The Bonpensiero Betrayal - Soprano Theories

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outside of the friendship that tony had with christopher it's arguable that tony had just as strong of a friendship if not a stronger bond with big puss the deaths of christopher and gloria trillo had a lasting impact on tony but no death hurt tony more than the death of big puss and the discovery of him becoming an informant as this discovery and murder shook tony to the bone provided him with a large amount of uncertainty made tony seriously think twice about killing someone and had the realization of pus being an informant come to him in a food poison nightmare the death of big puss and his betrayal to his lifelong friends hurt silvio and paulie but it hurt tony the most as there are numerous times throughout the show where puss haunts tony in flashbacks and nightmares in this video i will analyze the betrayal of big puss and how the difficult decision to flip took a heavy toll on his life and changed his life forever but also how puss becoming a squealer impacted the life of tony and changed his life too before we get started be sure to click subscribe and click the bell to get notifications on all upcoming sopranos content and be sure to follow me on twitter instagram and patreon links will be in the description below before becoming a rat salvatore big [ __ ] bumping saro was viewed as a loyal soldier in the soprano crew as he worked under tony's father johnny boy and backed up his wishes to have tony become cappo of his father's crew after his death this created a significant bond and friendship between sal tony silvio and paulie as the four often worked together and formed a lifelong friendship while puss created a somewhat successful life in being married to angie owning a auto body shop and having three children however the income he was making as a gangster was not enough to support his children through ivy league college as puss eventually began to deal heroin on the side we see this conflict appear in episode 10 of season 3 to save us all from satan's power where we see a flashback from the 1990s this flashback is brought up as tony looks off into the water and thinks of puss but also how the area of the atlantic city docks and christmas being right around the corner reminded tony of when he initially speculated puss being an fbi informant in this flashback we see tony jackie and puss down by the docks and jackie telling puss to stop selling heroin and that if he ever needed money he should come to jackie it's most likely that it's around this time where puss was eventually caught by the fbi and it's probably around this time where he faced the difficult decision to turn on his lifelong friends and best friend and tony and become an fbi informant or spend the rest of his life in jail having three children that needed to go through college and being a middle-aged man puss had no choice but to flip there is this deleted scene on youtube of puss getting busted and interrogated i find this scene to be important to the overall character arc and storyline of puss as even though he was a murderer in a cold-blooded mafioso he was also a weak man on the inside who can easily be targeted and pushed around i wonder why david chase never used this deleted scene for the final cut of an episode and if you haven't seen this deleted scene a link will be in the description below we see in the same episode more instances of van pancero acting suspicious as he never showed up to a sit-down that he organized and came up with an excuse about his gumar's mother's health later on puss again acted suspicious while at satreal's for a christmas party as he gets upset when paulie tries to hug him appears to be drunk and questions tony about business and as tony and silvio looked back on this moment the two come to the realization that he was already wearing a wire under the santa suit it was clear to see that tony trusted puss more than anyone else as he was a part of the hmo scam helped christopher dispose the body of emil kolar played a pivotal role in the garbage dispute somewhat retrieved aj's science teacher's car back and was also aj's confirmation sponsor however despite all these assets puss still made a decision to flip and turn on his best friend and tony throughout the series we see more questionable behavior come from bun fincero this is especially noticeable when he proceeds to run from the fbi during jimmy altieri's card game as he broke the mafia's code of physically running from the authorities despite making an attempt to flee bun pincero didn't make it too far as his back gave out as he was then quickly nabbed by the police this was the beginning of the entire back incident with big puss as we see it get brought up numerous times throughout the show personally i think it was all [ __ ] and a distraction to get the guys not to hug him or feel him out as often due to the fact that he was wearing a wire whether it was his back suddenly tensing up at a brothel once his shirt was off appearing to be fine and then gingerly walking out of christopher's office or just moving like a crumbling man i personally didn't buy it we see that this entire storyline was all fake with [ __ ] when tony questions the fact that his doctor down in puerto rico even existed she even really exists shortly after puss was arrested tony became aware of the possibility of bun pincero being a rat as this news was brought up to tony by crooked cop vin makazian upon discovering this unthinkable information tony seems to be absolutely shocked and in disbelief while being an informant and turning on tony provided puss with an extreme amount of stress the same can also be said for tony with tony wondering if these allegations of pus being an informant are true or not especially if they come from a crooked cop and makaysian who apparently owes [ __ ] money it's the most serious [ __ ] decision i've ever had to make in my life and i need proof i'm not going to hurt a man that i love because of some cop gossip from a degenerate [ __ ] gambler with a badge you understand me with the discovery that there was a rod in the family everyone seemed to point their finger on puss being the culprit with everyone speculating that the crooked cop in makkazian is right on puss being a rat everyone decided to turn their back on [ __ ] including the people that he loved most and tony silvio and paulie and even his wife angie as the two were headed towards the divorce were seen constantly fighting and opted to sleep in separate rooms tony wanted to be absolutely sure that puss was wearing a wire so we had paulie take him to his fits shockingly puss declined to take his clothes off as a result of high blood pressure however