Church Awakening Conference 2020 | DAY ONE: MORNING SESSION with Jim Cymbala

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for John baptized with water but in a few days you'll be baptized with the Holy Spirit it's interesting that all the time that Jesus ministered he never physically baptized anyone people were getting baptized but he had the disciples do it for he had another baptism separate from water baptism and he wanted to isolate and have people focus on that fact then they gathered around him and asked him Lord are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel and he said to them it is not for you to know the times or dates the father has set by his own authority they had a prophecy question what God will Lord we're working on our prophecy chart so what's going to happen now and what happens then he said that's not your business that's a good word for all of them that's not your business more people are distracted trying to figure things out and and they get away from this but you will receive power Dunamis where we get our word dynamite you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth after he said this his last words he was taken up before their very eyes and a cloud hid them from their sight 10 days later when the day of Pentecost moreless when the day of Pentecost which is it's not a word that has any spiritual meaning Pentecost Pentecostal doesn't mean anything it's a Jewish feast and it can get you in a lot of trouble because you start defending everything done under the name Pentecostal which no one in their right mind would want to do am I correct it's best just to be a New Testament Christian all in favor say aye I'd like to defend the New Testament in Christ but anything else bye-bye so when the day of Pentecost came they were all together in one place suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting and they saw what seemed to be like tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them each of them is all of them probably 120 or so including Mary the mother of Jesus Mary the mother of James and John and other women and men beside the eleven disciples who had they had added already earlier they voted and brought someone else in to replace Judas all of them were there they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues gasolina as the spirit and neighbor of them so as we open ourselves up to the Lord here and I want to lead you to pray and we can pray for one another I just want to remind you of the goal because sometimes we lose the goal the goal why Christ has us here and not in heaven is that we are to witness for him and win souls that's the reason if he wanted us to enjoy worship real worship he wouldn't let us be here he would bring us up there where they see him as he really is that's worship we're doing the best we can with the help of the Holy Spirit but the Lord didn't tell us to go out in the world and worship he did not tell us to do that it has his place but the main goal why we're here is not to have Bible studies that is important but it's not the goal the goal is to understand God's heart the the son of man came to seek and to save that which was lost for God so loved the world that He gave His only son do whatever believes in him would not perish but have everlasting life the angels don't rejoice when we have a good Bible study and we need good Bible study they don't rejoice when we when we worship like them because they know it's an inferior kind of worship compared to what we will experience that how many are looking forward to going to heaven and worshiping imagine what this is heard this song and Myrtle Beach South Carolina Carol and I were there a couple of weeks ago at a camp meeting for a meeting for the Church of God denomination and they sang that song you are worthy of it all all the saints and angels bow before the throne and all the elders cast their crowns before the lamb of God and sing you are worthy of it all I mean you read Revelation that's gonna be and we're gonna do it forever right here we get tired there we'll never get tired so but the Angels don't rejoice when we worship well but that's all good that's important and a lot of the things that we do that are all godly and instructed by the word but the Angels rejoice when one sinner repents when one person is strung out on an oxycontin comes to know Christ when one of these persons living in when these shelters I saw riding here from the airport from the hotel where I'm staying near the airport and my driver was pointing out to me what's going on here like we see everywhere in New York when one of those doctors lawyers anybody in Seattle this state this area when one of them comes to Christ all the Angels read short right when a church loses its ultimate joy as being baptismal services the church will get weird sooner or later because you have lost the heart of God you've lost how God looks at the world you know we've got we got home on a side road and those roads what makes it so difficult to avoid them is because they're subtle and and they have truth in them but now you've made the means the goal instead of the goal being the goal the goal Jesus said is going to hold the world to preach the gospel and win people after he said this no no you receive power and then you'll be my witnesses everywhere I send you Judea Samaria to the ends of the earth you've got to tell people who I am what I've done you've got to call them to repentance Paul says in acts 20 you know to both Jew and Gentile are given just one message there's no two messages it repentance toward God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ I don't have any of your blood on my hands I told you the truth repent of your sins turn to God put your faith in Jesus your name will be written in the Lamb's Book of Life and then we'll enjoy peace and joy here but we're gonna be with him forever and