INT - The Economy of Francesco Global Event 2021

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me oh in your 30 kids [Music] [Music] what about sunrise what about rain what about all the things that you said we were together what about killing fields is there a time what about all the things that you said were yours and mine [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh i'm [Music] have we done to the world look what we have done what about all the peace that you pledged your own listens what about flowering fields is the right time what about all the trains that you set for yours and mine [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] ah [Applause] [Music] pope francis letter and one year after our first global meeting economy francesco keeps inviting the world beyond economies entrepreneurs and change maker to give us all to the economy hola todos we have prepared a special program to celebrate the economy of francesco today we want to meet again because we can't be committed to great things without a spirit to inspire us assalamu alaikum i'm amin from algeria and i am lourdes from guatemala vivenidos and you know this is a live event so i want to invite you to interact with us how can you do it well through our social media channels and of course using the hashtags of today eof2021 or hashtag francesco economy you know this all turned out into several initiatives reflections and actions taking place all over the world and now here in assisi we have the opportunity to share the life of the economy of francesco the eof harvest the first fruits of these two years because eof is the economy of the already so welcome to you all from assisi yes luz luredes we are here in the palazzo monte fermentario of assisi thank you to the municipality of assisi for the warm welcome and hospitality we have prepared a program for about four hours with talks and link ups with the whole world it is an opportunity to deepen great issues of the global economy through spirituality poetry and arts and will do it following the footsteps of saint francis and his first companions in some special sessions of the program the first of these has already begun the highest poverty at the conclusion of the event we will listen to the words of pope francis but now let's go on with our program there are more than 40 countries around the world that have organized a eof local event even at times a bit inconvenient for them to be with us have a look at our map so a special greeting and thank you to all of you from monreal to shanghai and special greetings also to the focus movement which is now in rome but also thank you to many other cities that have organized events like madrid buenos aires bogota and now let's immediately go to the uk where we have now a connection with c with si chun lam uh he is in london we wanted to make also a connection with carolina who is in concepcion chile but at the end we couldn't however mucho saludos in chile and now let's start with you si chulam how are you hello hello assisi we are london so we are really really pleased to be part of the economy francesco global event and we're gathered here in the crit we are gathered here in the crypt below saint mary's moorfield church an oasis of calm and tranquility in the middle of the city of london we are 10 minutes walk from the bank of england which is one of the world's oldest banks and we're 15 minutes walk from the london stock exchange which is one of the world's oldest stock exchange so you can say we are truly building a new soul for the global economy right in the center right in the heart of global finance and then although we are uk we've got at least 15 countries from four continents reflected in our in our group over here and this morning we worked with dr roberto as preschooler of the global sustainability institute bringing together the work of the 12 villages and we're just really pleased to be with you here in the cc and around the world thank you so much thank you and a lot of greetings to all of you in london thank you very much the economy of francesco has also inspired young artists in a recent month like ingrid basaldua from mexico she will makes for us a special piece of art during this afternoon we will discover what it is about later on as you know the organization of the economy of francesco was entrusted to an organizing committee composed of the diocese of assisi the seraphic institute the economy of communion and the dicastery for promotion of integral human development now let's welcome the president of the committee the bishop of assisi domenico sorrentino francesca di maola sister alessandres merili and luca cribelli please welcome welcome to economy francesco welcome welcome thank you a special thanks to you for the following the work of these months and the preparation of this event we are so grateful you joined us today please right now bishop sorrentino the floor is yours hello everyone welcome orbit virtually to assisi in the second world celebration of the economy of francesco welcome in the name of the lord i greet you with the words of francis of assisi may the lord give you peace what we are doing at the invitation of the holy father and with the inspiration of the saint of assisi has not only a sociological economic and political dimension but also a transcendent dimension a new economy more worthy of our humanity will never be born if man does not confirm to god's plan this was understood by saint francis and was represented by johto when the young merchant renouncing earthly goods raised his arms to heaven his words were no longer father pietro di bernardone but our father who art in heaven it was the renunciation of the idol of money indeed it was it was not simply a renunciation but rather an annunciation it was the manifest of a new economy the choice of poverty was a condition and expression of love it was not by chance that francis interpreted his relationship with poverty in terms of marriage he married poverty of course not poverty understood as misery the sad condition to which too many people still in our developed world are forced to live because of the indifference exploitation and selfishness of others but the evangelical beatitude of poverty in the footsteps of jesus blessed are the poor for the kingdom of god is theirs by choosing god as his only love he also made his own the logical god that is the logic of fraternity the two encyclicals of pope francis laudato si and fratelli tutti highlight and underline this dimension we live the second world meeting in a world that remains tried by pandemic behind the health aspect the pandemic has revealed the fundamental problems of the current economy inequality let us look only at the difference of the possibility of vaccination from country to country which harms so many poor people we must discover the category of fraternity as the most decisive category of our culture important also for the economy that cannot be a real economy of francesco if is it not if it is not an economy of fraternity may the spirit of god enlighten us so that we can see and choose together the way towards a better world i wish everyone good work thank you very much dear bishop sorrentino and now let's give the floor to the president of the seraphic institute francesca di maulo please the floor is yours hello everyone i'm happy very happy to see you again waiting to embrace you in assisi i give you the greetings of the young people of the seraphic institute we are celebrating our anniversary 150 years full of concrete love for children and the young people with the severe disabilities in the name of saint francis we need to be listened to we need to show you our homes i'm not thinking about the homes of the body but the wounds caused by society and an economy that excluded the most fragile taking care of raja people also means recognizing their dignity and working so that no one is excluded in our important anniversary we have a topic that is close to our hearts and that we want to share with you accessibility to care for everyone throughout the world as services are not accessible to everyone especially for people with severe disabilities there will be no development without taking care of everyone's health we often use the word health animal health environmental health democratic health human health but everything is connected and we have only only one health an integral health remember that out of each of us depends on many factors climate change land use biodiversity laws such as inequalities conflicts unemployment animal health if there is no health for everyone there is no health for anyone you are young and animated so with so much hope young people's hope is not a simple desire but it it's the courage it is the strength to know how to go further it is the vision of out of all to heal a sick economy and the sick world the hope of young people is the same as that of saint francis of assisi when he heard francis go and repair my house which you can see is ruins dear young people go and repair our house which you can see is in ruins we believe in you the seraphic institute trust and trust your work thank you thank you so much dear francesca and now sister alessandro interim secretary of the diecastery for promoting integral human development please the floor is your sister alessandra thank you hello i'm very happy to be here again and but this time i'm representing the dicastery for the promotion of integral human development but first of all i'm here to send to you the warmest greetings from pope francis he is very happy with you he's constantly informed about what you are doing where you are and he knows that you are already changing the world and so i think you are pope francis dream which is becoming true and so he's very happy as i said he is grateful and believe me he is proud of you thank you thank you very much sister alessandra lucca we will talk with you later but can you give some words please yes what i i want to say is a very warm welcome on behalf of the entrepreneurs and of the entire community of the economy of communion all over the world and see you later thank you very much thank you thank you everyone and now we thank you also niado uh enrique and charlotte they are here today with us we are going to better know them and their amazing music over this afternoon so let's enjoy let's [Music] enjoy this earth leaving something fine for [Music] the harvest the harvest [Music] earth [Music] the harvest and [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] if we young people of economy of francesco are here today it's because in some way we have the same kind of experience of seem unveil when meeting francis of assisi we felt the need to kneel and while kneeling we were able to see another world and another economy because the world changes when we look at the ill what on our knees next to the list of the earth france's highest poverty gave rise to such a strong desire for a highest economy that's almost invented it's ex-novo out of nothing poverty is not the anti-economy rather the doorway to another economy the poverty of san francis his madness and absolute love for poverty still inspires appeals and calls to challenges [Music] hello everyone my name is patrick manza hi my name is natasha young hi my name is hayes this is me rita in the farm hi my name is ariel molina hello my name is tatiana [Music] so [Music] i've put to work my experience as an economist and in particular i'm helping we found the raising of pakar school project brazil is my home but i feel part of an international movement i'm based in zambia i'm based in mansa where the pilot project will actually be implemented so together with patrick we decided to buy a plane ticket and we went to zambia to assess the situation and learn from the culture i always had the big desire to be part of a big change which made me answer to the pop score and which after months of working together with other young people in the economy of francesco i met up local company of all my shared with the idea of creating a school especially to help those people living in underprivileged economies [Music] when patrick told me about the lack of computer science education in the zambian schools i thought it could be a place where i could put my knowledge into action i'm italian i studied computer science i did my bachelor in italy and then came to switzerland for my master so when patrick came to me to tell about the project i was pretty sure that i have to participate and i'm very proud to be such a noble case now i'm the youngest member of the parker school team together with team we envisioned to give students online computer science courses the last 8 to ten months we've been working to realize this project and finally we can see something happening well i would like to share my dream after the economy of francesco event we started up a project in the name of farmer francesco to begin demonstration farms in different parts of the country and then begin the principles and sharing the knowledge with the people of the people around the world my dream is to feed hungry to protect the forest and to assure a good income to family farmers and peas and farmers elsewhere we are piloting demo farm that could serve as means of spreading regenerating practices across nigeria targeting the women and the youth so that we can begin to improve on livelihoods where you can begin to talk about the actions that are safe for the ecosystem the quality of food save environment then conserve environments and preserve biodiversity sometimes it seems the world is really upside down but life in nature and in community gives me strength to keep going the policies and agricultural practices and the monoculture crops here in brazil are really oriented for the exploitation of the earth and the forces and the workers as well i want to oppose to this system i want to work to change this situation and i believe in young people and france's economy was a really prophetic economy's regard since we have been meeting with the pharma forensics i feel that i'm not alone in this journey and i know that many people in different parts of the world are committed to this process and together we are resilient and also stronger i'm fighting every day against agribusiness and against the economy of scarcity among ecological farmers trying to build a better world for people and always caring for our mother earth so we just had a look at the computers it's really nice to see they're working they have the capacity for what we need so this is really encouraging it's really nice to be here see the computers and imagine the students that are ready playing around with them and learning this is really encouraging [Music] thank you very much rita luca ariel for sharing these stories thank you very much and now let's remain in africa because you know a few days ago over 30 youth from many countries of the african continent gathered in nairobi kenya but before connecting with them let's listen to the words of sabine al-qaeda warm greetings to all in the economy of francesco i'm sabine alkire from the oxford poverty and human development initiative in the university of oxford and it is important for you as economists to see the big picture which is the role economics can take in promoting human flourishing in its most profound as well as its material dimensions you know in his 2009 presidential address to the european economic association nick stern