Christmas at Church on the Move | 2018

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[Music] there is [Music] it shine [Music] his name is Jesus his name is Jesus [Music] his name [Music] [Music] darkness the absence of light we lived in the light once briefly but we pushed it away blinded by our desires we didn't realize what we were doing but in the end we brought this darkness upon ourselves it became our home you live in the dark for so long it becomes normal find yourself wondering if there ever really was a light to begin with but as we struggled to make the best of our situation deep down somehow we knew we knew we were not meant to live in the dark we were meant for more [Music] and then one day something unexpected happens we woke up to a strange glow on the horizon almost as if there was a great light approaching we didn't know we could trust his even real funny the Sun had returned [Music] oh what a light that spilled over the horizon so much bigger so much brighter so much warmer than we ever dared it cut right through us piercing our darkened hearts burning away our shame and guilt and flooding our hearts with joy a joy so unspeakable so unimaginable that all of creation lifted their voice to the song to the one who returned with the life baby [Applause] [Music] hey church we're here to celebrate Jesus today a baby born in a manger the hope of the world our Savior has come will you please stand and join us as we worship our King today [Music] joy to the world the Lord is come they receive hurricane [Music] prepare they just [Music] the song employ Wow right enjoy the sounding joy [Music] [Music] with truth and grace and makes the nation's [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] man what a great start man we're gonna have a great night together my name is Jorden I want to quickly extend a warm welcome to everyone who may be here for the very first time church lumen family will you help me make our guests feel at home we're so grateful you came tonight and when everyone help me welcome back our good friends from Philadelphia the Philadelphia string quartet with us tonight [Applause] their family it's gonna be a great night we're gonna sing a few more songs together we're gonna hear from our lead pastor with George and then we're gonna light our candles a little bit later but before we get going turn around find four or five people tell them Merry Christmas welcome to church and we'll keep going here in just a minute [Music] [Music] all right let's keep it going [Music] they Chelsea coverage you Tsubaki be star sure [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] Prince of Peace [Music] two three [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] seeing this gal together [Music] Oh [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] jeez [Music] Jesus [Music] Oh [Music] sure [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] single Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we as mere are kidding and our Savior is here he is here in this room tonight what you withhold your praise for the God amongst look our God our Savior our King Emmanuel Jesus did not come as a baby and become God but he is God coming as a man into our world for us not to condemn the world but to bring peace peace everlasting not a warm fuzzy feeling but peace that restores peace that brings hope peace that rebuilds he is here what you give him all your crazy [Applause] it's times like this that I wish I could really sing I would just lead us in another chorus but I will spare you I will spare you the agony you guys can go ahead and be seated if I have not met you my name is Heather I'm whit's wife and there is nowhere I would rather be than here worshiping our Lord and King Jesus with you thank you so much for being here tonight again my name is Heather if this is your first time here welcome welcome I'm so glad you're here whit and I would love to meet you after the service we will be in the lobby and we would love to shake your hand hug your neck and hear a little bit of your story of how you came to church on the move we have been in a season of compassion where we have been looking and learning of different ministries around the world and in our city that we want to partner with to bring the good news of Jesus different ministries that are introducing people to the real Jesus so as we prepare to give tonight in our compassion offering would you watch this short video just to get us everyone up to speed of who we're going to be partnering just a few different initiatives that we'll be partnering with so watch this video with me please [Music] ladies and gentlemen today is the day we're taking up our compassion offering what is that well it's our opportunity as a church family to come together pull our resources and raise 2.5 million dollars for 23 life-changing initiatives but locally and around the world initiatives that we are going to take on has a church together in 2019 we're doing this because we want to be a church on the move we want to move toward heartache and brokenness not a weight from it that's what this thing is all about real Jesus radical compassion you can learn all about our compassion initiatives at compassion offering calm but today as we prepare to give let's take a look at just a few of the initiatives we can't wait to be a part of initiatives like planting churches in India with one love global church the opportunity to introduce people to Jesus is very real very much in front of us new hope is alive we want to create a place for recovery for precious people caught in the grips of addiction but at the end of the day what we're really doing is we're restoring whole Christian families that I believe will be on mission for the gospel for years to come we want to create structured discipleship for young people through the Reid foundation right here in Tulsa these kids have a mission to and we got a mission too we don't wanna