Christmas Angel Wings - Polish Chrusciki - Christmas Bow Ties Recipe

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you know it's always a good day when I can make a recipe healthier and easier to make well today is not that day because unfortunately fruits cheeky angel wings bowties whatever you call them have to be deep-fried so we're just going to have to deal with it but I only make them once a year at Christmastime so I'll show you how I make them actually start with the oil I start heating up the oil because it takes a while and I use a deep fry thermometer and we want a temperature of about 350 360 so it really helps to use one of these it's pretty hard to kind of figure it out you want to make sure that the bottom of the thermometer is not touching the pan above the pan it's going to be in the oil and I'm using safflower oil the two oils that are really good for this is canola and safflower so I'm using one quart of safflower oil and you put it into I use one of my older pans for this because or you know deep frying is hard on the pots and pans yeah okay so one quart of oil and before I even start the recipe I put this on and start warming it up just at like a medium heat not too high just because it takes a while and that way you can get started and we can keep checking on it okay so here's my recipe we're going to start with three egg yolks into a bowl and use a small bowl and you can't really do this with with a stand mixer because it's too small of a of a dough you know so a smaller bowl that's maybe taller with sides three egg yolks two tablespoons of sugar and just a little pinch of salt just like that okay now with a hand mixer we're going to beat this on high for just about one minute until it becomes nice and thick you'll see after about a minute it's going to become thick like this and kind of they say lemon-coloured but it's really just like a paler color it's nice and thick like that so now we're going to continue and we're going to add two tablespoons of sour cream I like to use reduced fat sour cream so that's what I'm using but you can use regular okay two tablespoons of sour cream 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla and that's the flavoring is comes from vanilla and from lemon and orange zest now traditionally a lot of them just use lemon zest but I love the combination of lemon and orange and you have to use fresh it makes all the difference this is where both of the flavor comes from so I would say it's about maybe a is like a half of a lemon and about half of an orange so I think it comes to maybe like a 1/2 teaspoon of the H it's hard to measure zest because it's kind of loose like that but it's easy to do if you just figure like half of a lemon of a good-sized lemon and that's about how long that takes and then half of an orange all right I'm almost done with the orange and when you zest lemon and orange just take the barely the peel don't take too much of the white because then it could be a little bit bitter so that's about 1/2 of an orange and we're going to put that into the mix it smells amazing you're going to love this recipe it's actually pretty simple this is pretty much it except for the flour so ok now we add those things which which were the the zest and the vanilla and the sour cream and now 3/4 of a cup of flour and we mix it on low speed one more high speed just a nice low speed to get it incorporated and at this point you need just enough flour to make it sort of kneadable KN EAD so maybe like a denote tablespoon more a flower you have to judge depending how you measure your flower and you know how big the eggs are depends on a lot but just enough to make it sort of a solid dough maybe just a little bit more let's see so I would say maybe in my case one to two tablespoons of additional flour yeah yeah that looks good there it is right there what is it going to fall before I put the flour down maybe done okay flour your board okay flour the board and then you put the dough on a floured board okay here we go there's no easy way to what I do is I just kind of pull it off like that there's no easy way but it's definitely going to be a sticky dough no matter what all right a little bit more flour make it not quite so sticky and we need it like 50 turns so one two three look how small this dough is there's not much to but oh you'll see this is going to make like 40 Prue's cheeky this little bit of dough 47 48 49 50 there it is there's my beautiful little dough you got to spank that dough alright now we're going to cut the dough in half like this and you're going to wrap half of it in plastic while you work with the other half so a little bit of plastic wrap and just wrap it up and set it aside while we roll the dough all right now you need a fairly well floured board because you don't want this dough to stick when you start to cut the cookie so make sure it's real floured okay check on the oil and just check on the oil here one second yeah it's nice coming up nice and slowly alright so I just kind of get it started if you want with your hand and I can use my brand-new rolling pin I got this at Pier one okay all right you can turn it over a little bit and now we're going to start to roll now this process is going to take some time