Cillian Murphy & Jamie Dornan Funny Moments PART 1

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moving Kilian mio mio most exciting hagensen Killians not honest I think audiences really resonate with audiences when they just spared him in more screentime how did you guys make each other laugh on set because I'm sure that you that intensity you gotta break it up a little bit I guess Killian and I have a similar sense of humor in that we both find me very funny what do you find humorous about this one I mean his performance mostly Monica girls saying the movie looks intense chase Eccles is saying Jaime and Killian oMG talk to me guys about filming yeah how was it showing in Czechoslovakia together what was the favorite thing about each other I like how much he liked me no but about me beyond all that I am a massive fan of helium he's done 50 movies and I've seen two of them emotional seems to have Jean right there beside us and being able to just you know just whispered to us you know direction and stuff was very very powerful and it felt very safe environment how long had you been kind of wanting and I'm just gonna ignore this as this unfolds nobody wants get used to it we met up we had some pizza you didn't have to save it but we met with a pizza restaurant yeah I am you were just off carbs or something so it's gonna feel very strange by the way that lasted two hours we had a few pints and just got we instantly got on very well you know and I knew I would because I have numerous range of work quickly and all of them so I I knew that was going to be the case massive fan of my something so unbelievably remarkable and obviously they're based on real people but you have to bring a lot of nuance we have to be able to relate to them can you talk about bringing that to this this role well all you can do in that instance is kind of rely in your script and rely on your director and hopefully rely on whatever is a relationship for our chemistry you have with Jamie Dornan and unfortunately he's a terrible knob so that didn't exist you said at one stage about your modeling career it was just I only have to do is lean against the wall by looking depressed and in fact we've got the best way to ramp it up was if you were leaning against wall until looking depressed and then they would ask you to smile and then I'd look way more depressed and that's when they'd get the the Irish contingent do you think he'd like to work with Jamie again you know you're amazing he actually said you'd be a great director such good liars maybe I don't know how to depress you are in this picture but perhaps you'd explain it expect why are you shaking that's not true that was well I think I was like you know hot I'm hungry really I think I heard at least two of them fainting halten home last question before we go to the audience if each of you could meet one historical figure and just pick their brain who would it be well I missed the end of any lighter fare and in comedies in your future let's talk about about peaky blinders you know like I don't think that I'm anybody but certainly on in a crew environment no one gives a [ __ ] you're for the most part unless you're one of those people who puts the right there that like you know don't you know I should be treated Killians a bit like that but he's a bit like unapproachable or whatever but um that's what I heard yeah I'm pretty I'm pretty you don't look me in the eye please so Killian for you what was the most actually for both of you actually for this is probable to the men and women involved so um we definitely thought about that every day you may answer that as well sure it was mad it was we built this little tank and there was the whole crews in there and it was yeah it was pretty wild and then they had it like hoses coming in and he was just wet all day constantly damp I was wrapped by that you're in the water for a week he has about a week Unitas I was a little bit more in the church because I just wanted to focus on me more the thing was more to do it before techniques it's definitely just more time to screen I have to say I didn't watch people Anderson until I stood until we were in priority just because one of those things have when it launched I was away working sometimes my lunch break I'd watch Killian and I got you know heightened sense of he was many the disappointment of him go knock nicely yeah and just a couple quick questions for a lightning round for our audience which emoji to use the most that is that one that's a smiling twirl of shite very strange apparently the emoji people have said that that's meant to be chocolate frosting but I think the Jacob duck it's definitely definitely oh by the way did you guys coordinate your Footwear I told me earlier and said what are you wearing I'll be honest like since Sean worked with me he's like really it's kind of creepy started to really trying to like like dress like me and stuff I mean this is gonna remedy his body later because I'm gonna it's just getting out of control I mean this is actually feel embarrassed for him I won't tell them the real story then we've done we just shot your scenes in the crypt and you were done and you were going home because we actually shot your church sequence slightly before your crypt sequence because the sex weren't really and I remember you come in saying okay I'm done I'm outta here and you said goodbye to us both and left and I kind of turned to Killian and it was really kind of real like there was the most anticlimactic goodbye because it was I'd finished in lunch or something as well so you sailed to go back and shoot that day and it was depressing it was it was kind of like I was like we're the only ones left and you're like yeah so because I was waiting for some big emotional output you had lunch an enjoyable experience for you guys what made you want to work together again in the future just be so happy you get my turn yeah well you know it's only when you're casting a two-hander you know it's always a gamble really you've got to get it right I think and and I think luckily this one worked out you know I'm just bored of taking the mick yet if so it's gonna it's gonna tell it's tricky yeah we get Andres and we got on great on the film in you are in Dunkirk and footage was just released what was production on that like I turned on Don characters but I turned it on your old movie you're in a pretty big friend by every part of the movie if you have some sort of a career it's it's down to you think has to be done through ability or else you know you'd be disposable and and that's all you can hope for and and and you know it's just you just feel a bit it is temperament equally that really come on - personally I will say this I've never find myself in the middle of work so I I don't really know who I had respond if I met someone who sort of caught my eye it is romantic oh I hope so if we fail I fear freedom will be wiped from the map
Channel: Wonder Movies
Views: 1,499,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sean Ellis, Brian Caspe, Toby Jones, Anthropoid, Dunkerque, Антропоид, Operação, Επιχείρηση Ανθρωποειδές, Missione, Operácia, entrevue, interview, entrevista, intervista, hilarious, divertente, hilarant, bloopers, bromance, cute, divertido, gracioso, momentos, momenti, fifty, shades, grey, gray, mejores, best, clips, shots, movies, darker, freed, Operación, Jan Kubiš, Paul Spector, The Fall, Josef Gabcik, Shivering, Peaky Blinders, Tommy Shelby, 50, 2017, 2016, cincuenta, sombras, mas, oscuras, liberadas, Czech, tom hardy
Id: 8LP4i53ho94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 32sec (572 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2017
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