Chocolate coconut tart (accidentally vegan)

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/NovaKevin πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

That ad and product page makes it sound like you're getting a monster deal by getting a $230 speaker for $72, but that company sells the exact same product on Amazon for $100. So while the ad is a deal, it's more like a 28% deal than a 68% deal.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Steve_Streza πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

anyone got an ways to replace the coconut ingredients with butter/cream? i don'tlike coconut very much.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Mako_sato_ftw πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Adam Ragusea is the most vegan-friendly non-vegan youtuber...and that's good.

E: I feel like you'd have to use vegan chocolate to make it vegan. but that's fine -- it is accidental, after all.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/2Liberal4You πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Chocolate Coconut Tart (Accidentally Vegan) (Cookin' in the Hood) (Gone Wrong) (Nearly died) (CALLED BOSS BABY at 4:20 AM) (OMYGOSH HE ACTUALLY ANSWERED!) (Free Giveaway) (100% Not CLickbait) (Family Friendly PG Clean.)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/The-Bigger-Fish πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I used this ganache for the macaroons. Very good.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Not actually vegan because of the milk chocolate

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/XP_Studios πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 13 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
chocolate coconut tart this is a really easy yet fancy dessert recipe i came up with while experimenting with coconut fats coconut oil makes beautifully crumbly pastry crusts and coconut cream makes an exceptionally smooth chocolate ganache with a cooling mouth feel and totally incidentally this recipe is vegan that's just a bonus as far as i'm concerned i wasn't trying to make it vegan first thing is make the crust it's something between a short crust pastry and a crumbly cracker crust like a cup of all-purpose flour 120 grams but this is not a fussy pastry it does not have to be precise half a cup of sugar 100 grams and then like 50 grams or half a cup of almond flour for some extra flavor and crumbly texture though you could use an equivalent amount of coconut shreds for example if you want to double down on the coconut thing you could replace this with just more ap flour or if you have celiac you could use solid almond flour for this now you could use cold butter but i'm using coconut oil virgin coconut oil like this gets you a nice subtle coconut flavor refined coconut oil will have almost no flavor at all and it should be solid like this at room temperature if it's not solid your kitchen is probably too warm chill the oil in the fridge before you cut it into the dough it needs to be solid i've got half a cup of coconut fat in there that's eight tablespoons about 110 grams last thing is salt i like to have a nice salty crust on a chocolate tart half a teaspoon of morton kosher is what i'm using that's two or three grams you could use more and you could throw all that into the food processor and just pulse it until it's like a coarse breadcrumb consistency or you could do it the old-fashioned way with a pastry cutter or a fork you just cut the tines of the fork into the big chunks of solid fat as you cut those chunks into smaller chunks they immediately get covered in flour and such which disperses the fat bits it keeps them from sticking together again it'll feel like you're doing absolutely nothing but keep at it and all of a sudden you'll have that coarse breadcrumb consistency if you can squeeze it and it just barely holds a solid shape that is done that is what gives you a crumbly or short pastry if you want something a little more flaky you can pick up handfuls of this and do that with them to squeeze out long sheets of fat coated in flour aka flakes but this will still be pretty crumbly because we're not actually going to roll this out and because there's no water in this dough coconut oil is nearly 100 fat unlike butter which is like 15 water that water reacts with gluten to make a more elastic dough there's no water at all in this so this pastry is going to be super brittle which is what i'm after it's like a graham cracker crust and you can simply mold this into a normal pie or cake pan it'll be delicious but you would not be able to cut out nice pretty slices for that you need a tart pan with a removable bottom these things are cheap and you can just lift the tart up out of the pan when it's done my recipe is calibrated for this pretty standard nine inch diameter size 23 centimeters or it could work with four of these mini guys that i'm going to use four and a half inches wide with these little ones each person gets their own tarts and there's more edge crust relative to the total volume which means fewer bites will be exactly the same heterogeneity i'm just pushing the crumbs into the molds my recipe gives you a very thick crust layer it's equal parts crust and ganache because that's what i'm into you can make less crust if you wanted try to push it into the corners and make sure it's not too thick down there in the corner it's going to melt a bit in the oven and slump down into the corner so if it's too thin in the corners when it goes in the oven it'll be just right on the way out you could use a measuring cup or a glass or something to really stamp these out smooth but i don't think that makes a really noticeable difference in the end and there's the four tartlets how was that not the name of a motown group we'll bake them empty at 350 fahrenheit 180c baking them on a tray will make it easier to get them out when they're hot and the tray will catch any melting pastry that would otherwise fall and burn now there's nothing really to do but clean up might as well listen to some tunes by this