said if you look at the giants of our profession many of them strode across it and they were capable of talking and thinking about different parts of the economy in striking ways but in recent times economy and economists have contracted and specialized so one hope is that you can be wider another is that you can be more practical in the strange disappearance of welfare economics uh sir tony atkinson pointed out that often economists were not able to articulate how their policies would help people to flourish but the need for a strong moral basis of the economy may be stronger after the pandemic and with the impending fiscal constraints that we need that we are experiencing and so my understanding is that the economy of francesco is taking forward the ideas of many from those in the basis of economics martial sen who argued that the objective of the economy should not be to maximize economic growth but to maximize well-being freedom agency people's ability to act as realized agents to flourish individually and in the community and so understanding how the very practical mathematical tools of our field can come together with these new and emerging fields of measurement of multi-dimensional well-being multi-dimensional poverty and do so in the wake of the pandemic when our ideas have been restructured the importance of relationships of mental health of spirituality have come to the fore in a way that balances the material and other aspects of life i think it's a very important time and it's a time when economics as a subject can and must be revolutionized my hope and my prayer is that your work will take it in that direction and that you will enjoy it all joy for your own work thank you dr alkir for this inspirational message in the meantime nullutando has joined us together with many other young people so let's now connect with them hello hello earlier this week 26 young people from across africa gathered in nairobi kenya in the hope of truly understanding pope francis's invitation to give the economy a new soul as we shared our stories our desires our experiences of god we discovered that the diversity of our cultural and national backgrounds was a gift that empowered us to create a place of welcome and belonging where so many of the economic circumstances that control our lives have tempted us to despair we found in our shared community an enduring cause for hope for a better future in the spirit of this shared communion we were led to question the root causes of economic challenges that face africa today we note the exclusionary effects of colonization at its legacy the ongoing destruction of our ecosystems and the depletion of our natural resources corruption on the part of multinational multinational corporations and a political elite that does not represent our interests and a lack of investment in knowledge production that would truly be by and for africans we do not name these evils just to tear them down rather we bring them to the light in order to build a new economy that promotes integral human development and is worthy of the dignity we all share we know what our challenges are and we cannot face them alone this is where you come in sisters brothers friends of the economy of francesco we ask for your solidarity as you listen to our invitation to stand together in support of a renewed economy that gives life not death now please play our video message to the world in order to bring soul to africa and the world we need our world leaders and our local leaders to give opportunities for youth voices to be had in terms of the humanity of our world and in conservation of our environment which we live in african youth will be young for a very long time so they have the solutions to a lot of our problems so i invite you to collaborate with us to come up with these solutions my message to the youth is that they should always have faith in god for through god everything is possible having sense of belonging so that they bring love to to their community my advice to the youth is to leverage on technology to build synergies across the world so that we have more sustainable of dealing with our problems and creating solutions that work for everyone improve on our economy of today we need to involve the vulnerable by going far deep to them by giving them hope that they too can make it and they have a special purpose [Music] and also the young generation to come up with idea to bring the political sector social sector and the economic sector of the environment so that it becomes a home to many i believe that we can tap into the african philosophy of ubuntu the philosophy that i am because we are as a community and in doing so i believe that we can build but better because we'll leave no one behind and we'll move together as a community we're going to move out as young change makers and we are going to give life and dignity and spread love even as we endeavor to solve the pertinent issues in the society together let us build an economy of francisco that is more just and very empathetic i adjust all to unite in solidarity and be change makers for the new generation [Applause] [Music] thank you so much for this amazing video thank you and many greetings to you all in nairobi greetings from assisi okay you know it is precisely at this moment when i asked myself how will san francis have transmitted this if he were here maybe with a tweet i don't know let's try it el sono de soni eof2021 and hashtag francesco economy let's tweet it remember you can share these tweets and let's spread the message with the world franchise [Music] russian [Music] a [Music] m [Music] [Music] welcome welcome everybody everyone i'm so excited to start this school with with you today [Music] the beginning of the economy francesco school is a big emotion for all of us you can viralize this this attitude of transforming the world by rethinking the economy from the commons my name is albert michelechi i come from brazil it was a great surprise every time the lecturers had all such amazing backgrounds and amazing trajectories and work but also worked from very different approaches and was very different concerns and i found it very interesting to see how all of these issues and ways of thinking all were connected in this objective of looking into ways of constructing a more human economy it is clear that the neoliberal experiment of the past 40 years that that experiment of 40 years has been a failure it has led to lower growth and higher inequality does purpose actually lead to profit or does it just mean that the company is distracted from the bottom line people need to learn what can be learned from caring for the earth just like they need to learn what you learn from caring for other human beings and it was exactly what i was looking for when i first heard of the economy of france's event i wanted to be part of the uf movement with young economists and entrepreneurs to learn and work together for a new economy based on common goods then to put the commons as the rule and the private goods as an exception we need to figure out how to work as individuals everywhere and in institutions everywhere uh to care for the poor uh to care uh for our planet one particular issue that stood out for me during the whole school was a lecture about saint francis economics thinking um what we have to understand is the link existed between the franciscan doctrine and choice of absolute poverty rooted in saint francis life and writings and the franciscan manifest attitude to produce analysis of market relations from 13th century onwards [Applause] i'm really convinced that we need such new thinking um and i consider the shift from profit to purpose and as crucial for today's world and for today's economy in a nutshell is that impact is like is is more like a trap attracting a reformist mind because it is a pure product of the financialized capitalism and somehow i think it's the pro we have to it's not enough to to change to financialize capitalism just to add this impact story the contents of our topics the seriousness of the school structure and the high quality lectures from outstanding scholars made vof school a fantastic and inspiring experience in the spirit of the economy of francesco to try to give a new soul to the global economy but also trying to figure out how to give a new soul to work on poverty citizens are not that much aware of the importance of relational goods neither of carrying the responsibility for others and for common goods which is necessary for proper functioning of social finance and impact investing in current system what gives me a lot of optimism is that there are so many young people who recognize that failure and are committed to having our society turn in a different direction that economics is not should not be seen as being it's a grammar of argument it provides a grammar it's a language [Music] economic theory and practice as love for the people of the world is the topic of our second session it represents the challenge that still calls the young economies and entrepreneurs of francesco eof has focused its first school on common goods we just saw some of the key moments we could share 2021 has also seen the birth of the economy of francesco academy the international network of scholars with the aim of conducting and promoting scientific research on issues connected with the economy francesco vision the next session gathers a panel of four young economists of economy of francesco in dialogue with jeffrey sax and helen alford welcome professor jeffrey sax and welcome paolo paolo the floor is yours thank you catalina and welcome everybody to the round table the economics of francesco between the already and the not yet [Music] so we are here doing what pope francis told us to do two years ago so he told young economists step up be brave be courageous present your own research your own ideas and it asks also senior scholars to listen to to learn and to react of two young economies researchers and so today as you see we have the two distinguished professors and i would say also friend of the economy of francesco here on my ride he is professor jeffrey sachs university professor at columbia university and i can see on my left professor helen alford from rome connected for rome she's vice dean of the faculty of social science at angelico university and then we have the our protagonists the four uf scholars mariana julia martin valentina that i will present later bet in a better way so what is our goal today is a ambitious but also realistic we want to check if we want to change the economy if we want to move towards the economy of francesco we need also to rethink economics and so start reflecting upon economics of francesco but of course this is not something that you can do in a few years what we have been doing in two years what we are doing now we we start we start doing that and for this reason the title between the already and not yet because what is the structure of today's talk we will be listening for research projects two of them are at the not yet staged meaning draft project research question and others are at the already stage so they are full paper one is also already submitted to a journal and then we will ask our expert our senior scholars professor jeffrey sachs and professor elena for to comment to react to say i mean something about what they will be hearing and so i want to take more time and i will go immediately to our first presenter that i see connected the first presenter is julia widowin phd candidate at cambridge university and also economy francesco research fellow she will present be presenting a project titled constructing an inclusive and useful measure of well-being for empathetic and informed decision making julia flor is yours thank you thank you so much paulo and greetings from the united kingdom and to the whole economy of francesco community and all the local uh all the local hubs that are doing a lot today to be present at this event um it's really great to be here at this uh at this round table with with all of you and um it's also really great to be part of the eff academy to which i was admitted this year um i think a really good initiative which gives some young researchers uh the chance to pursue a meaningful project which aligns with the aims of the economy of francesca initiative and also does a lot to support them with um with lots of different resources including mentorship by experienced academics um as you said paulo the project i'll be working on throughout the year relates to measurement of well-being and whether a more inclusive and useful one could be constructed to put towards empathetic and informed decision making and i'm really lucky that dr gerardo girardi will be guiding my work on this throughout the year there's lots of debate and indeed dispute about whether the value of certain things should be measured at all um what should be valued and measured and how should we do that uh different individuals and also communities and groups uh around the world can have quite different views on this whether certain things should be sort of measured um that their value should be measured so on this basis measurement also becomes a moral question i think and one that needs to be treated as such um with a clear delineation of the guiding philosophical framework that underpins any approach to measurement i don't have the answer to everything of course and um i i don't have the answer to whether it's it's good for things like the value of nature to be attempted to be measured but it does seem to me that um at a time when we're needing to consider ever more questions at the global level um and faced with a a global society um also being faced with needing to find solutions to related to common goods of which nature and the environment are one which are which is a quite urgent problem that we're facing um a common currency is needed for fruitful discussions and debates when we have lots of different communities around the table and for this reason uh some measure of goods that are important to us however tentative might be useful uh keeping the moral dimension to measurement in mind we must endeavor them to continue to see the construction of any such measures through an ethical lens to ensure that they are indeed serving the common good and that the measures constructed by us are not disproportionately favoring winners in the outcomes that they can lead to and lock in through repeated decisions that some of these measures come to inform the question then becomes what's the most appropriate measure of welfare what to measure and how to do it and in the face of many many interconnected crises that are playing out such as environmental degradation the current pandemic forced migration uh loneliness that all touch upon each other in in in different ways um what are the most responsible things to measure and how should we do it for example can we do it inclusively or not when we measure when we focus on measuring income or wealth whether it be individual or aggregate and use this as the main or or only metric um or source of information about our well-being or the level of our human flourishing in other words we're leaving out a whole load of information about other dimensions and aspects that can contribute are actually fundamental to our human flourishing uh wealth in material terms might be increasing but our poverties our poverties in a number of um different aspects might also