Chuck Missler ~ Jude ~ Session 3 ~ Verse 6

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as you know we are exploring the book of Jude interesting epistle but verses five six and seven happened to take three examples from history of corporate punishment and what I mean by that isn't corporal punishment but corporate that were a group were punished in a peculiar way a group of people who have fallen away from the truth who were denied the truth who are in opposition to the truth three groups are singled out by Jude to teach us some things and verse five we took last time in which we explored why Israel wandering the wilderness was chosen we've covered that last time verse six deals with a strange set of events which we'll come to in a moment first seven deals with sodom and gomorrah which is perhaps more familiar to us and less controversial but again as an example where god judged broad civilizations for his reasons but verse six which is sandwiched between five and seven has caused all kinds of strange controversies so what we'd like to do is examine verse six tonight and figure out when did this take place and perhaps more important what lessons are there for us and the angels who kept not their first estate but left their own habitation he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day period and if you're the average Bible student reading through this you come to that and you say what on earth is that all about because Jude gives it the back of his hand as if you remember this of course the angels who kept not their first estate but left their own habitation he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day there is another passage it might be good to put it in our minds right now hold your finger here and turn to second Peter this wasn't some kick of Jude alone Peter himself speaks of this in in the second Peter chapter 2 verse 4 we find a comparable passage where Peter tells us for if God spared not the Angels that sinned but cast them down to hell and actually that word in the Greek is Tartarus it's not Hades or Gehenna we talked a lot about that and it happens we translated Hell in your English Bibles the actual word and the greek is Tartarus it's the only time it appears in the scripture I'll come back to that but it's it's not a neat place ok incidentally the term appears in Homer's Iliad and Tartarus is as far below Hades as the earth is below heaven according to Homer so Allah tells us doesn't mean Homer knew anything about just means the word in the Greek carried that kind of an idea it's a bad place to get tied up God spared not the Angels that sinned but cast them down to Tartarus and delivered them into chains of Darkness to be reserved unto judgement and then Peter goes on make us our buddy Peter also just like Judas makes allusion to an event that the writers in each case presume you know now there are this this passage is very controversial so the particular views I'm going to try and share with you I'll try to they're all actually there's three views there's three basic views of this passage the first view is the cop-out view which is typically it could be expressed that we're not intended to know any more then then that is here in this brief verse that's one view I have a problem with that because it stands between verses five and seven and all three of them appear to draw up on familiar Old Testament truths so I personally believe that that first view is really just an excuse not to dig further and it's because the two alternative views that I'm about to share with you are both very uncomfortable they're very peculiar you know it's glib to talk about it in intellectual or literary sense it's quite another to come to grips with what's implied if I'm correct in my view now these angels that sinned the second view is that these angels that sinned are angels that had to do with the fall of Lucifer and so the way we go from here is to explore briefly something about the fall of a some kind of super angel called Lucifer and I'm going to use the term for a while angel in a broad generic sense actually we have if you're going to be very precise a cherub is not an angel it's a very very high special category but I think we generally use and I wouldn't be a surprise you couldn't prove if you couldn't prove the scripture also uses the term angel in sort of a generic description of this of a created being with some very very substantial powers we will talk a little bit more about angels in general shortly but there's a particular angel that causes us a lot of attention in the scripture and there are two passages that will for most of you be review but it would be an appropriate attack tonight subject without at least degree fresher on isaiah 14 in Ezekiel 28 let's take isaiah 14 these remember because they're multiples of seven by coincidence isaiah and they really are you know that the chapters and verses were added in the 15th century i love to see these ancient documents that people find the aqua volume and others that quote scripture by chapter and verse that purport to be in the first century well that's kind of hard to explain because the chapters and verses didn't come to later but but anyway isaiah 14 there is a both passages have a strange attribute in both cases the writer the prophet is addressing a local real live tangible king in Isaiah's case he's talking to and about the king of babylon but as he gets wrapped up on that subject a place in the discourse occurs where it's obvious that his actual target or subject goes far beyond a human personage and what he's obviously doing is addressing the spiritual power behind the political king and I won't take the time tonight to read all of 14 but if you did you'd see Isaiah going at the king of Babylon but by the time he gets back to verse 11 he mentions how he's followed the worm has spread under thee and the worms covered the you know this king is a fallen but Isaiah is dealing with it but when we get to verse 12 in this passage it's very very clear that without any real warning Isaiah has shifted gears he is suddenly talking about something quite different and from verse 12 through 17 there is a it's answer almost like a little insert whereas our parentheses in which the Holy Spirit speaking through Isaiah is addressing the power behind the king of Babylon and verse 12 is the famous verse how art thou fallen from heaven o Lucifer son of the morning how art thou cut down to the ground you who didst weaken or prostrate if you will the nation's Lucifer this is where we get his original title but he fell he's fallen from heaven something occurred to put him in disgrace but then beginning to verse 13 and 14 and we find the source of his error there are five iwill statements this Lucifer was the number one angel will discover that from another passage we look at he was in charge if you will anyway at verse 13 for thou hast said in thine heart where the whole problem starts is through pride in the heart of Lucifer where he says the following I will ascend into heaven I will exalt my throne above the stars of God I will sit also upon the Mount of the congregation in the sides of the north I will ascend above the heights of the clouds I will be like the Most High that's Satan's ambition to be worshipped now I won't take the time to dissect the ramifications of each of these and what the real Hebrew says but you get the you clearly get the message very powerful but still not number one and he aspired apparently in some strange time and some strange way a rebellion which we'll look at shortly verse fifteen yet thou shalt be brought down to Sheol to the sides of the pit now this is a forecast see Isaiah is saying here that you Lucifer who fell through pride are going to be brought down verse sixteen is an interesting one this is yet future they that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee and consider thee saying is this the man who made the earth to tremble who did shake kingdoms who made the world like a wilderness and destroyed its cities who opened not the house of his prisoners now as you can probably guess behind each phrase there are acres of theological commentaries as to what that might mean there are those that believe that this whole event occurred sometime between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2 there is linguistic reason to recognize that an enormous interval of time may have curd it may have occurred between the first two verses of Genesis in the beginning God created heaven the earth period paragraph new subject and the earth became without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and a little verb there in the Hebrew argue some experts is a transitive verb implying action and that if the earth wasn't originally but became without form and void and this gets intensified because in isaiah 45:18 isaiah God speaks to Isaiah and says I did not create the earth that