Cinema 4D Tutorial - How to make a landscape with Octane Displacement

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hi I'm Rhett and today I'll take you through how I created one of my everyday artworks this atmospheric landscape I'll walk you through and talk you through how I made it what you'll need is cinema 4d octane render and Photoshop so let's start by adding a plane let's bump this plane up to 4000 by 4000 bring the segment's down to 1 then we've got our ground plane let me drop it in a camera turn the camera on select the camera I'll make it 80 mil and I'm gonna zero out all these values put the camera up to say 235 and bring it back to minus 3100 and let me bring up my octane window so we can see what that all looks like so I can see my ground plane so sexy here's a Sun let me select the render settings select octane and deselecting save for now I want to make it square 1200 by 1200 should do and select my octane settings change the path tracing take the Mac samples down to a thousand the diffuse and specular depth down to 8 and the GI clamped down to 8 it'll save me some time there we go let's bring the Sun around to the right-hand side so there's my son bring it round so it's coming through the right hand side and I'm gonna point it down a bit so it's maybe minus 20 you get so the central item in my scene is going to be of course a sphere and let's change this sphere turn off render perfect so I'm gonna have a sphere and in the middle is going to be like a glowing it's gonna be like a glowing orb so I want a central light that's a sphere and then a sphere on the outside which is bigger that is sort of like a frosted glass so let's make this the central one let's go for 25 centimeters I'll just take the segment's 248 let's add another sphere and let's make this bit bigger 160 turn off render perfect let's bump this right up to 80 select both spheres I'll downshift option G to group those and I'll rename that orb cool now let me just bring that up and we select this to bring all my windows up and I'll keep this like Center Center maybe somewhere there or maybe I'll know a bit better when I get everything else in the scene but some we like that fairly central now what I might do is get my man in there now I'll show you where I you go to XO io - EDA you'll find there 3d scan people and I think you just put in some of your details email and they'll let you have these three 3d scans is which what I use so let me open up that file 3d assets people open up the obj bring my octane window to the side a bit so here's all the guys I like to use this guy here he's name is Philip I Philip I'm gonna copy and paste you into my scene I cannot see you so I'm gonna press I'm gonna deselect this camera first whoops deselect this camera press s to find you there you are you are huge I just want everything to fit into my sort of camera frame and what I've set up so I am going to make you really small probably right one tenth of the size select the axis here and that way I can chain whoops I mean deselect the camera select feel look and then I'll move the point of access round about the middle deselect that move you into position okay now I can select that turn the camera back on your obviously way too huge so I'm gonna scale you right yeah and I just want him to be a lonely individual staring at something and bring you further back man and fear just make you really sad and small sweet now let's get some cavernous mountainous walls happening so let's start with a landscape select object landscape and I want a fairly big went quite ominous so let's go large let's go 2500 2500 and let's make the height of this about let's say 400 okay now I want these as walls on the side so I'm gonna change the orientation to X rotate it 90 degrees put it right back so you can see there I've got a mountainous wall happening now what I like to do to give me some options of rotations and looks of a wall landscape is I will wrap this landscape around a spline so let me just create a spline with a pen tool in the overhead I'm not going to be too pedantic I just want to create a space to end that creating like an irregular type of shape that'll do I want to then select a spline wrap drop that under the landscape tell it to use the spline that we just made and you can see how it's wrapped itself around that spline so if I select the spline the landscape will move along the axis trying to copy that spline so let me select all of that I'll G drop it into a group call that wall and that might be my first wall and the beauty of that of this is I can deselect border at sea level or I can change the dimensions or I can change the seed and each time it will give me a different totally different feel or look to that wall so let me just go with that let me duplicate this a couple of times ctrl C V V it's like that first wall select the object and move that around rotate that to be over there and maybe I rotate it again this way and I try and get it a bit more vertical and get this sort of lip at the bottom look good maybe rotate it that way so it's turned in a bit leave a gap for the sunlight to come through I could look nice and take my other wall and do something similar take that I'm very take the other way oops right to the other way maybe 90 degrees turn it in slightly press a to move it and rotate it this way and I'll take all of them and I'll move them not all of them I'm gonna move the back one up I can see the sky still okay and maybe I'll rotate the back one a bit of texture there and it's right all not too happy with that little bit of Sun hitting that so maybe I'll try and position that a bit differently so it's a bit more organic and you can always come in and just select the landscape and change the seed value and you know it'll give you a totally different look each time maybe I'll just go back to a something like that oops I want to select the whole group if I'm going to rotate that drop it down and maybe I can bring it out of that sunlight a bit see if you want to move it in the world plane you