Christopher Moltisanti as boss?

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let's just say that carmella ain't gonna be first lady forever hey sopranos fans welcome to another episode here on bullywhispers and we are here today to evaluate how christopher maltasante could have become and would have been his boss always with the scenarios now chris is an interesting study because he can tend to be hit or miss in terms of success and failure at his various endeavors his shortcomings as a screenwriter were so obvious during the series that some have theorized that the many saints of newark was just a terrible attempt by christopher to produce and narrate a movie about his father but he did achieve some success in male modeling when he landed that razor commercial it's what we've always done [Music] so how could christopher become boss and how would he do if he got the job in evaluating this question we will look at the obstacles he would face his potential allies and threats the windows of opportunity he would have had and ultimately how he would have been his boss although i'd love to know your thoughts on it down in the comment section before digging in we'll need to take a second to set the parameters and address the elephant in the room in terms of this discussion christopher's heroin addiction we will not be going under the assumption that he never had a problem with addiction that was an integral aspect of his character throughout the series and if we just dismiss it we would be evaluating a different character entirely instead we will operate as if christopher started his aaa and 12 step programs much earlier and was successful enough with them to keep from getting a reputation but the addiction is still with him all of the other plot points from the show will remain the same and in the same order unless tony's killed christopher would still get made at the same time die at the same time and would still have his intervention at the same time after which his reputation was so shot he would never be able to move that high up the ladder with that in mind any moves he may make would have to take place in between him being made towards the beginning of season 3 and his intervention towards the end of season 4. also since adriana's status as an informant had no direct impact on christopher's actions till the end of season 5 her being a snitch wouldn't come into play during his rise but it might if he became boss if christopher were to try immediately after being made he would face several problems to say the least the main one being even if he managed to get the drip on tony kill tony so that no one knew he did it and get the blame put on junior as a second attempt on tony's life he still wouldn't be the natural successor there are too many people in front of him the only possible way for him to be the next boss would be if he used the strategy he wanted to use against junior in the beginning of the series this ain't negotiation time this is scarface final scene [ __ ] bazooka's under each arm say hello to my little friend and killed everyone leaving himself essentially the lone survivor the reality chris would be facing is that someone else would have to be boss before him and this is a situation that will not change as previously mentioned any plot to kill tony would have to be put in motion before the end of season 4 and since he would have never been held in that high esteem any time before that he would have to be a behind the scenes player unfortunately for chris the deck is stacked against him in terms of maneuvering at this point as well since sill is unlikely to ever participate in a takeover attempt against tony he will always be a problem and as of now paulie walnuts along with most of the other people are on tony's side but chris does have a few things to build on patsy parisi already hates tony for the murder of his twin brother and doesn't yet dislike christopher so there is the potential there to build a decent enough of a relationship that even after they're falling out he might be willing to participate in a plot against tony because he will be needed for the only opportunity christopher will get after the death of his next and biggest thing he has going for him ralph seferetto ralphie was ambitious capable and his tensions with tony were obvious from the start or captain ralphie when i say you're a captain and i'm gonna turn up my hearing aid so i don't miss it on top of that he seemed to feel favorably towards christopher as evidenced by how genuinely happy he seemed for christopher's promotion and as of now they both have an affinity for jackie jr this shared interest in helping jackie jr along the mob path whatever their motives may be would provide an opportunity for christopher to get closer to ralphie which would be essential because until his death he would be christopher's only viable path for taking out tony soprano however at the end of season 3 two things happen that will change the situation moving forward into season 4. first jackie junior robs the card game while this could put stress on chris and ralphie's relationship due to any bonding they may have done over jackie jr it wouldn't have to chris could use this to get closer to ralphie by pretending he didn't know how tony was handling it and thanking ralphie for avenging him when tony wouldn't ralphy would immediately act like this is what he was doing and use it to try and bring chris closer to him for whatever motive he may have had which if chris had been whispering in his ear the entire time would probably be taking out tony the other was the pine barrens incident this is significant because it gives chris and paulie a chance to bond right before polly is sent to jail in between seasons three and four which could prove helpful in chris's attempts to gain the throne later on going into season 4 which would be his only real shot assuming he's played his cards right he will have a few things going for him he would be on good relations with ralphie and paulie both of whom are now mad at tony and possibly on decent terms with patsy parisi who's hated tony for quite some time of those three it would have to be ralphie to take a shot at the top spot because he is the only one with the earning power and connections outside of new jersey to be taken seriously as a potential boss if ralph were to take a shot right then and succeed it may seem like the perfect time for christopher if done after the ginny sack joke because johnny sack will hate him shortly thereafter so if chris could take out ralphie in a way that no one knows it was him everyone would assume it was new york but that would still leave sil now while it would be possible at this point since his intervention