What happens one minute after you die? - LIFECENTRAL CHURCH ONLINE

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[Music] time to show the world the top is what i strive for greatness is a journey i'm willing to strive for consistency is key and i don't take no time more against the odds i put it all on the line for a lesson learned for every pro i'm gonna make consequences [Music] say i did it [Music] good morning everyone it's great to see you people in the room some people in hagley are ugly location and those of you watching online it is father's day today and uh you we were talking about it as a team and we said you know what what happens at mother's day is we always talk about how great moms are how caring they are how altruistic they are how they lay their lives and when it comes to dad's day they're good fun and they play football and like beer that's tend to be how it is and we thought it'd be we want to spin it a little bit and we want to credit dads not just for being fun but for being amazing human beings so we asked some of our children some of our teenagers and some of our adults what they love about their dad [Music] the thing i love most about my dad is that he genuinely really loves and cares for people he goes above and beyond to help those in need and i always feel really loved supported and encouraged by him the thing i love most about my dad he's really lets me say i really like watching films when my mum wants me to go to bed i like most about my dad is he gives the best hugs i love it when i go shopping with him and when he drops me after school you have a great time the thing i love most about my dad is that he's my personal taxi driver on a more important note he's always left me will support me whatever i do love your dad one thing i love about my dad is he's super helpful one of my enduring memories through childhood is going on saturday mornings and helping people and with my dad doing jobs for them and he'd never ask anything in return the thing i love most about my dad is when he makes me laugh the thing i love most about my dad is he plays football with me he plays games with me and he goes on the switch with me one thing i love most about my the thing i love most about my dad is watching him become a big kid again now that he's a granddad the thing i love the most about my dad is that he's always there for me and always got time for me and he's always up for a laugh the thing i love about my dad is that he is always there for me no matter what whatever i need however long it might take wherever i might need him to go he's always there [Music] well happy father's day to all of you dads out there and i have to say i resonate with the one lady that said that and actually her dad is here in the room down here being a granddad is even more fun than being a dad totally is because you can have all the fun do whatever you want and then you give them back and you can deal with all of the rest of the stuff and it's absolutely brilliant but happy father's day and you know father's day and mother's day can be like days of mixed emotions can't they for all of us because you know maybe we haven't had good experiences um you know with with the mom and the dad or or maybe as i know it's the case and it seems almost like it almost seems worse at the back end of this pandemic that we've been in when we come to a father's day or a mother's day and we think about those who aren't with us and maybe for some of you maybe it's your first father's day without your dad and and that kind of leads on to this other the subject that we want to look at today and it's this question what happens one minute after you die we're talking about in our series a greater reward and you know i hope that you dads out there you get a greater reward today whether that's um you know a present or a gift or or whether football really comes home but i have to say i don't think it's coming home any time soon for us in england but whatever it is we want to look at not just a greater reward in this life but a greater reward in the next and we want to look at this question what happens one minute after you die do any of you remember holidays like when you used to go into a travel agent or something or do it online and you could book to go away overseas and if you were going away and i had this thought this morning actually as i was walking over town did a little filming outside one of the travel agents and i thought you know when we when we think about going away to a new destination we study about it don't we so like we know exactly where we're going we've googled it we've trip advised it we've facebook recommended it we've asked all our friends we know everything about that destination and we're only going to spend two weeks there how many of us think about where we're going to spend eternity i mean that's longer than a two-week destination isn't it and yet we don't think about it because to think about eternity means we have to think about death and we don't want to think about death i understand that we don't want to think about it because firstly it's awkward i mean it's just awkward in it i mean i remember when i was a teenager in a youth group in church you know we would talk about lots of things but there's lots of things we didn't talk about and and the three things that most of us teenagers wanted to talk about was number one sex number two heaven and number three will there be sex in heaven and that was kind of it really um but you know we don't talk about death because firstly it's awkward i remember again in church i remember as a teenager hearing uh the guy at the front of church doing the notices you know like you get in church and he said um this this old lady had passed away and started talking about and i thought she's on the front row he got the wrong name that's awkward and when