leave any kids we want to give the members of our church who are incarcerated the chance to reconnect with their families through an incredible Christmas experience called all is bright it's a night of celebration dinner and gift-giving tailored to open up a new gateway for mom or dad to be the hero on Christmas Day and that's just a few of them we want to drill water wells in India build a library in Kenya rescue girls in Myanmar from sex trafficking and give hope for mothers recovering from addiction we want to be available in disaster strikes and wrap our arms around our city at love day we are so excited about how God can use us in the new year so what do you say church what if in 2019 we introduce people to the real Jesus on a scale like never before [Music] when Jesus looked out on the multitudes he was moved with compassion as we watch the news and see what is happening in the world around us how can we not be moved with that same compassion how can we not be moved when we see the refugees that are displaced by war and genocide how can we not be moved by those that are displaced and homeless because of natural disasters how can we not be moved when we know that children are enslaved in factories in the sex trade Jesus move our hearts with compassion we cannot turn our backs on the hurting the broken the lost their neighbors your neighbors your family are trapped in prison by addiction there is a lost and hurting world and we have the opportunity to partner with churches and ministries to bring the hope and good news of Jesus when we look at our pocketbooks and we look and compare it to the trouble in the world we think how this be how does this even make a difference the disciples brought Jesus the loaves and fishes and they said well we have this little bit but it's certainly not enough to feed the five thousand and Jesus said watch what I will do watch me work watch me work I will do a miracle this is our opportunity whatever you have give it with an open heart an open hand and watch what Jesus will do not only within these ministries and in different lives around the world but in your home in your heart in your pocketbook as well watch what he can do it is my honor and privilege to take this offering today and I'm humbled humbled to be in this position because I know for some of you this is a stretch it's a sacrifice you're not giving out of a surplus but you're giving of your regular budget you're making a sacrifice I honor you for that I thank you for giving so generously and on behalf of the people and the ministries that you are giving to I thank you for giving so generously we will never know the full return on our gifts today until we get to heaven and some little girl hugs your neck and says thank you you saved my life so on her behalf I say thank you thank you there are several different ways you can give today if you look up here on the screen we can give to co t MDOT info follow the prompts for your giving you can fill in for the tithe and the compassion offering or you can text to give to this number two three 101 follow the prompts there as well if your tithing texts give and the amount or text ly n and the amount that you want to give to the compassion offering and if you want to write a check or give cash there is an envelope in the seat back in front of you the ushers are coming as we pray and they will be gathering those gifts let's pray together Heavenly Father our good and merciful father you you took pity on us you had mercy upon us and we can't say thank you enough because you rescued us you rescued us and we say thank you we say thank you our hearts are moved by your generosity to us that we must be generous in return that we must be compassionate in return so we bring our tithe and our offering before you today with an open hand and an open heart and say thank you take what little I have and use it use it for freedom use it for love use it for salvation I thank you that every seed that is planted today we'll return a harvest a 10 20 50 100 fold that we see a harvest of the seed that is planted in the ground and it is and the and the return comes in like a flood that cannot be contained by our barns and storehouses we ask all of these things in Jesus name in Jesus beautiful matchless name Amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well hey church on the move Merry Christmas come on we can do better than that Merry Christmas there you go great to see you this weekend my name is whit I'm the pastor here if we haven't had a chance to meet yet and I just want to say welcome glad you're here so honored that you would spend part of your Christmas time with us with this church family we are so honored that you're with us this weekend if you didn't know Church on the move is one church but we meet in a lot of different locations and so I want to look into the camera right quick and welcome our Broken Arrow campus merry Christmas to everybody out at our ba campus and I also want to say Merry Christmas to our South Campus we have a campus in south Tulsa what's up you guys Merry Christmas out there and then also we have a group of people that meet every weekend at our 180 campus which is a building right here on this property but they have their own campus up there we want to say Merry Christmas to them and we have a bunch of people who join us from all over the place online every single week from living rooms and dorm rooms all over the place we want to say Merry Christmas to you and last but not least if you didn't know this last year as a result of last year's or this current year's compassion offering but I kind of think of it as last year because we're coming up to the next year we you gave so that we could launch two campuses in prisons we have one a dr. Eddie warrior which is a women's Correctional Facility and another at dick Conner Correctional Center and we just want to say Merry Christmas to them you're part of our church family to come