Cinema 4D Tutorial - Using the Pose Morph Tag to Morph Between Objects in Cinema 4D

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everyone its EJ from I design comm and today I'm going to be showing you my workflow for how to create this nice morphing animation so I have three objects morphing into one another it's kind of an evolution of cameras from this old-timey camera to a more modern camera and morphing into an iPhone that you can take selfies and pictures of your food with so I'm going to show you how I did this morphing effect and just to give you an idea of how how cool this this workflow is to do this entire animation to do all these moves took about maybe 10 keyframes something like that so it's all these objects morph in between these three states 10 keyframes so come on let me come on on down I'm going to show you how to do this so you can see that all these shapes were basically made after I've created from these cylinders and these cubes all parametric and it takes a little bit of planning when you're thinking about what kind of objects you want to morph between you want to make sure you have all the elements for each of your objects so you can see in that animation that I just showed that I'm reusing a lot of the same elements and in some of them some like a couple of the objects go away but for the most part all of these objects are used to create some piece of each of these objects so let me show you how I did that and I'm going to use something that is usually synonymous with character animation and that is the pose morph tag so usually people morph between like character poses and stuff like that but it's it's used for you can use it for a heck of a lot more than that and I'm going to show you how you can do it with just normal traditional key framing of just normal objects such as cubes and cylinders so you can see in our pose morph options here we have all these of parameters we can kind of morph or mix between so we got piss position scale rotation parameters and you know user dater weight maps stuff like that UV all this good stuff so what we're going to need to morph between uh to morph all these objects is we want to make sure we have we want to move the position so we want a morph between we want a morph between positions you'll see that I automatically when I did that it got me it put me to this tag field and I'm just going to tap back to basic kind of when you choose something that automatically takes you there so just move back to the basic tab you can continue making more or enabling more of these options so I also want to enable scale I don't think I'm going to use rotation but I'm going to use parameters now what parameters are is in parametric objects it's all of these so all these parameters that are native to all these parametric objects are going to be stored as well so that's super important so I'm going to enable that so not only are we storing just the coordinate position scale but we're also storing the radius height in all these cap options so you can actually morph between all those options so I also have this hierarchy and it's important because I'm just applying this pose morph tag to a null so to be able to tell this tag hey look at all the objects underneath in this hierarchy I need to make sure I check that hierarchy option on as well so right away you'll notice that if I have this base pose that's going to be just this pose right here and I'm gonna it automatically creates your first pose you're going to morph into already so let me rename this base pose to just old-timey camera and this pose is just going to be a the more modern camera and if I go back to do my picture viewer we're going to morph into this shape first so let's go ahead and create our more modern camera and I'm going to go into my top front and right views and just start moving stuff around and reshaping some of these rectangles and stuff like that or cubes and so I'm going to just kind of move my a little green bit here and rescale that and I'm just pulling the handles on the XYZ of the parameters so remember we have parameters storing on our pose morphs so it's also storing all the parameters right here on all of our pair metrics so move this down here and this is going to be like this little blue bit is going to be a little accent piece on the bottom and then this is going to be me just actually just move this here so I can show you exactly what I'm working towards here there we go so I need to make this yellow bit a little bit longer and a bit fatter in the Z so you can see that I'm moving the position I'm moving I'm adjusting the parameters of all these objects so all this all this adjustment is going to be stored in that pose morph tag there so it's very important that before you even start you make sure you're setting all of those all those things that you'll need to record so I can even go in if I want to and adjust the fill it radius and stuff like that and that will also be stored also so I can bring that the philip radius on that down to and now I can go and reuse this little flash bit from the old timey camera and this will now become our shutter on our more modern camera like so and this flash will become the new modern camera kind of flash now for this last one of the this other little button lens thing this will be like the little new that little red button that gets rid of redeye on cameras so that's gonna this'll be con that will these cylinders would become that so I'm going to select both these cylinders and instead of going into their parameters I'm just going to scale this down but one important thing to note is that this will not record if you're just in model mode you need to go to object mode and actually it in and actually change the parameters of the scale bits and you'll only change the scale in your coordinates of your objects when you're in object mode so you can see that if I'm scaling this down and I go back into my parameters you can see that it was like 0.9 now it's down to 0.5 so that's going to be stored because I have scale being stored on my pose morph so that's just another way to kind of adjust these objects instead of going through they're just