Cillian Murphy & Jamie Dornan Funny Moments PART 2

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did you know kidding before personally at all or was it just from a fire or what does that mean here we go where's where you go okay it was a massive fan of his work I'm you know I'm trying to be sincere no but I you know I am I was before you know he's been around a long time no still here are you jealous of Jamie's recent award Plus is born you won best but on live with Kelly I have seen your rear end sir and it is done by are you jealous of this award I'm clearly obviously that's real injury and they're winning at all no I was in the room you weren't even trying for best eyes you won that was very Milanese guys this is a naturist here I hate my arse why that's terrible it's like two eggs on the handkerchief no that's like no written script and seen my last film and they said oh they want to they want to they want to speak to you on Friday let's just quickly move on and then for you guys why did you want to do it I mean you must be both getting scripts tons of scripts I'm assuming what was it about this story that you thought I have to be part of this I mean I think I probably got a few more scripts and Killian would I don't you mean uncock another world war ii film but you you've just done yeah how different is it this film to that film it's I mean it's completely different really you know and a different director different story you know and and it's just it quick complete coincidence that it's a second world war story I guess one of the few people probably do you remember because you know I'm a big Nolan van yeah like the whole [ __ ] planet but yeah that that that trailer is not bad pretty good how many times have you watched it I watched it I only watched it once but you know it's funny I would you see Killian I don't wanna make any comments but what's really funny is I was on this is completely not about your excellent movie but I I was on the set of transformers yesterday in Detroit and it was actually a subject that came up with we were with Bay and some of the producers that trailer you know naturally talking about that's at least three other people the biggest cinema I've ever been in in my life there's 1,200 people and in this theater and there's also two other theaters within the complex that were full and the response was incredible so I'm killing didn't bother coming but Sean on over there and but it was it was an amazing you know trade I'll just go out today to Dunkirk if anyone wants to see yeah I've seen 74 what was the name of the band you were in when you were a little younger oh the sons of mr. green she was the name of the band you were in the sons of Jim yeah jeans do you have a preferred snapchat filter I don't know it's not sure is okay no I mean every accent really isn't as a challenge because you have to try and do justice to the people that actually live in that country or a region or whatever it might be but it's just about putting the time in really and and I think we got the thumbs up from the Czech people than me more I saw them all with their thumbs up here check screen it's a good thing are you guys doing like the franchise comparison thing where you're like making you know you're talking about which ones you're part of well I gotta tell you he was like that on the side of the right no it's relentless yeah it's nonstop but well I think for this for this film to succeed the relationship between Joseph and yon had to be he wanted to feel it you know and I had to be real and unfortunately Jamie Dornan is a [ __ ] so and it was that was tricky but no James Killian it was Killian which one was which one was Killian oh yes killing he's the older the older one yeah I know he was great he was great I think I don't remember a lot about him it was it's interesting I saw the movie and then I was like that can't really have happened you know and then you read about and you're like holy [ __ ] that didn't just happen that you just swore on my life I know it's okay we can swear oh you can oh yeah let him rest worry about there cuz there was life and I thought I'm gonna say [ __ ] no we're not gonna kick you off it's okay Jamie you can go I'm actually really uncomfortable wearing so I appreciate an apology from you I'm really sorry he [ __ ] hates wearing I mean that's really sorry he's [ __ ] from my level already every way [ __ ] it up totally [ __ ] [ __ ] Jamie joined to give you a dollar for a swear jar or something I think more than a dollar like you guys seemed to be so tight did you guys know each other to be able when we heard that we had to like get together to do press in New York this week I was like [ __ ] how am I gonna get out of this hang out with those two again how'd you manage to cope or managed with the idea of being very private in a very public job Jamie I'll go with you for I think it's incredibly easy I think you can court all that nonsense if you want to and you can drag your family the openings of envelopes and whatever the [ __ ] is fine or whatever else I have this metric you know and like for reading scripts and if you if you just read it in one goal when you don't go and have a cup of tea or cut the grass or what else for jail then what should we do empty the bins then that you actually finishes and very exciting like that's yeah that's in Maui everyday cuz that would be too much it could have been about you know man put him we each other's backyard and I would have done it because good way to spend the day is that you I've been exciting day for you I think the more the more boring you are in real life the less people are interested in you sadly I tell people I have an extraordinarily boring life it's actually incredibly exciting I don't know you to strangers had you had any time to develop that kind of camaraderie off camera clearly it's there in spades tonight no look going on too long let's just be honest no good I'm gonna be totally sincere here it's a tiny industry this you know everyone thinks it was each other you know one and/or you always know I had a host of friends had already worked with Killian so he'd find our deaf ear prick someone said tell me someone said something me interesting to me once about becoming a notable actor said if you were a prick before you become a massive prick and if you were actually like a really nice guy before you become like a really really nice guy you know it's just that everything sort of emphasized you know so I had her only heard good things but Killian and he delivered on that I'm much much more I don't but both of them were pricks are going in I was I mean I met I met Killian first and you know and Killian has got such a brilliant sense of structure and story and there was a reason why we've seen him for so many years because it's like children three children I'll say you would think they'd bring me down to their level of the sea what's it like playing a character like that that's so defining in so many ways like my 93 old grandma just read the first book you know what I mean actually she stopped she stopped at their 70 pages because she couldn't handle it but she was really into it for 70 pages but you know what I mean so you're playing this character that even grandmas are know about what's that wife done she gave up later was it advice is that what yeah yeah I had some advice from a school teacher when I was at school and they said he only does well when he's interested in the subject I was just very passionate about this story and so I gave it my best and what about you Jamie you want to round it out best advice when I was young my school teacher said to me that no I think I think I'm done is that what the teacher said they said you're done they said you're the finished article we don't we can't teach you anything else and they just set me on my way into the world and said you'll be fine
Channel: Wonder Movies
Views: 1,380,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anthropoid, sean ellis, 2017, 2016, Антропоид, Operação, Επιχείρηση Ανθρωποειδές, Missione, Operácia, entrevue, interview, entrevista, intervista, hilarious, divertente, hilarant, bloopers, bromance, cute, divertido, gracioso, momentos, best, momenti, fifty, 50, sombras, de, grey, gray, shades, darker, freed, mas oscuras, liberadas, operación, clips, shots, movies, films, Paul Spector, The Fall, Josef Gabcik, Shivering, Peaky Blinders, thomas, tommy, shelby, Czech, Dunkerque, dunkirk, tom hardy
Id: wpXbFoHX-kI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2017
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