because you have to roll this paper thin so it takes me about two minutes to roll it so I'm just going to keep rolling and keep rolling and as I get a little farther you'll I'll show you how big this has to be and why we had to cut the dough in half because you could never get it on even this board I got this board at a restaurant supply and this board it has to be this big almost your working surface to make the dough thin enough and big enough so this takes a couple of minutes and just keep rolling and rolling and then just keep flouring you can turn it whatever it takes to get it nice and thin and not stuck to the board okay so it's been about a minute or so and I want to make sure it's not sticking so I'm going to lift it up put a little more flour down and put it down floured side down and roll some more I'm not thin enough this is not thin enough yet the thinner you can roll this the Krispies are nicer the first eek you're going to be and so I go by at least a 12-inch I got a ruler here at least 12 inch so see there is like a little over 12 but of course this way it's close to 12 so that's that's actually pretty good if you can get it that thin and be patient take your time and get it nice and thin before you start cutting make sure it's not sticking because you'll see when you start to cut these shape them you don't want it sticking I'm going to give it one more little roll and the shape does not matter you can make it oblong more oval doesn't matter okay okay that's it alright now this is the fun part this is the part I used to do with my mother she would slice them up and I would make the bow ties my sister and I would make the bow ties so you take just a little tiny knife you just cut it in two I think about an inch and a quarter or so just kind of a strips like this it doesn't matter what direction you can go a long way you can go this way this is how easy it is make them a little narrower little wider it doesn't matter okay now you take the long strips and you cut them into shorter strips and in this case a little pointy end is nice but of course these are going to be straight but you can cut them like this you can cut them straight if you want doesn't really matter and if you sometimes though is to have fun she would give us one really long one so we cut a short one here when you have a really long one you can make double well I'll show you in a second I'll show you a second there's no rule to the length of this but maybe what three four or five inches so that's the first step the second step is you make a little slit in each one of these and we're going to start to twist them that's it so a little slit maybe inch inch and a half slit like that just take seconds say just like that and what I was going to show you is when you have a long one like this one you can do a double this was fun for us do a double okay that's it alright now I'm going to show you how to make the actual bow ties when we check on my oil it's doing great alright so here's how you make them you take one of these there's the little slit you just put it through pull it out the bottom and just kind of you can shake it like that and that's it here's another one you open up the slit put the one in through pull it out if you just pull it you're going to get like that you have to kind of just push it through or you can shake it like that okay here's the one with this square ends that doesn't matter pull it through and just kind of and let me show you the double my sister and I used to love this here's a double there's one side then you do the other side that and pull it through and even the end pieces and these are all going to come out beautifully look at the end one same thing put it through them the little slit and that's it that's how you make it so I'll keep making these and then you basically roll the other half of the dough exactly like that as thin as you can make it and you shape all these cookies and then we're going to deep-fry them so stay with me and I'll be right back so now we do exactly the same thing with the other half of the dough but we have to get these out of the way so I'm just going to put them on a just a baking sheet it doesn't have to be floured just they're not going to stick or anything so we just have to put them aside somewhere while we do the other the other sheet okay so I made all the little bow ties and I actually took the ones off the sheet and I put them all here because we're going to start frying and we need to use this sheet but you line it with the course they have to be drained on paper towels when you deep fry anything so I line this like with double paper towels get it right next to the right next to the burner and we're going to start making them now I don't always trust just the little love reader so you're going to test the oil use your gut if it feels like it's too hot these should cook in maybe like 30 seconds 15 seconds per side if they're cooking faster the oils too hot so I'm going to test it with this little guy here okay and I'm going to use two forks I'll show you put it in it's actually doing really well it's puffing out look at that help puffs up these are so beautiful so after maybe 15 seconds we turn it over that's nice I use two forks I find the two forks a lot