on central campus can we put our hands together and welcome our church family from all over the place honored to have you this weekend hey before I jump into the content I want to just invite you back for January and here's why because we're starting a season in January that I think is strategic for you for your family for your life it's called real and what we're talking about in January is who are you really you know what's amazing to me is as I bump into all kinds of people and we start having conversation it's amazing how many people struggle with their self-image how many people that inner voice inside isn't the most positive we've run ourselves down all the time we struggle to believe anything good about ourselves and yet what's interesting is it in contrast to that our culture is telling us all the time to be who we really are on the inside to follow our dreams to pursue whatever is in our heart I had a young lady I heard about in one of our other campuses who asked one of our pastors this question everybody's telling me to follow my dreams and to be Who I am on the inside how do I know who I am on the inside Who am I really we're gonna talk about that in January and I want to invite you back I want to invite you to be a part of it because here's what I know when you put God first and when you honor him with your spiritual life everything else in your life starts to change for the better it may not look like for the better immediately but I can promise you because I've lived it if 2019 is the best year of your life spiritually it will be the best year of your life and so I invite you to be a part of what we're doing in January come join us and learn and grow together as we follow Jesus together that's really what we're all about as a church is becoming more like Jesus all right I want to read to you from Isaiah and Isaiah is an interesting book it has a lot of prophecies about Jesus Isaiah was a prophet and then Isaiah chapter 9 we read a couple of famous verses about Jesus specifically about the Christmas story and I want to read to you verse 6 which is the face verse probably the verse that you've heard at some point in your life and get shared a lot around this time of year it says listen Isaiah chapter 9 verse 6 for to us a child is born to us a son is given and the government will be on his shoulders and he will be called wonderful counselor mighty God everlasting father Prince of Peace I love that verse because it so beautifully illustrates who Jesus is and what he came to do but there's another verse in Isaiah chapter 9 that we're gonna focus on this weekend a little bit more that I think also has a lot to do with this Christmas season this is verse 2 it says this the people walking in darkness have seen a great light on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned you know one of the ways you know Christmas is happening all around you is the appearance of lights it's one of the things that marks the Christmas season I remember when I was probably 5 years old I was out with a babysitter I think my parents had a party or something going on that night and we were out probably grabbing some dinner I don't really know but this is amazing that this memory marked me at 5 years old I still remember it today I remember coming home with the babysitter she's driving us home and we pulled onto our street and there down the street is our house only our house doesn't look like it did last time I saw it there are Christmas lights all in the bushes out front it wasn't anything all that spectacular I assure you but my dad had gone out and strung out a couple of strings of lights out in the bushes and I remember being so mesmerized by that Wow these beautiful lights it's one of the things that marks the Christmas season lights I was driving through our neighborhood a couple of weeks ago with my son Elliot we were looking at Christmas lights together beautiful lights all over the houses and he asked me why do we do this why do we put lights on our houses have you ever wondered that what is this thing about light at Christmastime well in some part it comes from what Isaiah said that the point of Christmas the meaning of Christmas is this idea this theme this concept that light has broken into the darkness that's what Christmas is about it's about light breaking in not just in some metaphysical idealistic way but light real light hope breaking into the darkness of our life it's unfortunate these days that Christmas has become I think kind of so watered down so sentimental and nostalgic that we kind of lose the grittiness of what it was all about originally these days Christmas is about elves and sweaters and warm fires and hot cocoa and a weird dude who sneaks into your house in the middle of the night to deliver gifts right that's kind of what Christmas has sort of become about this kind of sappy sanitary sort of I don't know if we'll all just hold hands and treasure the Christmas spirit in our hearts for the whole year that somehow we could make the world a better place I think Isaiah's laughing in his grave saying yeah good luck with that because this world is a dark place truth be told and I think Isaiah would say it doesn't really matter how much we hold hands how much we sing kumbaya how much we treasure the Christmas spirit in our hearts it's still a dark world and if a light doesn't break in to our world if a son isn't born if a Savior isn't given then we are without hope and without God in the world that's the message of Christmas on the one hand it's encouraging on the other hand it's a little depressing because it means that there's a lot of pain if there's a lot of darkness for some of you when we start talking about light shining in the darkness you know exactly what I'm talking about you don't have to look very far in your life to experience darkness darkness comes in a lot of different shapes and sizes in different ways some of us are dealing with the darkness