Chrome Paint Shootout | Fixed It Garage

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hey everyone my name is Bill and today we're gonna do a little chrome paint shootout and I think this should be kind of fun so behind me you see our 71 Dodge Diamond that we're working on and it turns up with the heater control bezel was in pretty poor shape so we've blasted it painted the inside of it black but the edge of it has got to be chrome what I don't know is which paint is gonna be the best way to Chrome this thing so we're gonna try this out I mean what I've done is I've actually taken an old glove box from the Camaro and I've split it down the middle on half of it the top half I've used SEM color coat one five two four three satin black and on the bottom half I've used an SEM classic coat one seven zero nine three in black both these are flexible coating is designed for plastics the interesting thing is when we look at the glove box the top part is the part that I actually painted in satin black the bottom is what I painted with a regular black and the satin is significantly glossy er now I chose the base coat that's in black because most people I've seen he do chrome paint I choose a black base coat and they say it helps the the chrome look a little bit better so we've got five different cans of chrome paint here ranging from least expensive to more most expensive this was like four dollars and 18 cents at Home Depot but for 27 and Home Depot picked this up for around seven or eight dollars ed O'Reilly this is a little over $8 at Home Depot and this is around $10 at O'Reilly's and we're gonna spray out each of these in an order so you'll be able to look at them side-by-side and will be able to tell which one we think looks the best so we're gonna start with the cheapest one [Music] good unused it's got a good spray tip on the end of it here I like these wide style they're a little bit easier to use we'll get this thing flowing right away and we're just gonna run the first kronole process this is rust-oleum metallic silver bright shiny finish so we'll just do a couple of light coats like it says in the instructions it sprays really nice and we'll see how it turns out so we'll give this another one off camera and then we'll tape it up and we'll move on to the next one and so on and so forth until we can compare all these chrome paints okay next up we just finished up the second coat there on the least expensive paint now we're gonna do the rust-oleum metallic finish this has got more of a chrome color to it in the cap so I'm gonna take this up pretty good pop the cap off here again it's got the nice wide size to it we'll get it flowing and I'm gonna run two coats of this as well right next from the one that we just did oh that spray is terrible so you'll notice if this one you just came pouring out here and it's got something big fish eyes their name I don't think this is going to turn out all that well and I don't know if it's because of the can or because of the paint but let's see what it does so one thing I wanted to point out is an observational wait for paint to dry which has got to be the most boring thing ever and that is the satin black that we use is called collar coat from SEM and I noticed that it's designed for vinyl surfaces flexible and rigid plastics carpet or so a lot of different types of material where the classic code is specifically talks about being for leather and vinyl and one of the observations that we have here is when you look real close at this not only is the satin like a glassy or finish to it but you can actually see the texture and the grain of the plastic itself where were we display sprayed with the classic coat it's really filled in a lot of the grain and it's made it go away so now it doesn't nearly pop as much so I think the two different products we are truly are two different types of paint the classic coat probably is thicker than me color coat so if you're doing things like with hard plastics definitely stick with the color coat I think it's the better design paint for it it's more probably like a dye and a little thinner that really I think it looks a little bit better so point that okay the next one that we've got here is the dupli-color metallic chrome paint this is when I picked up at a riley's so we'll shake this one up and we'll lay that one down next first thing we'll notice here is that it's a different style tip from what we were getting out of the rust-oleum it's a good tip - it's just not quite as comfortable as the rust-oleum one typically let's see how it sprays so we'll get the flow going that looks pretty good actually it's a nice pattern and we'll hit up the spray here okay super nice simple good fan pattern that came out of it you may remember the last one we did kind of came out super super strong with the previous rust-oleum one here this metallic finish so it'll be interesting to see how these two turned out compared to one another the next one up that we've got is this rust only a mirror effect this isn't really a chrome paint per se but because the cap looks the Danish einie I figured we'd give it a try and see what happens it's still again Restylane runs the large nozzle on and carrot let's see how it looks when it flows whew glad I tested that can see that is run but I had barely touching this to do so this is gonna be a juicy color we're gonna have to run here as light as I can that's about it that is not quite what I expected so we'll let that dry give it another coat and do one more on the last one that I've got here is called dupli-color perfect match it's the most expensive one at around 10 bucks it's the smallest it's an 8 ounce can and I'm hopeful that it'll actually do a really great job so again it's got the dupli-color style nozzle on it which actually sprayed super well the last time so better than I expected so with the flow going again beautiful fan pattern that it has it seems to come out really nice so here we go a couple light coats after this will reveal and take a look at the results are okay that's first coat we'll let it dry up a little bit we'll put a second coat on it and see how this one turns out so with the the bezel that we have here one of the things that I learned right away was having to put the chrome around it we're gonna try to spray it I actually attempted something first and that was I seen online people recommended these pens called liquid chrome and to be honest with you any of these pens are fantastic I think they're really great for what they do but I did actually take one I had the four millimeter version and try to color this in to make it look like Chrome all the way around the edges and everything and it did not look good it looked like it had lines in it and I just couldn't keep it consistent and flowing enough to make it look great so what I'm going to do is after we get done painting out the edge of this with the spray paint I'm gonna use one of the liquid chrome pens and I'm gonna highlight all of the letters and the outside of the boxes along the edges of the holes that are in the bezel so that'll finish it off really nice and make it look really factory appearing well we got everything all finished up we put the five different chrome paints down the top of the glovebox door here and we've unmasked it so let's take a look at the results and see what we've got the five cans that we had here are behind the colors that we sprayed and I'll go through them kind of in order and give you some thoughts on it first one here this metallic is truly just kind of a silver paint there's a lot of shine to it maybe it is metallic but it's definitely not a chrome finished like you might expect from the cap the second one here this rust only a product has the most Sheen for sure it is kind of the most reflective and the brightest in terms of color and everything and probably the closest thing we had to chrome but it came out of the can so dang fast it was really hard to control so something about that just seemed a little bit tougher to use the dupli-color products one at the end and this one here are super similar both of them had beautiful spray patterns really easy to work with I really like the the way the paint went on and the fourth one here just wasn't designed for this purpose at all it was super runny and super wet really didn't do a very good job of coverage or anything so I think if we pick this up and we take a look at the sheen and I kind of put it into the light you may be able to see it that if you're looking for the overall highest quality that might be closer to aluminum them Chrome I would say the small can of dupli-color a perfect match is probably the best quality look that we're getting on these things the other one that I think actually does a really good job is this rest only in metallic finish the challenge with it was basically spring it wasn't nearly as good but as you can see and it's got a lot of reflection to it and everything so it's closer to Chrome than any of the others and the other thing that I noticed is down the middle here is where we split and we had the black and then the satin black base coats there really isn't much of any difference across the board between these two different base coats so I don't think that that matters a whole lot on this particular product at least on a glove box door so I hope that helps again my favorite probably is this dupli-color perfect match followed by the raw Sonia metallic finish both of them are good they have a little different characteristics to them but uh best of luck with your choice and I hope the project turns out great so I'm built with these sign hot rods this was the winner of this particular test and if you enjoyed it you got something out of this please click Subscribe I also go check out any side hot rods comm where you can get cool t-shirts like this thanks very much for watching have a great day [Music]
Channel: Fixed It Garage
Views: 105,420
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Keywords: old cars, chrome, paint, cars, hotrods, eastside hotrods, cool cars, best chrome paint, chrome paint, chrome paint options, chrome paint shootout, chrome paint tutorial
Id: bQaaPVOlR5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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