Lazy Girl & Snow Queen | Bedtime Stories for Kids in English | Fairy Tales

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the lazy girl once upon a time a father and his two young daughters were living together in a land far far away one of the girls was very diligent and the other was very lazy you barely help at all and i'm exhausted oh no you are already doing the cleaning why should i get my hands dirty now their old father was a hard worker and he was always tired the only meal they had was soup and some dry bread in the evenings one day the old father made a request of his daughters my dear daughters you know i love you both so very much i've been thinking you are both adults now and it is time for you to take more responsibility i want both of you to find a job and work you are right daddy i will find myself a job and what about you my daughter my sister should get a job because you know that's so her thing but i think i'd better do the housework daddy the old man was happy to see his daughters so eager the next day while the diligent girl left home to find a job her father came to her my dear daughter i have some advice for you never refuse someone who asks you for help always be diligent love your job do the job that was given to you to the best of your abilities thank you daddy i will never forget your advice that's my girl bye-bye the diligent daughter set off to find her job while the lazy daughter who said that she would do the household chores did nothing the house was getting more and more messy and getting dirty every day [Music] the diligent girl walked for days but had not found anyone to work for after a while the diligent girl saw a tree with dried branches and roots hello young girl can you clean my dry branches and give me some water to my roots the diligent girl then cleaned all the dry branches of the tree until her palms were bruised and watered the roots with her own drinking water ah thank you young girl but now you have no water left it's okay you needed help and i helped you i can walk a little more and find water for myself the diligent girl continued on her way farther on she came across a hearth with broken and cracked parts hey young girl can you repair me and make me look better the diligent girl took a handful of mud near her and patched all the cracks on the hearth thank you young girl but you got so dirty because of me oh it's okay clothes don't matter you needed help and i helped the diligent girl left the brand new hearth behind and continued on her way after a while a lovely lamb appeared but the lamb was black like coal from head to toe [Music] hello young girl i accidentally got into the coals and got dirty would you bathe me in that lake over there the diligent girl washed the lamb by the lake the lamb was white and soft as before thank you but you're drenched because of me you needed help and i helped i was already very dirty now i'm cleaner the diligent girl continued on her way when it got dark she came across a beautiful house oh where seven fairies lived the diligent girl entered hello i apologize for coming to your home without permission i am a young girl looking for a job to work you can work here if you want young girl there are seven rooms in our house you will only clean six rooms every day but you must not go into the seventh room the diligent girl accepted the job she cleaned six rooms diligently every day as fairy said for a full year she never entered the seventh room and when she had enough money she asked permission from the fairies to return home of course young girl you can go home i'm wondering why you never entered the seventh room my father used to say to do the job right no matter what during my time here my job was to clean only six rooms and that's what i did that's what you told me to do we would like to reward you for your honesty and the diligence come on come with us the furies asked the young girl to enter the seventh room when the girl entered she saw a lot of silver and gold coins now you roll around in these coins and any that stick to you will be yours diligent girl tumbled left and right in coins [Applause] [Music] she looked almost like a star with the money sticking on her then the diligent girl left the fairies to return home on the way she came across the lamb she had washed before the lamb was covered with pearls i did not forget your help young girl take and get as many pearls as you want the diligent girl thanked the lamb and covered her arms and neck with pearls and continued on her way this time she came across the hearth she had previously repaired i did not forget the help you gave me young girl take it my warm breads my lovely cakes are yours the diligent girl ate some of the bread given by the hearth and took some of it to take home and continued on her way a little further ahead she saw the tree its branches were covered with fruit come young girl i did not forget the help you gave me take it all my grape juice is yours the diligent girl thanked the tree and finally returned home thank you very much what a fruitful experience [Music] her father and lazy sister greeted her at the door the girl's bundle was full of gold and pearls the lazy sister was very jealous when she saw that her sister was so rich look at all those coins i must go find a wealthy family to get a job from if my sister has pearls i will get emeralds the lazy girl told her father that she is leaving home to look for a job oh okay my daughter but you couldn't even work at home how will you find a job out there hmm the lazy girl left before her dad could even finish talking she walked day and night a little further down the road she came across a tree with dry branches the tree asked the girl for help [Music] oh hello young girl would you clean my ah i can't deal with you under the sun my hair will get messy bye um the lazy girl moved on she saw a cracked and broken hearth a little further arth asked her for help [Music] i can't get my thin and delicate hands dirty for you my nail polish goes bad bye the lazy girl did not help the hearth either then she came across a lamb that was dirty like black coal and the lamb asked her to give her a bath ew disgusting get out of my way you dirty thing the lazy girl ran away what a lazy little lamb can't even wash itself and came upon a huge house the lazy girl took advantage of this and asked for work from the seven fairies who were the