easier to handle you can use a some kind of a ladle or something but no plastic it's got to be metal so that's it you fry them and you drain them on the paper towel that's it okay let's make some more all right in a pan this size I wouldn't do more than three at a time so we put them in like one two and three look at that they just puff up so beautifully when you make them really thin like that that's how they're going to do they're going to puff up and just you got to just stand right by because it doesn't take long you can see it's turning a little bit gold already so what's at 10 seconds 15 seconds you can't you can't control the shape they're going to take but that's it I'm going to turn the oil down just a touch I don't know you just can't don't just trust the thermometer go by your gut if this is how quickly they cook then that's just about right and you drain them okay let's make some more okay I'll just make my double one here's the double we'll do a double double and a little one and another little one okay okay don't take long look at that you want them to be golden but not to brown so just have to keep looking at you're looking how they're coming out and adjust your your burner accordingly because that that this one here to me is a little too Brown it should just be golden okay keep draining on paper towels we'll do three more one two and three now you can see I'm running out of space so I'm going to get to squeeze this one in here squeeze this in here and this one over here and now I'm going to put some more paper towels on and I just keep layering on top of here and keep draining on the same on the same pan okay so keep going I'll just keep cooking these and when we're done I'll show you what happens next all right so that's it we're going to turn off the oil get it out of the way to a nice safe spot let it cool down and now I'm going to clear my table and we're going to just lay all these out and put the powdered sugar on and then you'll see these roofs Tiki and how awesome they are so I'll just take a second to clean up so it's time to put the powdered sugar on these screws cheeky and they have to all get some powdered sugar so you have to lay them out on something whether it's a towel I'm using two sheets but they're all laid out and look how beautiful there's probably about 40 here all right so about a half a cup of powdered sugar in a sifter or a strainer whatever and we're going to just start sifting these all this is so beautiful look what how awesome is that look oh my god these with these will absolutely melt in your mouth I'm telling you alright and then over to the other okay they really need a nice coating because remember there's only two tablespoons of sugar in the recipe so a lot of sweetness is going to come from this powdered sugar so alright ok I think that's it that took up about a half a cup of powdered sugar now as far as storing these I'd like to store them in a container but not really really tightly sealed like with plastic because they need a little air they'll get soggy so I actually use like this is like a pie storage container I got at the Container Store and what I like is they fit in here and then the lid just sits down but it's not super super airtight so this is really good but they can still lose their Chris penis and you can rechristen later that day or the next day in a 325 oven just on a sheet like this and in 325 oven for like five minutes they'll and then let them cool they'll be nice and crisp now here's my three rules for who's cheeky one don't even mail them to anybody because they will not survive they will all break - don't ever wear black when you're eating these because they are going to be messy and three don't ever try to eat them all in one day because that would be wrong it can be done I know but it would be a mistake but they are really really good oh my god wrong room but what we're black you don't want to go away you never saw me go away Oh Quinta de guiche I put Karen Yankovich Coulomb key today I'm going to show you how to make cabbage rolls and by the way I'm polish and I grew up helping my dad make cabbage rolls although I think my version may be a little healthier I make these beautiful cookies every Christmas they have a lot of different names pecan balls snow balls Mexican wedding cookies everybody loves them they melt in your mouth and right now you're probably saying well I could never make anything this fancy really really can you dump stuff into a bowl because that's all it takes let me show you
Channel: Jenny Can Cook
Views: 958,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Angel Wings, Holiday recipes, Christmas, Christmas Recipes, Christmas Cookies, Christmas cookie recipes, christmas cookie recipe, Polish recipes, Polish Chrusciki, Chrusciki recipes, Christmas cookie video, how to make chrusciki, how to make angel wings, Polish Christmas cookies, Polish Christmas cookies powdered sugar, Christmas bow ties, Bow Tie Cookies, Polish crullers, xmas cookies, Jenny Jones, best faworki recipe, best angel wings recipe, best polish cookies
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 44sec (1064 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 11 2014
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