ever that's the message of the Christian Church can we put our heads together and say that's the thing that has to grab us or we'll be sidetracked I'm getting to the Holy Spirit and all the things that we must remember in their place but they're all means toward that goal that's the goal that's the goal there was a man in in Argentina I that I knew of it was a famous Swedish missionary to Brazil and Argentina and he asked the friend of mine when he was a young minister there so how many did you baptize last year okay how many baptize last year how many come to the prayer meeting and don't don't give me the building and all the gingerbread stuff just I want to know are you doing the work of the Lord the work of the Lord is to win souls and disciple them and to do that we need the things that we're going to get to here in a second but you got to remember the goal deeper life has always been a sidetrack to get away from the real goal and it can get weird real quick you lose sight of the world you don't weep over people anymore because you're getting closer to Jesus well I want to be closer to Jesus how many want to be closer to Jesus I want to be closer to Jesus so that I can do the work that he gave me to do and you not to get desperate about that you got to get crazy about that God has to do that in us today when my wife and I started in in this little rundown building was so depressing we didn't want to go and we were in charge which is never a good sign and it was bad rundown building a handful of people some of them were certifiable I don't know what the previous pastor was doing but we just inherited a mess a total mess you can't believe how negative it was I didn't know how to preach I was struggling learning how to preach my sermons were so bad I fell asleep while I was preaching rather than just the people and struggling but our hearts were sincere we had a lot to learn still learning now still learning now but anyway you know I was gonna have a weeknight service on one Tuesday and I knew there would be sometimes only two people came but there were may maybe five or ten coming at that point and I just got desperate like God you couldn't have put us here not to win people for Christ I want to say that to you in all love he could have not put you here unless he wants you to make a difference in in the in the population in this but to circle the wagons and have good meetings who has time for that are you kidding me who has time for that folks are going to hell in a handbasket and we're gonna have good services and I grew up in a church like that the whole goal was not to win the community baptize hardly anyone it was to have good services where the Lord was well I'm all for that I think you know my part on that but good grief we gotta win people to the Lord how that's another whole story God won't help us on that but first you got to get dedicated to the task so that that Tuesday I was I was down in the auditorium early hours before the service no one was there and it was carpet there and I remember walking back and forth in this tiny little building just like I'm walking now and I was saying God you look you got to do something you got to change and you got to change whatever has to be changed and God zeroed in on me on these occasions and one time he sadly and I was complaining about the people because we had folks who were otherworldly they were in another zone I don't know where these people came from and I was saying God you got to change this change huh and the Lord zeroed in and he said I'll tell you the main problem in the church right now it's you cause you don't care about the people and it was true I was insecure you're just trying to get through another sermon that's how insecure you're just trying to get through a sermon and without blowing up the church my sermons were bad people were becoming Hindus while I was preaching and putting little red marks in their head like that's bad time so the Lord was dealing with me and then one day as I was walking there with all my heart crying like a baby I said God if you're not gonna use me to win people to Christ if you're not gonna do that this there was no crack then but lots of heroin lots of alcoholism and Trunks everywhere prostitutes on either way you walk out the building a block away there were girls hustling you put our cr2 to what hold the port oh please I read all these things in the New Testament with no money no buildings they didn't have buildings for 300 years no Christian Church at a building for 300 years and they turned the world upside down and they had no printed Bibles prayer in schools that's a joke no prayer in schools we need prayer in church we need prayer in school we should start prayer in church first but all these these are defense mechanisms we've developed to make excuses for ourselves and our lack of fruit I got desperate and I remember me saying it you can write me off as I was emotional at the moment I meant it the best I knew how god if you're not going to use me then take my life I don't want to live because I knew he could take care of Carol and I had a daughter Chrissy I know he can take care of that but the thought of just going there and going through the motions and saying nothing happened I couldn't accept that I'm just telling you inside of me and I still can't accept that no no you whatever has to happen do it but I have to make a difference for you you've got your name has to be glorified your kingdom has to be spread I don't care about the heroin and then later the crack and now oxycontin and every crazy thing that's happening I mean we got the most bizarre things still happening in our church from time to time because we're downtown we opened the doors to everyone we have no target group target group what Bible are you reading target group if you're breathing you're my target group praise God if you're homeless if you're