is without form and void and so on this apparent discrepancy occurs the possibility that's an enormous interval between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 now they sometimes call and there's a lot of ideas about that generally going under the label the gap theory there are aspects of the gap theory that I happen to think are correct but if you subscribe to the gap theory that also probably implies all kinds of things you don't really mean either so be cautious about that many people in that small little crack dry trucks through them and come up with all kinds of ideas and I'd want to get into that tonight we cover that on the Genesis series you can listen to Genesis tapes and they probably told you more than I know on those tapes for those of you want to chase that that's Isaiah 14 that's a pivotal passage that you should be aware of in the a comparable passage is Ezekiel 28 an Ezekiel in his case is also a prophet dealing with a particular king an earthly king I should say I'll use the term Prince here because it keeps it a little straight the Prince of Tyre was an actual guy Josephus tells us his name was it he Allah bus or I TTI obal us and here spoken was the Prince of Tyre but as Ezekiel wraps up his his you know gets excited about his message to the Prince of Tyre again about the verse 11 or 12 he shifts gears and the scope of what he's saying clearly does not fit this human King the Prince of Tyre and he speaks he changes and he talks about the king of Tyre easiest different phrase also if you studied the whole chapter you'll discover that the Prince of Tyre that is the human ruler gets killed by being pierced through he predicts how he's going to die but the king of tyre is going to be burned so you recognize that they're two different Pete what ever it is is what just linguistically you know that somehow he's talked about two different people uses a slightly different title in each case and the destiny is slightly different but the the differences are far deeper than that let's pick it up about verse 11 of Ezekiel 28 moreover the word of the Lord came unto me saying son of man now by the way don't be thrown by that phrase that's just that's a familiarity that Ezekiel uses of himself when God speaks disease a son of man it's not a title in some theological way it's just it's just a label a nickname if you will of Ezekiel so if you're from the book of Ezekiel's follow that you got it you said that's just like nickname if you will of Ezekiel so man take up a lamentation upon the king of Tyre and this strikes you strange by now because if you've been reading the chapters all been about the Prince of Tyre this ruler but now the Holy Spirit in fact says the king of tyre and say unto Him thus saith the Lord God thou c-list up the sum full of wisdom and perfect in beauty that's King James language for saying see list of the person he's talking to here is the epitome of wisdom and beauty that's strong language in fact the expression in the Hebrew is that there can be no more extreme expression it's a superlative wisdom and beauty that goes on to say thou has been in Eden the garden of God whoops I don't know of any king of Babylon that goes back to Genesis 1 you follow me so suddenly we realize clearly there's been a shift of subject here the person that is being addressed was in Eden the garden of God every precious stone was like covering the sardius the Topaz the diamond the barrels the Onyx the Jasper the sapphire the emerald the carbuncle in the gold and the workmanship of thy timbrels and of thy flutes was prepared in thee in the day that thou was created one thing that should strike you is the Eden that's described here doesn't seem to be the Eden that's described in Genesis verse 2 chapter 2 on because there we think of it as a I mean at least we visualize it with trees and foilage and and a terrestrial kind of place don't we this Eden is described in the same vocabulary that will use post-millennial II of the New Jerusalem and so forth part of what overlays this whole study will take the time the night I'll just throw it out so you think about it and dig it on your own Acts chapter 3 speaks of the second coming of Jesus Christ as the time of the restitution of all things restitution I mean put back like it used to be put back like Eden could be but maybe it's a different Eden than you and I think of a pre-fall Eden and so when we read revelation 22 and we talk about New Jerusalem and foundations and stuff it's a whole hyperspace you and I probably have no capacity to deal with him these precious stones maybe just their way vocabulary wise of talking about light or talking about a dimensionality it goes beyond our three-dimensional physics as we think of it but also this person was in Eden and he was big news perfect but he was created another side of this is don't forget he is not some kind of super God he may be superhuman but he's created as fantastic as he may be or was one time he is still a created being easy to forget there's a popular book in the demonology called between Christ and Satan like our tragic title tragic title because it implies equality Christ was not a creative being John one first three verses Gospel of John should straighten that out for you Satan was now verse 14 thou art the anointed cherub that covereth that's clumsy language to say that he was for all he was anointed that was he was appointed to office what office that covereth in other words he was in charge of everything we would say it differently but the King James translators and trying to render the Hebrew said thou art the anointed cherub that covereth another way of saying is he was in charge and he's a cherub which is a most powerful kind of angel we know a four cherubim that are around the throne of God we find it in Isaiah 6 and in Revelation 4 whenever we see the throne of God we see these four chary of them and their strange creatures apparently Satan was one of those thou art the anointed cherub is covered and I have set thee so thou wast upon the holy mountain of God thou walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire that was perfect in thy ways from the day that thou was created and then I have a word that I always whenever I sit in the scripture almost always I mark it put a sir at red to underline the word till the word kill what a what a momentous word that can be Israel's eyes are blinded until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled such and such and such until the Dada Dada the word until our till generally is a very pivotal word well here that was perfect in thy ways from the day that thou was created until iniquity was found in me what's the iniquity well you go back to as they're 14 tells you the video reason God hates pride is that's how the whole thing started by the multitude of thy merchandize they have filled the midst of thee with violence and thou has sinned therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God and I will destroy the old covering cherub from the midst of the stones of fire and Hart was lifted up because of thy beauty thou has corrupted thy wisdom by reason of their brightness I will cast me to the ground I will lay thee before Kings that they may behold thee that thou has defiled by sanctuaries by the multitude of thine iniquities by the iniquity of thy merchandize therefore I will bring forth a fire from the midst of thee it will devour thee and I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all them that behold thee all that know thee among the people shall be appalled at thee thou shalt be a terror and never shalt thou be anymore by the way the word merchandize is from the hebrew word mean to go about and can be translated either in two words merchandising like trafficking or slander and the word slander is the word for Satan I mean that the words what the word Satan means a slanderer so it's in the nurse other side so the word merchandised me it actually comes from the from the Hebrew that can be translated either way okay that's a little bit on his origin we got a little glimpse now where Satan comes from there's a chapter in the Bible that describes in one sort of summary overview his whole strategy and goals that's revelation chapter 12 and it might be useful to take the time to review Revelation chapter 12 briefly Revelation chapter 12 and there appeared a great wonder in heaven a woman clothed with the Sun and with the moon on her feet the burner head 12 a crown of twelve stars and she being with child travelled cried traveling in birth and pained to be delivered and there appeared another wonder in heaven behold a great red dragon having seven heads and ten horns and seven Crown's upon his heads and his tail drew a third part of the stars of heaven and did cast them to the earth in the Ragged stood before the woman who is ready to be delivered to devour her child as soon as it was born verse 5 and she