owners of the house the head fairy asked her to stay for a year and clean only six rooms don't forget young girl you will never ever be able to enter the seventh room [Music] the lazy girl reluctantly cleaned all six rooms for months however one day she gave in to her curiosity and entered the seventh room instead of gold and silver coins there were bees and bats inside the bees stung the lazy girl in such a way [Music] that she was scarred all over she was very hurt the girl immediately left there and started running towards the house as she ran she saw the lamb which she turned down her request for help the lamb was covered with pearls the girl wanted to catch the lamb to get some pearls but the lamb ran away from her the girl continued walking and was very tired at that moment she came across the hearth that she turned down that requested her help there were loaves of fresh warm bread on the heart when the girl wanted to buy a slice of bread the hearth got hot and lazy girl's hands got burned when the lazy girl ran away from there she came across the tree which she had refused to help there were bunches of fruit on the branches of the tree [Music] when the lacy girl tried to pick some fruit the tree leaned to the right the girl ran to the right but the tree leaned to the left this time [Music] tired of running around the lazy girl finally gave up on getting the fruit she walked non-stop for two full days and finally got home her father and sister saw her returning home in dirty clothes and injured and they were very surprised the lazy girl told what happened to her with great regret oh and i can't believe it i hurt so much oh my dear sister now you understand how important it is to be hard-working remember girl when you are honest and hard-working in this life you will be rewarded for sure after that day the lazy girl has not been idle and lazy since the two sisters both worked hard and were rewarded well [Music] and this small family had happy productive and peaceful days throughout their lives [Music] [Applause] once upon a time in a land far far away there lived two best friends who were neighbors their names were kay and girder k and girder each planted a rose in their front yards to show their love for one another the roses were going to grow together with them [Music] at the end of fall winter had come and the town was covered in snow during the cold winter nights kaye and gerda's biggest fun was the fairytale time with gerda's grandmother [Music] where does the snow and the cold come from asked gerda from far away her grandmother answered and started to tell her story there was a kingdom covered with ice and snow the snow queen lived alone in the ice castle made purely by her own magic the snow queen was very beautiful and pure as ice but the snow queen was evil-hearted and a lot of miracles were hidden in the magical and cold ice castle the icy mirror was one of them it was through the icy mirror that the snow queen's evil eyes watched everything that happened in the world right at that moment gerda saw the snow queen watching them behind the window okay grandmother look it is the snow queen watching us through the window i'm sure it is just a cat frozen from the cold grandmother can the snow queen really come here let her try i would throw her in the chimney so fast she would melt and turn into the water queen watching through the ice mirror the snow queen heard what kay said so you will throw me into the chimney and turn me into the water queen i sparkles fly with my powers find this boy make his eyes and heart mine let his sight be evil for everything around him and let the love in his heart be gone forever ordered the snow queen to her ice sparkles suddenly a snow storm started to blow in front of girder's house the ice sparkles were moving fast towards girder curious about what was going on kay open the window go to screamed right away okay stop but it was too late ah my eye something stunk my eye oh my heart what is going on and at that moment the snow queen's curse was carried out by the eye sparkles his eyes and heart was struck and k had transformed into another person god asked him what had happened but k yelled at her nothing i'm fine leave me alone this was weird k was never rude to goda like this she just couldn't understand why all of a sudden he started to behave this way kaye's rude behavior continued to the next morning when kay was taking his sleigh out of the garden goda asked him where he was going he snapped at her again he jumped on his sleigh and moved away gerta ran after him but could not reach him suddenly on her sleigh the snow queen appeared from nowhere and kay started to follow her girl was stunned and couldn't do anything as they both disappeared from sight the snow queen was taking him to her ice castle curtis spent days in front of her window waiting for kate to come back days and months passed and the winter was over but still there was no sign of k couldn't stand waiting anymore gerda made up her mind taking only the mirror her grandmother gave her she head out to start looking for her dearest friend kay brave girder passed many roads and asked everyone she met on her way if they had seen kaye finally she reached the shore of a river she looked around and there was no one to be seen that she could ask about kaye she asked the river but could not get a reply at that moment a seagull came next to her the river would definitely have an answer for you but first you have to give her a gift [Music] gerda took out her dearly beloved necklace and placed it on the water of the river suddenly a miracle happened and from nowhere a small boat appeared right in front of her girla thought that the river liked her gift and was returning the favor as soon as she hopped on the boat started to move on its own the boat brought girder to another shop here there was a secret garden full of flowers with all the colours of the rainbow goda had not seen such a beautiful garden before in her life but there was something missing none of these flowers had a scent [Music] on the other side of the garden she saw a woman approaching her she was the owner of the garden welcome my beautiful little girl she greeted goda with a big smile and suddenly she realized that she could smell the flowers in her garden again i am sorry that i entered your garden without your permission said goda it's okay honey come on my dear i'm glad you