be increasing at the same time which could lead us to overall poorer levels of well-being or human flourishing so we need to think about what it is that makes us wealthier in a way and this is where the philosophical underpinning that we use to whatever approach we take becomes becomes quite important or very important um and the work that dr sabina al-qaeda has presented at various eff events gives us an example uh of this kind of thought and approach to welfare measurement and indeed professor jeffrey sucks has spoken about this too so in in the projects that i hope to be undertaking this year um i hope to look specifically into individual welfare measurements and i'm hoping that a personalist approach can shed some light on what would constitute a more benevolent and inclusive measure within a framework of solidarity economics which i think aligns quite well with uh economy of francesco uh aims the measurement of individual well-being should more responsibly reflect the value of goods whether it be a material good a natural good a social good to each individual and should reflect each individual's real access to that good are they able to draw benefit from it this this would recognize that individuals have different needs and that the same good the same natural social or material good could actually give different value to different individuals um at the same point in time or indeed across generations um the different value can result from different levels of access to a good or or personal characteristics um to be able to draw from that good and marty the economist and philosopher martial ascended did a lot of work on on this in in his conceptualization of in a capabilities approach um so i'll stop there that's a brief summary of the research plan that i hope to carry out this year together with my with my mentor uh get out of the giraffey and thank you very much to all the eff academy organizers today and so professor sister helen alford and professor jeffrey saxberg for being with us today thanks to you julia really for this presentation and now we go really quick we go i call on stage mariana maria reyes she's a phd candidate at cambridge university and sorry she's a phd candidate at unicamp university and she will presenting a research project titled green energy finance fiscal policies in the energy transition from an agent-based model analysis so mariana the floor is yours thank you paolo and thank you everybody for having me especially professor sax and professor elena uh well the project i submitted to uf academy is part of a bigger project but the contest is transiting from a fossil fuel basis to allow carbon economy everybody knows that this is very important and we know that breaking this carbon locking situation requires a lot a considerable amount of green energy investments this is also very important to reach sustainable development goals as well so this project is inspired by this framework but uh this is part of a bigger project actually it's part of my phd thesis so um when where first i did a complex network and topic modeling and violence is of bring financially there to trends and and i enjoyed this opportunity i'd like to thank you very much professor stacks for our handbook of green finance that were very useful for me in this part the second part of my thesis was to develop a agent-based model especially inspired by the scorpion games michonne petter from francesco lamperte and escuela where i'm going to be a visiting student soon and the third part of the project that is what i i am proposing to uf academy is using this abm this agent-based model as a laboratory to green energy fiscal policies well the project main purpose is to compare the combination of green fiscal policies focused on the energy sector and analyze its effects on energy transition and more general macroeconomic effects that can emerge from the interactions of the agents in this model the main question is especially if these combinations of policies i am proposing especially the combination of a carbon tax and a mission oriented finance policy through a public development bank if they can accelerate uh this energy transition the developing that i'm doing uh in its under construction is to improve the model uh together with uf academy and my supervisors and also i'll discuss with them a more holistic view of this project uh in the intended impact is helping policy makers to make more effective actions this is very important for transiting uh in a more stable and uh social uh justice way well uh about the economy of francesco and how uh dof academy and also the eof community is helping me these two years of economy of francesco especially from the energy and poverty village that i am part of but also from my friends from the country and just that is helping me a lot they are helping me to have a more holistic view of the climate change problem and how the energy transition shall not only be clean but inclusive it is important to promote the energy transition in a way that guarantees that the poorer ones do not pay the view understand the combination of these policies that can improve uh the the effectiveness of the transition but also looking to a smooth transition it's very important in the way that we avoid huge financial stabilizations that could impact the most the poorer ones in the poorer countries in this way i have discussed it with the communities and with my supervisors to introduce this holistic view of the problem to the brother jesus and i would like to thank you very much especially to the uif academy also to unit county that is my alma mater estu and also uh to santana school that is receiving me this year and india that from italy that is helping me with uh especially the policies so thank you very much and i also would like to thank you again everybody here for having me professor sax and ellen alford and please you can find me by mail uh on the screen and also i am on twitter thank you very much thanks to you mariana really thanks and so now i will ask to our guest professor sax i mean we heard two interesting projects i would say also interconnected one with the other so any thoughts on what marianne and julia has just told us lots of thoughts first congratulations wonderful projects and both extremely important we are in need of a transition as mariana talked about an energy transition a humanity transition a fairness transition a sustainability transition more generally i like to use the term sustainable development as the overarching uh nature of that transition that we need from the kind of economy we have now which is an economy of wealth on average but with shocking disparities between the rich and the poor with huge exclusions without the solidarity that we need and crave and without environmental sustainability so we need a transformation or transition to shared prosperity social inclusion and environmental sustainability and to achieve that both the julia's project and mariana's project are very very important we need metrics to help guide that transition when i was a young student the one of the founders of the national income accounts simon kuznets was an emeritus professor at harvard university where i was studying he was a wonderful wonderful man he had invented the national income accounts in the 1920s and 1930s and he said to me repeatedly jeff these are not measures of well-being they are measures of the size of the economy do not mistake gross domestic product for measures of well-being this is what julie is after measures of well-being now adam smith talked about the wealth of nations and there was a relationship between wealth and well-being especially when everyone was poor but now the links are not so clear wealth can also be very destructive destructive of societies and destructive of nature so we need measures of well-being and i would encourage julia's terrific project i would encourage a couple of things for her to look at this year julia one is the direct measures of so-called subjective well-being professor richard laird lord richard laird at lse and i and professor john hellywell each year published the world happiness report where we use a psychological statistic called the cantril index asking people how is your life how do you evaluate life it's an extremely important and interesting question to ask all over the world because people give very very insightful answers we learn that a lot of people are suffering we learn that wealth is not the same thing as well-being well-being comes from having material life that is sufficient for sure but also social connections honest government a capacity to make choices generosity in this society physical health all of these are important so using people's own reports of subjective well-being can be extremely insightful then i would also be very keen to have you look at the sustainable development goals themselves because those are measures of the future we want that all nations have agreed to hunger poverty exclusion from school exclusion from health care lack of access to digital connectivity safe water or electricity these are indicators of real deprivation if you analyze progress or lack of progress to the sustainable development goals i think you'll learn a lot about where thriving is taking place and where people are suffering because we need everybody to be able to achieve those goals mariana's work is extremely important because we know that for planetary safety for protecting the creation as pope francis has told us in lodato c we need a global plan that reflects our global interdependence to protect nature and we know specifically we need that energy transition to zero carbon energy no later than 2050 so mariana's agent-based models can help to understand what policies will get us to the 2050 need our necessity of decarbonization in a fair and inclusive and reliable way so i'm very excited to see the progress on both these very important research areas and congratulations to julia and mariana for this very important work and for choosing such crucial topics perfect thank you professor also on their behalf i thank you for this comment and i will ask the very same question to professor elena for she's she's from rome and so so he heard the these two projects and also professor sax comment upon upon them what are your i mean react what are the points that you are i think are important to stress about it to develop about these projects well thank you paolo and all the economy of francesco team for this wonderful opportunity to dialogue with young economists and that's really the first thing i'd like to say it's in the dialogue the listening the openness to the other the exchange of gifts as john paul talked about it that we can really start to move from the already of economic thinking now to the not yet of the of francesco in the future these projects are all working very well within the already they are using some of the most advanced and up-to-date economic tools and techniques at our disposal but they are making use of them in a way that starts moving us towards and not yet and i'd like to make a comment about all of them to start off with which is that what i see the key learning coming out from these projects is that they're trying to help us reconnect the final goals of life what does it mean to live a good life what does happiness mean what is a successful community all these kinds of really basic final goals that are important to us reconnect them with the ways of achieving them especially the economic ways of achieving them and i say that because we need to move beyond the enlightenment synthesis which has been so important to us in the western world and has completely dominated economic thinking because economics is born during the enlightenment so it absorbs it adopts this philosophical synthesis and and in terms of what we're talking about now the key element is that the enlightenment thinkers pushed all the final goals the really important goals that we're talking about the good human life what does society mean and so they pushed all that decision into the private sphere and what was left for the public sphere for the community to discuss was the ways of achieving those those final goals so that everybody was free to achieve their final goals the only thing we talked about was the ways of achieving them now that synthesis made sense in relation to the problems the world was facing 250 years ago when it was developed you know a bit like professor sax was just saying before uh economic wealth and well-being were quite well connected because people were poor now we're in a different situation and the connection between them is a lot more complicated um we know that the enlightenment synthesis had some great advantages you know that we still benefit from but in relation to the problems we have now we have to find a common way to deal with our climate crisis where we have to find solutions to social exclusion to exploitation to the throwaway society that pope francis has been talking to us about this kind of thinking is completely inadequate we have to find a way to bring the meaning and purpose back into our economies in order to resolve the problems we face and these four wonderful projects help us do that so i'd just like to make a few comments about julia's and marianas now so julia asked us should the value of all valuable things be measured it's a really good question i think one of the crucial things we will need to do in moving from the already of economic thinking now to the not yet of future economic thinking is to develop a different relationship to measurement and professor sax was already talking about that when he was mentioning how kuznets emphasized to him that gdp um was not about well-being i think julius question makes me think of two phrases both of which are true the first phrase is if it isn't counted it doesn't count and and that phrase is about the means that we've been talking about creating and working in the how questions but there's also another phrase which is also true the things that really count can't be counted these are the goals that we want to achieve you know the good human life and so on and i think the really great thing about julius product is she's trying to work in the tension between those two true phrases her project is about coming up with a better way of counting one that takes account of both means and goals and i think the other important thing to say and she's very aware of it i know is that we have to accept that we're on a journey as regards measurement um professor sachs talked about gdp um and we we today hear loads of criticisms about gdp and we know it's full of weaknesses but we should remember that that indicator was developed in the depths of the great depression to help political leaders just try to cope with the situation and compared to what they had before the measures they had before it was a big step forward okay so we need to see our efforts today which are very small and often not very effective we need to see our efforts in that sense too julius project will help us take the next step forward in the struggle to find better indicators better at helping us cope with the problems we must face today and then a word about marianas project um it's dealing with another crucial issue very very important in laudato c what we could call structural sins these structural problems that we have inherited in her case specifically infrastructure that