brought forth a male child who was to rule all the nations of the rod of iron and her child was caught up to God and to his throne and the woman fled into the wilderness where she hath place prepared by God that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days now I'm not going to make this estate a book of Revelation or that would really derail us but there's a few key points here the first question is to understand the various people are gonna be introduced here the first question is who is the red dragon you don't have to guess because in verse 9 he's defined for you as you read lighter in the chapter it says in verse 9 and the Great Dragon was cast out that old serpent called the devil and Satan who deceived the whole world he was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him this is where we understand that Satan rebelled and was thrown out when he put Ezekiel 28 and Isaiah 14 in Revelation 12 together and there's lots more but those are the probably the three key passages to sort of try to synthesize straight getting understanding here Satan clearly was very powerful at one time was perfect at one time was in charge rebelled a third of the angels apparently were allied with him and they blew it and were thrown out so we know who the red dragon is in this scenario the next question is and this is where most people get screwed up is who's the woman and it's very tempting there are many commentators that are very competent commentators that identify the woman with the church and love the way Chuck Smith puts it if that if this woman is the church she's in trouble because she's pregnant the church uniformly is used in the New Testament as a virgin bride not a one to give birth the woman is identified up here with the Sun and the moon in the 12 stars that's not the zodiac there's only one place that the Sun moved twelve stars show up in the scripture in your principle in the book of Revelation is every the entire things in code everything in there is in code but every code is deciphered somewhere in Scripture the Holy Spirit's engineered the book so it would take you into every other passage in the Bible if you take it exhaustively and the only place you will find twelve stars Sun and Moon is remember Joseph's dreams Jacob understood the dream Joseph every eight persons of the sheaves bowed there were 11 sheaves that bowed down to his sheaf and so forth then the next streaming and they told that to his brothers what he was already a little unpopular and you can understand the brothers point of view then he had this dream where this there were the stars and 11 the stars in the Sun on the moon bowed down to him and if that point told that dream around now his brothers get upset but Jacob his father got a little miffed by it are your mother and I gonna bow down before you also see he recognized Jacob and he buffed the youth that way but in so doing give us an identity what our who is the woman that is is crowned with the son of the moon the 12 stars idiomatically in the scripture Israel in a way it's Israel in the sense that she starts with Eve because the manchild is the seed of the woman what woman Israel and that's not Israel in the sense of starting with abraham israel in the sense that she starts with God's declaration of war on Satan the declaration of war on Satan is genesis 3:15 now put enmity between thee and the woman what woman the woman of chapter 12 of Revelation I'll put enmity between thee and the woman and between thy seed and her seed two seeds the seed of the woman is a biological contradiction therefore the seed isn't the man all of us have had enough biology understand that phraseology the seed of the woman is a in the grammar of the hebrew predicts the virgin birth and in Isaiah 7:14 and in Matthew it is the virgin not a virgin proper name very important so the manchild thus is whom Jesus Christ who gives birth to Jesus Christ conceptually speaking here not the church Israel Israel was ordained from Eve on God's plan was to present the deliverer that was his commitment to Adam now we see here though that the woman is being with child travailing in birth pain to be delivered and this is idiomatically speaking of all history in an overview and there appeared another wonder in heaven behold a great raggin having seven heads and ten horns and upon and so forth and its tail drew a third part of the stars of heaven and stars him being idiom four angels we find that a third of them rebelled with them what do they do they stood before the woman who's ready to be delivered to devour her child as soon as it was born now one thing you can understand one thing that's interesting too if we had the time I think we do when we go through revelation 12 we start with Genesis and go through the scripture and review the whole history in the Bible as Satan's plan to thwart the will of God the for it starts at 3:15 there's going to be a deliverer so what does it Satan first do go after the seed of Eve we got Cain and Abel satanically that was an attempt to get rid of the seed it was Seth neither King nor Abel fine but as we go through the scripture as God reveals more and more of his plan it allows Satan to focus his attack when it becomes when the call of Abraham occurs he doesn't have to mess around with anybody else he could miss forget Abraham Isaac Jacob as God confirms his covenant when it becomes a tribe of Judah it's Judah and all through the scripture you find again and again plot and counter plot you have several occasions where all the babies are killed Moses and the infants that was Pharaoh note was Satan because he's got a work the will the Messianic thread go all the way through to well Bethlehem wasn't Herod slaughtering the babes it was satanic he was just the instrument all through the kings you find the children that are heirs hidden by someone and attempt to slaughter all the kids but missing the one what we could go on about that but the point is the concept of anti-semitism isn't just noxious because it's racial prejudice racial pledges of any kind I'm sure is an offense to God but anti-semitic tides and trends and so forth go even deeper as you understand the scripture you understand that Satan's objective is to thwart the Messianic plan and his attempt at that is to attack Israel it's interesting here verse five says that the woman brought forth a male child who was to rule all the nations with a rod of iron again order the psalm hundred Intendant several other places that identify that as whom Christ in fact i Psalm 2 I guess his word of course yeah and her child was caught up to God and to his throne kind of interesting verse 5 seems to appear historical the Ascension right verse 6 looks ahead at the tribulation ok those of you that have studied Daniel 9 are not uncomfortable about the idea of a gap in the timeline God deals with Israel those prophecies deal with Israel ignore a period of time between Jesus Christ and his second coming we call it the church age that gap occurs between verses 26 and 27 in Daniel 9 if you remember that study it also occurs here there 1,900 years that have occurred between verses 5 and 6 so far that gap appears how many times in the scripture make a guess no more than that what is the number of the church 24 number 24 elders there are 24 occasions like this in the scripture which i think is interesting for those either mystics and by the way another thought to just confuse you further and her child was caught up to God and his throne and then the woman fled into the wilderness I always used to view that as the Ascension of our Lord but there's a guy by the name of timber who wrote a book about Genesis and the ancient Earth's earliest ages and it blew me away because he sees this differently and I don't know that he's wrong he sees this in the length of the the that her child was caught up to God and his throne he sees that child as the body of Christ he sees in that the rapture that while it doesn't alter the text because what happens in verse 6 on is tribulation 'el as we would label it I'm saying that erroneously because all of us fall into the fiction of visualizing a seven-year tribulation period that's not the Great Tribulation to create relations last half of that seven-year period but I don't wanna get in that time now the attack of Satan on Israel is part of prophecy and it climaxes in a period of time which the Old Testament calls the time of Jacob's trouble Daniel refers to that as a period of tribulation such as the world had not seen to that day or ever would see again and Jesus Christ in his private briefing to four disciples Peter James and John Andrew and then all of the discourse quotes from Daniel and it's in Christ's quote from Daniel that that period of time gets its classical label among Bible scholars the Great Tribulation but in that we over easily forget the focus of the tribulations in the world at large its Israel