Christopher Hitchens Slams Mother Theresa, Bill Clinton

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my guest tonight is a world-class skeptic who has wounded more sacred cows in a Bombay cabdriver his new book is titled no one left to lie to the triangulations of William Jefferson Clinton please welcome Vanity Fair contributing editor Christopher Hitchens Christopher Scott the outsides and the singing I have a position in society to keep up and I brought the urine sample to prove it now when I watch you on I see I've seen you on Matthews and a few others I always think you're like the smartest guy I've ever seen on TV and I think to some extent well I think you're Charles Manson giggle I must say that's what brought me to this studio that Manson giggle but you make a career off of lacerating things that some people won't even go near and I'm wondering do you feel safe for doing it because while you live in America I don't know if you've been naturalized but you're a Brit obviously and how can you tell well I mean do you feel you feel safer like because I think if some American guys cranked up some of the sentiments you have they would be you know the villagers would be after him with torches is this Mother Theresa we're on about I mean the mother Trey's a thing just amazed me and I when you read it it's so well put together and yet I can't follow you on the sentiment I mean well it explained to the people you're your general feelings about Mother Teresa mother Teresa is a bat from hell was a bat from hell I correct myself was about Mother Teresa believed that contraception was the moral equivalent of abortion and abortion was the moral quotient of murder Mother Teresa took heaps of money from the Duvalier family in Haiti who probably gave the poor as hard a time as the poor have ever got even the poorest of the poor heaps of money from them and justified their regime she took a heap of money from Charles Keating of the Lincoln Savings and Loan of California who you're still paying for it's bad deaths at a private jet in return for saying that he was a great guy and all the getting on Learjets in this world doesn't she deserve one I mean for Christ's sake I see people getting off Learjets left and right who don't deserve I mean this woman was living with talking about taking a flying right I mean no I don't think so I mean I think she is she the other people you see getting on and off these jets advertised the fact that they're scumbags and grinders of the faces of the poor she does it by saying I'm doing this to do the poor a favor and then she says poverty is a gift from God suffering is a gift from God leprosy is a gift from God the death of your child is because God loves the child and expects bill to sit still for it well not this reviewer their worst the bet the bad moment I wanted to call you mentioned this animal earlier I wanted to call my book about her sacred cow but I decided to call it I decided to call it the missionary position instead because I thought sacred cow might be offensive to some people I hate to but the the documentary was called over my wishes was called Hell's Angel which other was a bad title the Hells Angels came to the screening with a lawyer's letter and said I had violated their copyright they formed up in a mob and said you if you violated our trademark so now it's to get you everyone in this country has a limo which is much easier that's fishing it oh wait I can't let you go out Mother Teresa for a second even even if you question fire I mean the woman would you ever consider doing that with your life who would that's why she's saying that the before she's already sainted who was out there living with the dregs the people nobody else I've been to I've been in Boston yeah shall we be serious for a second okay I've been in Bosnia I've been in in Albania recently I've been in in Zimbabwe and many other hellish spots and I've met probably many people you've met hundreds of people who spend their intern I was really working for the good of others and just for that they don't proselytize they don't say we're doing this for the church or for our ideology or to prove that poverty is a gift from God and you should accept it or that or a campaign against divorce and abortion and contraception as she openly did she said that was her motive she told me so herself in Calcutta so I do this to disprove the secular idea that people can have divorce and immoral immoral lives we do it for this purpose that qualifies a little don't you thing well I'm just wondering if you can get this wound up about that and as a matter of fact as you point out she was more often seen clambering on a Learjet to go and see mr. Duvalier in Haiti and grovel to him or mr. Keating to go global to him and being told all this time she's on the fast-track for sainthood and then going photo op with Nancy Reagan no I don't think so she wasn't in can get in photo ops with Nancy Reagan well I think they were absolute twin souls but no one says Nancy Reagan does it for love of humanity Nancy Reagan does it for the photo op it was very hard to catch mother Teresa in Calcutta if you blinked her if you blink you mr. man you are the rosetta stone what would you say what would you say is the most overrated virtue you honesty might say face I can work with that but I think I think faith don't you faith why just take anything on faith why say I'd like this person to do my thinking for me why ever do that why not say the one thing that makes me human is I can do my own well we don't need a princess we don't need a president who promises leadership blah blah all this nonsense we have our own faculties all right so we disagree I'm on the trace of a Clinton I think we're in complete concurrent on you didn't wade into him because it doesn't get more full of than that in my book I mean what not what you were unfair you said that he's a lie I mean everyone lies about rape the gentleman was expected to lie about rape give the guy a break we all lie about bombing Sudan when Monica Lewinsky and killing innocent people in Africa on the day Monica Lewinsky comes to the grand jury we all say we had to bomb that place anyway we all do that don't we see how he's dragged everyone's level down everyone now thinks he's the average guy a rapist a war criminal with pathological liar and yeah people then say you can't fool me I'm a wised up American I'll sit in my kitchen if anyone rings and says do I have an approval rating I'll give them one to show how smart I am to show how skeptical I am to show how you can't fool me doesn't it make you want to bring up everything you have ever even thought about eating I just want you to call me in six weeks and tell me what it feels like to be gang audited my life is an open book oh we've got a phone call for you it's slide 7 it's Phil from Little Rock no no he always calls collect we've got cello from Montgomery Alabama cello how are you now what do you think of Chris's skepticism I consider myself a skeptic I consider Christie Mark McGwire of skeptics they're auctioning off that last round at Sotheby's on the spot in fact here's my question okay the what extent is skepticism a natural result of extensive knowledge of just knowing this about people oh well that's the hippest car out of Montgomery [Applause] Montgomery on a party line now in Montgomery they make they make more skepticism than they can consume literally yeah thank you fine but playing that I will say I wish there was more skepticism there isn't there's quite a lot of cynicism people say oh well what can you do or they're all the same well this kind of thing all they all do it so the regard at Clinton who is by any standards really exceptional as a lion and as a crook and as a bully walks because people think well we all do that I don't know anyone who's done half the things you do you know you're supposed to lie they say to protect the woman everyone lies no job he doesn't like to protect the woman or his family he lies to trash the women it's a libel diamond smarter than when he's done with them and to leave his family out to dry this is not whatever way do you know anyone who does that we don't know people to do this I agree it was a very mean spirit is a very mean guy do you mean as a snake and so people who think I do think your show is this is rough on him in the wrong way because you make it sound as if he's the guy who loves women too much and can't help himself if that was true fine but you're building him up by saying that he's a scumbag he's mean to these women he treats them cruel and then he lies and trashes them this is unpleasant to watch doing a comedy show because I can't come out here anyway [Applause] you're in this seat I'm over in six weeks you know I can't turn it into scared-straight where I get kids faces come in here that's what I said I see what James Kapital the other day I'm not a Carville that he hasn't spoken to me since I said he looked like the product of the love scene in deliverance you you've got to have a laugh I agree with you about that but still you mustn't boost the guy this is a guy the president who has apparently no confidence he can get laid on his own merits he humps the help and then he dumps this is not sweet I got to do the news kick back with your scotch have a ciggy right back
Channel: Mostly Bill Maher Clips
Views: 293,180
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dennis miller, skepticism
Id: zxGJNLlQYt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 11 2018
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