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[Applause] it's i'm gonna have to rush you philly it's got to happen have you ever had a girlfriend [Music] good one yo guys it's your boy man like hacks and today we are back with the third series of truth asylum now for you guys that don't actually know what's going on i'm gonna be hooking up my guests with a lie detector test and these guys are gonna be shouting each other a number of questions now with me today i have got the amazingly loud young philly i've also got the amazingly rounded chunks a man that named himself doctor a potato spuds and a guy that seriously loves to compliment himself mike comedy also mk fry and a smalls now for you guys not knowing they're going to be putting their friendship to the test and before i forget my friends please don't forget this last one i know it annoys everybody but don't forget to hit the like share subscribe and comment also notification bell because you might forget about this show one time my friends okay chunks this round is all about relationships are you ready no blood get me out of here man are you ready for the next question max yeah go on i'm ready i'm ready are you ready mk i'm ready you ready love you nervous though of course i am blood they got me on something that looks like an electric chair have you ever lied about your age to get with a girl have you ever been dumped before mate have you been dance it's i'm going to have to rush you philly it's got to happen have you ever had a girlfriend good one i laughing yeah yeah yeah i have still happy i have i have who are you gonna be hacks i'm telling you that the man's telling the truth explain that the world is lied to a girl about your age you've never been dumped before all right cool i've been in two no because i've been in two relationships and if i record correctly i dumped her so no so you have never been dumped i've never been dumped tonight okay let me just check the machine and i can say that spuds you're actually learning oh yeah you haven't caught this what happened man look look no [Music] i can actually reveal to you philly that chunks is actually lying you liar how dare you like it on big youtube you've been telling us all these years know how to go listen listen listen she was 19. okay i was 15. i wouldn't write i told her i was 18. let me ask you a question wait bo if that worked out and she's 19 you're 50 that's long for her my solicitor in here you don't talk about those ones on camera let me explain bro i was doing my thing yeah i wasn't cheating but i was still doing my thing and i saw her in a snap in dubai with some next brothers and then obviously she's in the bed sleeping and that the brother jumps in the bed and she doesn't get out of the bed and the snack ends what am i supposed to do with that wait hacks how accurate is this uh to be honest with you my roommate is doing it you know the thing i'm not a liar i'm never gonna lie to you everything on here is 99 sure and right and 99 so then that one came with it what was her name what was that i can't tell you her name broski i'll be honest i don't even know who they're chatting about is that i've not even talked to situationships not relationships so obviously i'm going wild in london so obviously i start doing my thing swiping comes back ends it yeah i mean she couldn't but technically i tried to end it when i saw it on the biting yeah is it she was doing that spoon and cuddle position oh okay yeah well there you go so you slow down snap on snap bro and not even her snap it was one of her friends snap and this is this is a girl this is the girl make sure you have cute kids snap ends imagine mike's max imagine nights he was imagined he was lying though he has been dumped what was the last situation i've caught him screaming they catch me on big with youtube all right god that's whoever's questions these questions i know what you're doing no not art stuff start breaking cameras don't do that yeah cool yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we do we do ross and rick different ones coupled with about charlie jack joe frankie margaret okay next question next question the next one philly have you ever said i love you to a girl and not meant it yeah but at the time no i got a justified up from now hold on no wait advice wait no wait you know my future wife is probably the answer i don't care it's about me first the show no more talking let's go have you ever done a thing with one of our friends's current partner or ex now we're getting deep yeah this one's deeper whoa have you cheated within the last five years um no because um do you know why been single for over eight years now oh oh yeah so uh life is now then okay let me just check this to make sure but i kind of feel like that was area he said it was vim yeah so it could be vim not vin but like truthful yeah no no yes i have at the time i thought i was in love sometimes you gotta lie to a lady yes yes yes yes i yeah it gets like that i thought it was real and i said i loved you end of the day all i did was run true that's the tune that's the truth the answer so yes but not i'm not a egypt okay but the answer was yes i grew up with three women in my life yes this explanation okay hold the explanation there for one second you answered yes and i can reveal he's telling the truth at least wait who wait we need to have first of all wait let me say my part first of all it wasn't you i don't need to know okay okay so ask him first was it you was