but think about that phrase means most of us the more you know about the Holocaust in Germany the more you understand their plea never again we got tragic news what's coming yet future is going to make that look like a warm-up our Lord said a time of trouble such as the world had not seen to that time and that times a future so whatever's happened in the past is been a prelude what made the Holocaust possible the philosophy of Nietzsche and others the notion that the the rationale philosophically or religiously that Israel was somehow appropriately clumped on fallacies of the church for 1,900 years made that possible and if you watch over the next few years you're going to see in the Christian body charismatic as well as fundamental teachers who will argue a theology that has as one of its side being full of all kinds of other error has as its attribute the prelude to anti-semitism and I'm saying this not out of a sociological concern for Israel I'm saying this out of a prophetic interest in the scripture that when you see that on the one hand you may as you see its surface you may experience shock on the other hand you can praise God because it means the time is getting close because when Ezekiel 38 happens when the Soviets invade Israel and 5/6 of them get wiped out the Lord makes it very clear that it happens by his hand not the comfort in support of the United States sometime between here and the Tribulation Period the United States along with all the other countries will turn on Israel and God is going to use that occasion just as he did in Egypt to show his hand on his people again the Bible makes that clear we talked about that last time we read from Ezekiel 36 that his purpose in doing so it's not because they deserve it they'll be an unbelief when this all happens or least when it starts he does it because he made promises before the heathen that he would do it and it's for his namesake before the heathen that he's going to keep those promises for Israel's behalf okay we got off the subject but I wanted to tie that prophetically to what we're talking about there so we have some insight perhaps on on Satan's goals and objectives let's turn to Matthew 25 but in Chapter Matthew 25 verse 41 is the sheep and goat judgments as we sometimes call it in verse sort of and then shall he say also unto them on the left hand depart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire prepared for whom prepared for the devil and his angels again it's just a New Testament gospel a confirmation of what we've mentioned before okay we know that there are another way of looking at this is that there are two governing bodies to be punished Isaiah 24 the turn with me to Isaiah 24 we've been at this a lot for me we as we go through the scripture but where the earth showreel to verse 20 where the earth so real to and fro like a drunkard and somebody moved like a booth than the so on and verse 21 and the and shall come to pass in that day the Lord shall punish two groups of people she'll punish the hosts of the high ones that are on high and the kings of the earth upon the earth see this business of Revelation the climax and all of that isn't just on people it's on the high ones on a tour on high whoever they are Satan and his angels are not bound yet they're free they may have some restrictions obviously but I mean the point is they're not bound they will be they're not yet some are and that's what Jude's talking about I'll believe it out we're making our way that way there's much more being redeemed than you and I because the climax in Isaiah and Isaiah says I behold I see a new heavens and a new earth it's not only the earth that's redeemed heaven itself is cleansed so it's a complicated issue and that's a whole nother study you can chase on your own but one of the questions that we're going to face is our demons angels now let me point out to you that there are those that make a big distinction between demons and angels angels apparently have the capability of being embodied by themselves we find angels in human form Genesis 19 verses 5 10 and 16 they spoke as men they took people's hand they ate food with them the angels appeared to have no necessity to be embodied there's no occasion that I know of with one exception maybe of them being embody there's a place where Satan entered Judas but that may be a special situation in contrast to that the demons are a whole nother story but perhaps the most bizarre one and you know me I love bizarre passages so we might turn to well one thing let's turn to acts 23 9 first because they're the supports a view that some hold that demons and angels are not the same thing acts 23 verse 9 it says the Pharisees scribes were of the Pharisees party rosen's they contended sharply saying we find no evil in this man but if a spirit or an angel hath spoken to him let us not fight against God and always I'm pointing it out the conception at least at that time was that demons or spirits an Angels are two different things and so that's one of the things you come in to and the more you study demonology and there are some good books on that Marylander has a book on Biblical demonology it's very very comfortable for laymen yet quite quite thorough and useful if you're interested in sort of thing but my turn with me to Luke 8 pick up about verse 26 and they arrived the country of the Gerasenes which is opposite galilee and when he went forth to the land there met him out of a city a certain man who had demons for a long time and he wore no clothes neither a boat in any house but in the tombs and he saw Jesus he cried out and fell down before them and cried out with a loud voice says what have I to do with thee Jesus thou son of God Most High I beseech thee torment me not that's a shock if you're reading the Gospels because of this up to this point he has not acknowledged his role in and that comes later so the the personage inside this tormented person recognized something beyond the knowledge of the people at that time in terms of our understanding of demons they're knowledgeable this is not something that just some crackpot demented person would say he had not announced his real role the fact that they were recognized his deity the son of God Most High obviously torment me not now they know that out of this we learned that they know who he is they know that they're destined for karma and they know it's at a very specific time verse 29 for he commanded unclean spirit to come out of the man for often it caught him and he was kept bound and changed in fetters and he broke the bonds and was driven out of the demon into the wilderness and Jesus asked him saying what is thy name and he said Legion because many demons are entered into him Legion is not a thousand by the way a Roman legion is six thousand troops so when you say that's the first Legion the second third and fourth legions are smaller the way the Romans organized but I'm just the point is a legion is a lot huh the demons in this man ultimately going to a herd of swine you know many are in the herd his line mark tells us mm that's a large herd I used to be bothered what are they doing raising swine and kosher country the answer is it's not kosher countries on the east of the Jordan there's a the Greek cities of the Decapolis there were five cities that were Gentile and so it was understandable in that sense you know economically can understand why there were swine at all being raised you wouldn't expect that in Judea there may have been there too to support the Gentile contingency but the point is this is near the Decapolis the five cities that were supported this way so many and they besought him that he that he would not command them to go out into the abuso now this is one of those passions the Bible I don't understand they do beseech him don't send us back to the pit which is apparently one of the places he would normally do if he cast them out they go back to the abou so apparently permanently or I'm not permanently but any for a long time and they asked him please don't do that cast us into that herd of swine the first question is that gives us some insight I mean I'm not sure what you do with that piece of information but what puzzles me even more is the Lord agrees he lets them do that why does he do that I don't know maybe just a teach us that these things are not euphemisms for psychiatric problems and so forth you know and there are people who who you know read the biown thing well those are just idioms of four things that we now give psychic react psychiatric terms for them the people who say that have never attended an exorcism or they would know better there was there was there a herd of many swine feeding on the mountain and they besought him that he would allow them to enter into them and he permitted them then when the demons out of the man entered into the swine this herd ran violently down a steep place into the lake and