Christopher Moltisanti's Revenge Fantasy in The Sopranos [CLEAVER]

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nothing was going on Christopher I should have made you walk home swear to God you know how this looks don't talk to me shut your mouth a boss Michael what's what you had belongs to me you and the girl I loved it's mine is mine what's yours is mine [Music] Christopher moltasanti wasn't too bright in a universe filled with dim-witted Mobsters who were generally driven by short tempers a lack of moral standards and an uncanny blend of greed and short-sightedness multisanti was quite possibly the most dim-witted mobster of them all indeed multasanti was a complete and total [ __ ] a unique combination of delusions of grandeur and addiction that resulted in every disaster from sitting on a dog to the death of his fiancee right at the very beginning of the series Christopher was portrayed as a fiery hot head who wasn't too bright that's do not didn't even know how to say Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes Tony always had a Sentimental weakness for his nephew Christopher who was often talking when he should have been listening Christopher was never afraid to speak his mind and had an opinion on everything from the mother job to The Human Condition as a result of the way he was spoiled by Tony and frequently given a pass when others of higher status may have been reprimanded Christopher had an inflated ego and an inexplicable sense of self-entitlement his connections paid great dividends as Christopher was on the fast track to becoming a made man and having the accompanying privileges that come with being related to the boss who favored him even after he later became a full-fledged addict at various points in the story other Mobsters were envious and resentful of the favorable treatment Tony afforded his nephew Paulie Patsy and Junior all resented multisante at points and in one particular incident Silvio was even defiant of Tony and ordered Patsy to ignore orders with regards to the theft of expensive fiber optic cables multisan these quick rise and the favoritism he received were already points of contention but the fact that Tony was grooming Christopher as the future of the family was often too much for their envious short tempers to handle at later points in the story it was Christopher who was becoming jealous of Tony's close relationship with his cousin Tony B and then again later in the series when Bobby and Tony started becoming closer in part Tony began distancing himself from his nephew because he knew that Chrissy was evolving into a junkie but deeper below the surface was the Adriana situation both in terms of the car accident Tony and Aid were involved in while they were on a late night hunt for Yayo and then again when molta Santi informed Tony that he discovered Adriana had been working with the FBI but the Tony Adriana rumors represented the breaking point in the Tony Christopher relationship and that breaking point was never again mended this is best represented in his revenge fantasy portrayed in their movie production of Cleaver Saul meets The Godfather Part Two well that's the kind we're doing here saw The Ring they made millions and that's not even including the Godfather angle which we got here originally known as the pork store killers Cleaver was the brainchild of molta Santi and Carmine lupatazzi Jr it is a story about a young man who goes to pieces and then manages to pull himself together again for multisanti this was probably his life's crowning achievement his roots as an aspiring writer actor and artist began early in season one when Christopher wrote 19 pages of a script before recognizing his own limitations and becoming depressed he also had that moment where he toyed with the idea of becoming a player in the music industry but ultimate Lee Chrissy was wise enough to trust hash's judgment over that of his girlfriend Adriana who like Christopher was someone who believed she had greater artistic inclination than was really the case she did that a hit is a hit Adriana is inexplicably impressed by her man's writing prowess so she decides to enroll him in an acting for playwrights course unlike the case with his terrible writing skills multisante actually displayed some potential when it came to acting but he was unable to cope with the vulnerability that comes with the territory so the next week he beat up the poor fella who was playing his father in The Skit which earned multisante the ire of his peers in the class Christopher also had the experience with his cousin's fiancee who got him on the set with John Favreau where he had a brief working relationship that involved unethical behavior that upset multisante after learning that Christopher was sharing inside knowledge with the filmmaker Tony was mighty perturbed and provided his nephew with an ultimatum a courtesy he would not extend to Eugene later in the series when he wants to move to Florida Christopher had seemingly devoted himself to Tony thus apparently ending his aspirations in the movie business but Like a Phoenix Rising From the Ashes maltasant they couldn't resist the Temptations and he didn't his inner artist wanted to flourish fate would see that he met JT and the foundation was in place that paved the way to cleaver there is also