it one of your exes okay was it one of my exes no you're going to tell us man's been single i've been bashing my own meat for eight years telling the truth he was telling me yeah i had a feeling don't cheat i'm going to reveal the question and the answer the answer is yes he has done that oh god what a man this guy is justified it's fine he justified his i thought i did but i didn't i really hope that girl isn't watching me hey what is love what is left oh no wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait baby don't worry wait hot don't hurt me no comment down [Music] deeper into it now it was his ex before i knew him so i didn't know they had gone out so i you know what i'm saying i found the bypass route a bus case i found the firepower with that you can get it for those that don't know what bus case means yeah it's basically getting away with something um not being found out i'm guessing he doesn't know you did something i know he knows well he had a little story time but is where it is in the past that's cool it's right now what is love let's comment down below let's ask ourselves in the comments below what is lovely and is it okay to tell a lady that you love her but you don't and you just and you just want to run through no don't do that i just want to run through it comments below i'll be honest yeah he's trying to know the man van dyke van dyke defend have you ever been in an entanglement yes we're all in entanglement i can't because of the situation of my situation with other females that i like yeah we're all interested okay i mean i'm a strawberry sorry let me check the actual machine and the machine is answered it's an entanglement so we won't know the answer well i'm sorry i'm going deeper ready [Music] do you still have any feelings for your ex no no no no that one's energy thing no i don't know on a serious thing seriously gangster man batman real bad man from inner billions yeah yeah yeah cheating yeah oh my god this one i'm drawing you up no hundreds hundreds as long as you get a little no this one is oh my god i'm telling you now this is gays have you ever been heartbroken think carefully have you ever in your whole life ain't gonna lie man's answered it and the the the answer is he's actually it's a real real bad monty g ting i spoke to you about this man listen listen this must be rick no no no no you start feeding this one no who is she who is she cause she's saying she's watching you know what you ain't even gonna say her name she probably doesn't even know she's watching oh yeah she's that was a watching serious question [Music] can you ask him again please have you ever been heartbroken yes i can actually reveal that chunks he was telling the people in it yeah yeah yeah we try and done that which one i've done the letter explain to the people yeah now be real with it i told him i think it's a good stop imagine you told the story and then she watched this but then from watching this she's now going oh my god i didn't know he felt that way take it away take it away yes i have yeah i have yeah yeah is that true is it for us yeah yeah yeah i stopped stop stop stop stop do that i didn't even get it yeah yeah yeah in fact about something like that in fact the picture of the girl that you just done it with came up that just popped up there she is you know like the girl has been you know doing i wasn't doing it back she was like wait what's going on you know i get mine done too you know so uh i'll tell you about she was like i'm bold you know i'm bold than that you know i don't smell she's bold yeah so so you partook in the the older yeah yeah yeah yeah i did all right wait wait wait wait more important did you enjoy it this is made us smile tomorrow so we're not going to do that bro i'll be real if that wasn't me i'd have been like charlotte i'll just said the name yeah that's not the name by the way that's not the name don't do that charlotte or julia let's just just go with you no but you know i haven't quite if you're watching he still really loves you all i'm saying is the lighter can you see that you know because you're gonna come and text me and then the live detector said that it's a lie right no it's not like i told true from mines and it didn't say then hello now tell her how you feel go for that one yeah go clean that wine close up i'll be honest obviously you tried mediator and that that was the first thing i was feeling proper then i shouted and said well i'm looking all right and what i do tonight not like that though on the actual date stuff yeah i hope not because no no no now um no she just wasn't feeling it too tough was there an explanation she did but i'll get to that yeah but i think so but look she don't even know it's her yeah she does well why she doesn't she's just yeah you might have one or two three things what do you feel like you have to offer money i'll be honest i don't know even that like she had me g-checking myself what's that about never done that in my life never mind i'm not looking at ourselves no i wasn't i wasn't i wasn't happy about it because i'm not going to lie to you guys i was going out when when they asked did you enjoy it and you said no yeah no i didn't please can we check hacks please can we just check the statistics oh actually he was telling the truth he didn't enjoy it i didn't like it i don't like something did you get it like it was that too i don't like it when that happened i went home like before i got home i'm at the bus stop like this like fam i was