just select that one up there then it allows you to to do that so let's just I want to faff around too much I think we get the idea that's looking like a wall so we've got some three walls we can adjust it a bit later but what I'm gonna do is drop some octane displacement on that yeah let's do that yes actually I've got Phillip here he's got a default white texture let's delete that let's give him a he's map he's meant to have so I just octane diffuse click a node editor draggy an image texture connect that to the diffuse image texture open up a file my people and go to his map he is this one that I know his name's Philip I don't want to copy that and then I'll just drag that map under him so now he's textured so let's do something similar to these walls octane diffuse texture and of course you can go to the materials and they all he obtained a few selassie I've created buttons at the top double click diffuse coming to my node editor I want to run this displacement off an image texture so I'll need that and I'll get my displacement connect that to the displacement node make a kind of big say 50 centimeter displacement connect my input and some nice free textures I found let me show you where I found them is you a high-rise so it's you a high-rise dot-org if you go to this anaglyphs section here it gives you all these beautiful maps and you can click through onto any of them say let left observation and we want say this JPEG black-and-white non map don't want anything projected on top of it and it gives us these beautiful grayscale images that we can use to run a displacement so I've got a few of these in my collected assets so let me go to displacement you a high-rise let's grab this one I'll try that one to begin with let me drop it on top of the back wall you see how that's affected it it's a pretty low resolution because I haven't up the detail yet damn look at that nice crazy displacement on that making it look a lot more rockier so let's drop that on to each of them so I got some nice Rakhi displaced walls happening now and once again I could go into each of those just change the random seed and all give me a different look to the walls altogether let's just say I'm happy with that at the moment maybe I don't want I want to give it an icy look but maybe a bit of a rocky icy look let's change it to a you know a light brownish maybe not so I don't hate pink I will do for now I know I changed the colors later so I'll just stick with that nice-looking wall and let's give the floor a similar style but a bit glossy er this time so it means texture displacement connect the displacement connect the image texture if you want to catch up octane thank you and that's a lot less displaced maybe about three let's not forget to bump this right up this time and I might just grab the same same image texture as I did to see how that looks and let's drop that on the ground plane sweet save that case of a crash okay let's texture this orb now so we got the smaller sphere I just want to diffuse octane material I deselect the diffuse because I'm going to go into the node editor and a blackbody emission connect that to the emission so like that click that up here to give it a bit more of a natural fall off I do want it to have surface brightness and that will be my light in the middle let me drag that to the sphere let me turn off this outer sphere just to ensure there it is there's the light there and my outer sphere I want like a textured frosted glass type of thing that's gonna reflect all that light around so let's create a glossy specular sorry going to my node editor again and this time I'm going to use the image texture to run the roughness open up the file you can choose any file you if you like I've got a collection of textures this one I'm going to try this one here you can find lots online but I've created this one through previous paint painting and marbling painting experiments so I haven't used this one before on a or Bunga see how it goes so that's connected I'm just waiting for the thumbnail but that should do I can see it's like a frosted look let me just drag that onto the sphere sweet it takes a lot longer to get that render feedback but I can see there's some roughness changing across the sphere and if I want to adjust that a bit more I can drop a color correction node in between and up the brightness or the gamma or play around converting it to too much bit let's change my pal he's away too much maybe 0.96 for that gamma I'll do for now okay it's all happening and my favorite part is like we could go for a clearer realistic type of crisp look like this and adjust the textures to be a bit more realistic actually let me change that ground texture to be not a default diffuse white a bit browner again orange but I like I love adding fog he kills the render times and you know in my memory often crashes but I really love thick atmospheric fog look and it does lovely things to light so this is one look but what I'm going to do is I'm going to pause that render so it doesn't kill my machine I'm going to select objects octane fog volume I'm gonna do all my fog settings without it trying to update and render and then I'll just turn it on when I'm ready so let's go and so we've got our volume let's go generate fog sometimes I just click random cloud but what I'll do is I'll go into the noise I'll just make it a default noise where are you nice and then bump the scale right up to something really high we'll try that might not be enough and then let's make let's make the size of this voxel the voxel size much larger so my grid of voxels is renders a lot easier like way way up like 24 and it's increased to size so we've got this little white box here which is currently our volume fog I want these to cover my entire scene pretty much let's make it 3,000 wide and 1800 high drag it up it covers most things especially it's gonna be whatever scene the camera that looks okay and the depth let's make that similar to the first one maybe 4000 yep that covers everything beautiful and one thing I