Christopher and Tonys Departure - Soprano Theories

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when it comes to christopher and tony it's clear to see that they had an extremely strong relationship with the entire notion of their friendship representing a father and son bond however their relationship is one that is unlike any other relationship that tony has with any of his friends in certain moments throughout the show tony seems to trust christopher more than anyone by teaching him the ins and outs of the mafia additionally tony cherishes christopher's well-being in life despite christopher being a prime candidate to flip to the feds by being addicted to heroin and alcohol and wanting to pursue a career in the film industry throughout the series there are many episodes that display their strong relationship as christopher's existence and relationship with tony begins and ends the same way it started with him driving tony for one last time of course there are multiple episodes that display their strong bond such as season is the ride where the two reminisce on the good old days of working in the mafia together and tony manipulating christopher into indulging back into wine for the first time since being sober but when it comes to christopher and tony's relationship there's one episode that stands tall above the rest and that is episode 14 of season 6 stage 5. in this video i'll be exploring the symbolism that is represented throughout the episode as well as discussing about the tragic divorce that took place between tony and christopher before we get started be sure to click subscribe and click the bell to get notifications on all upcoming sopranos content and be sure to follow me on twitter instagram and patreon links will be in the description below we know that christopher has carried a passion for filmmaking and has always had a lifelong dream to work in cinema as this is made evident to us and the pilot with christopher contemplating selling his life story and in season 2's episode 7 d-girl where christopher spends a weekend on a film set with john favreau and ponders leaving tony and new jersey in stage 5 we see this dream become a reality as the episode opens with a murder taking place inside a car shop we are then treated to the discovery that we are watching a scene from christopher's upcoming movie cleaver while christopher's film seems to clash with fiction of the slasher genre and reality of his mafia-infused lifestyle in his historic background perhaps cleaver is an autobiography type of film the entire concept for the movie could come from the mind of moltesanti with the film's title potentially being a reference to his first murder as in the pilot christopher used a cleaver lined with cocaine to distract his first murder victim and email colar just seconds before taking his life the film's initial title pork store killer also alludes to christopher's first killing as this strengthens the notion that christopher's first killing in email kolar still weighs heavily on his self-conscious and self-esteem and he goes out to get revenge on everyone especially the boss which is a pretty solid role right now it's called pork store killer cleaver star jonathan lapaglia and daniel baldwin both of which were represented as either an older brother or younger brother in the film as they are in real life baldwin and the paglia acted as replacements for soprano and mol desanti within the film as the two had the same father and son relationship as christopher and tony did in real life when it comes to cinema it can often be perceived as life-imitating art and while the sopranos isn't an autobiographical series it portrays aspects within italian culture and for residents within new jersey the same can be said for christopher's film cleaver as his film largely focuses on key events such as the conflict between tony and adriana that was ultimately the beginning of the end of tony and christopher's relationship christopher obviously still believes that there was something that happened between tony and adriana as he bases part of his film where the boss sally boy sleeps with michael's fiance it's clear that christopher deep down still seeks revenge towards tony as the film ends with michael striking a cleaver into the head of sally boy we then cut to a cross and an italian hunchback on the cornicello hanging from the rear view mirror the cornicello also known as the little horn is worn to protect individuals from the evil eye also known as the molokio and just bad luck in general earlier in the series we saw a similar look in cornicello when furyo returned from naples and brought back gifts for meadow and aj related to the cornycello is the horned hand an italian hand gesture that individuals also do to ward off evil spirits in a similar fashion to paulie's hand gestures in cleaver the first body part we see from the slashed michael is his hand coming out of the trunk this hand coming out of the trunk and the cornicello within the film could possibly be emphasizing that sally boy is killed by michael for sleeping with his fiancee again this could have been christopher's film imitating his life but as we all know tony never died from the hands of christopher while tony never caught the reference of himself in christopher's film cleaver others such as carmela rosalie silvio and aj did however those who did notice the sexual tension believe this pointed to tony's guilt on the situation but it's no surprise that tony didn't seem to catch the reference of himself within the film because nothing between him and adriana actually happened unlike sally boy and michael's fiance when carmela confronts christopher about the odd sexual narrative that made its way into his apparent biographical film he denies putting this plot into the film despite having his name attached to the screenplay's credits as a result christopher panics and threatens jt to come up with an explanation to why sally boy slaps with michael's fiance before tony begins to question his authority tony's concern that cleaver is based on him and his old relationship with him and adriana grows after carmela breaks the news to him it was based on you you know you said the yelling sally boy the boss he [ __ ] the guy's fiance the thing with adriana however when she does this tony's response is that cleaver is a movie and it's fictional it's a movie it's fictional interestingly enough this line of dialogue mirrors the words that tony tells aj in season 6's episode 8 johnnycakes after aj tried to attack uncle junior with a knife and he cites the scene from the godfather tony echoes these same fictional words that he said about cleaver tony comes to the realization that cleaver is really based on him and his relationship with christopher and adriana not just with the reference of a mob boss wearing a robe in the basement but he also