remarkable undiscovered talent on soundcloud i mean wow and he sounds great via the sponsor of this video cove audio whom i'll now briefly thank this is the cove commuter 2 just the best darn bluetooth speaker you can imagine it syncs with your phone or computer or whatever in a flash the controls are really simple and obvious and i wonder how this visionary soundcloud composer would sound in true wide stereo [Music] that's how amazing there's a 30 foot range between these two halves you can charge them simultaneously up to seven hours of playtime on a charge it's water resistant which is great for kitchen use there's a built-in microphone and it gets darn loud apart or reunited if you follow my link in the description you can save more than 67 on the commuter too making it far more affordable than any comparable speaker i've seen and remember it's basically a two-for-one deal because it has two speakers link is in the description for 67 off thank you cove after 15 or 20 minutes the pastry shells should be kind of molten and bubbly this is not the kind of pastry that will stick all the way up the sides of the tart pan so don't expect it to you could pull these right now or you could bake them a little longer until they brown a bit the browning tastes delicious but it can also drown out the subtle flavor of the coconut and it can make the pastry harder to cut with a fork pick your poison i will say if you want a stronger coconut flavor you could add a few drops of coconut flavoring to the dough or the ganache i tried that i liked it but lauren thought it tasted like sunscreen anyway you got to let these cool all the way down before you fill them wait until they're ready then make the ganache filling you could use a product labeled coconut milk or coconut cream i'm using the cream it's the same stuff as the milk except it will have more of this luscious fat floating in the can above the layer of coconut water at the bottom and i'm just lifting the semi-solid cream out of the can and dropping it into a microwave-safe measuring jug i'm looking for one cups worth 240 mils if you don't have enough of the cream to get you that much you can top it off with the coconut water you've left behind that's fine the more coconut water you have in there the more soft the ganache will be which is not an inherently good or bad thing now for the chocolate it's the star of the show so use a chocolate you really like either chips or chop up a bar into chunks ganache is generally equal parts cream traditionally dairy cream of course and chocolate you can easily measure that volume of the chocolate by displacement just mix in enough that you've got two total cups of stuff in there almost 500 mils but it does not have to be precise easiest way to make ganache is to just throw it in a microwave on like half power for a minute or two just long enough until you can melt it together i usually wait until i see the first signs of melting chocolate and then i take it out and stir it should look like it's not quite hot enough yet because if you keep stirring it and spreading around the heat it will go smooth at a surprisingly low temperature this is good because if you get it too hot it can kind of seize up and go grainy taste it you could call that done or you could put in a little dab of vanilla or almond extract or any flavoring you like you might also want it sweeter depending on your tastes and how dark your chocolate was to begin with you can stir in a little granulated sugar but it's safer to squeeze in a little syrup any syrup granulated sugar could give you a gritty texture don't make it too sweet because the crust is plenty sweet i think the filling should taste a little too intensely chocolatey in isolation this last step will be a lot easier if you do it directly in the fridge you just fill the tarts all the way to the brim it doesn't matter if you go higher than your walls of crust filling these in the fridge saves you from having to transfer them in while they're full and soft and sloshing around you would spill a lot look how pretty that is and then just chill these until they're solid a couple hours at least but they'll be firmer if you chill them overnight like i did there they are the next day now these are too cold for you to push the tart up out of its ring right now the crust and ganache is still stuck to the sides get yourself a wide flat vessel and pour in a thin layer of hot tap water stick the tart in there and within seconds that will melt the stuff clinging to the ring and you can easily lift the tart out get a knife in there to lever off the bottom piece or don't bother just serve it right on the base that water trick works great if you just left these on the counter until soft the whole tart would be too warm by the time you could de-pan it you could put some raspberries or something on there for fancy or not i prefer a light sprinkling of smoked sea salt crazy good you can also tap on a little bit of powdered sugar that's pretty but do it right before you eat because that thing is cold so there's going to be condensation forming on it which will dissolve the sugar and that looks kind of ugly i prefer the smoked sea salt now especially if you browned the crust it's gonna be a little tough to push your fork through because it's so cold and thick you might instead consider putting it on a cutting board and cutting it into little wedges like a wheel of brie just wipe the knife clean in between each cut this turns it into a finger food which makes it a nice thing for people standing around at a party or something that's just so tasty and again i feel like that coconut milk ganache has a cooling mouth feel as though it's working on my thermoreceptors the same way that something like mint does am i just making that up well you try this recipe and you tell me
Channel: Adam Ragusea
Views: 1,020,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oapgj3Zjr3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 36sec (516 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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