they were choked and they that fed them saw what was done they fled and went and told it in the city and in the country and he obviously becomes very unpopular because he affected the economy of that range so anyway and I don't make this whole study in demonology but I do want to be at least sense of the fact that demons seem to be something quite different than what you and I think of as angels so there are those that make the make a big thing of that difference which raises a bizarre question where the where do the demons come from if they're not angels or what are they where do they come from and there are all kinds of bizarre ideas that have no scriptural basis that are really built within the the gaps if you will from what we do understand there are those that believe that there was a pre-adamite creation that was destroyed and judged and the demons are the disembodied spirits of that particular creation there's no spiritual there's no scriptural evidence for that they place all this hypothesis between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 that's part of the gap theory that gets way out in left field that I there's only one problem and there's no basis for it that doesn't mean it's right or wrong you can't tell it's just somebody's idea but there is apparently some difference between demons and angels and so in that whole thing you can speck you know if you've got nothing to talk about over a cup of coffee a piece of pie at 2:00 a.m. you can argue about whether demons and angels are the same thing now actually I personally believe that there's a large hierarchy of all kinds of these creatures in the Old Testament we have the the serum the Lilith of the kisum and some others and they're all translated in the Septuagint as demons but they're different Hebrew words the shittim are the mighty ones and they show up in deuteronomy 32:17 the serum are he goats or satires they're hairy creatures that are there or not to work but they're demonic but they were embodied in legends as the satires and so forth and the others have other names they have slightly different attributes but when we speak in the New Testament principalities and powers and so forth those are ranks if you will and so angels apparently come in different kinds and it could very well be that the demons are no more than a if you will a junior disembodied spirit that is part of that rebellion that we read about in Revelation 12 so with all this digression you say we now are equipped no incidentally I don't this we've talked about the second view item one was you tell about what verse 6 means in jude item 2 was it has to do with the fall of satan and the angels not directly because i think the fall of Satan and those and those angels and all of that number one are not bound the ones that jude are talking about are bound there in Chains of darkness right reserved into judgment satan is not at least not yet that happens at the end of the tribulation before the thous the millennium and what about his angels they're pretty free to do mischief because that's all yet future so what on earth are we talking about in jude 7 that leads us to a passage in the Bible that's very very strange that's Genesis 6 this is the third view Genesis chapter 6 we all know about Noah's Flood but I don't think one person in 100 knows the reason for Noah's Flood except it may be a very broad sense yes there was wickedness and the wickedness was very widespread and God chose to wipe out the known earth at that time or all the whole earth at that time I don't think there's anything local about the flood by the way but Genesis chapter 6 verse 1 and 2 has a phrase that scholars sort of wince and squirrel around trying to explain you know it's amazing how much trouble you can get into how much work you can put on yourself if you decide not to accept what the Bible tells you you know there are people that spend years of study trying to talk about first Isaiah and second Isaiah cuz they'd never read John 12 where John says that you know that there was one Isaiah that wrote both parts etcetera and likewise here their libraries are filled with speculation in what verse 2 means and yet if you just take it face value it it's interesting verse a chapter 6 verse when it came to pass when the men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born unto them that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair and they took them wives of all whom they chose now the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair there are those that in very competent scholars I'm not trying to sell you a view there are two basic views on this passage but the commonly held church accept double view is that the the sons of God is a reference to believers generally associated with a line of Seth the concept of the line of Seth became separate and believers and the rest were wicked and ungodly that the daughters of men were they were what this suggests is intermarriage that was not appropriate a couple of problems with that first of all it's not what it says the name B'nai how eloheem is a term you chose up four times in the Old Testament and it's always used at Angel's turn to a Bible - to a Hebrew his angel my proof of that is when the Septuagint was translated three centuries before Christ they translated it as angels but it even goes deeper than that also the daughters of men are not limited to the non suffice thirdly when a believer and unbeliever get married they don't have monstrous offspring what these people give birth to well I mean not generally what they give birth to are some strange creatures the verse 3 says Lord mite says my spirit will not always strive with man for years all 4 he also his flesh and yet his days shall be 120 years you bear in mind that longevity is decreasing so it goes to a hundred-twenty later becomes threescore and ten but going to verse four and there were Nephilim in the earth in those days and also after that when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men that they bore children to them the same became the mighty men who were of old men of renown so whatever happened here the sons of God the daughters of men gave birth to something unnatural not normal now the Greek word gigantis was irresistible transliterated to Giants but that's not what the word comes from the word Giga knees I guess it is is a word that means earth born the word Nephilim here described well in in the Hebrew the Nephilim are the fallen ones come from the Hebrew word in the fall to fall so the offspring of the sons of God and the daughters of men our fallen ones that only makes sense if you visualize these as angels somehow leaving their appropriate domain and becoming in a mode that can have intercourse with the women and they give birth to something bizarre the Nephilim now the Nephilim and we find them before the flood and also after that we find them in numbers 13 they happen to be very large 13 feet long and so forth we'll come to that in a minute so the Nephilim are are strange and so that suggests that something bizarre is going on here now the first point I guess I want to make is the very very early church the Septuagint translators obviously in mega Alexandria and also the early church Justin athenagoras Cyprian au service also just Cephas Paolo Judaism and also the authors of the Apocrypha the Old Testament Apocrypha books which aren't inspired but the authors betray a presumption of this truth so the poor whatever else you say that was the common belief up until about the 4th century a nag a banana Julius africanus was a contemporary of Oregon introduced this idea of the Seth i'ts that this isn't really angels it's really the offspring of Seth and they intermarried with the with the other people and that's what gave that common there was a attack on the church by cell system Julian the apostate that attacked this older classical idea and cyril of alexander in his reply to them repudiated the Orthodox position of the angels and and so forth so from about the 4th century through the Middle Ages this idea of Ceph emerged and you'll find it a lot of study bibles and so forth but it's got some major problems first of all there's no indication in the scripture that the satellites were distinguished for their piety there's no exemption of them from the flood that came you've got a little problem with that if there's somehow believers you follow me so if they were believers they perished which is also I got problem with that and of course the progeny being monstrous is a problem okay now those of you that want to study the Nephilim you might well we might find that interesting because it says back you notice says there were giants in the earth in those days and also after that who might that be the Anakim the sons of anak you know one of them very well a guy by name of Goliath he was a son of anak and you may recall the story it's one of my fun