locks us in to carbon dependence we continue to carry forward this infrastructure we continue to work with it build it so on even though paraphrasing the words of saint paul we know that what we are doing is the thing the very thing we hate when we do that we're kind of stuck in this structure of sin um now mariana's project models the effects of fiscal incentives to help free us from this structural sin to guide our action in a different direction and in using the dsk model she is participating in the great work that many are now doing using these very advanced and powerful macroeconomic modeling techniques to help us identify how we should set up and run our economies and what could be useful economic and fiscal policies that could help us move in that direction again we're connecting means with ends in this project and i have to mention here franciscan friar since we're talking about economy of france tresco who did a wonderful project for me connecting a stock flow consistent model with principles of the of the common good so these great projects julius marianas fra robertos these are great projects helping us to move forward to the not yet of the economics of francesca thank you thank you thank you professor harper so let's move to the second part of this roundtable and you see that after two years of economy of francesco we did a lot of also projects like the economy francesco school the economy francesca academy and there are also a lot of special issues on scientific journals coming out on the economy of francesco and one of the most interesting is coming out in the journal of spirituality management and religion and one our third speaker martha bicho she's professor at epam in lisbon with her colleagues emma carvalho they will be part of the special issue they have their paper accepted and they are going to give us in five minutes a very short inkling on what the paper is about their presentation is i read the social entrepreneurs perceive success by integrating cognitive mapping and mcda techniques so martha floor is yours thank you thank you very much paulo for the invitation also for the economy of francesco organizers and to professor ellen and also the professor jeffrey so my name is marty bishop and i will present it today the article social entrepreneurs perceived success by integrated cognitive cognitive mapping and mcda techniques which is co-authored with emma carvalho so we strongly believe this study is important to the economy of france's commission since social enterprises are important enterprises solve and to tackle some of the social environmental issues that have been discussed here in this conference also by understanding how social enterprises work and by providing them additional tools we also help them to develop more resources and also to be more success successful so the study um the aim of this study is to understand how do social entrepreneurs envision success to do so the goal is to develop a framework to assess success among social entrepreneurs this study is important uh because the dual nature of social enterprises you know the social and also the financial goals brings crucial challenges regarding the tensions to reach objectives to address and therefore success is harder to attain and also to assess in addition it is important because the social entrepreneur might interpret success in different ways since social entrepreneurs are the decision makers of social enterprises they are the actors responsible for implementing and for monitoring the operations social impact and also effectiveness and of all they are the ones who interact and also um that communicate with a number of stakeholders being customers shareholders you know policy makers and by understanding how they perceive success it is possible to understand a small fraction of what their managerial reality is does this research aims to respond to this gap of knowledge by investigating social enterprise's perceived path to success so it gives voice uh to social entrepreneurs notion of success and applies this very new uh methodology which is the combination of cognitive mapping and macbeth techniques that actually help to capture success criteria's complexity so cognitive mapping is a way of understanding a person's reasoning about a certain issue through mapping and macbeth is a technique which uses qualitative judgments to create a scale that end up with some numerical options why this approach is very interesting it's because it's more omnistic and also contrasting constructivists since it's a process oriented and also based on the learning process of the social entrepreneurs so we gathered with them and we asked them what is success for you so um also in terms of methodology so the it's divided in three sessions so we have three sessions with the social entrepreneurs namely the structuring and the evaluation phase which are developed with the social entrepreneurs so in the last phase is the recommendation phase which is done by the researcher but the bottom line is that everything was done with the social entrepreneurs so in the first session the social entrepreneurs were asked to build a cognitive map based on the question based on your values and enterprise experience what should be the goals and characteristics of what a successful social enterprise so the social entrepreneurs discussed together what success meant for them and for them success means entrepreneurs characteristics validation financial sustainability business model and social impact and these were the five clusters that emerged from the study entrepreneurs characteristics are the personal characteristics and personality of the person that started or run the organization and social entrepreneurs believe that entrepreneurs have to have several essential characteristics in order to the organization to achieve success in turn validation is the experimentation of the products of the of the service so the actual interests and loyalty of the users and their effective results measurements financial sustainability is the financial part of the company meaning profit financial measurement availability for the entrepreneur to live exclusively from the company's activity and also external financial support one minute left so i mean yeah okay so then the business model how the the legal form of the organization in the social impact of course how the the enterprise uh benefits this the the the society so we also try to to rank um these five clusters and we realize that the most important for for the social entrepreneurs is financial sustainability then social impact then validation and uh that entrepreneurs characteristics and only finally at the business model so more than 50 percent of the success of the social enterprise is comprised by financial sustainability and also social impact can you please move on so we tried to also to ensure the quality of our results and we conducted several tests for for it so finally um in answering to our research question um how do social entrepreneurs envision success so success is for them a result of five indicators as i said entrepreneurs characteristics validation financial sustainability business model and social impact where financial sustainability is seen for them as the most important indicator the reason for that is without financial sustainability we cannot impact anyone thank you thank you thank you very much martin sorry for interrupting you but here we go we're running out of time so finally we have our first speaker valentina rotondi she's a research a familiar face of economy of francisco she's a researcher at subsidy university lucano an associate professor prof researcher at oxford university this year we have coordinated together diagonal francesco school valley you have something very interesting to tell us about so i mean please go on and thank you so much for this great opportunity and thank you professor sax and professor harford for your time i'm more than honored to have this opportunity to share with you my research finally so let me start by telling you that for me the economy of francesco and each economics the economics of francesco has been a life-changing event after two years at eof i clearly understood that doing research is not only my job it's my vocation that's why as for any vocation i also changed the way i used to present myself before reading pope's francis letter i was used to define myself as a social scientist trained as an economist and now after two years i'd rather define myself as a social scientist trained as an economist of francesco so let's start by briefly explore one of my research so parenthood is probably the most prominent transition people go through during their lifespan the literature we should move the slides by the way the literature clearly indicates the next one that this transition has often substantial consequences in terms of careers and jumps prospects especially for women from an economic perspective becker argued that the children increase most rights the relative return of home activities with respect to market activities as a result they reduce their parents productivity by diverting their attention and efforts away from their job moreover the common wisdom usually associates the presence of young children in the household with lower participation rates and hours worth mainly for women so that mother's effort and productivity on the job might fall nevertheless work and family roles can be a liars rather than enemies in this project we claim that parents within general and motherhood in particular could constitute a period of professional growth in which the arrival of a new baby enhances a set of social virtues that in no other circumstance in life are so needed these newly acquired social virtues might ultimately enhance parents productivity in the workplace but what exactly do we mean by social virtues social virtues flourish within a relationship of mutual assistance between two or more people helping each other in the joint enterprise of cultivating their characters in other words they are virtues which are predicated to the first person plural the we where this we constitutes both the good reached and the way to reach it so social virtues have been a knowledge as important for the productivity in the workplace they foster trust and trustworthiness they reduce the transaction costs and improve social skills that ultimately enhance exchange based on mutual advantage those intangible skills and virtues are in fact increasingly required by companies which are operating in high paid jobs so to do how do we think that parenthood in general and mother would in particular improve social virtues that for improving productivity on the workplace there are a host of behavioral and theoretical mechanisms which might sustain our claim let's however stick on one the answer we give is here is in our brain parenthood implies structural brain changes in mothers much of these transformations involve reductions in gray matter volumes in regions observing social cognition also father's brain is sensitive to child care experiences the literature shows that primary care giving father exhibit high amygdala activation similar to mothers in the amygdala in particular a high concentration for receptors of hormones like the oxytocin usually increase during pregnancy and child care similar to what happens during romantic love so the amygdala is part of the limbic system of the brain and helps in processing memory but also in driving emotional reactions and social sciences furthermore the amygdala is positively correlated with cooperation improving labor market prospects so how do we test the hypothesis that parenthood increases social virtues therefore increasing productivity of course testing this hypothesis is not easy because it implies uh taking care of the issue of reverse causality and endogenous so we adopt a multi-method approach which envisaged four working packages next slide in working package one we theoretically delve into the relationship between motherhood and social virtues by resorting on the methods of physical philosophical conceptual analysis in working paper two we focus on the perception of mothers with respect to their children and the social virtues by using the methods of qualitative sociology in working paper three we envisage to perform a longitudinal neuroeconomic experiment and in working paper 4 we use a randomized control trial to test the hypothesis of how can we improve social virtues so finally why is this relevant for eof this project shows that taking care of someone else of other people that thinking as a we is also good for the economy a labor market in which 50 percent of the population women are left behind is a world that works in half so forgetting social vehicles means accepting an infertile labor market which lives aside part of humanity and for us at eof this cannot be enough so thank you so much for this time thanks to you valentina really very very interesting so we are we're running out of time so i have to ask to our senior scholars one minute comment on what they have just heard and this time we will start from elena professor alford so thank you thank you very much paulo yes well i think the first thing i would say about martyrs project is just how striking it is that we're talking about social entrepreneurs we're talking about people who we might think of the representing the not yet of the future economy and yet the number one factor that comes out is financial sustainability and i think that to me that says how absolutely fundamental economic well-being is to achieving good social outcomes and we should never forget that you know as marta said if we don't have financial sustainability all the other things that the social entrepreneurs want to do won't happen so this very very important element that we have to build as a foundation i feel like the economic well-being is the foundation of the house if we only have economic well-being we don't have a house uh sorry we only have the economic foundation we don't have the house and we have the separation between the means and the goals as before the social entrepreneurs want to connect the goals and the means but they have to take really a lot of care of the means and i think valentina's beautiful um is well there's so much to say about it i i'm so glad to see economists revising gary becker's notorious approach to the family for instance and um i think this renaissance of the idea of virtues in economics in her paper she talks about saint thomas and i'm so happy it's the really consistent to see that because he's so he has so much to teach us about virtues today two last points about it she talks about human beings as embodied and i think in a society where we're out forever being told that ai is going to do more than we can and be better than us um it's really important to remember the factors of embodiment on us which ai is never going to have and secondly in europe now we are facing a demographic crisis and this kind of research which shows that economic welfare and economic well-being can go forward with a fertility and having children and taking care of is crucial for the future of the goodness good of this part of the world thank you very much thank you thank you and now professor sax telegraphic one minute comment absolutely i very much appreciate that both projects use the keyword social social entrepreneurs and social virtues it takes us back 2 350 years ago to