white if you're right target group age discrimination we want certain twenty-something upwardly mobile what what an abomination to God Christ died for someone and you don't want them in your church no no run that find me again Christ died for that person but you don't want to because they don't fit your church growth plan Oh shame on you you got to get back to God in the Bible my goodness so kinda I don't that much time they're gonna take the mic from me if I don't finish this up and I was desperate so I know I needed what God had to do but for the goal for the goal not to have good meanings to have good meetings so that the people can multiply themselves sheep have to multiply she sir ma'am brother sister if one-third of the people in your church just brings one person to one-third of your people just wins one or brings one between now and Easter right and then another third brings between then and the fourth of July just one person and then the other third brings between then and Labor Day just one person you'll need a new building in eighteen months and guess what it'll cost you zero that's the budget for that zero oh no but my people they hardly they hardly won't even come to church muscle let's be on fire well that's our job now if my people are dead and sleepy that's on me that's on me like priests like people that's on me don't complain about your congregation that's you that's me who else could we look to so what so I got like crazy like I play basketball and did all of that I'm just x in the degrees no God you got to make a difference I'm still doing it now remember what Paul said to Timothy Timothy was a pastor in Ephesus a younger minister he said Timothy remember do the work of an evangelist not being evangelists do the work of an event that's different than being an evangelist Billy Graham was an evangelist that's what he did but to a pastor do the work of an evangelist so what part of our lives what part of our planning what part of our prayer time what part of our expenditures is based on doing the work of an evangelist in other words I'm facing this now how do you reach let's take this example how do I reach these inner-city youth that none of them have a dad in the house hardly any of them if you teach them the Lord's Prayer and you say our Father which are in heaven they'll say timeout what's a father what's a father what's a father supposed to do how do you reach them they're invaded by the world they're invaded by a hip-hop culture brutality horrible things the girls are 11 12 years old going on 35 they've seen everything done everything how do you reach them I don't know I'm searching for that a brain meeting with people who do that mystery in the church and on it goes there's so many lonely people and outside of that veneer that they have that they're cool they're this and they're politically connected and they're in into their course don't you know they're lonely don't you know they're empty don't you realize why all these people not just in the hood are turning to every kind of drug and opioid why because there's nobody home in their soul we have that we can't be distracted by their exterior we got a zero in by the grace of God and given the message of Jesus Christ the culture is so splintered no one can trust anyone there's no love outside those doors and no one has the answer but us we are the answer anyone who's crazy enough to think the Democrats are the Republicans or the White House our Congress has anything to do with anything wake up wake up we are the salt of the earth come on we are the light of the if it's going to happen it's going to happen through us it's gonna happen through us so they had that imprinted on their mind and watched Jesus friend of sinners he was a friend of sinners he was a friend of sinners sinners liked to hang out with him he never compromised his purity his righteousness but he loved them he was concerned about them men and women so we have to see our churches become so filled with the Spirit of Christ that they want to reproduce themselves and see one believer turned into 2 or 5 believers etc so the Bible tells us that the disciples had seen this many times had heard him say it that the different gospel accounts give a different summary of it at the end when he said go into all the world disciple the nation's and so on and so forth and then in Acts chapter 1 he says no then you'll be witnesses but they couldn't be witnesses without something happening which is what this conference is about they couldn't be witnesses until they had the power of God resting upon end of sentence imagine that people were dying without Christ when Jesus was talking about that and they might have been all hyped up to go and he said don't go wait think of that how important is the Holy Spirit they knew that the correct doctrine are you in the correct doctrine I want to be into it too but notice they had correct doctrine and he said don't go no but we know the message now we know you're alive don't go no we actually ate with you I mean we know like you're alive the nail prints in your hands we gotta tell him no don't go he saw the spiritual warfare waiting for them he saw all the discouragements all the attacks all the persecution all the blindness of people's minds all the hardness of heart he says even with the truth you can't do it unless you receive power the power of the Holy Spirit so they went all of them and they began to wait notice when the spirit came at the conclusion of the day of Pentecost the 50 days after Passover notice that they were sitting just like we're sitting now they weren't kneeling they weren't standing position means nothing when you worship God because the father seeks those who will worship Him in spirit and in truth whether you prostrate yourself jump up and down or whatever you do that's not what God is looking for worship comes from here worship comes from