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[Music] hello everyone and welcome back to Ellen with the Y goes live thank you for joining I figured I would do a quick little Ellen with the Y goes live from my family's Christmas Eve I hope that you're all enjoying your holidays and are enjoying some time with the family and some time off I feel like with every episode I've been trying to set the intention and have people take a breather hopefully the show brings some joy hopefully you are able to spread that joy and spread that laughter and that's the point of this show you should be laughing and smiling and if you catch yourself smiling be sure to spread it so I literally have probably the most people I've ever had during a live show usually in my yeah literally my entire family is here so we just finished having our Christmas Eve which yes we just finished eating it is 10 o'clock Eastern Time but that's how you do it when you're celebrating the Feast of the Seven Fishes depending on you know how much you want to be married to grammar so the peace of the seven fish for Italians it is Italian American tradition I'm sitting next to mine auntie let's do a quick little wave hello there you go essentially we eat a ton of fish more than seven fish and the seven represents depending on who you talk to the seven sacraments and we eat a lot fish in a lot of food and so we're all gathered together and then we do really fun secrets Anna and cousins white elephant and exchanging of gifts and we have a new baby in the family so we were exchanging gifts with Aliya who maybe you'll get to meet later on in the show so we a really good time and it's a really special time for my family and I know that anybody I tell that we have the Seven Fishes tradition people really always want to see what what that looks like and so I just wanted to celebrate and share a little bit of my family traditions we have a huge family here with us right now and part of my holiday special is that I wanted to invite some family up who have not gotten to one see the show live or to be on the show so George Oy yeah my cousin Julie is gonna come on Julie so this is my little baby cousin Julie my little angel baby so Julie is my little cousin you're 10 years younger than me yeah just about ten little younger than 21 in January and we're just gonna play a little game keep it fun keep it fresh so this game I love playing this game because it's fun for me I don't know if it'll be fun for you it's always fun for the people that are listening and watching so essentially we're gonna play incoherent really quickly while I'm pulling out a card Julie can you tell us what your favorite thing at Christmas Eve dinner is oh my goodness either shrimp cocktail appetizer or stuffed clams fans okay I love stuff games what was the Fernan artichokes okay at the archers but that's the non fish favorite the non fish is saying hi to everyone my god hi everyone to everyone that's not celebrating Christmas Happy Holidays Happy Hanukkah I started on Sunday did start on Sunday okay so your favorite foods do you have a favorite Christmas movie everyone making recommendation I like the Polar Express there you go a white Christmas I said I like white Christmas whoa what was another one so great I love the Grinch the Grinch is my favorite home-along yeah it's a lot of good family movies that are out yeah okay so I'm gonna pull card and Julie's gonna have to guess what it is is it tiny it is it tiny in it oh I actually don't think we should do this [Music] one oh is that a bad yes oh my Christmas my knees here okay you're not gonna get this one you don't watch that show okay this is perfect quack is extra say louder crack his sex draw like a sex jar Aleeah knows life is extra something is extra what is extra crack is extra do not help the poor are you back there walk okay we'll give you another one not from the red means stop not go I oh I cope by his eye or Coplay hiss is it one word no it's a phrase why do you want to hit yes yes flawless I woke up like this yeah did we look at it highlight Lewis contour lighting is really just about a morphe kit angler Diana warmer guest on the show Secret Santa oh let's ask the people that are watching who does like Secret Santas or white elephants or who's out there like giving gifts to each other which is better because we have tried out we just Bowl you know we're a bountiful family you know and you just like to give so let us know what you guys like doing okay let's do this one fun dizzy but Paul fun dizzy football something but fantasy football is good my dad and my brother just won their fantasy football for you why Michael Michael nervous yet my guest right before Thanksgiving you won first place yeah did you win a lot of money give me your money how much money like seven hundred and something dollars I really as lindomar I'm in the market for a Roomba oh this is so sad so I'll tell a little story really quickly so I was at my house my parents house I went home to their house like put my gifts down under the tree for all of my family and this one gift was really big and I just you know went and looked at it cuz the child in me and I noticed it had my name on it and I immediately was was a little excited hoping that it was a Roomba and then the 10 year old Ellen was immediately disappointed and very upset with me that I would ever hope for a vacuum for Christmas but it is a practical ask okay well I'm shaking your head it's definitely not a robot okay all right also I'll temper my expectations okay oh all right but I do really want a room I hate vacuuming I'm literally I cannot believe oh my practical my family during our Secret Santa we did a Secret Santa and a white elephant and during the white elephant everyone was avoiding the really big box and I was like you know what this is probably a diversion it's probably a really good gift but it probably was a really like a good gift card or something so I was like I'm gonna go for it so I go and I open it and it's a squatty potty for all my bathroom what did I say I don't go to bathroom oh my god oh yeah here let's bring it into frame all right this is what a squatty potty looks like everyone it's really class sponsor Ellen with the wine oh my god a squatty potty's the show this show literally going down the drain that's what I need it you said I need it I don't need it I don't never use this I'll never use that I have no you swore I don't you I don't do any of those okay would you like to say what you got for your Secret Santa and white elephant yes so Barry Secret Santa I got a more V makeup palette because she's um wha all right we want is that's makeup artist for youtubers it's the new thing I'm trying makeup more makeup okay and I got a face a hair mask with it cube and for white elephant I actually traded my gifts for a game called something who's most likely to something like that yeah and you guessed who was most likely to do something that the card says in a group well I like that game that game looks like a lot of fun try it we're gonna have to like do some testing