for fun things in the Bible Quiz you know yet you got David and he's the little David's gonna go up against Goliath along with a story except notice carefully when he descriptor he picked up five stones that's some lack of faith well I took one right what do you mean the other four if we had four brothers Goliath had four brothers we find that out later in the scripture and David's men later on the slew the four brothers ago but David was ready for all five [Music] they're great if you take the trouble in deuteronomy three verse eleven you discovered that their bedstead of one of them was 13 feet long gives you some idea of his size okay that's what you really call king size and you'll find that in numbers 13 when the giant you and the spy spy out the land the 10 that broad report said we were like grasshoppers in her sight they were terrified because they ran into some of these Anakin they saw some of the spies problem and they couldn't handle that Joshua and kill if that's a problem Lord's on our side he's bigger than air let's go but people didn't buy that and so it cost about 38 years why does Israel refer to their second appearance in numbers 13 the phrase is the Nephilim fallen ones see there's something about them that harks back to the days when the angels communed if you will with the daughters of men as you can tell from my presentation of this I hold to the view personally that there was something supernatural going on and I have some reasons for emphasizing this but let me go on to something that I haven't found in most of the commentators that deal with this controversy mentioned all the sides of both sides of questions but they miss one thing and that's verse 9 if Genesis 6 Norfolk verse 8 says Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord right these are the generations of Noah and Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations and Noah walked with God now the first there's three things mentioned there being a just command in fact that he walked with God we can relate to that he was a just man that really means justified but I won't get of that right now and he walked with God that's pretty exciting but what does this mean perfect in his generations what that phrase says in the Hebrew is that his genealogy was untarnished now gee I don't know how to take credit for something like that if I could come to you and say gee my genealogy is untarnished that sort of applies everybody else is so I personally believe that one of the things that distinguished Noah is that yes his father was Lamech was five Methuselah would get into all of that when we talk we're gonna talk later about Enoch because he comes up later in Jude and we'll get into that whole exciting scene there's some really thrilling prophecy already happened before we get to Genesis 6 and would I have another excuse to get into that so it won't a time but the point is one of the things about Noah is that he had a clean unadulterated untarnished genealogy now that makes no sense to me unless you take countless of verse 2 when the sons of God saw that the daughters of men that they were fair and took them wives of all whom they chose now this this presents an antediluvian picture a picture of life before the flood that's a bit bizarre but let me mention a couple of things that that we try to emphasize we study the book of Genesis life in Eden is quite different than you and I have any capacity to imagine because Adam walked with God he was clothed with light and he was in a dimensionality that none of us have any concept of prior to sin and prior to the curse the whole situation was so different that there's no reasonable way to communicate it to us also even after the fall from Adam through Noah we have a whole different life style people lived for hundreds of years Noah built this barge in his driveway for 120 years you can imagine what the neighbors thought now what's interesting about the sons of God and the daughters of men thing is that that idea is embodied in the Greek mythology no we all know what we all run into from time it depending on how interested you are in the classics you have had varying degrees of exposure to the so-called demigods right and one of the most interesting guy the so-called Titans you've heard we use the term Titan usually meaning large right like the missile or something Titans are partly heavenly partly earthly in their origin they are reputed in Greek mythology to have rebelled against their father Uranus king of heaven and after a prolonged contest they were finally defeated by Zeus and they were thrown into a prison called parters now something kind of interesting Titan is the greek term that the Chaldean term is shaitan which is the Chaldean for the hebrew satan so even in the mythology and legends of our classical you know cultural roots we have veiled remembrances of a time when some strange things are going on on the earth before the flood and we're at least in part caused with what why Satan strategy again how is man going to be delivered by the seed of the woman what's his shot at this to contaminate the human race so there are no pure humans left to be heir to the title deed so in Revelation chapter 5 when there's one in the right hand of him who sat on the throne a scroll written within and without him on the backside sealed with seven seals and no man when heaven was found worthy to open the book had to be a man had to be an heir to Adam suppose there were no pure heirs to Adam John says I sobbed convulsively because no man was found Abel and elder said to be weep not behold the Lion of the tribe of Judah hath prevail'd open the book he turned and he saw the Lamb of God Jesus Christ had to be man now it's really interesting when you study the genealogies of Jesus Christ in Matthew and in Luke you have two genealogies look goes from Adam because he's a physician he goes from Adam all the way through to David and down from David through Mary Matthew being a Levi who's interested as the son of Abraham he starts with Abraham goes down through David through solemn and the Royal line all the way down to Joseph who has the legal title to the throne of David but back in jeconiah is day and we don't cover this all in detail but some of you know that in Jack and I as day who was in the Royal line God cursed the royal line put a blood curse on Jack and ayano's descendants and I have the view from what I know about Scripture that in that day and the counsels of Satan there was rejoicing he thought now he got him because there's a bloodline there's a blood curse on the royal line and we get down to Jesus Christ we find that he is this legal son of but not the flesh son of Joseph who carries that curse but when you study genealogies carefully discover when they get to david to take a detour Matthew's goes down the legal line that has heir to the throne the Luke goes down the through Nathan another son of David to Mary so Jesus Christ was of the house and lineage of David but in a way that makes him legally entitled but not subject to the blood curse so when again and again as you study the scripture you find Satan plotting and God outsmarting every step of the way but the more you study the scripture the more you're become fascinated with God's methodology and how how clever he is but you also recognize that every detail fits into a plan every name every number every detail of these 66 books is woven tightly by a super engineer and it's just incredible and that I find that exciting okay I might I did listen let's take a look at second Peter I think we did look at that already but I wanna make sure your second Peter chapter 2 starring Peter chapter 2 verse 4 for if God spared not the Angels that sinned but cast them down to hell now that's kind of strange because Satan has all kinds of fallen angels doing all kinds of things but they're not bound these angels did something very they broke some deeper rules and so got they got cast down to Tartarus and it's interesting that the same Greek word is used there as occurs in the literature that deals with the Titans and all of the mythology same word and delivered them into chains of Darkness to preserve and judgment notice what Peter goes on and spared not the old world but saved Noah the eighth person a preacher of righteous hang bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly and and then he goes on with sodom and gomorrah etc etc so clearly what Peter is talking about is something that is familiar to his readers as familiar as the flood of Noah and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah etc Peter is presuming that his readers are familiar with this when we get to Jude Jude does the same thing and in fact and I want to get into next times subject but if we look at verse 7 we're going to see even a Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities about them in like manner giving themselves to fornication going