here so notice as I just close this what happened when the Spirit came suddenly there was a sound from heaven and what the lords encouraged me so many times with this and it's my need as I speak right now you and me we need something from heaven I don't need something from a computer I do not I don't need software I need something from heaven I don't need a new book on whatever those books are good I'll read them I need something from heaven your church my church we need something from heaven i watch this over the years when God has come he does more when the Holy Spirit works he does more in 30 seconds than I could do in a 30 minute sermon I've been going down early our doors open on Tuesday for prayer at 5:00 and the meeting begins it said them but some the people know to come early they listen wonder how blessed I am the other day I was in the lobby at 20 to 5 quarter to 5:00 in the afternoon for seven o'clock meeting and it was 3035 people waiting to get into the building for a prayer meeting it's going to start to out you don't think i'm less right now i just called home we have a her been made up of 450 people who pray around the clock in our church and I just talked to my secretary my assistant Lacey and Lacey said I said well I'm going to go in now anything last minute and and she said no but just know the prayer man they're praying for you right now they know where you with Pastor Rowland's they know you're going to speak so when you're speaking just know God's going to help you they wanted me to tell you that because they're praying because God answers prayer if you got an answer prayer than to just throw the book away and we all go home so we I came down early to pray with people and oh so delightful this just two nights ago what is this Thursday right two nights ago so a guy comes to me and I said hey brother I told him look will individually pray for you we have people across the front do that in your church : Ida prayer or do it sometime and let the people come at the end you individually pray for by some of your most trusted people so we have deacons Deaconess is prayer band leaders and pastors and so they send them to me I pray with them and I talk to them pastors can I give you a word can I I'm helped every time I talk to the people but I don't let them tell my their request to me right away I ask them question so who are how long you been coming here where do you live where do you work then they talk to me they open up I see learning disabilities I see how they struggle I found out when they dropped out of school they tell me what their their headaches are oh my son's in prison in Rahway New Jersey and then the Muslims are trying to convert we fight for my son I say that we'll sister by the time the meeting begins might my tear ducts are dry I don't have any more tears praying with the people but it helps you preach better one way to preach bad is to get removed from the people now you're answering questions nobody is asking you know you do a series on where did the Amalekites come from nobody cares nobody cared hey nobody cares I know it's interesting to you and me but nobody cared they're facing real live battles how many say they meant to them but you can't know that unless you're with them you can't know that unless you with them remote pastures remote leaders who aren't willing to eat and be with the believers and cry with them and rejoice with them you're not me it's gonna hurt your preaching so a guy comes up to me Hector Hector what's the deal all pastor I was I'm in a drug program but I've come here every Sunday I'm rehabbing but I've been clean since January I gave my heart to the Lord at Christmas as one of your Christmas shows your outreaches we call it a Christmas show it's nothing but we bring them in we do like a Radio City beginning then we borrow lock all the doors they can't get out with clamps come on the seats they can't move they're just locked in and they get the gospel so he said I'm I I just want you to know I've been clean and and I want God to make me stronger so I thank God with him and then Tuesday night this guy walks up huge true enormous guy I I could tell just when I grabbed his arm he must be lifting four or five days a week so I said what's your name Andrew I said Andrew so what's the deal well I found Jesus in prison I got out and and but I just been struggling I live alone I'm lonely and but I want the fire of God in me I want the fire of God in me and I said Andrew oh my goodness he looks like the amazing called huge guy like that but with a little childlike heart right right and just to rejoice and see that Jesus can change people that's that's the only thing I live for I don't want to be wealthy I don't want to be famous I don't want to meet anyone I'm not interested in anything if I can lay down at night and and think about Hector and Andrew it's like yeah whatever praise God oh I met this person whatever be whoever you want I want to be the Andrew I want to know about vector you feel the same way about your listen they said Paul says in 1st Thessalonians chapter 3 so when I was torn apart from you you know I couldn't see you for a while chapter 2 and 3 he mentions it he said but I want to come and see you for what is my crown what is my joy what is my rejoicing on the day of Jesus is it not you brothers and sisters we need revival on that he said not you if you don't love people what are you doing I have a Q&A session in a pastors conference recently guy sent up a question what do I do I love be alone with God I love the word I love to wait in his presence I just don't like to be around people he's a pastor somewhere he he he lost his way am i grand if you have Jesus you love people what is my crown what is my joy what is my rejoicing my wife over those six Grammy Awards in her office I once won years ago Book of the Year for fresh wind fresh fire I didn't go to