Chrometype & Bubbles - Blender Tutorial

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hey everyone very fake here and in this tutorial we're going to be looking at making some chrome type styled text like this made out of bubbles in blender so we're going to start off by creating a text object and then i'm going to go into the font properties here and change this to something a bit more bubbly looking and if you want to use the font i'm using here i'll include it in the project file on my gumroad in the description below then with our object selected we'll change into edit mode by pressing tab and then this will then allow us to edit our text by just typing like we normally would just pressing keys keep in mind here you want to think about the sort of lettering style you want for your finished look so i've just left the eye and the g here lowercase as i think it'll make for a more organic look once i start kind of distorting it and pulling it around a bit then once we're done we'll press tab again taking us back into object mode and now using the f3 search menu i'm just going to look up mesh from curve text and select this so now that our text object has been converted into a mesh we can now edit it and distort it more freely so the easiest way to start playing around with this is by using the proportional editing feature which we can toggle on and off by using the shortcut o so what this will allow us to do is to move all the vertices or edges within a range of the selection softly at once as opposed to having to do it manually one by one we can then control the size of this falloff by holding down left click on a selected vertex and scrolling up or down [Music] pressing o again to toggle off proportional editing mode i then started repositioning and rotating some of the letters by using the shortcut ctrl l which selects all linked faces of a mesh then i just continued freestyling by using the same process of repositioning the letters followed by the proportional editing mode to bulge and warp them until i was happy with the overall look [Music] next i selected all of the faces and then extruded these upwards by using the shortcut e followed by z for direction then what we're going to want to do is add the remesh modifier to our object so we'll have a nicer input mesh for our inflation effect later so i'm going to set the voxel size to about 0.02 but as you can see our letters are now starting to melt together so to avoid this i'm just going to go back into edit mode and space these apart temporarily again using the linked faces ctrl l shortcut to select each letter individually and then move it then we'll turn back on our remesh modifier and now we should be getting a better result so i'm actually going to change this to maybe 0.03 boxer size because really what i'm trying to achieve here is to get the edges of the letters just starting to bevel but still pretty low res looking and then i'm just going to apply that we're then going to add in another modifier named smooth corrective and then we'll just adjust these values so we're getting a pretty smooth result [Music] then finally we'll apply this and then i'm also just going to add in a subsurf modifier as well just to make it that extra bit smoother so now that i'm happy with the lettering i'm going to go ahead and repeat the same process as before and just reposition these in edit mode [Music] this time also repositioning them on the z-axis as well just so we'll get a bit of depth and overlap in the bubbles for the final render next we're going to add in a wave modifier to give us the inflation or bulging effect so as you can see at default it's going to give us more of a flag wave effect for the whole type itself but what we want to do is for it to distort per letter so to do this we're going to go into our options and check the along normals option then i'm going to pull down the height to about 0.16 meters and change the speed to something like 0.13 [Music] and now we're getting a pretty good result so for the next part to give the inflation a bit more realism and variance i'm going to go give each of the letters some rotation and offset the speed values of each of them to do this we're going to need to break down our mesh into individual letters so we can do this by going into edit mode once again using ctrl l to select each letter and then open up the quick menu and under the separate drop down press selection once we've done this for all the letters we can go in one by one and start adding in some keyframes by using the shortcut i location rotation scale and then just adjust the rotation and scale to your liking for each keyframe [Music] next using shift d to create a duplicate i selected the dot on my letter i and made a few copies to create some bubbles then just use the same process as before to keyframe their position and give them a nice floating look [Music] so now that i'm happy with the animation for the type we can move on to the rendering stage first we're going to want to give our type a material so to do this we'll change this viewport into shade editor and then with one of our layers selected we'll press the new material option and i'm just going to rename this bubbles now if we swap into rendered mode we'll notice there's no environment so to add one let's change into world mode in the shade editor and add in an environment texture node we'll then connect a mapping and a texture coordinate node so we can adjust the rotation of the sky to our liking [Music] [Music] now we'll go back into object mode in the shade editor and start adjusting our bubble material so to make it transparent let's drag our transmission value all the way up to 1 and then bring our roughness right down to zero so it's nice and reflective i then just adjusted the hdri here because it was a bit too dim for my liking so to get the soapy multi-colored effect for our bubbles we're going to want to add in a mix node followed by a transparent bsdf and then we'll plug a layer weight node into the factor from the facing value and we'll just set the blend to about 0.200 next we'll add in a noise texture for the color and plug this into our base color node on the principled bsdf we'll then set the detail of this to about 16 before adding in a hue saturation node and increasing the value for some extra pop next let's add in the camera so we can start to get a feel for our overall composition if we then add in a new empty object we can make our camera track to it by going into the constraint tab in the side properties for our camera and select it now we can easily move around the position of our camera without having to manually adjust its viewing angle each time so i'm pretty happy with how it's looking but i think it really needs something to exaggerate the kind of aquatic aesthetic we've got going on here so i'm just going to select on this plane i added in and then select from the modifier drop down menu ocean and then it's going to give this new material so we can see what we're doing turning the metallic slider all the way up with the roughness all the way down and then giving it a kind of cool purpley color [Music] and now if we just go back to our ocean modifier settings i'm just going to adjust the scale to 0.2 and then increase the resolution a bit and these are really the two main settings we need to worry about here so just play around with these till it's looking how you want and then just quickly change the hdri again one last time because i thought it might look better with more of a sunset vibe going here then we can also add in some depth of field to our camera by going into the camera properties and checking the depth of field option we can then select the focus object to our trackball we created for the camera then the only value we really need to worry about here is the f-stop which controls the focus so i went ahead and set mine to about 0.7 which gave me a pretty sweet result so it's looking pretty nice but i want these bubbles to really stand out a bit more so to do this i'm just going to add in some different colored area lights which will give their reflections a bit more complexity and movement [Music] and then just to top that off what i'm going to do is go into the compositor window and add in a glare node which should give us a nice glinty sparkle effect so keep tweaking these settings till you're happy with it but for me i put the settings to 0.901 for the fade 26 degrees for the angle offset and 1.4 for the threshold and now for the finishing touch i'm going to add in some butterflies because you know why not so to do this we'll add in a new plane place this roughly where you want it and then give it a new material now we'll add in an image texture node and then we'll select the butterflies video and because this is a video file what the image texture node will do is come up with some additional options for us so all we need to do is change the frame number from 1 to 600 because this is how many frames our video is and then check the boxes for cyclic and auto refresh which will just help us previewing it in the viewport and then we'll just plug that into the base color and lower our specular value to zero so it's not glossy now to make it transparent what we'll do is just create a duplicate of the same image texture node and then change this file to our black and white version of the video which will act as the alpha then just plug that into the alpha on the principled bsdf and we should be good to go [Music] so yeah that's pretty much it guys i then went ahead and tried out rendering in a few different styles which was fun so yeah feel free to give that a shot yourself and yeah if you want any of these shaders along with all the project files and assets we covered in this video they'll be available on my gumroad which i'll link in the description below and thanks to all the people showing me love on there as that really is the best way to support me to keep making these videos so if you found this tutorial useful feel free to go on there and give it a download thanks guys see you in the next one [Music] [Music] you
Channel: veryveig
Views: 130,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, chrometype, typeface, graphic design, c4d, bubbles, stylized
Id: RiOtVKeb2bs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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