this scenario only increased the family's tensions and anxieties about puss being a rat tony even decided to surprise [ __ ] in the middle of the afternoon to feel him out this scene displays the brilliance of gandalfini perfectly as tony seemed to still be in denial that pus is a rat and wanted to make sure of it himself it's here in this scene where tony was possibly giving puss the chance to confess and let his best friend know that he's a rat but in reality we all know a situation like this would never happen we see tony's realization at the end of his scene when [ __ ] walks away as the fear in tony's eyes makes him realize that [ __ ] is a rat because of this bun pincero decided to flee to puerto rico for a year and life went on without [ __ ] but pincero resurfaced a year later and his return is somewhat questionable as he waits for tony outside to retrieve his daily newspaper and startles him even with puss back we still see his friends and everyone in the family turn their back towards him as while he was away tony became acting boss which resulted in paulie taking over puss's collection silvio became consolieri puss was even left out of the crew's trip to italy to discuss stolen cars and once he came back he was on an equal status level with newcomer furio despite having long ties with tony this resulted in puss resenting furyo and he was left out of all mob-like activities while at first sal was reluctant to cooperate with skip about providing the fbi with information on his best friend and tony things seemed to change however when all of his friends turned their backs on puss as he looked back on all those years with tony as nothing and viewed his role within the family as an errand boy he even reversed the mafia's code of silence this thing of ours more to be a selfish statement towards tony sting of oz [ __ ] joke more like this thing of mine however there were a few times throughout his role as an informant where puss was hemming and hawing on wearing a wire nowhere do we see this more than aj's confirmation party as [ __ ] knew it was wrong and ultimately became the final straw of him turning his back on his best friends and turning his back on tony as it took him most of the afternoon to finally strap the wire onto his chest we see in this tense scene that this is a very difficult decision for puss and cooperating with the fbi has now made its way into his family's home while he does eventually wear a wire to aj's confirmation party he never does retrieve any incriminating evidence against tony but rather he spends most of his time upstairs with aj talking about how good of a person tony is this scene has a few concepts going on here and is so important to the character of big [ __ ] number one he knows that what he's doing is wrong but knows it's the only way to fulfill a better life for his family and also it's the only way to receive a reduced sentence secondly it's here where puss is sobbing in the bathroom that he knows he'll eventually die at the hands of tony for wearing a wire and turning his back on his best friend lastly big [ __ ] comes to the realization with himself that he cannot fathom the idea that he actually wore a wire to his best friend's son's confirmation party there's also the scene where puss relays the calling card scam to furio while stating this complicated scheme so easily defurio tony seems to zone out and zone in on puss relaying this scam it appears as if puss has repeated this scam a few times now hinting the fact that he's been almost projecting it to furio like a presentation this scene stood out to tony as a turning point of puss being a rat but he still isn't 100 certain tony's realization of pus being rad and betraying his best friends comes to him in a food poison nightmare here puss appears as a fish and eerily portrays the same image that he said about luca brazi towards christopher in the series as pilot and there's also the devious scene where tony discovers there was a witness to the bevel aqua hit just listen to the dialogue here where the actual rat says thank god first off it's not a right thank god in the nightmare puss tells tony that he's been working with the fbi and tony's response is that he knew all along and with this discovery that came to tony in his nightmare tony decided to pay [ __ ] a visit and while upstairs he finds recording equipment at the bottom of his cigar box and as we all know big [ __ ] was later manipulated onto the boat and never made it back as tony silvio and paulie shot him after some tequila shots we see how special and important puss was towards the guys as he was different compared to most not just because he was a rat but because he was a lifelong friend of tony silvio and paulie we see just how much he meant to the guys here you were like a brother to me to all of us next to adriana and christopher's death the death of big puss is right up there in terms of heartbreaking as he begs for the shots not to be in his face tony silvio and paulie grant their once lifelong best friend's last wishes by letting him keep his eyes and his face and unintentionally or not the shot struck puss in the chest which just so happens to be the same place where he strapped his wire since the murder all three have been haunted by the betrayal and murder of big puss with big [ __ ] appearing in nightmares for tony silvio and paulie throughout the show big puss's betrayal murder and storyline was truly difficult to watch as he had to lie constantly towards his lifelong friends in order not to draw any suspicions he carried an extreme amount of guilt on his shoulders of turning on his friends he was easily under a lot of pressure and really couldn't enjoy himself and he was eventually killed by his three best friends his fate in the last few minutes alive eerily parallels fredo's in the godfather trilogy what do you think about the betrayal murder and storyline of big puss and if i missed anything let me know down in the comment section below for more sopranos themed videos keep it locked here right here on this channel
Channel: Soprano Theories
Views: 782,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Sopranos, Sopranos, Pure Kino, Borko, Borko Sopranos, Pure Kino Sopranos, Soprano Theories, Soprano Analysis, Sopranos Theories, Sopranos Ending, Big Pussy Sopranos, Bonpensiero Sopranos, Sopranos Sal, Big Pussy Death, Big Pussy Death Sopranos, Sopranos Rats, Sopranos Myths, Sopranos Theory, Talking Sopranos, Furio Sopranos, Christopher Moltisanti, Gloria Trillo, Adriana La Cerva, Salvatore Sopranos, Angie Sopranos, Carmela Soprano, Tony Soprano, James Gandolfini
Id: pGX6jleGoyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 02 2021
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