the ceremony but they sent me a plaque when Jesus comes what am I gonna do show him my plaque for best book of the year he wrote in the Bible he's not really impressed by fresco fresh fire am I correct but now Hector no no you're not gonna take Andrew from me you can have all your plaques so brothers and sisters that's got to be our goal you got it you got to filter this down to the congregation that's why we're here he left us here our soldiers now we know in part when we're there we'll know everything you want to study the Bible when you're there you'll know everything even as you're known then we'll worship so on the day of Pentecost something from heaven came that's what we need heaven what does it look like no don't go there that's God's business oh but he once did this don't read that too much because then you're gonna put God in some box that you have of what revival looks like revival looks like God and God's gonna come anyway he wants the wind blows where it wants the book I just want the wind lift your hand if you want the wind of God to go I don't care what happened I don't care if it's quiet if it's loud I don't care oh but God please come something from heaven where the people leave and don't talk about the minister or the church or the choir or the furniture but they leave saying surely God is in the mists those people how many want that city come on let's pop our head five is in that play because of my insecurities when I went in the ministry and look I don't know how to I only can speak conversation I'm not I'm not an orator as you can tell I'm not a great preacher I can only talk conversationally I don't have a great speaking voice and all of that but always dreamed God could you build a church where when the people lead they're just wrapped up with your presence and Jesus where they don't like oh he was so clever and did you do that joke he told and did you see the lights and the smoke and the mirrors and and all of that how many wanted that is just Jesus is just Jesus jesus old jesus is in that place here let me wrap it up so the Bible says that something came from heaven and then it said and tongues that look like fire sat on each one of them fire is one of the great symbols of the Holy Spirit oil is one water is one wind is another breath is another with a word same word for breath and wind are likened to the spirit but the fire is so interesting and it was tongues of fire so what God wants to give us is not something just from heaven but let's zero in on us pastors leaders wives we got to get tongues of fire so that when we speak it's not just ba ba it cuts through you see if you pour if you pour water on this Bible the Bible will be just wet if you put oil on this Bible it'll just be oily but if you put fire on this Bible it'll burn this thing down you know it penetrates it goes to the essence when the Spirit comes and deals with us he gets to the bottom of things he gets to the bottom of everything he doesn't do surface change it doesn't rearrange the furniture he gets down to where we really are where we have some Idol that we give up where we have resentment and bitterness against someone that's holding us back from what God wants to do he'll take away our selfishness our love a pleasure our just our prejudice against people who are other he gets right to the bottom of everything and that's what we need we need fire and then when we speak when God's fire has dealt with us we'll be able to speak and we'll it'll cut through me like arrows into people's hearts you can speak the truth and put people to sleep at the same time come on you and I have sat in meetings nothing was naturally wrong but it just made you want to just sleep but when there's fire it penetrates it ignites it catches on it provides illumination fire dust so much so something from heaven and and it was like in the tongues were to fire I need fire in my church how many need fire in your church say Amen just say Amen we need something from heaven that burn you know mrs. booth it was a better preacher than the general was who started the Salvation Army mrs. booth Catherine booth said toward the end of her life she died way before the general did she was very very sickly but what a amazing speaker and writer her books are just amazing and then Tara booth I know if you do this we booth he would get attacks of the nerve on nerves and he would not be able to fulfill commitments that he had agreed to and he would send his wife and she was having like children every year and a half she had like 75 kids and she just running all around and she he would say I can't do it I can't do it and he would send his wife and she would go there frail sickly and she would get up and preach at the end of her life she said an interesting thing that I wrote in my Bible a long time ago she said because England Scotland was no than in the late 1800s for having the golden tongue orders the Spurgeon's and all that she said you know I travel around and I hear the most wonderful oratory and sermons and correct doctrine well what my soul longs for are burning words I want words that burn burn out the dross burn out the junk that's in my life and God wants us in love not not bull in a china shop but burning words where we reveal to people that the situation they're in brothers and sisters I plead with you do not keep people in your church by giving them what they want give them what they need do not preach what they want no if I go there they might leave and take their offerings is that what you're gonna do with the rest of your life you're gonna be a hireling to somebody's money and you're not gonna tell them the truth in love no you can't do that no if I ever you know that's a new thing with church growth now don't mention sin people don't want to hear they're doing something wrong they don't want to change well then what then don't be a Christian don't be a minister