after strange flesh we're going to talk about the sentence of the sand in the sand the subject of Sodom and Gomorrah next time but what if you read Jude the tone of it in verse 5 he talks about Israel verse 6 he talks about the angels that kept not their first estate but left own habitation so forth and then even as Sodom and Gomorrah they went after strange flesh the implication from the language and Jude the thrust of Jude's argument is that the angels did the same thing that they did in Sodom Gomorrah namely unnatural sexual perversion it isn't just that they're fornicating just having you know sex outside of marriage that isn't the only issue Sodom and Gomorrah gives rise to all kinds of other things we'll talk about the next time but the point is the way the language is constructed the implication is that is the nature of the sin of the angels in verse 6 follow I'm saying and it doesn't mean I'm right I'm just telling you why I view it so aggressively I read one at one one hand let you recognize that there are good scholars that take would take great exception what I'm presenting here and they argue the set the kind of idea but I frankly this is one of those places where I just really feel personally that this if you take the scripture straight in a straightforward manner it's quite clear what it says now you may wonder okay Chuck that's interesting it's a little bizarre it's kind of fun but it's what's that got to do with us well several things at this point let's summarize lessons practical lessons for you and I well first thing is that the scripture warns against meddling with the spirit world in any way and I did not take the time to really list all of that in detail in Deuteronomy all through the Torah all through the Old Testament and certainly in the new we are admonished to flee occultic things of all shapes and sizes and by the way I don't know how many of you saw the movie The Exorcist anybody see that movie I'm not trying to recommend the movie but there's something interes if you recall that entire oh well first of all you should probably know William blad he based that upon a collection of several case studies him out gaming it into a novel so there's much in the movie that is documentaries document Tara Lee sound it all starts though with what a Ouija board a little party game that's known in the trade as an entry you know what other entries are astrology I want to ask you how many of you read the astrology come the columns in the paper just for fun because it's kind of cute watch out these subtle innocent little things can lead to and entanglement with the spirit world and involvement that grows and gets addictive and deepens whose end point is your destruction now there are many superstitions and such that people had throughout the ages that the Bible doesn't even bother to comment on these things are not dangerous because they're stupid or because they're just ignorant or what have you they are malevolent behind these innocent little pieces of the foolishness is the demonic spirit whose goal is to undo you and who has at his resources but has that has called enormous resources so you're playing with tough stuff so that's point one Jude's point is that punishment which overtook the angels that sinned is he makes that point simply to emphasize the serious nature of apostasy opposing the truth beings of a higher order than you and I you and I are human angels were are a higher order have been hurled down to a dark place of confinement where they they have been there now for thousands of years we have no idea what Tartarus is like but they're there and they've been there for a long time God has not changed his attitude toward them and time passing has not mitigated the seriousness of their sin what Jude is growing on here is that example which presumably in his mind is in the mind of his readers to emphasize the point he's making is that apostasy is serious stuff it's not some little thing that you sort of stumble and say gee god I'm sorry you know it's heavy stuff now on first Timothy 4:1 we said we might take a look at first Timothy we're gonna get a couple passages first Timothy 401 we looked at the last time but I want to remind you this because it it gives a label to false teaching that I think is worth absorbing in Paul's first letter to Timothy chapter 4 verse 1 he said Paul says now the spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and the doctrines of demons one of the sobering realizations is any doctrine any idea that impacts your life that's not biblically sound has a very malevolent source now some of those doctrines or ideas are so conspicuously anti-biblical that to you and I they're obvious and that the prey they prey primarily on the secular world the new-age by the way some of their old ideas that repackage in modern technology the new-age the whole Shirley MacLaine thing sinister stuff don't think it's I can't imagine it being appealing to anyone that has any biblical roots at all I worry more about a different kind of heresy I worry more about Christian knew pseudo Christian doctrines that are just one degree off if I'm aboard the ship as a spy and I'm trying to get this ship off course my shrewdest way is to get the autopilot one degree off because they won't notice it for a while until they're so off course there's no hope that's exactly what Satan is and also through the ages they're also demonic doctrines one degree off what's your protection against that the whole Council of God the whole Council not one chapter not some little hobbyhorse not some little catechism the whole Council of God Genesis 1:1 to the 22nd chapter a relation to try to absorb as the Holy Spirit gives you opportunity the whole Council of God that's your only source of balance the other dimension to this that I would like to turn to is Ephesians 6 you know when you come to if you come to our house we happen to have a very English tutor type of home and it happens in the entry hall it fits the decor we happen to have a suit of armor a friend of mine arranged for it for me it's a suit of armor and everybody says what's that you know thinking and I said well I don't you know who he is that's Ephesians 6 that's his name and they glad you know if they're Christians they laugh and chuckling I'm talking about if they don't gives me an excuse to open the Bible and come to peace and 6 that's why we call a suit of armor fusion six because it reminds us of the Asians six starting all will say maybe whoa start verse 10 finally my brethren Paul says be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might be strong in the Lord and the power of his might Juden later his letter is going to give an example where Michael the Archangel is fighting with Satan and he doesn't bring up brai lling accusation against Satan he's smarter net cuz he knows he's a dignity he's an adversary but he's senior how are you strong not in your own power but in the Lord strong in the Lord and the power of his might they says verse 11 put on the whole armour of God that she may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil you don't stand a chance by yourself he's smarter than you he said centuries of study got enormous resources and focus and he's bright he was the brightest thing around he was perfect and wisdom now he has a disease called sin in that corrupt that's going on for a while however you make a gigantic there's a gigantic mistake in an underestimated that's why you don't fool around in spiritual matters without proper armament first well for we wrestle not against flesh and blood that's not our problem gain we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places one of the passages I had my notes to take you to tonight but I saw I would overspend my time is Daniel chapter 10 and just a couple of sentence um er you can dig it out on here itself there's where Daniel prays and for three weeks he fasts and after three weeks a messenger comes but the messenger points out gee I was held up for three weeks and you starting if the impression doesn't say this you get the oppression of Daniel and stop fasting a day earlier you might not have made it but the point is he describes that he was battling you know the the Prince of Persia right how he withheld him but Michael came and helped him he got through to give him his message and then when he's through giving him the vision he says by the way I gotta go now because the Prince of Greece is next I gotta fight him getting back you you get the strange shadowy glimpse that behind these governments are spiritual powers and who is the head of these spiritual powers in the world who is the Prince of this world and you begin to realize that there's a warfare you and I don't see we got a glimpse of that warfare in there's one interesting place again I didn't take the time to take unit but you can do it on your own if I can find my reference here and Kings