Cinema 4D Tutorial - UV Mapping with Photoshop
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Sketchy Visuals.
Views: 104,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cinema 4d tutorial, cinema 4d, tutorial, uv mapping, photoshop, uv, mapping, uv tutorial, uv mapping tutorial, photoshop tutorial, c4d, c4d tutorial, c4d uv mapping, bodypaint, bodypaint uv, cinema 4d uv mapping, cinema 4d uv mapping tutorial, cinema 4d uv tutorial, cinema4d tutorial, bodypaint tutorial, uv unwrap, cinema 4d texturing, sketchy, sketchy motion, texturing cinema 4d, cinema 4d modeling and texturing, cinema 4d advanced texturing, 3d, c4d modeling tutorial, adobe, octane
Id: 1KarOlWy3kw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 19 2018
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