in love we got to tell people repent our EP TNT repent confess your sins just turn back to God he'll forgive you he loves you why do you want to spend eternity away from God why would you want to do that we gotta have the fire fire something from heaven that burns and lastly they began to speak in other languages as the spirit enabled them I don't want to get in a discussion about glossolalia it's obviously a topic that's in the New Testament a very interesting everyone should read first Corinthians 12 and 14 and and study the book of Acts and see the occurrences of that you can come to your own deductions as God enlightens you but what I want to just summarize this was this when something from heaven came that was on fire they began to do something couldn't do they were speaking in languages they didn't know you can't do that nobody can do that so they were speaking in languages that they didn't know ie God enabled them to be lifted above their natural capabilities in other words God has something better for us than who we are it's who he can make us to be it's amazing what God can do with a person who surrenders himself put their trust in him waits for something from heaven gets that fire burning in their heart and out of their mouth when they speak now they're able to do things that you can't even imagine if you study church history the great men and women that have shipped the world for God they're not the ones with the most education PhDs that's the answer come on are you kidding me the guy was in my office six months ago and he said pastor I've read your books in and I want to start a church somewhere in Philadelphia wherever it was and but I don't know if I'm ready yet I said well you're like married of a kid right I know and I have a degree and I am a masters but just before I step out I wonder I think I need a PhD before God can really use me so I said listen young man listen to me brother it's my only time I might be with you so let me tell you something Philadelphia I know it's like New York and it's like yeah no one in downtown Seattle right now no one who's messed up going nowhere empty suicidal hiding and look the people have the most money the news tells us every day how miserable they are movie moguls athletes whatever they're like they're driven like animals right they need the Lord I said no one in downtown Philly or Seattle or Brooklyn who's empty and going nowhere is looking up to and saying God please send someone with a PhD please just send someone with a PhD that's what I need God please not just the masters god I need you know what you need you know what you need and the people in your church need to tell your people that all you have to do is trust God be born again have a working knowledge of that book and never stop learning be filled with love and be filled with the Holy Spirit and God will use it come on can we say [Applause] [Music] I'm not making fun of Education God should lead you to do that get get the every degree you feel that you can I'm just saying that's not the need of the world and isn't it interesting my last word here isn't it interesting that the people Jesus picked to be in charge of World Missions were fishermen tax collector he could have chosen 12 rabbis who were very good in rhetoric and understood the Old Testament down pat no he chose nobody oh I'm so happy he chose nobody there's hope for me there's hope for you listen he chose people if the devil tries to get out of here you're not what you should be the first preacher that he had stand up on the day of Pentecost that same chapter was a man who not even two months earlier had denied the Lord three times and cursed according to our church procedures we wouldn't even let Peter preached in our church am i correct but how many are happy God's grace and mercy is greater than all of my mess-ups like failure imagine no pastor would introduce Peter oh we're so happy congregation this morning Peter is in the house praise God he's gonna come and share recently he denied the Lord three times first the third time he's walking on water he looked at this storm and then he started sinking let's give it up for Peter Peter Connelly not by might nor by power but by my spirit let's all just lift up our hands lift up your hands and begin to praise God out loud Jesus we love you oh well we love you just lift your hands praise them out loud praise praise them out loud we're calling you in the ministry we praise You God we worship you we bless your name come on lift your voice God is the audience not me we praise you Lord we praise Volodya two numbers and you're groaning I do not make sense gracias Senor por todo Senor gracias we bless your name we honor you every eye closed if you're here today and you're just real hungry your pastor either preach the word you teach the word you're in leadership and you are pastor Jim I'm exactly like you were in Atlantic Avenue you need something from I need something from heaven you needed something from heaven something that burns in a good way burns out of junk and dross check and I want to be lifted beyond my IQ I don't want to be limited by I can only do this because that's how I was raised I want God to break every box that I've ever put him in and released me into the freedom of his anointing on my life just get up out of your seat and come up here and stand just come right up here to the front want to stand with me we'll pray we'll say [Music] Jesus we love you [Music] are [Music] say sweet
Channel: Church Awakening
Views: 936
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: revival, prayer, church awakening, alec rowlands, westgate chapel, pastors conference, seattle, brooklyn tabernacle, jim cymbala, pastors
Id: JqMoz-84ZZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 20sec (2540 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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