aristotle when he said that human beings are social animals and our good depends on society with the marta's wonderful project i'd ask her in the next step to advise the social entrepreneurs what should their goals be for the social impact that they're aiming for and for valentina's fantastic project uh social virtues also remind us very much uh of this great aristotelian and thomistic framework that virtue is at the center of the our economic and social life and decency we cannot achieve the good life without cultivating the virtues the idea that parenthood is a period of growing not only nurturing the child but nurturing the parents is an extremely wonderful idea an important one to develop to help us build the economy of francesco and i couldn't agree more and now i have to conclude i cut my conclusion but the fact that we are out of time is just a sign of generosity of the speakers so i thank valentina julia mariana and uh and martha and i thank professor jeffrey sax and ellen alford and let's see you in assisi next year when we will do 100 roundtables of the economics of francesco not just one [Music] with the goodbye on your face and show the world all the love in your heart the people gonna treat you better they're gonna find yes you will that you're beautiful [Music] [Music] you've got to get up in the morning with the smile on your face and show the world all the love in your heart the people gonna treat you better they're gonna find yes you will that you're beautiful [Music] [Music] well thank you very much thank you and now karen is a young researcher of the eof academy recently she told us a lot has been greeted about india but much less from india we are now connecting with her she is in bengaluru so let's see hi karen how are you hello hello i'm good for this year's event that you have have in your country uh prepared a meeting entitled learnings from india what we know about social entrepreneurships so karen why this topic well um it's uh when we conceptualized our india hub we were mindful of the incredible diversity our country has been blessed with of language religion race culture and what perhaps is special about india is uh that we as a country right from our inception as an independent nation recognize the presence of injustice and we set forth a constitution that is more than a legal document a charter to correct economic and social injustice so while we have challenges like poverty and inequality the people of india have for the most part tried to correct this and strived for inclusive growth but many of the learnings and insights that we have had on this journey remain within india now pope francis referred to our local context as workshops of hope for creating new ways of understanding the economy and progress and we wanted our india hub to be this a workshop of hope so what the india hub will be doing is this we are inviting indian academics who have actively participated in either indian economic public policy or engaged with social entrepreneurships and so on and these exchanges will help young indians from the economy of francesco of course but also other young scholars young social entrepreneurs from across the globe to join us in these sessions and the idea of the india hub is to be in keeping with pope francis who in his convening letter of the economy of francesco he visualized the process of global change that is occurring here to be one in which all men and women of goodwill beyond differences of creed and nationality can participate inspired by an ideal of fraternity attentive above all to the poor and excluded so we've started small but this is what we're planning to do thank you thank you so much garen and greetings from assisi yeah um and uh do you want me to elaborate a little on the session that we already had economics in the age of commons was the theme of the first eof summer school held in gubu a month ago let's see together some pictures and listen to the protagonists of that event [Music] i'm isaac steinle i'm from london i've recently finished work as a senior researcher at a think tank focused on local economic development in the uk and i'm about to start a phd in social anthropology at the london school of economics my name is maria yura i come from norway oslo i am 31 years old i'm educated as a clinical psychologist but right now i'm doing a phd project where i study a local effort in northern bangladesh hi my name is nadia perez negron i'm from mexico and i'm right here at gubio at the economy of francesco my name is michael kwasowski i'm from poland i live in rosso i doing my phd on santa cruz university in rome and i'm working in warsaw in paris as an editor of one of the monthly magazines in poland very often when we think about economics we we think about the material side of existence we think about people trying to get the best price get the best deal uh economics is associated with a part of our life which is not about moral considerations it's about uh getting out there and getting the best deal you can but this is this is a very partial view of what economic life is all about and uh if we look at if we sort of think more carefully about our everyday experiences in in the material world and we look at different societies and different times in history and different traditions of thought we find that there's there's a lot a lot more sophisticated ways to think about uh economic life to think about how we relate to each other in the material world and more and more as i've been working in this kind of practical world of trying to push things forward trying to change things for the better i've felt that there's a need to step back there's a need to look at the meaningful dimension of some of this if we do want to really change the way we think about it and change change the way we act so i've been encouraged to return to the discipline that i studied as an undergraduate social anthropology and to look at the economy through that lens i'm a founder and president of a foundation we help kids with cancer all over mexico i'm a lawyer right now we're studying economics and my master's is about theology i hope to combine all this knowledge to make a difference in my country when you don't have education it's really difficult to improve and to help others studying is just an opportunity to be better and to try to give that knowledge to the people that is around me so they can also help me to interact with other people and to just grow a better community i study how folk musicians in rural parts teach vanishing musical traditions to children and youths so i interview them it's a qualitative study i explore with them their experiences and a main topic is the human voice and the meaning of expressing oneself and it's also a work which includes both girls and boys hindus and muslims elders and young the main challenge is the climate crisis they live in parts that are very close to river and the sea so they struggle with floods becoming bigger every year and also periods of droughts well communication is everywhere right now the communication is the crucial part of every social political economical change you can develop even the best idea the best ideas even but if you want to be able to communicate it in good manner in the best possible way you if you won't be able to connect with your audience you won't be able to make the change happen so that's why i'm trying to study communication of course now in the pandemic it's been a huge obstacle that i have not been able to go to bangladesh so i have had to interview them online but other than that i have experienced very great generosity they're very proud of their traditions they've been very happy to talk about what they do the situation for kids with cancer in mexico it's really bad because the government could the support but we are really hopeful i believe that with education we can do better things and women in my country they're not really close to that kind of education my dream will be just to be a part of something that really makes a difference for them so i can empathize with them i think it's all about education but not only for the people that have not that kind of opportunity but also to the people that have that opportunities sometimes when the people is well prepared like in the best universities they just don't get prepared about the soul the fraternity that we all need in this world my dream now as a researcher is of course to get my findings published and hopefully that many people will read it and connect with the work that i'm doing so the economy of francesco for me it's a meeting place a place to connect with other researchers from all over the world that also wants to take part in changing the world in a concrete way and use the research for something greater than just academia history is non-fiction providence speak to us also through concrete events the spirit is blowing through a merchant contract and an artisan shop in economics and in every complex sphere of life both the economic activity that kills and the one that generates life are intertwined daily at all times everywhere only those who know how to enter the living marrow of this interwaving and do so out of love for their people can be at the service of the economy and of life because every time we demonize the economy we live it in the end of demons the economy francesco knew all these the economy francesco knows this [Music] b foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] salute [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you so much and before connecting with our next eof hub let me just send some greetings to our friends of brazil that are gathered in three eof hubs to our friends in cartagena cuba mexico greetings to you all and now let's connect with the next uf hub we are now going to portugal and there is manuel in lisbon so hello manuel to the fame hola hi everyone thank you for organizing this wonderful event thank you for having us it's a privilege to have the opportunity to speak to you today the portuguese hub is gathered in the varatozus convent which is a franciscan one in lisbon or near lisbon to think about what we have done until now and what our future priorities should be going back in time our hub began to be formed in september 2020 after an online course promoted by the portuguese association of entrepreneurs and managers in november at the time of the first international event we launched a website and social media profiles and organized summaries of the day at the end of each of each day of the event since then we have made several partnerships and had a course organized by us on the economy of francesco one of the partnerships was with the european anti-poverty network in portugal where the poverty group was born and this is the work and team i'd like to talk to you about right now so the the eipn challenge to the portugal hub was to intervene about poverty in portugal on their annual conference and because of that we saw that it was an opportunity to learn more about this topic to create awareness about it and promote initiatives that fight it so we created the team to overcome this this challenge and in the end we created the document with the summary of our discussion of course we learned about portugal's specific situation but we'd like to highlight three that three three topics that may apply globally so firstly the social sector could see a lot of improvements if it was more professionalized and its organizations worked more often together to be more efficient despite their leaders and workers passion this also means that we need to value the social sectors jobs more and be more demanding and be more demanding in selecting the adequate profile for it for the best person for its role then we we concluded on the importance of education to fight poverty it is the best weapon that we have to fight poverty and one idea that we have is the development of more practical or technical curricula complements the traditional one in university and high school for instance and it could motivate more people not to give up studying finally it's vital to fight prejudice and indifference towards the poor globally after this effort we reflected on what should be our main goal going forward as a group that is part of the economy of francesco portugal hub and concluded it is to involve as many people as possible on the path to fight poverty build bridges and close gaps nowadays we are 12 people divided in three teams a team that is focused on communication and awareness other on organizing workshops with university students about solutions to fight poverty and last but not least another one dedicated to organized conferences and events like this one we are having today so stay tuned for news about us and our activities soon and if there are other countries and hubs thinking about poverty please get in touch with us and thank you to all of the eof hub of portugal and you know they just mentioned a very clear word uh that made me just think about a new san francisco moment it was poverty so let me just write there was a new face of madonna poverty to love that tweet and if you want to discover what it says please visit our twitter page [Music] [Music] still [Music] is [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] reporter [Music] [Music] returning conventions [Music] i had nothing left a fire had destroyed my butcher shop i needed a loan urgently but whom could i ask the banks in perugia all users loan sharks so who i started to beg among the poor of the city i became friends with beggars whom only a few days before i was chasing away from my shop and finally i understood them one day i met brother michael during one of his visits to the city i told him my story and shortly thereafter a monte di pieta was born for me for poor people like me for those who no one sees or listens to what greater love could there be than this in the end i was able to rebuild my butcher shop to make a decent living for my children and my wife to leave the house without shame and to stop begging i still remember that day the feasts or at least the procession we made through the city for the creation of the monte di pieta we left from the church i've seen francis we crossed the streets of the city like we do for the the patron feast or or the the procession of corpus christi for us the bank that was being established was a sign of god's love for us and we the poor were in the front row next to the young women dressed in white what greater love than a bank for the poor love and banks god and money the poor and mortgages francis knew how to convert not only the wolf but also banks and money he turned them into his allies with his passion for lady poverty malia [Music] my therefore the birth of the monte de pieta this wonderful and meaningful franciscan story has something important to tell us today our event's third topic raising the poor in front of an economy that increases poverty one can and must respond by creating an alternative economy able to reduce poverty in the next story we will hear an example of a community who tries to do through the this of francesco we connected with other realities young change makers spread around the world through this we understood and we realized the potential of building bridges to alleviate or relieve some things putting in common our abilities our professions and our vocation many communities have entrepreneurial and financial pens they produce but they suffer to