the cylinder radius and all that stuff so there we go we got that looking pretty good cool so this will be our our first shape or second shape actually and let me just make this lens a little bit bigger and push this back and there we go that's looking pretty close to how I had it down here so this will be our second pose now if we did this correctly I should be able to adjust the strength of this pose and I should be able to go right back to my old timey camera so looking looking good so I'm going to stay in my edit mode and I'm going to add a new pose you'll see that when I add a new pose it's going to add it based on my original base pose here and I don't want to do that I want to actually delete this and I want to create a third pose based on this on this more modern camera so I'm going to go and if I hit command and click add pose that will actually create a new pose based on that modern camera so command or control on a on our windows and do the add pose and that will create a pose based on whichever pose you have selected at that time so I'm going to rename this iPhone and I'll skip ahead to my iPhone here so you can see what I'll be building towards and so we can just start moving all this all these objects around to create an iPhone alright so make sure you have your iPhone pose selected and we're going to just start moving this stuff around so these two objects you can see I don't have these cylinders as part of the iPhones so I'm just going to go and don't need these so I'm just going to bring the radius down to zero and maybe just move them back a little bit and give it a high of zero as well so those two cylinders are gone they're not going to be used for this little bit let's see I don't believe I use this cube as well so I'm just going to scale these suckers down also and let's see I'm going to then just start making the iPhone so I'm going to scale up and position this green element this green cube here so this is going to be like the main chunk of our iPhone and then this yellow part is going to be our screen there we go and then this blue bit is going to be the nice little outline of our screen just to add give it a little bit more color like so and we can even make this a little bit taller and then we're going to use those these two cylinders that are remaining and we're just going to grab them and bring them down to the bottom here and these are going to be this back slightly this is going to be the blue bit here and I'm just going to scale these cylinders up and we're still in object mode here so we're all we're all set that should be recorded and then I'm going to go and I got this this little flash piece here I'm just going to move this up here this is going to be the little speaker part of the iPhone that you'll hold up to your ear and it's a little bit bigger and there we go it's looking good so now we have our iPhone bit so let's go ahead and make sure that this transforms back into the old timey camera okay cool so what we can do now is just kind of check between all three of these if we need to make any final changes or edit anything we can just select each of these and just kind of adjust if we if we need to but I think we're I think we're looking pretty good at this point maybe move these down a bit but for the most part if you need to make any changes after your initial morphs you just click on this and it's default is edit selected and you can just go in make your changes if I select the iPhone pose it'll take me to the iPhone here so everything's looking looking good maybe move this over a bit cool so now to actually start morphing between all these so we're going to go from edit mode to animate and you'll see right away that we have some blocky crap that doesn't look like anything and that's because we have all the 100% on both our modern camera pose in our iPhone pose so it's kind of mixing both of those poses together now if I just bring down the modern camera slider to zero you'll see ok that's 100% iPhone pose happening and we're seeing our iPhone pose but if I bring down the iPhone pose to zero and the modern camera down to zero we're going to our base pose now if I bring my modern camera up while my iPhone poses 0% we just morph to our modern camera pose so now we can actually start animating between all these so I'm going to bring my timeline up here I'm going to go full screen so actually one thing I notice right away is if I go back to my edit mode you can see that when it the pose goes to the modern camera the camera is not centered in my scene so what I want to do is with this edit mode still select I'm just going to go and bring this whole entire group up and kind of Center that in the scene so every all the objects are kind of centered in my little composition so now we can go back to animate and you can see that now the cameras more centered in the scene isn't kind of aligned to the bottom cool so everything's looking good so let's go ahead and let's animate so what we're going to do is go ahead and I'm going to create let's see let's go to frame let's say 10 and I'm going to create a keyframe by clicking on this record dot by the modern camera and I'm going to at frame 25 I'm going to morph 100% to that camera pose and hit another keyframe so there we go right there there is my pose morph modern camera strength right there I'm going to go back to my camera or my pose morph tag here and I'm going to wait about another 10 keyframes I'm going to create another keyframe for that modern camera pose and I'm going to set a keyframe for my iPhone so I'm going to go ahead about 15 frames to frame 50 and I'm going to bring down my modern camera pose to zero I'm going to bring my iPhone pose up to 100% so I'm bringing down I'm getting rid of the modern camera pose and I'm just going to bring up my iphone pose so now if I go you can see that okay we're morphing from the camera to the iPhone perfect so now we're actually for the end of the animation we're going to go from the iPhone pose back to the old timey camera so we can make like an animated gif of this is which I which is what I ultimately did at the end of this little project so I'm going to go ahead and there's