little doubt that multisante's motivations were far more than a pure artistic impulse on the contrary he was immediately enthralled by the money and power in Hollywood after meeting sir Ben Kingsley at a Los Angeles hotel to discuss a potential role in Cleaver in his life up until then a Don was the highest rung on the ladder the man who everyone in his Social Circle wanted to be but the Hollywood Elite functioned on another level entirely it was a world he could scarcely imagine where he was a nobody and had no power and no status by comparison sir Ben Kingsley had no need to steal anything or run the petty scams that dominated mobster existence companies simply gave their stuff to them because they were famous a situation molta Santi is immediately jealous of knowing he's excluded from that action in a rage he mugs Hollywood Legend Lauren Bacall in a hilarious sequence Cleaver thus becomes a vehicle for his artistic impulses however misdirected and an aspiration to be in a world far superior to his own typically once the movie gets off the ground everyone wants in on the action a taste the chance to get their beaks wet and so the entire mob goes into the movie making business based on multasanti's fantasies and Carmine's experience making porn Silvio for example becomes an expert on the slasher genre all fired up screaming that Michael Myers is an escaped mental patient multasanti and the rest can never be anything but Mobsters however and Petty jealous vindictive ones at that thus when we finally see the movie The pivotal scenes we are shown give us a glimpse into how Christopher viewed Tony in the aftermath of rumors that Tony had an affair with his fiancee literally how trapped multisante is emotionally by the mafia World revealing how he has no chance of escaping even should a big wig producer write him a big check what's mine is mine what's yours is mine and the scene where Sally boy seduces the fiance say Carmelo was quick to realize that Sally boy was meant to be Tony she was likewise quick to recognize that this was a Revenge fantasy which displayed Chrissy's true feelings over the Adriana ordeal Miss eat your money got herself Rosa Lee also picked up on the obvious meaning behind the scene Cleaver is tangible proof that Christopher never got over Tony's perceived betrayal which was in reality based on a logical conclusion from Christopher despite the Grapevine Rumor Mill Adriana got caught giving a big guy a [ __ ] and when the paramedics found him she had his [ __ ] still in her mouth apparently he came all over the sun visor it didn't matter that Tony and a didn't actually have an affair they both intended to screw under a coke-fueled bender regardless the only reason they didn't was because of the automobile mishap when they were on the hunt for supplies so they could have a ski-fueled romp the premiere of the film also results in a dramatic change in AJ's relationship with Blanca they break up in the aftermath suggesting an obvious parallel between Chrissy and AJ both are largely incompetent and not too bright but have high opinions of themselves as Tony's relatives and potential heirs AJ however never had the stomach for the mob lacking the mean streak required to inflict pain or even kill people multisanti has both of those traits but lacks everything else meanwhile Tony himself remains largely clueless of all these Dynamics lurking just beneath the surface he enjoyed the film at the time seemed to bask a bit in a little Hollywood glamor seemingly forgetting that the movie only got made because multisanti pressured him after coming out of a coma and didn't pick up on any of the obvious subtext it was Carmella who ultimately filled Tony in on the shallow meaning behind the entire movie that it was Christopher's Revenge fantasy that revealed his true feelings towards Tony multasanti found out he threatened JT to fess up to writing those parts and Tony saw right through the charade it didn't exactly take Sherlock Holmes to piece the puzzle together at this point by the time time Cleaver was released Christopher's sense of self-entitlement became more profound in his view sacrificing the love of his life to Tony was something that should have resulted in one free pass after another with Christopher always playing the Adriana card often in conjunction with his addictions recoveries and relapses not many guys have had to make the kind of sacrifice I did how many times you're going to play the Adriana card even when Christopher was ultimately sleeping with the real estate woman who rejected Tony after Tony regretted stopping his initial advances over guilt for his wife who stood by his side while his life was in the balance sleeping with the fellow addict who rejected Tony was never enough to overcome the Betrayal he felt because even here as Christopher explained it's just weird you know being where he's been he hasn't been anywhere nothing happened I told you that don't matter he's been there in his mind Christopher knew deep down that even if Tony and Adriana didn't actually sleep together that they intended to he knew all too well of her out of state dealer in Delaware and he knew them getting into an accident that far away at that hour could only mean one thing Tony of course had some degree of plausible deniability but even Tony knew his