have a good balance in their cash flow seeing that we are from financial and humanity village we decided to look more deeply into those realities and understand if and how we could help and being from the finance of humanity village we decided to look deeper into those realities and to understand what specific needs existed and how and if we could help them [Music] we connected to other members of the finance and community village some of them living in these communities and we started exchanging ideas and experiences to connect with those realities we reunited different specialists in finance entrepreneurship project management design and others to start a new project to offer financial education and entrepreneurship classes to the people who live in family farms in amazonia in brazil nigeria and cuba now we are finishing the materials to start the records of the online classes but don't you think that it's just this we will capacitate local facilitators to become support to the communities during the classes for us this is much more than one project this is a global connection it's a network to build the common good to bring the economy of francesca to life in our own communities thank you guys for sharing this amazing project and now let's continue with our program which i remind you will be concluded with the words of pope francis in the meantime we have been getting a lot of messages on our social media channels on youtube chat so let me just read a couple of them uh there is rossity scrooger who says it is amazing to see all these different and important projects all over the world greetings from campania brazil then there is evo arcangeli posodire di nona ver my vistu protagonismo di giovanni thank you so much for all these messages and now from assisi we are now moving to the u.s because uh we have just connected with elizabeth from michigan so hello elizabeth in the invitation to join the uf meeting in the u.s one headline really struck us are you seeing what we are seeing we hear you with pleasure thank you so much hello from detroit i'm happy to greet every one of you on behalf of our hub in the united states where we're tuning in from across the country this morning here we feel we are really at a moment of reckoning around the environmental and the social injustices that have originated and been perpetuated by our dominant economic paradigm we see that this top-down financial markets view of the economy in the united states really fails to support human flourishing and care for a common home and so the economy of francesco really has inspired us to create spaces for dialogue especially about the ways that our current approaches to financial investing and money management need to change in order to really respond to the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor starting last year we began gathering many different groups and people across north america to imagine the ways that we can disrupt finance as usual and help restore reciprocity in the areas of business and finance and one thing we're learning from the franciscan sisters who have gotten involved in our us hub is that this journey is a process of continual conversion and i want to say that as an american i lament the harms that our country's economic paradigm and military-industrial complex have inflicted around the world and given our history and in humility i appreciate your openness to receiving a few words of hope today despite the ways that we're continuing to expand extractive relationships where we give more than we take in environmentally harmful practices in agriculture real estate banking and other sectors we are seeing signs of a new economy growing through our hub we started a newsletter called ownership matters to help share the stories of new social enterprises and the change makers that are building them and the investors that are supporting them these enterprises which are often cooperatives and employee-owned businesses are close to the ground and so sometimes it's easy to miss them but they are growing and they are quietly restructuring relationships between community and capital for example the industrial commons which is a cooperative we're working with in north carolina is really beginning to embody care for creation by repurposing all the materials they use in their textile manufacturing process they humanize and give ownership and agency to hundreds of workers valuing their insights and this economic sovereignty is an embodiment of human dignity and the dignity of work we're learning from the comparte network of jesuit connected institutions in latin america and in spain that we can capture and measure these sentiments of economic sovereignty and include them in the data that our governments collect to understand whether policies and programs contribute to the well-being of society one significant challenge that we've decided to focus on in our u.s hub is the need for catholic institutions often those with significant financial resources to wrestle with the ways that their investments and their investment holdings are complicit with present-day economic harms today faith-based organizations around the world manage trillions of dollars in assets and many of them are catholic institutions so we are beginning with helping catholic investors to see the solidarity economy investment opportunities that are emerging we invite investors to ask this question am i stewarding my resources responsibly in alignment with my values and in ways that contribute to love of neighbor and care for creation through our hub we are bringing together these investors alongside entrepreneurs that are building cooperative enterprises students and professors creating new frameworks for the economy and others and what's been our purpose to create a culture of encounter to transform our economy we believe that these encounters transform us and then unleash us to transform our economic system they can open our eyes to the bold action that we have to take in our lives and it helps us in the words of pope francis to be protagonists of transformation we've now organized six gatherings with nearly 700 people and three workshops with 80 participants where people are building trust and dismantling the barriers to doing their most impor important work we want to step into pope francis's invitation to build organizations that can be workshops of hope and earlier this year we organized a workshop for over 20 catholic investors that we called investing in livable futures participants included religious congregations foundations catholic hospitals and others and we used the principles of catholic social teaching to translate them into new investment principles that focus on engaging communities adding more value than you take and fairly balancing risk in return so to ensure that these principles can help guide more capital to invest in the new economy we've created indices and other tools to help investors evaluate how much a particular investment embodies these principles of catholic social teaching and grounded in this wisdom we're asking where and how can we take meaningful action together since the workshop ended we've organized investor circles to encourage new practices and investments in solidarity economy we are finding that the wisdom of catholic social teaching can help us find new shared language and ways to invest in direct solutions that we really urgently need so moving forward we're collaborating with others to host more workshops for investors we want to align with the allow laudato sea action platform's theme of ecological economics to mobilize millions of people and organizations to invest in this new economy we're seeking to accompany groups and individuals as they explore their relationship with money what does it mean to take a modern vow of poverty how can money be a tool for reconciliation and repair for past harms how do we move from a world view of scarcity to one of abundance our goal to bring money into reciprocal relationship with people and planets so in this spirit of the economy of francesco we want to build a movement toward changing our financial system to be at the service of an economy that's rooted in solidarity and we invite you to join us do you know someone who might want to participate in one of these workshops or do you know a project or an enterprise seeking investment please reach out we're very excited to partner with you thank you so much thank you so much elisabeth and i just want to remind that if you visit our website you will have the contact to all the eof hubs around the world i'm really excited to hear all these initiatives that you have been sharing because as we said at the beginning the economy of francesco is the economy of the already and now let's listen to the words of sir partha dasgupta good afternoon it is a pleasure to be invited here today to speak to such an inspirational group of young economists over the last few decades our species has prospered so much that our demands on nature have far exceeded its ability to supply us sustainably in other words we are depleting vital ecosystems by mismanaging our natural assets undermining the biosphere's ability to provide us with the goods and services on which we all rely at the heart of the problem lies deep rooted institutional failure nature's worth to society is not reflected in the prices we pay and we continue to draw down our natural capital stocks without paying for the consequences which will have a negative impact on current and future generations but while the challenges facing the modern world may seem formidable the vision represented by the economy of francesco gives us hope that transformative change is possible the young economists entrepreneurs and activists who make up this community give new life to the study of economics the innovative solutions you propose to the problems of today have the potential to have a worldwide impact and i wish you the very best of luck in your endeavors thank you do [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] al convento [Music] last august in many images from afghanistan we could see and feel the pain of afghan women wondering what could become what would become of their future and their lives we immediately felt we wanted to respond to their appeal to not be left alone so we launched a global march that takes place every saturday under the cry afghan woman exists together we stand [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] in the meantime nadia gulam had joined us welcome nadia we are so grateful for your presence with us today you are representing many voices from afghan women and girls we understand that speaking about your stories and the situation is not that easy we want to ensure that we stand with you thank you for your energy and keeping your hope please dear navia you can share your experience with us thank you very much good afternoon thank you so much for allowing me to participate in such a wonderful event and well to introduce myself a little bit i want to say that i grew up in afghanistan since i was a little bit child my mother was always saying to me that nadia pray for peace peace will bring come in our country you're a child you're close to god but i never see peace till i arrive to barcelona since i was a little bit child i was praying for peace asking for peace begging for peace but that peace that ever i ever been seen after long years that i was living there till i become eight years old and the war looks for me far away because in my house my family my father my brother and me we were living in a relaxed situation but one day when i was eight years old i had normal life and me with my family we were had holding dinner at home after uh the dinner my mother was preparing some tea to have uh for for for after the dinner and i went to follow her in order to discover where she is hiding the sweets when i was behind of her she saw me she told me nadia sit down here in this room i will bring you sweet i will give you i was waiting for my mom there that suddenly a bomb fell exactly in the room where i was and everything destroy everything change in a second after spending two years in different hospitals six months in coma the taliban regime for forced first time established in afghanistan and there i had to do something for my family i lost my brother my father was suffering from post-traumatic stress and for that reason i dress up as a man and i start to work for my family and i thought it is one day to this solution and everything will gonna change but that last 10 years and during the 10 years i was dressing as a man and working to help my family and support them now i'm as a refugee as an afghan woman living in barcelona i start a non-profit organization which is called bridges for peace and i try to help other girls other afghan girls that they are living in afghanistan and they are suffering from the same situation that i go through uh 10 years ago thank you so much navia thank you for your story and after hearing your carefully we would like to also invite you to make an appeal to the people that are following us today thank you so much uh for me it's so very important to say to all the people who are uh listening has those people that they want to help afghan women that support has even weakened a lot of women are locked down in their home houses and they cannot go to follow their dreams education now more than ever it's very necessary international community help them to getting support in order they can get education and have possibility to rebuild their country which is now more than ever it is very important the education for afghan women and afghan refugees thank you so much navia we are sure that we are with you we are stand with you and thank you very much thank you there is a song for love there's a song for [Music] for humanity he planned [Music] long time ago [Music] all of [Music] change [Music] on another occasion mahatma gandhi wrote a man who truly practices ahimsna nonviolence in its fullness has the world at his feet he influences what is around him so much that not even snakes or other venomous reptiles can influence him it has been said that this was the experience of saint francis of assisi saint francis preached the teachings of the catholic church according to which the world was created by a god who was good and beautiful he believed that it was the duty of all creatures to pray to god and the duty of all men to protect and to love nature the thought behind this belief is that man because he is god's highest creation is the custodian of all god's creation this is precisely what gandhi meant by the word trustee that humans are the trustees of all creation applying climate change and protecting the planet for the future generations is the challenge at the heart of the upcoming united nations conference in november mateusz chasnoja from poland ceo of european carbon farmers will attend the cup 26 hi mateos we invited you to talk about the topic we can transform food systems only by working together and to share with us your view your expertise and the international experience you're having so mateosh i hope i'm pronouncing well your name the floor is yours thank you lourdes and yes you are pronouncing my name very much uh the correct way uh i want to start by saying what a pleasure it is to be with with all of us here virtually and in assisi and in our locally of hubs that i will be joining later today in poland i