second Kings six there's a place where in Lysa and there's a rounded the servants worried and so forth life looks up looks at both sides no problem those that are with us are more than they with against him show him Lord and he sees them surrounded by these angels what's interesting about that is you get several glimpses one is that there are spiritual forces behind what's going on in the earth both ways we're life is look and see who's the strongest hey we're okay they're more than there's more of ours and there is okay he went back to sleep and since we're getting close to time I want to keep moving but I'll show you again as a as part of these hints the Bible gives us that there's a lot going on we don't see but the hints are very explicit if you will in the visions for a wrestle not against flesh and blood events principalities and powers and rulers the darkness of this world against the spiritual wickedness in high places by the way in Daniel 10 we have the Prince of Persia and the Prince of Greece we get the impression that there's a ruler and his minions over each of these governments and by the way the period between Persia and Greece is like 200 years so the time domains a little different than ours because their physics are different than our is there a prince of the united states sure there is whom does the report give me a lot of cracks of that one but you get the idea who owns the media in this country all you have to do is read it to get a good impression with us all about where for take you the paul says the whole armour of God that you may believe and in the evil day and having done all to stand stand therefore having your loins Girt girded about with truth and having on your breastplate of righteousness and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace and above all taking the shield of faith which ye shall be able to quit with which you'll be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked now I've heard many people preaching it may be very correct the Paul at the time his writing was chained to a Roman soldier and so as he was and of course you know he didn't regard himself as change the Roman soldier he just figured the Roman soldier was chained to him so you witness to him but reminds me of Woody Allen's crack about you know hell is what being stuck in an elevator the life insurance salesman so so but but but Paul's comments there could be very well you know the easy view is that he was looking at the Roman soldier and he just building analogies you were the helmet of salvation and so forth except if you look at Isaiah 52 verse 7 you discovered that Isaiah apparently was chained to a very similar soldier because Isaiah in chapter 52 verse 7 no that's not the one I wanted but it's close no mystery you just did it again feats out of the pot how beautiful upon the mountains of the feet of him that bringeth good tidings and publishes salvation and saith unto Zion God reigneth and that's one of them you can actually find if you can actually go through and find parallels with each of them each of those phrases have links back to the Old Testament that's the one that I've marked there and there's some others I think I was there 59 17 also of it but moving on the whole idea of spiritual warfare is of having the spiritual armament and one of the things that were admonished by Paul is to put on the whole armor of God how do you do that what you might do yourself because it's a study that you'll get more out of it you do it on your own is to take Ephesians 6 and lay out each one of those things and don't treat them as just sort of casual allegories but really dig into them and build yourself a preparation if I told you that within the next six months we're gonna have guerilla warfare in the United States I'm not saying I'm just using this as an example what would you guys do I'll speak to the guys those of you that have had some black belt experience would probably refresh yourselves those of you that had small arms would probably get them in shape you'd have each of you depending on your responsibilities and skills and whatever would prepare wouldn't you some way some of you head for the hills with canned goods hidden away or you'd do something right preparation means a lot well you and I have some time to prepare so I'm going to suggest to you that's exactly what you and I should be doing with a sense of urgency that's very very high we should be preparing ourselves being here in this Bible study is a major piece of it letting the Holy Spirit lead you and do special studies of your own special piece of it developing a deep devotional life prayer life big piece of it each of yous for each of you that syllabus would be probably a little different the Holy Spirit religion but I do strongly urge you to take Ephesians 6 and prepare now why am I saying that well first of all it makes sense in terms of your spiritual walking spiritual growth but I have another reason because there's something else that puts Jude 6 into a terrifying dimension as far as I personally am concerned and that's something the Lord Jesus Christ said he said on several occasions as the days of Noah were so shall the days of the coming of the Son of Man be and he gave some examples several you would say in fact he made several allusions to that period bot and other things and we'll talk some about that in subsequent evenings but the more we study the days of Noah the more insight we will probably gain as to the times that will precede the next judgment much is made of the fact that he gave Noah promise that you never again flood the earth and gave him a rainbow Peter tells us that you should read the small print he just said he wouldn't do with water so God is getting ready to judge the earth again if there's some events that will occur prior to that period for lots of reasons we know that period is not far away but those events that occurred prior to the flood the days of Noah are going to happen again widespread wickedness a small minority that are in God's grace in the sense of being taken care of heavy stuff no we all all of her either seen or heard of the movie called Rosemary's Baby piece of entertainment what-have-you but a little bizarre because if we understand Genesis 6 correctly and if that's also included in the scope of Christ's statement as the days of Noah were we should not be shocked if there's some very very strange goings on in the coming decades I'm not saying next a week from Tuesday but we're heading for some strange times oh and let's Dan for a closing word of Prayer strange stuff kind of interesting trees the imagination causes us to look with a little different eye towards some of the strange myths and legends embodied in the various cultures in the planet Earth but apparently based in effect on real things that happened a long time ago things that are stranger than we normally would countenance in our horizon as we understand our history but relevant to you and I not just because they're quaint ancient beginnings but because they have an impact on where you and I are living because I am convinced for lots of reasons some of which he's talked about in the past and some which we'll be talking about shortly that we are living in in that period that lifetime that generation and which God has going to climax his plan for man he's told us a lot about what's coming what's our job what's our response to that and the first response is that we better know that we're that we belong to Jesus Christ does anyone in this room that has any doubt in his mind about that I would strongly urge you to resolve that before you get home tonight you can do so in the privacy of your own will as we close our eyes and bow our heads make a commitment to Jesus Christ and he will carry it from there he's done 100 percent of the job he won't meet you halfway you'll meet you 100% of the way if you'll but ask that's step 1 to be in Christ second step is to grow by reading his word by studying by prayer by fellowship with other believers crucial more crucial all of you in this room all of us in this room have problems financial problems and pressures health problems and pressures all kinds we get a long list whatever problems and pressures we have are pale and insignificant compared to some of the issues we've talked about tonight your spiritual position and we happen to run into some people this weekend and I'm known within my business world as a risk taker I'm a real hip shooting or high leverage maverick kind of guy in business but I'm fond of pointing out that I do not have the guts I don't have not willing to take the risk to gamble like you mister so-and-so I'm not willing to bet my eternity that the Bible is wrong that's the real issue
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Length: 77min 52sec (4672 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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