of abuse right now if you're in an abusive relationship or maybe you're coming out of or have survived an abusive relationship it really doesn't matter what that abuse is or how it's happened in your life it stays with you it's not something that just falls off of you when you escape your abuser you carry it with you darkness some of us might be carrying the darkness of rejection maybe there was somebody close to you who hurt you betrayed you psychologically betrayal especially the betrayal of a spouse being cheated on they say is one of the most traumatic events a person can experience it's darkness maybe you're suffering from the darkness of loss I met a young lady in the lobby I called a couple of weeks ago she could have been more than I don't know 25 26 years old and she was just a couple of weeks removed from having lost her husband to be a widow at 25 just darkness for something you don't have to look too far when we start singing about light in the darkness when we start talking about hope and the difficult painful parts of your life it's real for you like it's a real thing the idea that hope could be possible that light could be possible is not just some fairy tale that we tell ourselves around this time of the year to make ourselves feel better but it's a real thing and for instance is why the mission of our church is simple it's to introduce people to the real Jesus because can I be honest with you I really don't like church enough to come in here and do it just to make ourselves feel better I'd rather stay home if that's what it's all about but if it's a real Jesus who makes a real difference in your real life than that I can be a part of that I can wake up for every day that I can work hard for because that's what Christmas is really all about it's about the fact that there is hope in the middle of your darkness in the middle of the pain the suffering that you face in the middle of the difficulty that you're going through it's the it's the idea that hope is possible the change is possible that you don't have to be the same person you used to be that tomorrow can be different than yesterday that's what Christmas is about it's not some feel-good story that we come and inspire ourselves so that we can get through another year it's about light breaking in to the darkness and let me tell you if you're in darkness right now can I just tell you this I don't say this lightly I don't say this to minimize or trivialize your pain you're in a good place and here's why because when you're in the middle of darkness you're uncomfortable we don't like darkness have you noticed that we don't like it people don't like being in the dark and when you're in the middle of the darkness when you're in the middle of pain oftentimes that's the only time you're willing to do something different you're willing to say you know what whatever it takes come hell or high water I'm moving something's got to change a good place to be because can I tell you change never happens from the middle change always happens out on the edges out on the frontier that's where change happens it doesn't happen from your couch it doesn't happen in your comfort zone it happens when you get uncomfortable enough to be willing to move and can I tell you in that way if you're in darkness you're in a good place because as we say the night is always darkest just before the dawn if you're willing to take a next step if you're willing to step outside your comfort zone I can tell you that hope and light and life is possible for you you don't have to stay in darkness if Christmas means anything it means you don't have to stay in the darkness but there's another kind of darkness one that I think there's probably many of us dealing with this weekend it's a more dangerous kind of Darkness although you wouldn't think it from the outside it might not look that way I'll call it spiritual blindness see in the first category we're talking about spiritual darkness and when you're in spiritual darkness you know where you are you know it's dark and you're hoping that a light will come when you're spiritually blind here's the problem with being spiritually blind when the light shows up you don't even see it because you're blind and I got to tell you just living in Oklahoma being honest with you because I love you can I just tell you I think there's a lot of us that are spiritually blind for one reason or another blindness is the result of I think a few different things I think some of us might be blind because we're successful for some of your life's pretty good right now business is doing well you're making money jobs good life good so you don't really feel like you know I don't know you might love Jesus you might say that you love Jesus you might even go to a church every now and again it might be kind of a thing for you you believe in God that sort of thing but when it comes down to really do you need God like do you need a light to shine in your darkness for some of us we were like wait a minute is it even all that dark because you're living in a place of success I don't condemn you because life's going well I'm just saying that when life goes well it often deceives you into thinking that you can rely on all that to to sort of bring you comfort and peace for your life that's why Jesus referred to riches as being deceitful because they fool you into thinking that you can trust them that this will always be this way that this is what really matters this is what really counts some of us are giving the best parts of ourselves to our career to our business nothing wrong with love and your business nothing wrong with loving your career but when it takes center stage in your life can I tell you that's a form of spiritual blindness I don't care how much you believe in Jesus it's spiritual blindness and my prayer for you is that your eyes would be opened just a little bit to see that that's not worth counting on not worth relying on some of us