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I've got something super interesting  for you today. I'm gonna show you   how you can turn a boring flat looking  scene like this into something like this Dark, moody, gritty, and cinematic  because that's what we all want   right a cinematic look and all you need is  your camera and one cheap light that's it. Welcome in my bathroom and well I chose the  bathroom because it has that old fluorescent   light above the mirror and a fluorescent light you  know it will give you that dark gritty cinematic   look that i really like now of course you don't  need a fluorescent light you can just use the   available lights in your bathroom but this is  the perfect situation to show you how you can   manipulate existing light just by using your brain  a little bit right now all the lights are on the   fluorescent light but also the main light here  above me and well you can see it right it looks   way too bright too flat the tiles there behind me  for example i would like them to be darker so that   the focus is more on me so let's start by turning  off the main light there looks a lot better   already but still i think the tiles back there  could be even darker and the fluorescent light   because it's right in front of me it's lighting  my face very evenly there's no depth no shadow   or anything i would like to have at least a little  bit of shadow on the left side of my face not too   much of course because the light is in front of me  and it would look weird if there's a dark shadow   on this side of my face but just slightly  you know to create a little bit more depth   so how do i do that how do i make this fluorescent  light look less bright without having to call an   electrician or without having to cover it up well  i put an extra led panel over there next to the   mirror and i'm gonna set that led panel the output  all the way to the maximum let me do that first okay so i turned down the led panel and it's all  the way to the maximum 100 so what it's doing now   is it's overpowering the fluorescent light so of  course everything looks way too bright now because   you know i added an extra light at 100 and the  exposure is set for just the fluorescent light   so all i have to do now is adjust the exposure  on my camera and i'm going to set the exposure   for the led panel not the fluorescent  light so in a way what i'm gonna do is   i'm gonna under expose for the fluorescent  light so it's gonna look dimmer less bright   does that make sense if i set the  exposure now for the brightest light   then the light that's less bright is going to  look even less bright wait that that does make   sense right yeah i think it does and also  because the led panel has a little softbox   with a grid it's pointed at the right side  of my face not the background just my face   here it's also going to create a little bit of  shadow on the left side of my face not too much   but just enough you know what let me adjust the  exposure with the nd filter and then you'll see   what i mean you'll see that it will look a lot  moodier darker yeah exactly what i'm looking for i guess something like this it doesn't really  matter it doesn't have to be perfect now   but i think you can see it now right it looks a  lot darker a lot moodier that's the key light now   so that's actually what i did in the beginning  the fluorescent light was the key light and   only light but now i moved the key light status  from the fluorescent light to the led light so   my led light is now the key light and i set the  exposure for the key light so in short this light   is going to look a lot dimmer and because this  light is also lighting the background the tiles   also the tiles in the background will look  a lot darker and now the focus really is on   me the light is focusing on me i hope it makes  sense you have to use your brain a little bit   overexpose underexposed you know let me stand here  like i did before with something like that right and then there's of course color  grading but i've said this before   the key to getting a cinematic look is light and  color grading is just the cherry on top and guys   don't worry if you're still learning how to color  grade just keep it simple all i did here was apply   a lot and then i tweaked the colors a little  bit to make it look like i wanted it to look   because the lut itself turned out to be a bit  too much and then on top of that color grade i   also added a video overlay of some mist moving  around and some film grain now that video overlay   of the mist i'm not sure if it really works you  know i was trying to mimic a steamy bathroom   and i guess it works but it's not the same as  a real steamy bathroom you know what i mean   but yeah anyway that's it a camera a cheap  light and five minutes that's all you need   thank you so much for watching  and see you in the next one you
Channel: Joris Hermans
Views: 40,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cinematic lighting, cinematic video, cinematic lighting tutorial, how to shoot cinematic video, cinematic lighting techniques, lighting tutorial, cinematic video tutorial
Id: cXZt4N2CgbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 56sec (356 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 25 2022
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