came it's been such a long time anybody's come to my garden tell me what are you doing here all alone girl told the flower lady that she was looking for her friend kay asked whether she knew about him but the lady said that gerda was the only person she had seen really well then let me get back to the road i have to find k as soon as possible the flower lady didn't want her to go away so she made up a lie did you say k um let me see i might have seen him around somewhere goda told her everything and when the flower lady heard the snow queen's name mentioned she got very worried snow queen let her be far away from here cold thing because of her my flowers haven't smelled for years [Music] then all of a sudden the lady wanted to comb god's hair go to could not understand why but the flower lady insisted little did goda know that it actually was a magic comb the magic comb made gerta forget about everything she knew only her joy remained but the flower lady was not evil she just did it for fun when she woke up from her sweet sleep yoda did not remember anything not even why she was there or how she got there but when she saw the roses on the lady's hat she started to remember things no magic could overcome the power of true love goda didn't know how long she stayed in the garden of sleep but her memories suddenly all came back she immediately turned back to shore the boat was still there but she did not know which way to go or what to do at that moment a crow started to fly over her head it was as if he was trying to tell her something so gerda started to follow him she followed the crow for a while until they reached the icy seas right in the middle of the ice there was a pirate ship from some time ago where the crow flew and landed goda followed him on her boat and made her way to the ship so is this how i get to the queen's castle with this pirate ship pirates appeared on the deck and one of them a pirate girl approached girder you go wherever we go and that is nowhere right at that moment the snow queen was trying to make k forget about everything in his past she succeeded up to some point but whatever she did gerda would not leave kay's memory girder oh girder soon your heart will turn into ice and you will not remember a thing finding out about her friend kaye being held captive in snow queen's castle the pirate girl told gerda to better forget about him because there was no way to get him out of there i won't forget he's my best friend i have to find him replied girder the pirate girl could not really understand gerda's persistence actually she wanted her to stay there and become her friend but gerda was determined to find k i'll do whatever it takes to rescue him because she had no friends the pirate girl really admired gerda's attitude and decided to help her the next day at sunrise the pirate girl brought gerda a reindeer this was the fastest reindeer in the whole snow kingdom and she was going to show gerda the way promise me that you will get that icy witch you will also save our ship i promise i'll return your favor answered girder riding the reindeer gerda was on her way first she had to find out how she could defeat the snow queen the reindeer was going to show her how after a long journey they had reached the north pole an old wise man welcomed them so you finally brought the mirror huh gerda could not understand how the wise man knew about her mirror but nevertheless she knew she came to the right place so she took out her mirror and showed it to the man so i'm going to finish the snow queen with this this is a magic mirror it shows the truth nothing but the truth even if it is hidden deep inside because nothing was stronger than true love the real strength in all of us was love gotta found out who the snow queen was thanks to the wise man if she could reveal the truth she could beat her because actually in the past the snow queen was a good girl full of love wherever she touched flowers blossomed and her smiling eyes shined brighter than the sun she was a unique and happy girl named lilla but everyone thought she was a little witch and did not play with or even talk to her left all alone lila wasn't a happy girl anymore she started to hate everything and everyone around her until one day she made a wish everyone mean to me shall turn to ice and then she built a castle made out of snow and lived in it far away from anyone all alone and without love or joy gerda arrived at the snow queen's castle and entered inside she saw kaye in one of the corners making an ice sculpture you're here i found you kay it's me garda don't you remember me kay looked at goda but he did not recognize her his heart like everything else here has turned into ice gowda did not pay any attention to what the snow queen was saying let him go he belongs to me now i will turn you into ice as well no you won't make it okay i love you kay slowly started to remember girder yes i remember now furious the snow queen shook her wand as fast as light and out came the curse of ice right at that moment goethe took out her mirror and held it against the curse hitting the mirror the curse disappeared and the moment had come the snow queen looked at gerda's mirror only to see that it wasn't her reflection she saw on the mirror it was the face of a little girl the face of lila suddenly the snow queen returned to her little and loving self and became lila again thank you very much now i know who i really am i'm free again goodbye kaye and gerda looked at each other and smiled from now on they would never part and they would grow together just like the roses they had planted in their front yards [Music]
Channel: Fairy Tales and Stories for Kids
Views: 6,895,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Princess, for kids, children, kids, fairy tales, fairy tale, bedtime stories, kids story, animation, story, princess stories, tales, tale, bedtime story, best, english fairy tales, stories for teenagers, the red shoes, stories for kids, cinderella, cinderella story, story of cinderella, cartoon, Cinderella series, english story, stories in english, fairy tales in english, story in english, english fairy tale, kids story in english, bedtime stories for kids, Lazy Girl, Snow Queen
Id: qr6r4w_RC7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 59sec (1739 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 04 2022
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