover and let it rise again until doubled an hour or two during which time we can clean up and maybe listen to a podcast hey this guy has a new podcast available everywhere and we can crank it on the new mini speaker from cove the sponsor of this video i was filming a recipe where i cooked a steak and a pan big sound from an adorable little package this connects to your phone or whatever via bluetooth 5.0 or a simple cable if you want great battery life great big sound and get this you can buy another one and chain them together with the push of a button now you've got true stereo sound that you can use to fill the whole room the speakers are water resistant and they have a built-in microphone with a 30 foot range so you can talk to your phone pretty sweet buy one or two cove mini commuter speakers with my link and code in the description and you will save 67 or more link in the description use code a mini 67 for 67 off the cove mini commuter thank you cove so after two hours this has about doubled don't be concerned if you don't get a huge rise at this stage again there's a lot of fat and sugar in there pull her out to a board and a little dusting of flour so nothing sticks and then roll this out to a rectangle that's about a foot wide 30 centimeters the closer you can get it to a perfect rectangle the less waste you're gonna have at the ends the bottom long edge i want to roll way thinner than the rest this will be the flap that i used to seal the roll let me get some more melted butter ready another couple tablespoons we'll use this for a couple of things now and this bowl is already dirty so filling a third of a cup of brown sugar 65 grams or white sugar with a little glug of molasses because that's all brown sugar is and i actually want more molasses than brown sugar normally has so heavy hand with the molasses the eponymous cinnamon i like a whole tablespoon for six rolls which is a lot but i like it spicy this is pre-ground and pre-ground is generally less powerful so you need more with it a teeny little pinch of salt is good and then this is important just enough melted butter to make this the consistency of like damp sand i'll stir this up real good and then see if i need more if you put too much butter in the filling it'll all melt out during the baking and just run all over the pan but i need a little more in there just to make the filling hold together if there's no butter at all the filling is powdery and it just falls out of the roll before you can even bake the thing there that consistency is a good compromise take some melted butter and grease up the inside of the dough sheet avoiding that thin flap at the bottom we want that to be the opposite of slippery dump on the filling and pat it as evenly as possible don't bother getting it all the way to the edges on the sides because we're just going to trim off that excess anyway and keep it off that flap at the bottom that's our seal and accordingly i'm going to get it wet plain water this will glue the whole roll together and keep it from bursting open in the oven time to roll starting with the long thick end don't stress about rolling this super tight it's even better if you don't give the layers some room to puff up in the oven get the seal on the bottom so gravity presses it down a little bit and at this stage you could just put the whole roll in the fridge slice it and bake it for breakfast in the morning i've got some leftover melted butter so i might as well rub it suggestively around the whole cylinder this will make the edges bake up even tastier and there we go time to slice trim off that end first and then you can get really clean even slices i'm going maybe an inch and a half thick four centimeters aiming for six rolls and there we go grab a baking sheet lined with parchment if you've got it and then very gently lay on the slices cut side up this would actually be a lot easier if i had chilled the roll overnight so if you do that you definitely want to cover these and let them warm up and proof at least a half hour before baking which i'm going to do anyway they're a little puffier after a half hour proof which is good and then they go at 400 degrees fahrenheit 200c convection if you've got it while we wait here's that weird frosting i was telling you about my reserved egg white goes into a saucepan along with another third of a cup of sugar 65 grams heat on medium and then whisk continuously if you aren't whisking when this reaches the critical temperature you're going to suddenly have scrambled eggs oh i forgot we need a glug of corn syrup or honey or some syrup that is not all sucrose like the table sugar is if you don't use the syrup the sugar recrystallizes and gets super grainy just keep whisking and you'll see the egg protein start to coagulate and thicken and two minutes later i've got a mayonnaise-like consistency so i'm done i'll turn off the burner and in the residual heat i'll melt about a tablespoon of butter just melt it in real gently so it doesn't break time for a splash of vanilla whisk that in and there you go marshmallow glaze it's italian meringue but a little thinner and richer which makes it better for a thin coating it has a strong marshmallowy flavor which i believe is basically the taste of sugar plus protein the rolls have been baking for just about 10 minutes and they're almost done even though they look kind of pale if you over bake these the filling just melts and leaks out and you can see that's starting to happen over there also if you over bake them the centers start to push up like little spires and eventually that causes the whole roll to fall apart plus i think you want the texture to be soft and a little doughy so when the edges are just a little golden that's it out they come and let them cool until they're firm enough to pick up maybe 10 minutes meanwhile i'll mix up the more conventional glaze if you want to see that which is just a pile of powdered sugar a little glug of milk and an even smaller glug of vanilla stir stir stir and really it takes a tiny amount of milk to get this all dissolved into a smooth thick glaze and you could glaze the rolls on their parchment paper but hey this is already dirty so let's do this professional like on a rack this is my marshmallow glaze over here and my preferred way of doing this is to just dunk in the top get it completely coated in glaze and as it drizzles down the sides on the rack it'll spread in attractive ways alternatively you could just put one on the rack and drizzle with a spoon side to side or you could do the little spiral pattern or if you're four and a half years old you could just try total chaos i can just mustard it mustard it sure that's the conventional glaze by the way made with the powdered sugar and milk which looks about the same as the marshmallow on at this stage but it tastes pretty different and it dries to a more crispy texture with a matte finish i like the marshmallow one better myself now honestly i know these don't look particularly remarkable but the texture and flavor of these is way better than any homemade cinnamon roll i've ever had before including all the ones i've made before that pre-ferment step just makes all the difference in the world try it if you don't believe me
Channel: Adam Ragusea
Views: 486,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: m4YbL7dAfw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 24 2022
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