someone dies we don't know what to say so we say nothing because the whole thing about death is just awkward but it's also not only awkward it's unfamiliar you know 100 years ago around world war one apparently the average 16 year old had already seen six dead people by the age of 16. now it's not uncommon for you to be 50 and never having seen a dead person we are unfamiliar with it but also it's upsetting and i get that woody allen the comedian said it's not that i'm afraid to die i just don't want to be there when it happens and so the whole thing when we come to think about eternity and what happens one minute after you die we don't talk about it we push it back we are the generation that is the most scared to talk about the reality of death it and i think in the west in our western culture those of us that are in that culture even more so and so we deny it and we pretend and we color and we do surgery and we and we do everything to face away from the inevitable fact that we're getting older and that one day you and i will die and what happens one minute after we die but here's why it's so important guys what you believe about eternity determines how you live today and we want to talk about greater reward and we've been looking at that the last couple of weeks so is willpower enough to bring change and we talked last week about you know how do we win uh at life and and the rewards of that as well but this is maybe the most important message that i can ever give because what you believe about eternity will determine how you live today now today we are going to look at a lot of bible all right so if you've got your bible you might want to switch it on or open it up if you're real old school or if you're at home and watching don't worry it's all going to come up on the screen okay because we're going to move around quite a bit today so we're going to start in two corinthians and it's chapter five and there's various verses that we're going to pick on so paul the apostle paul who wrote maybe most about death of of any of the new testament writers he says this for we know that when this earthly tent we live in all right and that's not talking about he's referring to his body is taken down that is when we die and leave this earthly body we will have a house in heaven an eternal body made for us by god himself and not by human hands and let me pause there one of the words that paul uses the most not here but in other parts of the bible to describe death is the word departure he says in 2 timothy 4 it's the last bit that he wrote before he died he's in a roman prison he says the time is coming from my departure that word departure in the original language has three meanings one of them is it's like a ship that's lifted up the anchor put up the sails and off it goes to a new destination the other meaning of the word departure it is like being being imprisoned in this in a cell in a prison cell and someone opening the key and now you're set free the other word for departure is this is the idea here is it's like that this life is like you're living in a tent but when you die you move to a mansion and that's what paul had in his mind all the way through his life it says this we grow weary in our present bodies anyone understand that as well we grow weary and we long to put on our heavenly bodies like new clothing for we will put on heavenly bodies we will not be spirits without bodies while we live in these earthly bodies we groan and sigh but it's not that we want to die and get rid of these bodies that clothe us rather we want to put on our new bodies so that these dying bodies will be swallowed up by life so we are always confident that's powerful isn't it we're always confident even though we know that as long as we live in these bodies we're not at home with the lord yes we are fully confident and we would rather be away from these earthly bodies for then we will be we will be at home with the lord in some translations that some of you maybe if you're older in your mind you'll hear this absent from the body is to be present with the lord that's that's this verse here so whether we are here in this body or away from this body this is so important our goal is to please him so in other words paul is saying so whether we live or whether we die our goal is to please and guys if you're watching today or maybe you're in the room and you're not yet a follower of jesus this is so important we only get one life and in eternity that's like forever but this is not eternity however long we live and paul says whether we're in the body in other words whether we're alive or whether we're not and whether we're in eternity our goal is to please him for we must all listen stand before christ to be judged we don't want to talk about that these days but i am going to talk about that this morning we will each receive whatever we deserve for the good or evil we have done in this earthly body there's lots we don't know about what happens one minute after we die and in fact tomorrow night at eight o'clock in the online community that we have many of you are part of that you can be part of that as well it's it's a group on facebook i'm gonna be doing a facebook live and answering any questions that you've got and exploring this a little bit more a little bit deeper tomorrow night so i can't answer every question today but what i will do is i'll give you three things that i think we absolutely know for certain number one our physical bodies die the research is in we are listening to the science ever heard that over the last 12 or 15 months we're listening to the science it's proven the ultimate statistic one out of every one of us dies and the thing with that is that i think for most of us when we think about it we think about we don't want to think about it and we don't think about how we die and i've been