Cinema 4D Tutorial - UV Mapping with Photoshop

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so recently I did this funkopop render and it was a lot of fun I got this template and UV my got measured one of the Funko pops I have I got the dimensions for the bugs and a UV map there and UV mapping is one of those things that's a bit daunting and you're like boys really technical what is it in game it can be but it can also be the most simple process ever just to slap a texture on what you need so I'm going to show you that today if you've got octane it'll work if you've got normal cinema 4d it'll work if you've got octane I'll tell you when to start using all clean textures if not just use normal textures it won't make a difference so you can follow either way but let's start today we're gonna use an iPhone box because that is pretty simple I've already made one right here that's the one I used it's gonna probably end up a little different because I think the dimensions are gonna be different but I've done this iPhone model and it was a lot of fun so we will do that today so we're just gonna bring in a cube and we're gonna make it sixteen by six point two by nine right okay we got it that should be I'd measured my I keep project and packaging because I think packaging is like the coolest thing ever I appreciate the time it went into it and I know it fascinates me so I've always got iPhone box is lying around and stuff so this is an iPhone seven box not the size of an iPhone 10 I don't know if it's different but you know okay so we're gonna have to make this editable otherwise it won't work now the first thing we're gonna do is now we've got our cube we're just gonna switch to body paint UV edit now that's gonna bring up this now if you're familiar with this at all you'll know what's going on I only know specific parts of it because I've not spent a whole lot of time here the stuff I do just doesn't require me and I will tell you this now I don't know how many artists will agree with me but when it comes to being self-taught you tend to learn the things you need to know and that's it and I don't feel like it's necessary to learn every single thing because the chances of you using that every day are really small so pretty much when it comes to UV mapping what I'm about to show you is all I know Nonpoint you know not being honest about it so just double click same as normal making a material you take this and what we can do now is double click here and create a color so I think maybe I'll use a red for the background this will be the background just like here it's just good to create some contrast so you know what's the actual texture and then what we can do is UV manage or UV mash and click this here or is it this yeah this one right I'm gonna click that UV polygons and box and what that's done now is flattened out leo a good way to put this is it's you know you've heard a UV unwrapping you've heard a UV rapping although that's what we're doing and it's like if you take any sort of packaging and just push it down and flatten it out so here that's the top that's the left bottom and back front right now this is different to that one of course top botton life right back front and so hopefully you're getting the gist of it now we're just gonna go and click fill polygons and now that's filled and we're pretty much actually done for the cinema4d part so we're just gonna go save text your eyes I want to create a folder for this quickly actually if I can all save in the other folder safe sex your eyes you know save it as a PSD because then we can just open it up straight with all the same dimensions and stuff iPhone box I'll call this one to Torreon I always create what I'm gonna show you first just so I know how to do it with precise of execution collect aterial now what we're gonna do we're gonna go to photoshop open iPhone box tutorial open now we've got this so now we have our texture in Photoshop it gets a little bit easier from it can get a little messy from here just centering things but I've got all these assets to create the box so the first thing we're gonna do is duplicate that turn that off just in case we mess it up you can just call this like tamper something and then we're gonna create just some like rectangles or in the place of it's probably better to zoom in a little bit here so we can get it just perfect now this is just to make sure everything's centered because we don't have like a template or anything to put on it this should just help us get everything exactly the way we want that so if we do that and we zoom like here we're just rasterize that and ctrl J and then if we move that all the way to the edge now we've got these two so what we can do is control J again right and we can make that blue for example ctrl T drag it out there and then you're gonna find that if we if we drag this one here change the color green paint now we've got all these bits and we've got the talked so now you kind of know where everything is and much like the way c4d shows you now you can see if I actually got that wrong there so we're gonna flip these now of course in this composition I have all the assets ready so I'm just going to drag them across and I'll include them all separately in the file as well or if you want to go in Google you can just find them and save them so we're just going to drag the actual iPhone across and put that in there now we just created these two no that way you can Center them appropriately grab that next and we can put that there and what this will do is zoom in a bit and we should be able to [Music] there you go sometime we put that one centered on there I can duplicate it I won't sign her there [Music] cool and then what we can do is we can grab all these ctrl G turn them off and now everything should be pretty centered I don't know how perfect you want I mean I wasn't overly bothered but now we've got that on there we can just save okay and I don't know if it will work if we just go open and we open the same one or yeah I'll do that so we can just go save tutorial to file open tutorial too and now you can see everything is on there you can see they are maybe a bit too low and I don't think it matters for all we know they might not actually be standard on the iPhone bugs but they probably are so now it's the time we use these on octane textures so if you using octane you want to switch to Orkut in now and if you're using default cinema 4d just do the exact same thing with default cinema 4d textures so of course what I'm gonna do is I will make a new material now we won't use the node editor just so you kinda can follow it easier on default cinema 4d of course you may just call or damaged in octane we go to cinema 4d obtained image texture go back and we can go tutorial to know and you can see it UV mapped now you can see the edges are actually a bit messed up here so of course if you look at an iPhone box it's not as sharp as this I mean it's cardboard so we can just double-click on just controlling bevel and we just create a bit of a bevel there do that one of selections you I you I create a new material that's white and we'll just put that on there and that should get rid of that and what we will do is just make that fully white and there we go and then what you can do is you can bring in HD alright get some nice lighting in there just like that and you can see that now everything is looking how we want it so it's just an easy way to get your textures onto a box and if you're trying to do some sort of product render it can get a little more difficult if you're working with more complex shapes or different parts of models that's when it does get to that kinda daunting stage and but something as simple as this that's literally how simple it is and utilizing Photoshop and makes it really easy as well I will show you the funkopop one as well I'll grab that quickly so you can see this is the Funko pop on and it took a bit more time to do not a humongous amount of time but it came with quite nice and the finished render looked great and that was the exact same technique that we just did here so if you're doing a phone case or you're trying to put a really cool texture on a controller or a Playstation or even just even sometimes a wall because you know as soon as you have it in Photoshop you can put textures all over these things and get really nice resolutions and you know everything you want and unfortunately it's just stuck down to that specific object because it's UV map to that object I would love to do something like this with a car and get some really really cool car textures and create like and cool stickers and vinyls and stuff all over it if you ever used video co-pilots jet straight stuff and you can take out the textures put something on it and after-effects and then it'll load into the actual 3d model is just the same thing so it's really simple and so hope this tutorial was useful if it was please let me know like the video comment and message me if you have any questions my discord is below if you want to join it and push your hand errs and just talk to a bunch of artists all day long it's a lot of fun my Instagram's there go check out my renders my Twitter as well and thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next tutorial [Music]
Channel: Sketchy Visuals.
Views: 104,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cinema 4d tutorial, cinema 4d, tutorial, uv mapping, photoshop, uv, mapping, uv tutorial, uv mapping tutorial, photoshop tutorial, c4d, c4d tutorial, c4d uv mapping, bodypaint, bodypaint uv, cinema 4d uv mapping, cinema 4d uv mapping tutorial, cinema 4d uv tutorial, cinema4d tutorial, bodypaint tutorial, uv unwrap, cinema 4d texturing, sketchy, sketchy motion, texturing cinema 4d, cinema 4d modeling and texturing, cinema 4d advanced texturing, 3d, c4d modeling tutorial, adobe, octane
Id: 1KarOlWy3kw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 19 2018
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