know many of you will be joining in your respective countries that you are in um my remarks i would like to divide them in three major parts uh the opening remarks uh then talk about the cop 26 as well as other major initiatives that are happening in line with the topic of of our discussion which is let's transform food system by food systems by working together and then once again close with some closing remarks and what really struck me in in the intersection just before me was uh this understanding of stewardship of nature and being a custodian of the ecosystems which also served as gupta was referring to uh indeed farmers and all of us are stewards of the ecosystems or stewards of nature are stewards of uh ecology and societies that we are part of and as pope francis has called us to identify injustices that we are experiencing and very importantly stand up and do something about those i am delighted to report we the youth of the world are doing precisely that we have responded to this call and so for the second time uh globally we are able to come together and celebrate this action so that the the youth have and has responded and i am delighted to be representing many of you i know personally and i've heard about and also those of you who i don't know that are taking action also in this area of agriculture but not only we are 12 thematic villages we maybe need more so um please join if you are not joining eof yet and create a village that is missing because the poor out there the youth is acting but definitely more action needs to happen the system is broken but that action makes me believe and see with my own eyes that we are changing the world we are true protagonists and that is amazing so now to put some concrete examples um four uh four major examples the first one is the farm of francesco with rita ariel giacomo carro federico natalia joseph and last but definitely not this maria virginia a answer to pope francis called to address the injustice of global rural areas becoming more disconnected from the cities and degenerating the soil as well as the communities that are making up those rural communities therefore as part of the farm francesco and economic francesco process we have designed and created and now we are implementing um a network of regenerative demo farms that are addressing the injustices we feel and leave firsthand with vocational education program and i am delighted to announce on behalf of all the people mentioned and many many many other supporters of us that today pharma francesco is launching its global launching campaign so i invite you to go to francesco and join this movement if you didn't do that already and i believe my colleagues will be posting relevant links in the youtube channels that we are communicating through right now so please do that please get engaged the second one is eof poland uh where with marcin camila casparagata maria magdalena zofia anna julia whom you've seen already in this in this global event and monica we have written a report for characters or with support of characters poland to promote what eof is doing already and this report is published uh by now you can also read it and benefit from it so i would be asking my colleagues to share those links with you as true protagonists we are going out to the world we are not sticking with um with what is happening at the at the economy of event sorry economy francesco only right and so we have very deep engagement with the world food forum and the u.n food system summit in which we are transforming food systems together through master classes that mariana libyan and myself have organized with the world food forum and with the dialogues and also participation at the food summit or pre pre pre-summing of the yuan food system summit uh with the dicastery for promoting integral human development and many many many others initiatives eof school summer school laudatosi action platform fraternity political school off to cop all of those things are coming to cope where global leaders are coming together to advance consensus on climate action we have to get to net zero by 2050 and we want to get there all of us are invited and the world leaders cannot get them there alone as the youth from all over the world is showing we are in we are in the better future of naziro which not only responds to the leaders call but also to pope francis call to put the poor at the very center of this action and so i once again invite you to join all those not all but invite you to join whatever initiative makes sense for you within the economy of francesco family or create your own initiative if something is missing and surely things are missing and before we run out to do all those wonderful things i would like to suggest we take a moment to brief and celebrate with a mata everything that we have achieved so far because while the world is broken and it still is broken it is so much better than it was two years ago and all of us presenting in this event and even more so everyone that we are representing by presenting in this event have contributed tremendously to that and that process continues with the cop with other events uh that are happening so let me close by saying uh once again let's take a moment to celebrate our achievements so far there's a lot to celebrate and today is a huge uh event of joy please join farmer francesco at farm sorry at and support our work with with leaving the mission pope francis called us to to live and look up laudato c action platform which is uh an invitation by the dicastery for promoting integral human development for all of us to leave lao tatosi in action um and take small little step to make a world a better place and my call to action for you is meet with a farmer that is next to you thank you and all the best for the upcoming projects that you have um okay now i'm just coming to another saint francis tweet moment i'm tweeting before an economy that increases poverty one can and most respond by creating an alternative economy that reduces poverty hashtag eof2021 and hashtag francesco economy let's go back with matteo's topic because now we are going to listen to the words of one of the economy of francesco friends vandana shiva i send my loving greetings to the economists for saint francisco in his beautiful words it's only in giving that we received saint francis captured the emerging circular economies because this is only in giving to the earth we create food it's only in giving to each other we create community and through this kobit lockdown we have realized the two most important things are healthy food or strong immunity and strong community with strong bonds and strong solidarity this is what we have to build saint francis did not see the beings as objects to be owned other humans as objects to be exploited he saw the world as one and family as i do and that is why i work on building earth democracy living economies that are the pillar of her democracy will be built on saint francis's thinking i send you greetings to build this paradigm it's the only way humanity will survive it is the only way we'll have a livable earth for our species thank you a i [Music] and before continuing with our program please let me just thank to feder case for its contribution to support the many initiatives of the economy of francesco and now we continue because we are ready for our latest connection with the world we are very pleased to have with us juan pablo from mexico and ilu from peru hola chicos juan pablo let's start with you [Music] hello [Music] [Music] juntos [Music] [Music] various [Music] [Music] university [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] a big hug for everyone thank you very latino much and now just let me some greetings because um we have as we said many hubs around the world so i will i want to send some greetings to the croatia and also the cameroon uh and of course to the more than 200 youth that are following this program from the domus patches building thank you very much for the italian hub and um yeah now let's continue with our program thank you lurthes and everyone and now we have the next session we have here again luca crivelli welcome again luca is an economist at soupsy so look at the floor is yours thank you catalina the next session is titled towards a plant economy [Music] i'm very pleased to introduce professor stefano mancuso the director of the international laboratory of plant neurobiology at the university of florence and stefano chiliberti a postdoctoral fellow at the university of pisa grazia the focus of mancuso's research has been over the years the kingdom of plants and in particular plant intelligence we are all aware of how much economics and the business world have adopted a different model namely the animal paradigm based on competition speed freedom of movement efficient decision making all qualities reminiscent of the great predators of the animal kingdom this model has made it possible to generate innovation that has been very helpful to solve problems like the scarcity of private consumer goods and led to impressive growth and material prosperity however it is also at the origin of a kind of predatory capitalism that is bringing our economic system out of control in this moment of human history we perceive an increase in scarcity with respect to the common goods such as water air and the nature in the age of the commons we have to deal with much more complex problems such as climate change and declining biodiversity so that we need to listen to the cry of the earth professor mancuso is now the time for humanity to learn something from plants can you explain us please how the economy could be enriched if we took the intelligence and the abilities of plants seriously thank you thank you luca and thank you all um all of you it's a big pleasure to have the chance to talk to this selected group of young along the in the world and thank you for the for the subject you choose for describing this section the plant economy it's a very original and fashionable way to describe what we can learn for plant but before starting what we can learn let's say something on plant because uh probably um we know uh we know very very small about plant and the small that we know it's normally wrong we have a an idea that plants are just low level uh very simple organisms but on the contrary i will try to show you that plants are extremely complex sophisticated intelligent organisms that could be an extremely interesting subject to be inspired so first of all let's talk a little bit about numbers about data we normally look at the at the life as if life was the kingdom of animals we just look at the life with animals eyes and we just see what is similar to us because we are animals but animals altogethers represent just a tiny irrelevant fraction of the life how much irrelevant it's probably not understood by many people the the world mass of the of all animals together so not humans but mammals reptiles birds fishes all together insects altogether they represent just 0.3 percent of the biomass on the earth biomass means the weight of life so if we would be able to wait all the life on the planet we would see that animals represent just a small fraction of life 0.3 percent on the contrary plants are the almost the 86 percent of the life so life it's practically just a green stuff life on on the planet earth it's matter of plant not of animals and but we need also to ask ourselves how is it possible that they were able to reach such a huge amount of life and on the contrary we are just so small so few 500 million of years ago plants and animals they took two different pathways in the evolution plants decide to stay still to remain rooted and to take all the energy they they need from the sun on the contrary animals took a very different evolutionary decision they decide to move and to predate plant and other organisms for uh uptaking for for taking all the energy they need so as as we can see there is an incredible difference to a choice at the beginning of the pathway that brought to plant and to the pathway that brought animals plants are out of autonomy and uh the the the correct term would be autotrophic organisms so they are able to live without harming any other organism plants animals on the contrary they need to they need to feed themselves with other living organisms and this is something that we brought in our life as i i was saying you the the the biggest difference between plant and animals it's related to the fact that plants are rooted so the the the correct way to to to talk about plant is not to say that they are not able to move they because they move a lot but they are rooted so they cannot displace themselves from the place where they were born where they are born now imagine if you are a plant imagine if you are rooted on the ground so imagine if you cannot run away when there is something happening around you and you can start to to see how much difference there is between plant and animals if you are if you are a steel organism if you are a rooted organism you are subjected to production so the other and the animals will eat you and so how we're able the plant to solve the problems to survive production they developed a completely different organization with respect to plan with two animals and i think this is the first big uh learning that we can we can the first big uh factor sorry that we can learn from plant a different organization we animals we are we have a very simple organization we have a brain a head that is on charge of all the different organs that are under the brain so in other in other in other words we have just a single or double organs that are able to make specific function just let me let me make an example we breath with two lungs we digest with one stomach we see with your eyes and we solve the problems with one brain now what we did was to take this uh hierarchical pyramidal organization and to spread everywhere just look at any organograms in any kind every kind of organization you can imagine from economic organization to a social organization everywhere we will see the same architecture of the animal organization ahead ahead governing on different uh specialized organs we will find this kind of organization everywhere now the only advantage of such kind of organization is velocity so we are made in this way because the first a most important response for us as animal is to move is to move as as far as we can so when we say normally we use the movement we use our ability to move to go away to move away from the problems when we say when we animals say that we solved our problems 90 percent of the case we are not actually solving the problem we are avoiding the problem so we are moving away from the problem so we use movement to go away from the problems this is something that plants cannot do so plants are actually they need to solve the problems if they if a plant needed to to find water to to find the nutrients or to uh to defend themself or to have a social life to communicate all things that we share with with them we have all the same goal well in the case of plants they need to solve the problem so they cannot move away they cannot run away from the problem and one of the one of the the the most wonderful solution plans found to solve problems and to resist to a an environment that can be extremely dangerous is with a an extremely new uh organization plants are completely decentralized distributed