thinking about this myself and i remember um in 1975 okay i was nine years old and a film came out and i didn't watch it there but i watched a couple of years later so i was really young and this film so impacted me okay at the time and partly it was the music okay i don't know you know what film i'm talking about the music went like this i'm scared even just thinking about it now like anyone know what the film was jaws now you look at it now why was i scared it's a big rubber fish isn't it like in a in a bathtub but at the time i was like so i was sawing at the cinema and i remember and i still now there's moments when i'm in the city okay and i'm thinking do i lie on this lilo or not do you know what i mean is that a fin i see before me you know and it's the the idea of shark attack what that must be the worst way to die and yet statistically shark attack you are more likely to die from champagne corks than sharp shark attacks you are more likely to die from a coconut falling on your head from falling off the toilet or from sticking your head inside a vending machine trying to get that last bag of doritos that's the statistics about shark attack and so we think about this but the reality is our physical bodies die that's fact but number two our souls separate from our physical bodies this is why jesus at the grave of lazarus said to lazarus's uh sisters martha and mary hey even when you die you live it's like that's a riddle no because you see your soul separates from your body and your body dies but your soul goes on in eternity somewhere somewhere and it's really interesting because jesus when he's on the cross there's those two thieves next to him and the one scorns him and ridicules him and mocks him and the other turns to him and opens his heart and his life to him and jesus says today you'll be with me in paradise you see your body's gonna die but you're gonna live on forever your soul is the essence of who you really are and that lives you live forever and number three number three this is so important we come face to face with god we come face to face with god and i think for most of us over this past year or so through the coronavirus pandemic and all of that we've been made really aware of our own mortality haven't we and our own humanity and and every you may remember early on in lockdown like every week the graphs and the statistics and the charts and and the question was how many died you know how many infections how many hospitalizations how many and we know that and we look at that across the planet and and we're face to face with the reality of our death but the thing i want you to know is this the moment the minute you die if you know jesus you come face to face with god and that's amazing and that brings up the question what will heaven really be like and i don't know the last time i did a talk like this it's a long time ago i don't know the last time i've heard a tour like this it's a long time ago but what will heaven really be like and i think to answer that question we have to involve some cute american children take a look at this having looked like a beautiful place rainbow color was glitter the colors you never see before purple and pink and red and white pink eat purple maybe i'm thinking that heaven might look like a cloud clouds golden is yellow clouds it doesn't it doesn't have glass [Music] because it's going to be made of macaroons that's funny it's a house where you die in a big giant house yeah he's gonna make a big room for you and me bigger than like the whole world and he's gonna make a dance school for you [Music] like like the more people that move into heaven the bigger god makes it and so the kids have more room to play that's gonna be awesome [Applause] [Music] my grandma and grandpa will be in heaven my dad he's getting super old i think my dad's gonna be the first one that's gonna die [Music] mary i think that's the only girl i think i'm never gonna die i think and it's gonna be all by myself these animals i got to play with jesus [Music] dogs open there's gonna be a baseball team in heaven awakes hats i think will be in heaven we could let like the people who play the clubs go to heaven i was outsiders go to heaven jesus and i was planning on getting in their high size or something i'll miss when he does download some slow parts because he's fast [Music] i love that kid on the airway so i'm going to give jesus a high five but when he goes down low two he's fast i mean i love that but but when you start thinking about heaven there's all kinds of images and thoughts in your mind but you know there's a verse that the apostle paul talks about in in one corinthians chapter two and this is so important she says that is what the scriptures mean when they say no i have seen no ear has heard and no mind has imagined what god has prepared for those who love him and and i think that word imagine i want you to dwell with that word imagine right now okay you see i don't think that heaven is this place where we're in clouds and there's harps and all of that you know and and again not i don't want to get too much into the theology of it all is it heaven on earth is it and all of that i want to tell you i want you i want to talk from a draw out from you what you imagine it to be like and what you imagine the experience of coming face to face with jesus will actually be like you know heaven is beyond our imagination and every one of these statements i'm going to say right now i could show you the bible and talk for like a week on each one of them all right so they're literally i'm rattling them off to you heaven will not be boring all right those are the things it's going to be boring it's going to be like one eternal worship service going on and on with the same song forever and ever it's not going to be like that it won't be boring it will be a place of