discovers this when he feels out silvio for his thoughts on the film [Music] while at the bada bang jt shows up and explains his misleading perception for the realistic affair that he took right out of the 1950 film born yesterday tony seems to see right through jt's fraudulence especially due to the fact that jt asked to meet christopher at the bank as everyone knows that christopher doesn't hang around the bing anymore due to his sobriety what also seems to tip tony off of jt's lies is the gosh on his head that seems to make tony suspicious as he assumes that it's the result of christopher threatening to cover up his storyline that mimics adriana and tony's relationship within cleaver tony's suspicions continue after he watches bourne yesterday and comes to the realization that jt was lying to him and feeding him useless information we see tony's frustrations come to life by the way christopher depicted him out to be in cleaver as this makes tony worried about his legacy this is the image of me he lives to the world all those memories are for what all i am to him is some [ __ ] bully we know that tony has convinced himself that he's a good guy but this self-conception that tony has is demolished from christopher's movie while releasing this extreme amount of anger and emotion out in therapy towards dr melfi it's quite possible that these emotions are what drives tony to murder his beloved nephew just a few episodes later lastly there's the episode's ending the infamous baptism scene as tony stands godfather to christopher's daughter caitlyn during her immersion into christianity personally this scene instantly reminds me of the memorable baptism scene from the godfather and while there is certainly less blood that appears in these sopranos as baptism seen compared to the godfathers that featured deaths like mo green and the sopranos is baptism scene blood is a reoccurring reference as a song evidently chickentown by john cooper clark scores the beautiful scene the recurring use of the word bloody makes the scene eerie and provides an alternative meaning towards the scene with tony and christopher embracing one another with an uncomfortable hug we see that there is still tension between the two as it looks as if christopher finally comes to the realization that there is no escaping the mafia or tony's toxic and rude hypocrisy but also that sooner or later he'll likely wind up dead potentially from the image of tony that he set out to the world in cleaver and with the film cleaver christopher has officially become a liability to tony and will never be viewed the same no matter what he does with tony being a godfather to his daughter we see the resent disgust and anger in christopher's eyes during this hug and with tony he comes to terms that christopher hates him as he most certainly thinks he had a relationship with adriana and all i did for this [ __ ] kid and he [ __ ] hates me so much i think he [ __ ] despises me it's pretty obvious once you see me dead throughout the episode there are plenty of symbolic references that tie into the life of christopher moltesanti and his relationship with tony the episode is titled stage 5 a reference to john's sacrimoni being at stage 4 of his cancer illness and stage 5 referring to death however there's also the 5 stages of grief which just so happened to be denial anger bargaining depression and acceptance these five stages are what christopher went through after the death of adriana in this episode both sacrimoni and moltesante come to terms with realization and acceptance with themselves for jon he accepts the existence of lakota and ostra and that he will die of cancer with christopher he finally realizes that tony was not the role model he always thought he was and in season 1 episode 3 it was titled denial anger and acceptance there's also the individual of warren feldman who states to sacrimoni that he killed his wife because at that point i had to fully commit this is much like christopher choosing to side with tony and killing adriana as christopher decided at that moment where he spotted the couple at the gas station that he was fully committed to tony despite their differences and with the regularness of life being too difficult to handle with sacrimoni he can't outrun the past of being in the mafia and his addiction to smoking as he dies of lung cancer later in the episode this is much like christopher not being able to escape his drug addiction and his past with adriana but also his relationship with tony as he becomes more glued to tony with his daughter being baptized by his apparent role model that he hates so much it's obvious to see that christopher and tony's relationship still bothers christopher as it makes its way into his movie and the ending of stage 5 in my opinion is possibly the best scene throughout the entire series as this scene with no dialogue from tony or christopher and the exceptional choice of music by david chase displays the brilliance of the show while during this hug the two embrace one another but at the same time the two despise one another in different ways with christopher he despises tony's mentality hypocrisy and the attitude that tony carries towards him especially when it came to christopher being sober something that tony and everyone else could never understand with tony we see in therapy that he loves christopher so much but comes to terms that he's really become a horrible person towards his nephew that he loves unconditionally tony and christopher's relationship was one unlike any in the series the father and son relationship was something that tony carried with him has learned from christopher's father dickie their relationship was bound to end up on the rocks especially with christopher using drugs and wanting to project his life story to the screen at times the two despised one another and looked down upon one another but in the end their bond could never be broken and they both loved each other so much due to their childhood relationship i would love to hear your thoughts about tony and christopher's relationship let me know down in the comment section below for more sopranos themed videos keep it locked here right here on this channel
Channel: Soprano Theories
Views: 185,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Sopranos, Sopranos, Pure Kino, Pure Kino Sopranos, Tony Soprano, Furio Sopranos, Christopher Moltisanti, Christopher Moltisanti Sopranos, Christopher Sopranos, Sopranos Theory, Sopranos Essay, Sopranos Analysis, Soprano Theories, Gloria Trillo, Adriana Sopranos, Adriana Death Sopranos, Borko Sopranos, Christopher and Adriana, Christopher Rehab, Christopher and Tony, Dicky Moltisanti, Talking Sopranos, James Gandolfini, Christopher Death Sopranos, Christopher Dies
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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