organism so in whereas we breath with two lungs and we see with your eyes and we and we solve a problem with one brain plants are able to do that with the whole body so in in a plant the word blood the whole body is able to breathe the whole body is able to see the whole body is able to solve the problems to to make a calculation in a world the whole body is intelligent and the the advantage of such kind of organization is that you can remove six seventy eighty percent of the body of a plant and the and and and the body it's still living the organization it's still working on the contrary in our animal organization it's enough to have a damage in just one of the uh of the the the many organs devoted to specific function to have a collapse of the entire organization so a distributed decentralized organization it's much more resilient it's reduced and it's a it and it's also extremely creative mean actually if you want to solve problems you need to to imagine a distributed organization because just try to think about a big company having sites all over the world and with a cio in a specific place of the world oh and with just a small group of people governing are so distributed and huge company so how they uh how can they have the right information about local problems this is almost impossible the best way the best organization that is able to solve problems because it's able to collect the best data from the environment just around them it's a distributed and the organization and by the way distributed and decentralized organization are actually the sign of modernity what i mean is that just look at internet internet is it's by far probably one of the if not probably the most important advanced technological advancement of the last 500 years and internet is built as a plant it's completely decentralized there are there are no common centers and this is why it's so creative and it's so impossible to stop a second point that i would like to rise as very important from a consequence of staying rooted is the the importance of the communities if you are if you are rooted if you cannot move away your neighbor are extremely important for you are so important that implants the idea of competition that it's by far the most important driving force of uh i would say a human economy in in implants almost doesn't don't exist so plants are not competing at all they are most of the time cooperating so much that in a forest or in a wood every plant is completely interconnected with the all the neighboring plants and through the roots there is an incredible exchange of information of nutrients of water of whatever they need to survive so plants are so incredibly uh supporting the communities that they are supporting the life even of stamps stamps are cutting the trees even a stamp is taken in a life it's completely let's say aided to survive by the other plants and communities are not just in in the most important engine of survival in plants but everywhere i mean in nature the strong the the force of a community it has been extremely underestimated until now so we have the idea that life it's a kind of arena where gladiators fight each other for the survival of the strongest of the most intelligent the but this is not true this is something that doesn't happen at all in life life proceed through community or true in through symbiosis symbiosis let's say it's a it's a technical term biological terms but there is one must more much more political that i like that it's mutual aid mutual aid is the the real engine of evolution evolution works through mutual aid and this is something that we should learn for plant and let me just say few words about what the plants can do for us not just being a a model for our future a model for our economy a model for our social life but they also may help us to solve the biggest problem of humanity today that it's global warming when we talk about global warming today we have a very few ideas about what to do to solve this huge incredibly difficult problem but plants are here to help us they are able to uptake co2 from the atmosphere co2 is the main you know very well that is the main uh responsible of global warming if we would be able to plant on the planet one trillion trees then we would be able to reduce significantly the co2 to a no more dangerous level this is something that should be understood from everyone we have a solution is not a technological solution it's a natural solution it's very simple very easy and most important we know that we'll work we need to we need to plant one trillion trees so plants are bought a model and bought a friend for our future i think and i hope that these few words will bring in some of you the the the the idea some idea about how to imagine a new economy uh inspired by plant and in any case i am here from all of you if you need some information just look on my name on the internet write me and i will be able to discuss with all of you bye bye thank you thank you so much professor mancuso it is incredible how rich is the plant world and i was impressed by the imminent ability of plants to foster the interest of the entire community and to make sure that nobody no plans is left behind but in order to understand how these fascinating but also provoking ideas of professor mancuso resonate among the young people of the economy of francesco we connect now with stefano chileberti like professor mancuso also stefano is originally from calabria a beautiful region in the south of italy he currently works as postdoctoral researcher at the department of agriculture food and agri-environmental sciences of the university of pisa and recently attended the eof summer school in gubio of the floors is yours professor clivelli thank you very much for your kind introduction it's an honor to be here today and uh thank you very much uh indeed uh to the economy of francesco staff and organizing committee for giving me this amazing opportunity uh let me also so thanks professor stefano mancuso for his gift on behalf of all the young economists entrepreneurs managers and researchers that two years ago this tied together around the message of pope francis to build another economy the economy of francesco professor mancuso's speech today was really inspiring for us these paces if i may resume eating few words was more or less the following one if economists had taken inspirations from the plant kingdom to build the economic science better known as economics we would not have lived the massive prices of common goods that we are still experiencing all over the world and why so well because first of all mainstream economics revolved around the concept of individual or omo a latin word that clearly referred to the animal kingdom and moreover this individual was assumed as a homo economicus uh fully rational as self-interested being that nowadays we would tend to approach as a sort of selfish sociopath unable to feel any sort of empathy for others well professor marcus revealed us today that placing at the center of the economic spotlight this individual this homo economics was not a neutral assumption for economics development and our life not at all why because leaving the plant kingdom entirely out of the economic spotlight came at a cost the cost of neglecting other living organisms that had been populating our planet long before of any other animal as he explained plants unlike animals being fixed still in a given environment are unable to exclude other living organisms from consuming natural resources that they need to survive and at the same time plant cannot easily move from a place to another to look for more nutrients at least in the short run and so what so plants survivals depend on the availability of natural resources in a given place in the right way and in particular depend on whether these natural resources are or not consumed and polluted from other living organisms using the economic jargon for their survival plans strongly depends on common goods that are these natural resources not excludable from others consumption but strongly rival in consumption as a result plants have been always requested to convert and manage common goods in their habitats and how well to survive for decades if not sentience in the same place plants introduced mechanisms and relationships of strong mutual assistance or mutual aid as professor stefano mancuso told us today with the surrounding environment establish cooperative biodiverse and resilient communities all over the world and why is that so relevant for young economists because unlike plant kingdoms on the other end in the animal kingdom from which economist traditionally took inspirations more theoretical form of organization of relationships emerged instead of cooperative one moreover also predatory attitudes toward the surrounding environment emerged just think at the current dominant business models of some firms or corporations all over the world as an extent in an actual two main differences among these two kingdoms on the one end the plant kingdom on the other end the animal kingdom emerged in the plant kingdom what matters and comes first is the community not the individual in the plant kingdom the we rationality the rationality of an open community always prevails on the irrationality the rationality of the individual of that all my economics that's that was placed at the center of the economic side nowadays we are experiences the consequences of centuries of economic science centered exclusively on the animal model not by chance we live in a chaotic always moving and predatory world where communities are losing importance and common goods are therefore endangered all over the world in conclusion all things considered we members of the uf community young managers researchers teachers and so on must strive for an urgent change in the current economic and business models to realize this change inspired by professor mancuso's words we need a new generation of aware and motivated green or plant economists businessmen and leaders that look at the plant kingdom and this mechanism will be able to address the huge challenges as climate change that are related to the governing of common goods both at local national and international level so and these are my final words bearing in mind some friends message for a life in nardon with sister mother hurt and inspired by today professor mancuso's gift let's work all together to apply the plant revolution in economic and business science i'm sure that the economy of france's summer school that i attended in rubio last september could positively contribute to this purpose in the coming years so that's all from my side and from the depths of my heart thanks again professor stefano mancuso and professor luca crivelli for this unforgettable session a possibility you gave me thank you very much thank you to both of you professor mancuso and stefano ciliberti for the insightful thoughts and ideas you have shown a very promising pathway for new research i really hope that our young eof scholars will feel somehow inspired and motivated to start conducting scientific research on this fascinating topic let me set the challenge to work more deeply on the features of plant economy in the next 12 months and to present the results in the next gathering in assisi 2022 thank you and see you soon you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] thank you niado thank you very much and now we wow this is amazing hi ingrid again ingrid i would like to ask something what could you hear and see today that inspire you thanks to our wonderful friends of economy and francesco community yeah well thank you very much for inviting me and first i want to thank god for being here and it's a blessed mother mary to being with me all the time well actually the things that inspires me a lot today i wanted to express uh through my paint and um well by first i would like you like to explain you like quick through the elements of the paint what uh i was aspired for the first one is like you can see that this uh like a two painter in in first inner one paint uh uh in in the back you can see like the that city the street of wall street you know like this is like very um this is like a very symbolic uh um like symbol from the economics but then saint francis is like changing the painter changing the picture where there is the human you know there is the women and the men there is the nature there is the there is the sun you know like there is the light for creating a new economy to change the old one you know and to change it obviously with god with god making a soul through the economy and also where there is the pope francis like writing fraternity with the one tea that is the cross of jesus and the other chi the cross from san francisco obviously in the middle you know like saint francis because this is the economy of francesca so thank you very much and thank you to the pope francis also to make this amazing jesus love revolution thank you ingrid and now we are moving towards the end of this event but before listening to the words of pope francis we want to listen to you so that's why i want to ask you to please with your phone with any device you have um close to you enter to and you can use the code 22862106 you can see it on the screen 2286 to 106. and with this code you can send us a message you can share with us a thought a greeting a wish what do you care about and what would you like to share at this special time looking towards 2022 now we come to the central moments so long awaited by all of us come with me with us and let's listen to pope francis lucky [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign a [Music] [Music] he thank you pope francis for your encouragement for your words we must and we won't keep moving forward unfortunately we have really come to the end of this event thank you to everyone who made it possible thank you especially to all of the young people of economy of francesco we could have told many more stories research projects initiatives because the economy of francesco is a living and a generative process we are convinced that a better world cannot be built without a better economy and that the economy the economy is knowing is so important for the lives of people that we all need to be concerned with it these words express our commitment to show the world an economy capable of engaging speaking to everyone this is how we want to conclude our live event we will leave the halls of our universities our offices our homes and conference centers we will also leave the suggestive building here in assisi and we will return to our cities we will take to the streets and we will speak to the people and show them the face of an economy that has a soul we will do this here in assisi and simultaneously all over the world we wish to fully leave our cities and transform them in the footsteps of francis following his way of looking at the world and his desire for the highest poverty thank you all see you all in 2022 here from assisi [Applause] [Music] all you need [Music] all is need is love is love love [Music] [Applause] need is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: The Economy of Francesco Official channel
Views: 2,228
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 8_7dnMW7X9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 226min 50sec (13610 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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