unimaginable beauty it will be a place where we know each other where we love and are loved it will be a place where we receive perfect heavenly bodies will that be amazing but it will be beyond your imagination it'll be beyond your imagination as much as you imagine it to be it is beyond that it is better than that that's why it's so important that we know that that is our destination just as when we go on holiday we know everything about that two weeks we're gonna spend eternity somewhere guys the real you is going to spend eternity somewhere and it's so important that we know where that place is and i want to give you just the three things that i think are absolutely certain that will happen that we will come face to face with the minute after we die number one reward reward we're talking about greater reward but you know the bible says that there are two judgment seats okay and there's a lot of controversy around this and different views but but most theologians and scholars believe that there are two judgment seats the first one is in revelation 11 and it's called the great white throne and if you like that's the one where the kind of judgment is whether you're a follower of god or not whether you love jesus or not now let me just say something about that because i've done many many many funerals and some of the people that i've done the funeral for i know that they they love jesus others i don't know that now as i do the funeral i don't presume to know whether that person is going to heaven or not because actually that's between them and god what i do know is actually god is a god of love and free will and choice and if and if you willingly do not want to walk with god in on earth and he's not going to make you unwillingly want to walk with him and be with him in eternity that's what i believe but that but that dying thief on the cross is great hope isn't it that even in that last minute that last moment he turns towards god and jesus says it turns toward jesus and jesus says today you'll be with me in paradise there's the great white throne but there's also there's also another judgment called the beam at seat of christ and that's the one that paul is referring to in this passage of scripture that we read and this is taken again from the olympic games we were talking about the ism games last week it's taken from this idea where where you come at the end of your race and you give you're given rewards not for the fact that whether you're a follower of jesus or not so not for salvation but for how you've lived your life while you were on earth so that's all about the kind of things that you did for other people the words that you spoke the people that you cared for those that you led to jesus and helped find jesus you know those who were mistreated that you helped to not be mistreated and do something all of that kind of stuff is all where where god says right the way through scripture there will be your reward and wouldn't it be amazing wouldn't it be amazing if we lived our life in such a way that at that moment when we did die and we came face to face with the bema seat of christ actually we heard like paul says in another in another book that he writes wouldn't it be amazing if we heard something like this well done good and faithful servant here's your reward wouldn't that be amazing what a greater reward and that's the one thing that you're going to come face to face with you're going to come face to face with reward secondly you're going to come face to face with restoration and i know allison and i talk about this because we're going to be i'm going to be a little bit vulnerable with you uh today in a little moment and and even as i'm beginning to get into it it's like this is such an important thing in our lives and maybe in some of your lives and i know some of you in the room and and online you've lost people in this last season you've been through incredible pain i know as many marriages have broken up or under pressure i know some of you have buried children moms dads friends over this last year this is really tough but there's restoration in heaven and it might not help you now but it's something to imagine it's something to hold on to it's something to look to it's something to hope for and again the apostle paul would not be possible actually john puts it this way in revelation and i'm going to read it from the passion translation and just let me pause on on the words he will wipe away every tear from their eyes and eliminate death entirely no one will mourn or weep any longer the pain of wounds will no longer exist for the old order has ceased and it's like john who's exiled on the island of patmos and he's an old guy when he's writing this maybe looking back at his life and and all of the other disciples that he lived with and and and served jesus with they nearly all died for their faith and he's an old man on the island of patmos and he's looking back and maybe he's thinking about you know all of his friends that he's seen or heard of that that had died and and uh you know he's saying there's gonna come a moment there's gonna come a moment when i see jesus face to face one minute after i die and all of that will be wiped away isn't that great and all those tears will be gone and all that mourning will be gone you see guys in heaven wrongs will be righted injustices will be corrected and can i say that while we look at injustice whether it's racial injustice or or any other kind of injustice while we look at that on earth we know that in heaven that will all be corrected and righted but that doesn't stop us wanting to do something about it right now does it but you know in heaven all of that will be sorted tears will be wiped away hurts will be healed wounds will be transformed regrets will be taken away sorrows sorrows will be removed a guy called thomas more said this earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal um yesterday was our youngest son's birthday simeon who's 27 in fact actually his birthday is tomorrow which is the 21st but we always celebrate his birthday on the saturday that's closest to his birthday and the reason we do that many of you know is that our youngest son simeon we've got two sons we're very proud of love them both josh and simeon similar youngest son has got very complex special needs learning disability one of the most complicated young men in terms of his situation in the area he's in residential care he's been in there for 12 years or so and um we love simian to bits but every time there's a birthday we like kind of celebrate it and then we come away and there's a sadness there's like a like a an undertrack that runs through our life and we've never had a real conversation with simeon like you would imagine we don't know what he's thinking we don't know what he's feeling he's not able to express that kind of um human interaction and it's heaven heaven for us that is that we're holding on and maybe it will happen this side of heaven and that would be amazing but if it doesn't we know that it will in heaven we know because there's no sorrow the earth has that heaven cannot remove so whether you've been abused whether you've been mistreated whether you've been abandoned whether you've lost somebody close to you whether you are carrying hurt or pain or sorrow there is no sorrow earth has that heaven cannot remove and so i want you to know that that's why it's so important that we think about eternity because it helps us in the here and now those of you who have lost children those who have lost parents those of you who have lost friends those of you who've lost jobs those of you who've lost relationships there's no sorrow that earth has that heaven cannot remove and there's going to be restoration in heaven imagine that but you know as well as rewards and as well as restoration you know ultimately heaven is going to be about relationship and one minute after you die you're going to come face to face with jesus and if you know jesus and if you decided to follow him and if you've given your life to him whether whether you've been following him for years like i have like 40 years ago i gave my life to jesus or whether it's the last minute of your breath and nobody else knows about it other than you and god you are gonna come face to face with relationship and you're going to know other people and i think there is relationship in heaven that's clear from scripture but ultimately ultimately and here's the thing that often many people say oh when i get to heaven i'm going to have so many questions for god do you know what i mean i've got so many questions for god like like about the football i mean or about whatever it is you ain't gonna honestly you know or maybe you you maybe you want to find peter out say peter what was it like to like walk on water you know what was all that about or or maybe moses moses i mean why did you hit the rock do you know what i mean what was that about samson you gotta have your haircut mate what's going on there and you're thinking to think to yourself i'm gonna have all these questions i don't think we will because i think we'll just be transfixed by the beauty and the presence of our savior jesus christ that's what heaven will be all about and if you could have all the benefits of heaven without jesus would you want it a guy called john piper said this if you could have heaven with no sickness and with all the friends you've ever had on earth and all the food you ever liked and all the leisure activities you ever enjoyed and all the natural beauties you ever saw all the physical places you ever tasted and no human conflict or any natural disasters could you be satisfied with heaven if jesus was not there isn't that challenging you see we live in our western world with such a crazy idea don't we that that if we have enough stuff and if we have enough products to make us look younger and if we do all that and if we just have enough people and if we have enough fun and if we have enough holidays and if our house is big enough it'll all be okay and it's all meaningless because eternity none of that's there the only thing that's there if you say it's jesus and that's enough and isn't that amazing and what would it look like if i leon lived my life with that in view and the things that i get hit up about and the things that i get angsty about and anxious about what would that look like if i just focus on the fact that you know what none of that matters a rip when you're with jesus for eternity i think that is absolutely unbelievable so so what do we do in the light of all this if what you believe about eternity determines how you live today what's the application let me give you two number one you've got to live with clarity live your life with clarity and to help us to live our life with clarity i want to just show you this rope and i want you to imagine this right this is not an illustration new to me i've nicked this from other people but i want you to imagine that this here this white if you can see that there that represents the history of mankind from wherever it started to wherever it finishes okay that's it so that's like a thousand thousand thousand views who knows but before that you can't even see the end of this is eternity it's eternity before and beyond that and you can't see where the end of that goes is eternity to come and so our existence guys lies in this space okay so and like science is fine and we love science okay so don't get heads up on that one it starts here okay for us adam and eve all right or the start of creation it starts here and then as you go through this but you get maybe to to moses and to exodus and the ten commandments and then you go through