with it and then maybe I can incorporate it into my yeah would you train for it I traded it for a Dundee from the office my dungeon trophies sacrilege I can't believe you traded that I know Thomas is so upset he bought it was like I think I'm just gonna get it myself just stolen it when I have a chance oh my gosh well I think that I would like to invite the one of the main chefs of our Christmas Eve into the frame yeah bring with raelia yeah is it okay yeah okay thanks for joining us this is her daughter her daughter's is the real star of the show [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] this is your first time on an Instagram live show look could you look at the light she's a star a stars born she loves it she loves the lights hi yes wave to the camera we're gonna show this to you like your every birthday so why did you think her throw up must have been the cooking oh my god but I must have been all the dishes that Uncle Jimmy me yeah with nothing that you prepared no I want to say thank you to Aunt Nancy to Uncle Jimmy to everyone Bryant and Auntie everybody who contributed and more uncle Uncle Jack everybody who contributed and worked on our Christmas Eve dinner I really appreciate it and I know everybody here does have a huge amount of people behind the camera right now my whole family like 25 something people uh-huh that's quite a few people so you've kind of cooked for a little army so I wanted to say thank you for preparing that for us you prepare it every year so going into our Christmas Eve what are some things that kind of like come up for you to get like anxious you get excited you prepare like five weeks in advance how did what wouldn't you start this process first of all Christmas is my favorite holiday Christmas and fourth of July Christmas is on top yeah cooking began when no one he was working nor know was he would be off from school or when he worked instructions so he would start the cooking Jimmy and I were kind of home and old enough so we would have to help ya which we really didn't want to the thing I guess we did or nobody would be eating tonight no learned all the recipes yeah we did and we I miss cooking with him it just started like this Jani keeps amazing lists accounts of what we should do we pretty much have the same menu every year yes unless we debated topic so this year this year with the disappearance of the mushrooms and I think there will be a quorum will be held we'll have a conversation everyone will the sky it's like really yeah boat so we got it's a really funny like but it's really like a big discussion in our family like if anything were to change about the menu right if the menus like in any way starts to change or deviate everyone feels like we need we all need to weigh it yeah three things were on the chopping block this year okay was the pasta with the column odd sauce the cod and the stuffed mushrooms we won back to things okay but stuffed mushrooms got chopped well in my research about the Feast of the Seven Fishes baccala which is the cod stew - is actually one of the most traditional of the whole meal I didn't I didn't know that see it's like everybody see everybody it's the egg that's why we don't take things so this is what you can get right so we have okay kick tell me if I'm missing anything okay we start with our appetizers seafood salad fried calamari mussels in a white wine sauce shrimp cocktail stuff clams mm-hmm whiting yes and a whiting did I miss one for appetizers no okay then for dinner we have stuffed artichokes stuffed flounder baccala which is the Cod's do and broccoli rabe and the pasta with the calamari sauce yeah and I forgetting anything Oh dice a stuffed artichokes no yeah maybe I started that that was the last dish to come out so it's fresh in fact they were literally the size of our face we're so big we were delicious though they were so good and everybody has their favorites and then you don't you don't do dessert you don't you did a cookie last year yeah but you kind of like put your feet up on dessert I think that you should and then that's where my Aunt Grace who is right over there on the couch yes grace move grace takes over brings in like Italian lace cookies she brings in the chocolate dipped cookies oh these are special batch made just for me I'm gonna show everyone now don't be jealous everyone okay so my aunt Gracie's incredible like butter cookie and they have like a jam on the inside and I controversial opinion don't like them dipped in chocolate although everyone around me likes this is what they really look like this is the real McCoy so good so but when you sit next to me when we're eating these I'll give you the top part and I'll just eat the butter bottom and everyone loves that but I prefer now they're taking the Kukui and makes me a little batch just for myself and I will put these right in my bag and they will go right home with me and I'll eat them tomorrow or maybe take them back into the city didn't I teach you how to Sharon's no I went to Catholic school I was learning like prayers and things I didn't we didn't have time to in our Skinner so I wanted to say thank you preparing and cooking everything thank you to my whole family for entertaining the fact that I would pop up live in the middle of a family function and stop everything but I appreciate you all I appreciate you kind of winging it with me this is like a more like off-the-cuff fun episode I see a little like emotional at the very beginning because I was like oh my god my whole family is here watching me do this but I thank you all from the bottom of my heart I hope that everybody has a really beautiful Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Thank You Nani for hosting us in your home every year thank you for inviting in this insanity I hope that everybody has a really beautiful holiday and that you take some time to relax and spread some love and some joy and give people a hug if they if they could use it because it's this time of year it's the time of year that sometimes that's all somebody needs so thank you for watching I hope you spread some joy and I'll see you guys sort of maybe next week unclear maybe I'll go live under here maybe I will hi everyone thanks for watching to subscribe to my channel click here and to watch more videos click here be sure to LIKE comment and hit the bell so you get notified every time I upload a video [Music]
Channel: Ellyn Puleio
Views: 216
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: ellynwithay, ellyn puleio, ellen, comedian, ellyn with a y goes live, Tess Collins, Tess Collins Music, ellen degeneres, ellen show, wendy williams, jimmy fallon, build series, refinery29, merry christmas, vlogmas 2019, merry christmas I hope your tree burns down, christmas eve, feast of the seven fishes, happy holidays, family, christmas even traditions, julie fondacaro, italian christmas traditions, family christmas traditions, family party games, seven fishes
Id: yR_RD8NUp7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 27 2019
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