noticed here you can see the plane of the camera so if I select my camera it ends there and really I want my focus plane of the camera on the central object which is a sphere and I can do that I'm gonna turn off my fog I can do that by turning back on my octane render select F I'm guessing that's focal length select my object you can see it jumped right to there so it's always gonna focus right on that plane there so that way if I change the aperture or anything else is going to adjust it from there so that's good so back into my volume change the size so what I want from click the medium tab volume medium I want a really low density just creating like an atmospheric fog everywhere 100% densities way too high for me I'm going to bring it right down just from experience point oh wait I can I might make that up and down in the step level to to the lower I put these like the step lengths the higher the quality of the fog will look and also the lower the size of the voxels the higher the quality of the render will look as well but it also increases render times hugely and sometimes crashes my machine so not doing that so let's change this absorption color to white I'm going to give it a little bit of a tint just a slight tint similar to our scene I'm gonna make this fully white scatter and the scattering phase to let's go 0.8 the scattering phase you'll see it has an effect on the light when it hits the fog it'll be a lot more lighter towards the light area and fade off to darker in the dark areas where if you put it to zero it'll be I guess more natural and consistent but I want to give a bit more of a light haze and have an effect so I think that's my settings for the fog and let me just resend this same to obtain because I want to see what I have now done with my Fogg by turning it on and saying bam atmosphere great so maybe I don't want the pink atmosphere because I know that I've got the pinkish rocks already and depending on how you know I might even take this density to 0.1 even bigger so we lose definition of the displacement and the crevices of the rocks but you know you get this realistic thickness to the scene which I really like looking good so you know sometimes I don't mind this this light area at the front here I think maybe I might want to suffer that off to give it a bit more of a um a rough edge so I'm just gonna grab my wall again copy and paste it rotate it get a bit crazy but I'm just using this to position out here to soften off Oh I'm just look obviously and don't know how this lights bouncing off I'm just doing it by eye and I don't want it in the scene here we go just a bit of a jagged fall-off is always looking for you can see the response time is really slow slow now but that's fine so I want to give a bit more scale so I'm selecting my camera go the coordinates I'll pitch it up maybe about four four degrees yeah so we're looking more at the we've got the sense of scale from the rocks behind I should have probably done that before I tried to touch up my scene with the light net but now I can just adjust that all again maybe I didn't even need it now that I changed the camera angle and it can be some trial and error better anybody don't even worry about it I'll just get rid of that and turn it off I'm just turning it off by holding down option and double-clicking the render and preview buttons there and that turns them both off at the same time and let's select this wall on the right hand side just go to landscape and maybe just up the let's up the wrong one of course yep change the change that back to 2500 and then I'll move it so there's still some Sun coming through let me select the whole object rather than what I did there I like that Sun coming through the back there we can get a bit more of it it's nice I'm just looking at my forms I got this you know this central circle here hovering off the ground plane and I've got these it's light happening here and don't mind this light coming down there maybe I want a little bit more or less of it maybe more of it so I select my right one of course I could change the angle of my son to not bad but on my back I might bring it back to her and this is all just lighting details I you know I really dark scene might be really nice to sweet I'm just telling that wall on and off to see what I've got there once again I could come let me selected I could come down to press landscape and to the seat again and I just just alter the seed if I wanted a different look change the seed it gives me a whole different wall which I usually do for about half an hour looking good okay um let me render this actually let me show you one more thing post enable some bloom it's let's go to maybe maybe 20 it's too crazy just 21 I just want a subtle bloom and then another nice thing is this is a response it gives it like it gives film camera color look up so you can just select any of these and it'll give you a different color gradient look yes it's like a lookup table but it replicates different film cameras so you can just get all different looks so once you've got your standard set up from that that's one that I like to use often gives this sort of neutral look better let's go for yeah why not let's go for this one today and obviously I can't stop playing with the seed of this wall I'll keep doing that and there you have it that's a basic rundown on getting some mountainous walls I always do some post in Photoshop I will just quickly run through that there might be another video later on but I'll render this out and then we are done
Channel: Rhett / Mankind
Views: 114,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: art, design, film, tutorial, render, cinema4d, cinema, 4D, otoy, octane, octanerender, octanerenderer, displacement, daily, diary, everyday, everydays, scifi, cyberpunk, landscape, 3D, texturing, atmosphere, tutorials, learn
Id: 7uK7TT4dg8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 45sec (2265 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 09 2017
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