justification was weak and shallow at the end of the day multisante was a stunod of the highest order for the shallow symbolism and inspiration behind the characters in his revenge fantasy film by the time Christopher was married with child and deep into his addiction Tony knew all too well where he stood he knew his nephew the junkie he groomed to become his number two and the future of the family despised him I think he [ __ ] despises me pretty obvious once you see me dead and this is ultimately why Tony Soprano killed his nephew when opportunity knocked it provided sociopath Tony a way to remedy the biggest blunder in his extraordinary criminal career thanks for watching everyone I hope you enjoyed and have a wonderful night Louis Brazzi sleeps with the fishes Luca brazi Luca whatever there's differences Christopher okay from the Luca brazi situation in this she said I could sell my life story make [ __ ] Millions I didn't do that I stuck it out with you you [ __ ] kill you on me now what do you think script babe I can't like give an opinion every time you add a sentence I gotta have the whole story flow I'm starting with the dialogue Adriana it ain't my whole script now a hit is a hit and this my friend is not a hit why Christ for reasons we couldn't comprehend or carify you pathetic schlepper I'm freaking believable great job how'd you make yourself cry like that hey stop it Christopher this is inappropriate yeah I hit a [ __ ] wall dirt action Vicky King in uh 21 days to how to write a movie in she says that's not uncommon but these aren't excuse me excuse me I'm a vice president you [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] him I tried so hard to be supportive with with his oh I am getting his screenplay made his screenplay if you're not here I'm gonna assume that you went to look for whatever the [ __ ] it is that's calling you out there and then I will never see you again if you are still here then I'm going to assume that you have no other desire in the world but to be with me and your actions will show me that every [ __ ] second of every [ __ ] day what a pretty name her neck feels broken [ __ ] oh my God she's dead she must have crawled under there for warm are you are you [ __ ] friends oh Jesus Christ I fell asleep she got suffocated or something you'll kill a little corset I gotta suffocate you you little prick still distinct with the dog how could you not see it on a chair you're getting emotional Tony that's because I know what it's like to lose a pet it was a [ __ ] horse what are you a vegetarian you eat beef and sausage by the [ __ ] Carlo stole clock uh cross-eyed Billy probably left the Bingo ready I know a guy Andre he's always up cancel the car I'll give you a ride Adriana got caught giving a big guy a [ __ ] and when the paramedics found him she had his [ __ ] still in her mouth apparently he came all over the sun visor nothing was going going on Christopher I should have made you walk home swear to God to God you know how this looks don't talk to me shut your mouth remember George how you loved it we can live someplace like that maybe start writing again I could do my Memoirs finally frankly all due respect I think you owe me this because I came to you about Adriana Michael Myers is an escape mental patient Jason Freddy different kind of movie well that's the kind we're doing here saw The Ring they made millions and that's not even including the Godfather angle which we got here at luxury Lounge thing can you get me in there I don't know my publicist handles all that stuff so can you call them I don't know how my publicist can help you you know get the [ __ ] away from me what are you doing I'm not gonna give a big speech here I just want to give a shout out to the man who without him this whole thing would be impossible where is he Anthony Soprano everybody whatever else happens you made a movie Christopher nobody could take that away 100 years from now we're dead and gone people be watching this [ __ ] thing you know I gotta be honest I am very disappointed at what you did what are you talking about your movie The Boss sleeping with the other guy's fiance what please like that wasn't based on Tony and Aid what no why did you put it in there it was an idea I don't know who knows where they [ __ ] come from Isaac Newton invented gravity because some [ __ ] hit him with an apple it's a movie it's fictional it's a Revenge fantasy Tony which ends with the boss's head split open by a meat cleaver I think he [ __ ] despises me it's pretty obvious wants to see me dead I never passed a drug test what you gotta get me on I'll lose my license I gotta suffocate you you little prick the biggest blunder of my career is now gone and I don't have to be confronted by that fact no more
Channel: Wow Lynch Wow!
Views: 192,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Sopranos, Christopher Moltisanti, Cleaver, revenge fantasy, explained, analysis, Tony Soprano, Adriana, Why does Tony kill Christopher in The Sopranos, character analysis, Christoper Moltinsanti analysis, The Sopranos analysis video, Adriana La Cerva, Michael Imperioli, Chrissy
Id: QueZzpN_9Dc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 44sec (1124 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 15 2022
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