Christian Pastor asks Sadhguru whether we should follow traditions and culture

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foreign [Music] can I ask your thoughts on this um in some ways we in many ways we are the inheritors of our traditions and they can and they do influence us and shape us um is there a positive role for the Traditions from whence we come for example um if I'm gonna try to enter engineer my inner life and try to get some direction and meaning and Faith and Hope and values I can't do it alone and there are rich Traditions Hindu Traditions judeo-christian Traditions Muslim Traditions that give some context some meaning some structure upon which to Anchor my life what do you think about that do we throw away all the traditions and inter-engineer our lives or can we use these traditions as you said to Anchor Our Lives now that is that is the decision that every human being has to make do you want to be anchored or do you want to set sail that is a decision that everybody has to make if you're looking for confidence if you're looking for stability then you have to Anchor yourself to something if you're looking to go far then anchoring will not help traditions all Traditions with all due respect to all of them particularly Traditions that are coming from India and also elsewhere I'm I'm not in any way an expert on to make a comment on the Traditions that you're talking about but essentially tradition means this what somebody did yesterday is today's culture and tradition what you do today is tomorrow's culture and tradition I'm asking you how much of what we're doing today in this world and in this country is consciously cultured but all the rubbish that we do will become tomorrow's culture and tradition of this land isn't it so hello I am saying do you believe that people who lived here a thousand years ago were such Hupa superhuman beings they did everything perfectly and you're doing everything wrong it's not so they were also just people like you we have a way of energizing everything with which we have a certain distance of time but are they of no value not true there are a whole lot of things a whole lot of things that we as human beings simply know today which is thanks to the traditions in which we have grown up we cannot say no but if you want to know this life which is myself no tradition is tradition can inspire you tradition can put you in a direction tradition cannot take you there because this has to happen now to you only then it's a living reality for you otherwise you will read in a book and believe it but how do you know this works I am saying it should work people ask me satguru how do we know whether we have met a real teacher or a guru or not I just tell them look at his face whether it's worked for him what he's talking has it worked for him that's all the question if it worked for him it doesn't matter what it is you must go with him because it's worked for him if it's not worked for him what is the point dead tradition so one of the traditions here in a medical school in a Western Medical School is the tradition of of the evidence show me in this tradition which is only really maybe two or three hundred years old the randomized controlled trial the cohort study the all of that and it's good that's how we've gotten cures for you know pneumonia and drugs to help alleviate pain oh it's all been done through this pursuit of the evidence and also I'm a pastor and I fully embrace the life of the spirit and and the truth that we find in our faith traditions and I love that new tradition uh but I do recognize attention if you will between the truth that we discover in the lab and the truth that we discover in our spirit and uh I I love that tension I think that's that's a great uh it's a great way to live in in a way that sort of loving joyful Pursuits that is both the truth that I see around me and the love that grows in my heart but I do recognize the tension what is your perception of that so when we talk about the evidence-based approach it is not a tradition when it happened when the Renaissance happened it was breaking up all traditions till then because it was written in a book because a certain Authority was espousing it we said this is it when Medical Science evolved from Jannah to others the fundamental thing was they broke all tradition so now if that is becoming a tradition I am very sorry because this was an exploration an exploration cannot be traditional an exploration means you're constantly trying to step into new terrain that's what an exploration is but if that has become traditional then we are treading the same track and thinking it's exploration this evidence-based approach has done wonders to many many things no question but this entire process is dependent upon the human intellect this is what we were just coming to when we went off a little bit human intellect by Nature I was just asking you would you like it sharper blunt hello you want it sharp if you have a sharp instrument let's say you have a knife in your hand what could you do with this flower with a knife you could cut it finely if you want but you can cut it into pieces that's exactly what the intellect does whatever you give it it will cut it open and try to see the way of evidence based science is dissection fundamentally while even in the medical school I am sure where the pathology Labs we are opening up fortunately the Dead yeah but if you really want to know somebody someone whom you love very much if you really want to know them I think you should dissect them to know them would it work like that no obviously so there is one dimension of life which is physical in nature where dissection will work but what is physical about you the body that you carry is an accumulation that you gathered over a period of time it's just the food that you've eaten it is actually a piece of the planet most people don't get this when they are walking but the countless number of people who walked on this planet before you and me they are all topsoil today you and me also will be topsoil unless your friends choose to bury you real deep fearing that you may raise from the dead this is just the soil isn't it hello this is just the soil that you walk up on so this is an accumulation what you gather what you accumulate you can claim it is mine you cannot say it's me isn't it right now as I'm speaking I say this is my glass you will think oh sadhguru seems to have a problem but let's listen everybody says he's wise after some time I'll say this is me then you will say let's go because if I claim this is me you know it is it qualifies for madness isn't it whatever you acquire you can say this is mine but if you say this is me this is madness yes or no are there any psychiatrists do I do this does this qualify it does so every day you're doing this food appeared on your plate you said this is my food you ate it and then you say it's me this is madness but you have enormous company [Music] and we believe in democracy whatever the majority says must be right so it is going on but the moment you believe something that is not you as yourself you kind of lost it you derailed from life so turning inward does not mean dissection turning inward does not mean contemplation because the content of your body and the content of your mind is an accumulative substance isn't it you gathered it from outside what you gather from outside can be yours but can never ever be you so we're talking about inner engineering not as twisting and turning the body not about taking on New Attitudes of Love or generosity compassion whatever great values and emotions that a human being can have I see all that as a consequence of a certain way of being rather than looking at as a means to get somewhere everywhere people are talking about whatever see if you deprive somebody of something for a period of time simple qualities will raise to heaven today anywhere you go people are talking peace of mind is the ultimate goal of human life why because they freaked out in their minds why would peace be the highest goal because you're talking about judeo-christian thing the origin of where it came from I happen to be in Tel Aviv I'm too I was to get there that morning and speak at 6 30 in the evening I was flying in from Atlanta because of some delays in the flights I landed there at six in the evening so I'm quickly changing in the airport because in this 35 years I have not been late to a single appointment I don't want to break that so I am rushing and I'm famished because I'm traveling an American Airline and there's nothing edible on the plane thank you I'm super hungry and I Rush to the venue and to my joy I find the talk is in a fine restaurant life can't get better so as I went in people are greeting me and one man comes up and says Shalom I ask him what does it mean he says this is the highest way of greeting I said well that's your opinion but what does it mean he said no this is the highest way of greeting I said that's all right but what does the word mean he said it means peace I said why would peace be the highest way of greeting unless you're born in Middle East in South India you come up to me in the morning and say peace I'll say what's wrong with you [Music]
Channel: Ready4Adventure
Views: 49,442
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Keywords: sadhguru, sadhguru vs, sadhguru and christian pastor, sadhguru vs christian pastor, sadhguru vs pastor, sadhguru pastor, Christian Pastor asks for guidance from Sadhguru, sadhguru 2022, sadhguru Q AND A, sadhguru question and answer, sadhguru question and answers
Id: T9KXt9fEX9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 22 2022
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