Christians Always Back On The Bible During Debate | Simone-CA | The Atheist Experience 928

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uh simone in sacramento hi there hi thank you so much for taking my call i just discovered you all about a week and a half ago and i've been binge watching you all like i did breaking bad about six months i can't stop watching it's it's a commitment to do that we have a lot of video yes and i am the one who knocks yeah i really appreciate everything you guys are doing to try to enlighten people the one thing i kind of wanted to talk about and i don't it sounds like i'm i don't have you on the internet but i'm i sense am i echoing um not too much no that's probably a sound problem you're hearing yourself you want me to keep okay so um what i wanted to talk about is in in the debates like i've been watching matt in several debates and it's really awesome and very inspiring watching some of the theists they always come back to the bible and no matter how philosophical the debate tries to be on the existence of god whether you're talking about causation god is necessary you know it always starts off that way but the theists will always come back to the bible every time and same with people who aren't necessarily great at debating they're just believers and when you try to ask why they believe it's always the bible it always comes back to the word of god and i've heard matt say several times that what actually got him to to open his eyes and to think differently to become a skeptic so to speak was his you know uh search into the scriptures and i have to say i'm the same way that's ultimately what you know put the nail in the theistic coffin that's the path for a lot of a lot of atheists very much so very much so and so i in fact i was just while i was waiting watching the debate on july 19th with um blake and when matt brought up the bible at one point blake came back to oh this we're not talking about that we're gonna you know get back to his does god exist yet we all know that's always gonna come back to god's word yeah i just wanna caution you that you have to be careful not to jump to conclusions about what a person is going to say because they're all different some people they they have different tactics at least a lot of them even if they are ultimately believing because of the bible are going to do whatever they can to dodge that issue possibly because the bible doesn't really have that much credibility and they realize that and then some other people jump straight for the bible and just say well i believe it because it's in the bible uh so you generally have to start out with a question like what do you believe and why do you believe right and then work off that right but don't you find when you're talking to people it it ultimately comes back to that and for instance i i know people who believe in god they'll say i believe in a supreme being but they don't necessarily believe in the bible and they're not the ones i'm worried about it's the people who believe in the bible and that dogma and that's what's infiltrating into public policy that affects all of us that that to me is the problem which is why we still have to concentrate on all those by to me and that sounds terrible but the the bible thumpers out there those are the the ones that want to you know put up the nativity scene on the courthouse you know lawn during christmas and it's it's more i think that i don't know when i watch the show it just seems like it's not it is the existence of god people obviously want to debate or to prove i'll say but it still comes back to the bible and i think the more matt and all of you uh really use concrete examples uh from the bible like when he talks about slavery or women as second-class citizens or you know there's those are the things that hit home to people when i watch the debate with jay lucas the biggest response of that whole debate was when they were talking about slavery and jay said well give me an example and matt in a nanosecond said exodus 21 uh 21 20. that's a good reward that's a good verse to uh memorize just because i mean you know it is a good tactic to use yes sure well and i think people though could relate and that's the whole thing is to me relatability and that's why using the bible versus philosophical arguments which i love don't get me wrong i love the whole is does god exist but i think in terms of trying to win over converts using the bible is in in ways that people can go oh i never thought about it that way like slavery anyway yeah it's the next bag yeah not everybody actually believes in the bible or is going for the bible a lot of them say i'm religious i'm spiritual but not religious and i believe my ow you know i believe god talks to me and the bible is just a book made by man and you know i have my own ideas about god but that's what i was saying those are the ones we don't have to worry about they're not in there we do still have to worry about that i mean if nothing else we still have we also have to worry about like muslims who believe in the koran so trash talking the bible is not going to help in that case well but then i i should use any any word of god um argument i should have said that if it's the bible or the quran if a person just believes in a higher power they're not going to come after you and say well it's because it's in the bible that we need to get this into a public policy that's kind of what i meant i think i think the real problem is is the concept of a god that you can trade with and get goodies from and that's that's where this conflict of interest that i mentioned earlier arises is that is that those folks the folks that think they have some sort of special special end with god if only they kill the gays or if only they do whatever right um those are the ones that i think were that that are really causing the problem and and you know you you some of them are beyond reach as far as you know arguing and talking with them but uh um you know you do have to ask you know where do you get your authority how do you know these things and and you can go after that but i think that there is a danger of getting too deep into the bible and what it says and these sorts of things because ultimately a lot of atheists just don't care about it and it's a very specialized difficult challenging subject and i i've certainly made a lot of mistakes as far as you know assuming this or that or whatever and it's it's it's a a wisp of the book in the sense that these there's these stories and they go a long way without having a lot of details and invites a lot of interpretation and um it's just a it's just a muddled mess and and i i personally prefer to stay out of it say have you read bart airman's books like um misquoting jesus forged how jesus became god are three that i've read yeah i've read some of bart ehrman's books and i would never say that it's a waste of time to read that stuff because i think in general the more you know the more prepared you are to deal with any argument that you come across but at the same time you can't just rely on the idea of diving into one particular holy book and trusting that to get you out of all situations because people believe in all kinds of nonsense in the world there are people who are literal minded about many many books there are there are hindu texts and there are uh revelation and all these things that people have and it's like you can't it's hard to argue against that so the the best rule of thumb is to apply the principles of skepticism and do your research with the individual text as they come as they come up we're out of time oh thanks so much i really thank you for calling you guys are great thank you that's our show uh we'll be at el arroyo soon and see you next week maybe maybe [Applause]
Channel: The Atheist Experience
Views: 4,346
Rating: 4.8742137 out of 5
Keywords: atheist experience, the atheist experience, theatheistexperience, atheist, atheism, atheist vs christian, atheist debate, religion debate, atheism debate, Matt Dillahunty (Broadcast Artist), belief, faith, reason, rational, proof, evidence, logic, fallacy, religion, religious, science, secular, Skepticism, skeptic, questioning god, doubt, is god real, agnostic, agnosticism, evidence for god, Christianity, Islam, morality, evidence for jesus, Jesus, Jesus Christ, debate, Bible, Bible contradictions
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 43sec (523 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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