are dealing with spiritual blindness because of doubts you might be here this weekend because family brought you here you would never have chosen to be here on your own but because your whole family is here you're also here someone drugged you around and you don't really buy into this whole Jesus thing or Christianity thing because you have questions doubts to you this does seem like a whole fairy tale kind of thing and for you your blindness looks like questions and doubts maybe you're not even opposed to Christianity it's just that you can't get over the fact that it doesn't make a lot of sense to you or maybe for you it's not so much questions about like the doctrines of Christianity you question the people that you've known who claimed to be Christians who weren't anything like Jesus and so for you you've decided to kind of take some steps back from your faith or maybe from the faith that you had as a kid because you just can't buy into what you see going on in the church you got questions can I tell you something people have always had questions about Christianity it's interesting in Matthew 28 after Jesus was resurrected it says that he appeared to a large group of people and he said that a lot of his disciples worshiped him do you know what else it says there I think this is an interesting detail it says some people doubted in other words people have always found Christianity to be a little difficult to believe even when Jesus resurrected was standing right in front of them can I tell you something a church on the move worshippers and doubters are welcome I'm glad you're here maybe you've been told that you need to take your questions someplace else maybe you've been told that to have real faith means turning off your mind and just blindly accepting everything that is put before you that's not what real faith is Jesus was never afraid of people's questions my prayer for you if you're in that situation is that you wouldn't let your questions lead you to Jesus rather than drive you further away from him but it's a form of blindness the last form of blindness I think might be the most dangerous of all its blindness caused by religion because when you're religious you're relying on all of your good works all of your good behavior all of the right things that you've done oh really what you stand on to say I'm a good person I'm doing things the right way being spiritually blind because of religion can I tell you that's my story when I talk about introducing people to the real Jesus the reason that that is our mission is because a lot of people myself included believed in Jesus but we didn't know the real Jesus we had a Jesus who was primarily concerned with our behavior being a good person see I grew up in church I was the son of a pastor I'm a pastor's kid and not one of those pastors kids that was one of the good pastors kids I kept up yeah you can applaud but let me tell you something no no no yeah you're applauding for a sheen of good behavior but a heart that was far from God see I know what it's like to go to church I know what it's like to cry on Easter I know what it's like to read your Bible occasionally I don't what it's like to do all the right things I know what it's like to like God but love me and that kind of religion doesn't change your life can I tell you what that does it makes you judgmental of other people it makes you angry impatient you know why because you're keeping all the rules and all these other jokers out here are breaking them why can't they be more like me it's religion and it's a spiritual blindness and for a lot of years of my life I thought I was doing it the right way it was only when Jesus in His grace and in His mercy when that light shone on my heart that I realized oh my god I'm so far from him I don't love him like I should it broke me and little by little I started to change see when you meet the real Jesus your real life changes you become a different person it didn't happen all at once it happened slowly over time but after years of getting to know the real Jesus people started coming up to me people that knew me and said what you're different wait you've changed you're not the same guy that you used to be how does it happen Jesus he opened my eyes in Matthew's Gospel chapter 27 Matthew record chords versa interesting detail about the crucifixion as Jesus is hanging on the cross he writes that it was dark from about the sixth hour to the ninth for three hours it got dark why does Matthew record that detail [Music] because he's reminding us of what Isaiah said so many years before that a son would be born a son would come and he would descend into the darkness of our life of your heart of mine our sin he would descend into our darkness so that we could see he would be naked so that we can be clothed with a robe of righteousness he would be made poor so that we might be rich he would be broken so that we could be made whole he would be cut off and spiritually blind from his father who he has spent all of eternity with from all time back who he had never been separated from he was cut off for you and for me so that our eyes could be open and so that we could be brought near that's what Christmas means that's what it's all about Jesus came to be a light in your darkness wherever you find yourself this weekend maybe in the middle of darkness and you knew it coming in here or maybe this has kind of slapped you upside the head a little bit can I tell you Jesus never waits till you're ready to do that by the way he came when no one was expecting him and he calls you this weekend whether he felt like you were ready coming in here or not his call is to kneel surrender your life and then follow we're gonna pray a prayer here in just a second I want us to all pray together and I'm just gonna ask you no matter where you're coming from I'm just gonna ask you as we pray just to think of this prayer as a next step for you some of you you're ready just