had been averted for him to stay sober long enough to take over through natural secession eventually that is both a unlikely due to his addiction and even more importantly b a very boring path to go down so we will assume he wants the job sooner rather than later and that still has to go along with tony with that in mind there's no way that ralphie taking out both tony and sil could work for chris even assuming ralphie is past the tensions caused by the joke or even possibly on good relations with new york there's no way johnny sack would tolerate him taking out the upper level of the entire family ralphie would be killed immediately and a complete void would be left at the top which due to his lack of seniority christopher would not get put into in order for chris to make a move for the top spot he must first seemingly legitimately make it into the upper echelon and if ralph sufferetto is going to be the one to make it happen then he can't be the one to take them both out fortunately for chris a romance was brewing between carmella and furio which could offer a solution furio was already very close to being willing to kill tony for carmella as it was and might have been easily convinced to do so if given assurances by other members of the family of course no actual leeway would be given and furious would be either killed or flew back to italy at which point ralphie only has to take out sil but this could be problematic due to sill's popularity their best bet would be to take out sill almost immediately after tony is taken out under the guys that still gave furio the okay on tony with tony and still out of the way ralphie would be an obvious choice for boss due to his connections in earning power and christopher could be brought up with him without suspicion since it would appear he just helped ralph avenge his uncle tony's death this would be a perfect situation for chris he is legitimately in the upper echelon and the only person standing between him and being the boss is ralph zafaredo who is incredibly dislikable in his own right it wouldn't be long before people hated ralphie being boss and were begging for a change fortunately for chris around that time paulie walnuts will be getting out of jail and he hates ralphie so even if chris didn't want to do it himself he could easily get paulie to do in exchange for a bump and to the delight of the rest of the family leaving christopher as boss but we will get back to how he would be his boss in a bit assuming a move never happens with ralphie and he's beaten to death by tony christopher would have a very small window of opportunity to work with because his intervention is shortly thereafter since this opportunity presents itself in the same episode as this intervention i'm gonna give chris some leeway and say that if he can get that ball rolling everything's still a go interestingly enough his last opportunity which was far from a good one came as a result of the death of his best opportunity ralphie rumor quickly began circulating that tony killed ralphie over a horse a major breach of mafia protocol and reason enough to make people nervous which albert barresi expressed in the dinner with sill and patsy parisi with the whack the guy over a horse how [ __ ] up is that happen to him it can happen to any of us and what's next you get clipped for win or wrong shoes and while this may not affect his brother i like your shoes larry boy everyone else feels the pressure at this point chris could say that tony did kill ralph and he knows because tony and sil made him clean it up remember still has to go also now while it may be very easy to convince people tony did it convincing people that sill wasn't on it would be a little bit harder due to his reputation if tony did do this whack ralph over a [ __ ] horse that guy be the first guy online to pull his [ __ ] plug either way assuming chris was able to convince everyone and have tony and sil taken out and get brought into the upper echelon for his help he would still be a step away from being boss and the person who holds the job now won't be nearly as dislikable as ralph zeferetto on top of that the new boss will have gotten the spot for justifiable reasons so retribution won't be a clear path for chris his only hope is vengeance fortunately for chris tony b is about to get out of jail and though it's a long shot he does have a proclivity towards going off the rails as long as it's not widely known that chris was in on it he may be able to prompt tony b into killing the new boss to avenge tony soprano which he could easily then distance himself from as much of a long shot as that last one may have been what kind of a boss would chris have made had he actually capitalized on one of his opportunities first off his stint at the top would probably be short for the two obvious reasons his addiction and his snitching fiance as soon as he became boss the fbi would immediately grab him up and his addiction problem speaks for itself but assuming neither of those things become an issue for him he's still facing two obstacles the first is his impulsiveness which may cause him to make poor decisions and damage important relationships although we see that he tends to make up fairly quickly with people who aren't named tony soprano the second and most significant obstacle he would face would be the same as junior soprano his own insecurity christopher never felt like he belonged and was very easily goaded combined with his impulsiveness which junior didn't match this is a recipe for disaster he would constantly be stirring up trouble both from inside and outside of the family and even if he was able to put out all of those fires how much time would he have left to make any progress with the family throughout this evaluation you've seen me give christopher every possible benefit of the doubt whether he deserved it or not and this was very much intentional as it mimics how tony was constantly doing the same ultimately even when given every conceivable benefit of the doubt christopher still comes up short which is very fitting for his character well thanks for watching this episode here on bullywhispers as always like comment subscribe and i'll see you at the next score
Channel: Bully Whispers
Views: 51,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aj sopranos, carmela soprano, christopher moltisanti, furio sopranos, gloria trillo, hesh sopranos, james gandolfini, janice soprano, livia soprano, paulie walnuts, pine barrens, ralph cifaretto, ralphie sopranos, richie aprile sopranos, sopranos, tony soprano, mafia, mafia boss, adrianna la cerva
Id: Ng3Qx99cQ6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 14 2022
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