the old testament and you get to you get alexander the great pitches up and the roman empire comes oh it's hundreds of years and then it's gone like that and you can't even see it on here but then there's the cross there and there's the early church there and then and then you come in there's the reformation there's the industrial revolution and there's the there's the bubonic plays because kovid 19 isn't the only pandemic that's been on the planet and then you get to the first world war and you get to the second world war and you get to 1966 and something amazing happened in 1966 i was born and england won the world cup or i get that and then you come up to do you see what i mean and then however and then and then you're you you and me are like just come up come a bit closer yeah you can't even see it because that's it but eternity is forever and so what you and i do is we focus on this and we forget that and that see what i mean isn't it crazy isn't it crazy that we get so head up about this that we miss that and i want to say to you guys as we come out of this pandemic and we will and we are let's live our lives with clarity let's give our lives for who and for what lasts for eternity let's not get so focused on the little bit and the here and now and we forget that there's all that and before us there was all that isn't that amazing and again the apostle paul he's so genius and how how he communicates this he says this these are some of my favorite verses 2 corinthians 4 17 to 18 for our light and momentary troubles whatever we're going through in this bit here they're light and momentary because they're achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all so we fix our eyes not on what is seen but on what is unseen like eternity since what is seen is temporary but what is unseen is eternal live your lives with clarity and number two live your lives with certainty i'm going to give you an opportunity in a moment in the room or online for you to know with certainty that the minute after you die you not only get that reward you not only get that restoration but you get that relationship with jesus and that you the real you your body is dead and buried and you know what they're they're doing the and they're having their sandwiches and they're thinking about you and they're having the vola vance at the thing and they're saying what a great bloke you were and all of that you're not gonna care because you are in heaven with jesus and that's worth everything and you can know that with certainty today billy graham who died just a few years ago when his body died of course he's more alive now than he's ever been but he said this i am not going to heaven because i've preached the great crowds or read the bible many times i'm going to heaven just like the thief on the cross who said in that last moment lord remember me you know when jesus died on the cross the bible says that as he died god the father turned away because all of the sin and all of the brokenness this on humanity this me and you was all placed on jesus and not only that but jesus then descended and here's the thing jesus would rather go to hell for you than live in heaven without you and that's exactly what jesus did and he took all of the pain and all of the sin and all of the brokenness and all the shame and all of the tears and all of the abuse and all of the mistreatment and all of the sin onto himself and he died but then he rose again and he rose again so that you and i could have a relationship with him not just here on earth but in heaven for eternity guys i'd love you just to close your eyes for a moment everybody in the room here and those of you watching online and don't close your eyes online if you're driving your car okay that's a dangerous thing to do because otherwise this sermon is going to come closer to reality than you think but right now if you want to say jesus i want to know for certainty that i will be in heaven i am with you and you accept what jesus has done on the cross and you say lord light the thief on the cross like billy graham said lord remember me then i want to pray for you today and so here in the room and online i want to invite you right now to respond to him and say that's me the guys on the chat are going to put a chat a link for you there's a link coming up on the chat here next steps just go to the next steps thing click that and it will give you a way that you can record it anybody in the room and that's you you just place your hand up and i'm going to pray for you right now i'm looking around thank you jesus those of you that are out there online as well if you want to say yes to jesus then i want to invite you to do that right now father i want to thank you that you sent jesus to live and to die for us and so now lord we place our lives into your hands not only for now but for eternity in jesus name amen just a few weeks ago i went to our creative guys our tech guys our musicians the life center collective and they're so awesome aren't they they're like so unbelievably amazing these guys and many of them young guys not all young guys but many of them are they're so incredible and i said guys there's a song and this is my favorite song it's maybe the most recorded listen to christian song so i get that i said i want us to do a version of this song i think it would be amazing and and we thought about it and they thought about it and they said we need a cello on it and so we found a cellist and she lives hours away and and the only day that she could do it was friday and so she took a five hours to get here but she did it and so the guys recorded it on friday and then last night and then one of them finished it at half past midnight last night but this song is going to bless you this song is going to bless you this song is important for me and alison because whenever we think about