upset family yeah i had some gum i've done the mouth washing the toothbrush and that but i remember going home on that bus i was at that bus stop and i was very very depressed okay would you ever do it again would you ever do it again yes i will do it again because that was time ago in it oh so you're trained now no it's not that i'm trained as a professional he knows what he's looking for [Laughter] it's fine though i mean you just move on but it's okay because these are things come along and test you that's what happened now next question have you ever spoken to a girl why's you're in a relationship so another girl basically cheating loki wait wait wait wait spoken to another girl or like you'd like him to be more specific i want a specific one that's what have you ever basically um spoken to another lady whilst being in a relationship but also speaking dirty to the woman see now you've added in the word dirty so now this is where it all gets long for me have you ever fancied one of my links [Music] be honest oh boy no so your answer is no you've never categorically found no i thought they were nice but you've never fancied but fancy now man okay well i can wow this is would you like to hear it i want to know right now all right well basically uh mike's is actually how well it says it here okay wait how how no no no no no no it's not your bit now so philly i know you love waza yeah do you last longer on war zone or in bed it depends i've passed so quick sometimes a minute but then sometimes i've taken like 30 depends if a man tells you they ain't boss quick they are damn liars do you know what [ __ ] me though foreplay full play for an hour and then you want me to put johnny the woodpecker in it's a lot fam he names his thing yeah it's a lot i wouldn't expect it it'd be called johnny the whole picture is called leroy yeah tattoo's called yes yes i'm going with yes but my explanation's coming first so he's he the explanation is on its way and looking at me like that bro i can reveal again he's telling the truth okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait this is the situation this is like let's say a day or two before me i'm not let's not drag it a week before me and my ex bro cup you know what i'm saying and the relationship was already dying and then a new one came through and then we were just speaking but it didn't develop he's allowed to go shopping no i'm not a cheater don't do it i'm not a cheater don't do that excellent look look look look when what's her name look look there's been you know a few you know um they look nice they got you know like nice you know developments um but yeah i've never fancied though that's the thing sorry the question yeah the question wasn't uh did you think they had nice assets or no no no this is this is fake bro so you last long one was on the bed would you say no it depends on average on that okay so repeat this i think no do you think every time i'm doing my thing i've got a stopwatch like a foot asylum pattern up with these questions they're silly questions bro it's a good idea i don't know how who no one in this place or this earth knows how long they lost no one times do you time yourself i i want to i don't cheat i want everyone to know that you speak to other girls wait a minute i think you're just making out to be bigger than it is i think i don't cheat bro i wasn't speaking to another level that we're gonna get together okay next question have you ever cheated bro never see i stare in his eyes as i answer it never see yeah you've never cheated in your entire life on any girl yeah including your ex it was with a few weeks um yeah telling the truth never cheated because you know why black men jamaican men we don't cheat we just eat roti and dumpling but turkey i'm planting or planting don't do that i knew you're going to do that you know i don't think it's fake look talk to your chest your hands it's tasting your sweat like you're sweating now so if you're lying it will test it in the salt in you're really correct in saying that and it's just giving me a salt reading of 99 so you're lying again so it's a lie it's a lie you have fancy one of his links you're gonna give me a name mike no no there's no names at all i have done before i went basically i went from eating i was on a carnivore diet so constantly eating meat and animal-based products but now what i do is i'm vegan so i wanted to just test the timings and it really does improve carrots and cucumbers make you last a lot longer i'm telling you oh there you go yeah so i know you you're one of them brothers that say plantain in it i say plantain oh i love that i know i like i'll say mountain not montana yeah i like this brother what do you say planted that's one i don't know what sort of a question is that why are you it wasn't land and died like unfortunately that's all we've got for you this week guys now make sure you tune in next time because we have got some amazing content for you guys but do me a favor please don't mess about your click on the like the share the comment and also the notification bell i don't know where this mother band is but make sure you find it you are [Music]
Channel: Footasylum
Views: 1,640,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chunkz, filly, chunkz and filly, spuddz, footasylum, friendship test
Id: Sg4urznkJ-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 18sec (1158 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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