my iPhone strength curve keyframe curve here and I'm going to go and I'm going to have this pose hold for about 10 frames hit another keyframe and then at about 75 frames I'm going to bring my iPhone pose down to zero so now if I hit play we have this awesome morphing happening and we can adjust this so it's the compositions a little bit shorter so let's see let's just have this whole animation end at frame 75 hit play we can even speed everything way up by just selecting all of our keyframes and just kind of condensing everything in here so maybe the entire animations only 60 frames long and then we can start getting into our curves here and you know right by itself with just default keyframes looks kind of boring so let's let's let's start messing with these curves and give them a little bit of overshoot so the nice that you can see how have this really nice bounce here so what you can do is actually go beyond a hundred percent and you can see that our pose beyond a hundred percent has this little like bounce so we can actually frame that in our post strengths to give it this really nice bounce here so you'll notice right here that my rectangle disappears and this is this is something just weird that I found out by doing this project and I found that the reason why it does this is because our fill it radius is too high it's really weird but let's just go and fix that so again our rectangle kind of disappears right about there so let's go in and fix that so I'm on my modern camera thing here our modern camera pose and I'm going to do in place and make sure that we have a hundred percent and I'm just going to adjust this fill it to like just one let's see if that fixes it like I said it's a really weird thing how it disappears like that and I found that it's because of that rounding or the fill it so that looks like that fixed it so that's just something to keep in mind just a little weird bug with the fill it's on rectangles no that's confusing it's just a weird bug but that's how you get around it and cool so now we can continue to just make these keyframes have this nice little bounce in the strength by just kind of overshooting you see I have this nice bounce or my my strength goes above 100% right here and we have this nice so you really can't see the bounce there so let's just give it a little bit more you can see that if the bounce is or the strength is too high above 100% our cylinders here kind of shoot out which isn't really what we want but so we got to be kind of careful with that that looks pretty good and for to get the same kind of thing for these keyframes you can see that you know if I do this it's going to mess up my curve to the left so I'm going to undo that I'm going to go to this keyframe as well I'm going to get rid of the auto change its I'm going to get rid of clamp and I'm going to break those tangents by going and clicking on that break tangent so now I'll be able to independently move this handle from this handle right here I'm going to make sure that this handle is flat and what I'm going to do is do the reverse of this curve and have it go a little bit below 0% on that curve so just like you can go above 100% and go even further than that 100% pose you can actually go below 0% in a pose as well and let's do this for the iPhone strength pose and let's see how that looks so we have the nice bouncing in and out of our poses by adjusting our curves to go below 0% and also above a hundred percent of each pose and that's basically it we have this nice morphing between our our old-timey camera our modern camera and our iPhone and it's reusing all these same parametric objects cylinders and cubes and like I said this took see how many keyframes we got one two three four five six actually six I was an idiot those aren't well actually no 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 all right so 8 we have 8 keyframes controlling this entire animation all being driven by adjusting all of our pose morph tag morphs and everything's looking and looking pretty good so again if you need to make a change from this in place means you can actually adjust as it's in its place right here and it doesn't matter which you're selecting right now but if you go to selected you actually go to whatever pose you select and you'll see that this isn't working as it did before and that's because we have we have things animated so to actually see the selected poses again we need to just bring that strength up and then we can start doing editing again and then the iPhone as well so make keep that in mind when you actually need to go back after you animate these poses and you want to make changes to the poses these will just reset these these will be driven by these strengths so if I go to animate and I need to edit stuff again you'll see that okay we got the phone and we can't get the modern camera that's because the strength is keyframe to 0 if we want to edit that modern camera just bring it to bring the strength to 100 and I can start you know moving stuff around so that is basically it then we just jump back into our animate and just hit play and there we go so to really sell the effect again you need to pre-plan what objects you're going to be using for each of your shapes or you know camera shapes objects whatever you're going to be making and then having this nice bounce really adds a really cool organic look to it as well really gives everything this nice smooth animation and that is just by adjusting our keyframe curves and going a little bit above 100% of the morph and below the morph as well so that is morphing between shapes and objects in cinema 4d with the pose morphs
Channel: eyedesyn
Views: 44,420
Rating: 4.9345913 out of 5
Keywords: cinema 4d, motion graphics, mograph, cinema 4d tutorial, c4d tutorial, cinema 4d tut, tut, tutorial, maxon, c4d, blend, object morph, morphing, pose morph, 3D Modeling (Film Job), cinema 4d morph, c4d morph, pose morph tag, c4d tut, 2d, 3d, cinema 4d pose morph, c4d pose morph
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 18sec (1578 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 01 2014
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