this song we think about simeon and we think about other people that we've loved and lost and we think about what that's going to look like but you know what do you know what the most important thing about heaven to imagine is not those that you've loved and lost that's that will come okay it's jesus it's jesus face to face and i want i want them to to play this song for you and this is going to minister to you whether you're in the room whether you're in hagley right now one of our other locations whether you're online whoever you are whether you're watching it later and as you listen to this song as you watch this song i want you to to imagine and picture that sorrow that you carry on earth okay that pain that you carry on earth and i want you to imagine giving that sorrow to jesus and knowing in that moment that there is no sorrow earth has that heaven cannot remove imagine that [Music] [Applause] [Music] i can only imagine what it'd be like when i walk by your side i can only imagine what my eyes would see when your face is before me i can only imagine surrounded by your glory what will my heart feel will i dance for you jesus oh remember you'll be still will not stand in your presence or to my knees will i fall will i say hallelujah will i be able to speak at all i can only imagine yeah yeah i can only imagine i can only imagine when that day comes and i find myself standing in the sun i can only imagine when all i will do is forever forever worship you i can only imagine [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] jesus [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] my [Music] i can only imagine when all i will do is forever forever worship you i can only imagine [Music] how amazing is that why don't you stand with me guys you know i don't know where you're at right now in your life and those of you in the room those of you that are watching online as well whether you're watching it live or later but i want to read scripture over you okay so i'm asking you to stand and as i read scripture i i i'm praying passionately that something will rise inside of you guys today and as we emerge out of this lockdown as we merge out of this year you know into life and remember it's tiny it's tiny like in the light of eternity the bigger picture is god's with us amen hello is there anyone here god's with us and our future is secured and as i read this scripture out over you may it bring hope to you if you need it may it bring joy to you may it bring confidence to you wherever you are whatever sorrow you're carrying no the earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal and the bible says this then i saw a new heaven and a new earth for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away and there was no longer any sea i saw the holy city the new jerusalem coming down out of heaven from god prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband and i heard a loud voice from the throne saying look god's dwelling place is now among the people and he will dwell with them they will be his people and god himself will be with them and be their god he will wipe every tear from their eyes there will be no more death all mourning or crying or pain for the old order of things has passed away he who was seated on the throne said i am making everything new and then he said write this down for these words are trustworthy and true those who are victorious will inherit all this and i will be their god and they will be my children so whereo death is your victory whereo death is your sting the sting of death is sin and the power of sin is the law but thanks be to god he gives us the victory through our lord jesus christ therefore my dear brothers and sisters stand firm let nothing move you always give yourselves fully to the work of the lord because you know that your labor in the lord is not in vain come on let's give a handcuff to jesus this morning thank you god praise the one who set me free hallelujah death has lost its grip on me you have broken every day the salvation in your name jesus christ bless salvation in your name jesus christ [Music] hey how great the chasm that lay between us how high the mountain i could not climb in desperation i turned to heaven and spoke your name into the night then through the darkness your loving kindness tore through the shadows of my soul the work is finished the end is written jesus christ my living hope who could imagine so great of mercy what had good father such boundless grace the god of ages stepped down from glory to where my sin and pay my shade if the cross has spoken i am forgiven the king of king calls me his on beautiful savior i'm yours forever jesus christ my living hope [Music] hallelujah salvation in your day jesus christ you have broken every chain the salvation in your name jesus christ then came the morning that sealed the promise your buried body began to breathe out of the silence the roaring liar declared brave has no claim on me then came the morning that's still the promise your very body began to breathe [Music] is in your name jesus christ salvation jesus christ [Music] my
Channel: LifecentralChurchUK
Views: 2,853
Rating: 4.7802196 out of 5
Keywords: church, meaning, purpose, life, calling, lifestyle, Jesus, God, Spiritual Growth, God’s wisdom, Make better decisions, faith, decisions, peace, covid-19, coronavirus, worship, giving people hope, evangelism, telling people about jesus, good news, latest news, Sunday, hope, lockdown, jesus, why do christian believe in Jesus?, Church, life central church, lifeCentral, my next step, online ministry, greater reward, heaven, what will heaven be like, life after death
Id: I4imOjR1a6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 16sec (3136 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 20 2021
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