surrender your whole life to Christ that's awesome I would love for this prayer to be that for you for some of you this prayer is going to just signify the fact that you just want to know a little bit more about God you might have doubts you might have questions we're just going to pray that God opens your eyes just a little bit to reveal himself to you so all over this auditorium at all of our locations would you bow your head close your eyes with me right quick we're gonna pray together I'm just gonna pray over you and right there at your seat I just encourage you in your own words as I'm praying you might just call out to God and say something like this Heavenly Father open my eyes I want to see you I want to know you [Music] Lord Jesus reveal yourself to me I want to give you my life I want to follow you I'm done trying to live life my way I'm done trying to make it all happen myself I need you I need your light in my life and so I surrender whatever that means I'm willing to take my next step whatever that looks like I follow you I give you everything have all of me Jesus name we pray amen look up here when you came in here this weekend you should have been handed a candle I know what a couple of our campuses were passing out candles right now so if you want to grab your candle go ahead and do that on our Broken Arrow campus they won't let us have real candles in there so you're using battery operated candles and I think a dick Connor and dr. Eddie warrior they're not passing out real candles there either so you'll have to join along as well however we're able to do that we're gonna light candles together and let me tell you what this represents it's interesting the biggest flame starts with a tiny spark it doesn't take much you may feel like you didn't do much that prayer couldn't have been all that much you don't feel any different after it no chills down your spine nothing significant like that but let me tell you something God works in small ways seemingly insignificant ways and so as we sing o holy night together and we light these candles together what starts as one small flame will become a light that illuminates this whole place so let's light our candles sing oh holy night together [Music] [Music] [Music] the stars are brightly shine yes [Music] see [Music] you see no holding up with the stars [Music] my saviors hello in episode it [Music] [Music] - love love his love is enough and this gospel years and change shine for the slave is our brother [Music] all of ration shots [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] wah [Music] water [Music] [Music] I don't know if you can feel it or not but God is in this room and he's not just here to be a part of church he's here because of you he comes down because of you because of us because you're the church it is not a building he inhabits he comes for you you may feel completely unworthy of this you may have walked into this place tonight knowing that you don't deserve the love of God that this is not your kind of thing but can I tell you that God is not concerned was what you are concerned with he sees right through you and he loves you he's not limited by you he loves you with all he's got and so he comes down he reached down from heaven and he placed his son on this planet to embody his love to show us who he is he is not here to judge you he is not here to condemn you he is here to simply ask you to take a step and tonight is about taking a step it's about receiving his love maybe you're not quite ready maybe you don't feel quite prepared to open the entirety of your heart but can I ask you to look at the flame in your hand it only takes that much you don't have to do the heavy lifting God will do that for you he has done it for all of us in every single person in this room no matter how long you've walked with God maybe your whole life or maybe you're just at the beginning maybe you're not quite there yet but every single person in this room needs to ask God tonight to open the door of our hearts just a little bit wider he's ready to do more take a step what does that look like for some of you it's gonna be simple just go home close the door talk to God you may not know how that's okay he doesn't care talk to him like you would talk to anyone tell him how you feel pour out your heart empty yourself for some of you you need to tell the person that brought you tonight just tell them that something is happening open a conversation we as a church family are here to do that with you if you like and the seat back in front of you is a next steps card the purpose of that card is so that if you're here and you want to take a step you can fill out your name fill out your email we just want to connect with you not to get you to come back here but to walk with you because that's what church is it's people it's not a place we're here for you take a step the only thing I would recommend is that if you do fill out a next steps card you blow out your candle first so that you don't set the building on fire take a step that's what tonight is about it may look simple it may feel small it may not feel like it's enough that's okay God will do the big part take the step now we're going to dismiss and I'm going to pray a blessing over you and then I would ask that everyone blow out your candles before you begin to walk may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you may the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and bring you piece god bless you Merry Christmas thank you for coming you are dismissed you
Channel: Church on the Move
Views: 25,937
Rating: 4.8375635 out of 5
Keywords: christmas, real jesus, joy to the world, hark the herald, silent night, o come let us adore him, compassion, whit george, church on the move, o holy night
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 59sec (4379 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 16 2018
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