Forrest Gump (1994) - First Time Watching | Movie Review & React | Tom Hanks cracked our hearts open

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hey everybody welcome to cinebinge my name is simone and this is george and this is where we watch copious amounts of film and television and other fun stuff that we like to watch yes it is yes it is yeah um eventually we're gonna also be watching things we don't like to watch right but that's that's not any that's that's later that's later yeah that's when we reach the patreon gold and then we'll uh we'll open up the uh the whole series for purposely watching terrible movies yes for entertainment to make fun of them to poke fun of them and to laugh rip them apart yeah so just gotta get that goal um and speaking of goals so uh pretty soon actually by the time this goes out it might already have been shot but we are going to start uh uh trying out a new little series on our channel that's on top of what's already going on so it's not gonna replace anything uh but basically it is uh first time playing for mostly you to be honest yeah uh because you are getting your first ever gaming pc yeah it's arriving so in two to four days there's a there's a huge laundry list a huge catalog of yeah of games um from from all eras but at this point that people love that you've never played and uh and we'll see people like it yeah first i mean yeah it's either we we play games and record us doing it and try to entertain the masses or yeah we just play games yeah and then you're gonna give me a pc which is double win so who cares yeah yeah so i mean it'd be cool if our patrons and and the internet people uh want to see that kind of stuff because that's that would be a lot of fun but um i'm just stoked playing games yeah i hope so because like i did some searches for uh you know first time playing there's there's some but there's not nearly as much as first time watches [Music] anyways so about today's episode we are watching finally forrest gump yeah after a lot of people in comments and uh you know wanting us to watch this and react to this and uh same thing with our patrons who uh overwhelmingly voted for this so uh yeah and it's a first for both of us yeah so that's gonna be cool but um what do we know about it just tom hanks is in it that's it tom hanks that's yeah yeah and yeah and yeah i'm i'm so excited because i love him so much um yeah and i might force you to watch you've got mail on this channel just i'm just gonna say that's okay yeah um i've also heard references about box of chocolate that's about it i think okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i don't think anybody on earth hasn't heard of that before but no i mean i've also seen um like memes on the internet like images like i'm right yeah right right right yeah yeah there's it's unavoidable uh so that's it um i don't know what else there's to say besides let's just watch it i guess okay well um before we get into it i just wanted to let everyone here know that we have a patreon um and it's linked in the description box below and we would love if you guys go check it out and see what we got on there and then um support us if you feel like it we would really appreciate it yeah that would be great you guys can support us cool okay well let's start the movie let's do it okay okay um this is so dumb but i i heard a saying you know like the saying easy peasy lemon squeezy that whole thing um someone told me once easy peasy gary sinisi and i know that's not how you say his name but i love it so much do you want a chocolate oh is this just like right at the beginning the whole chocolate thing i guess yeah my mom always said yeah life was like a box of chocolates you never know what you're to get in some way and what he did it looks like he started up this club called the ku klux klan oh my god that must be something can be done is that a mr gum mrs gone [Laughter] oh no that's all right man i was just showing him a thing or two on the guitar here is that supposed to be yeah i like that it's a hound dog that's that's elvis right smoking on the bus are you coming along i'm dorothy harris well now he ain't wow she's really just puffing like a chimney huh i can't sit here you know it's funny what a young man recollects i had never seen anything so beautiful in my life she was like an angel [Music] she taught me how to climb that's sweet i showed her how to dangle dummy my god oh i have like full body goosebumps right now that was awesome oh he was a very loving man he was always kissing and touching her and her sisters [Music] um [Laughter] holy hell look at him go he just he's just like okay what is he doing so he was on the news in the 50s maybe it seemed real look at you come on he actually looked at himself when she said that oh really i didn't i didn't see it yeah like she goes look at you and then he actually looked down at himself oh hello he's like what do i do oh god he's so confused oh my god congratulations wait that's actually kennedy how do you feel i got a pig i believe he said he had to go pee i see what they did how did they do that you can the lip didn't look too oh so he said something else and they dubbed it with like the lips were kind of moving a little bit strange i think have you given any thought to your future is that what happens in the u.s by giving names benjamin buford blue people call me bubba alec shrimp and potatoes burger okay he's been going on a long time that's about it oh [Music] you think i can fly off this bridge she's not okay yeah jenny is not okay just if you're ever in trouble don't try to be brave you just run okay just run away oh okay you twin no we are not relations his internal monologue was like nope not worth doing that anymore somebody turned off the rain and the sun come out was that bubble that got shot i don't know it oh my god oh my god okay that's too close bubba was my best good friend i had to make sure he was okay best good friend is maybe like the cutest thing i've ever heard you're my best good friend to mom holy [ __ ] damn he's strong because that's that's a full grown man with the packs don't you stay here god damn it that's an order i gotta fight bubba i mean he'll get him out right i've got like six other people out already yeah if i'd have known this was going to be the last time me and bubba was going to talk with last time oh god got shot bubba said something i won't ever forget i wanna go home bubba was my best good friend and even i know that ain't something you can find just around the corner possible oh no those are all his letters to her none of them made it to her well that means like she moved right or does that mean she reached out i'm assuming moved like i'm assuming she just like moved around too much so that right yeah i thought it was like the army didn't deliver the mail or something no this isn't the notebook the army isn't rachel mcadam's mother oh spoilers i don't know what you're never he's just hanging out with all the presents name is forest forest gun is that jenny [Music] oh [Laughter] oh [Music] people hardly got nothing at all no possessions no religion too wow hard to imagine well it's easy if you try dick that's his song right is that the joke oh i don't i don't know it's like the imagine song imagine if there's no religion oh yeah are you enjoying yourself in our nation's capital young man oh nixon where are you staying there oh i shall resign it's watergate so he's they're making him the reason for watergate oh my god so he's just in like every pivotal american i wish i had started making a tally of all of like the big the big things that he was a part of oh my god but mama had all sorts of visitors we've had all sorts of visitors that's like the third or fourth time that like when he's telling the story but what i was saying was like uh when he's telling the story the the people talking like he says the exact phrase that they're saying yeah it's so great they also do that with the music in an earlier scene uh like when uh jenny was leaving the room the song literally says and she's leaving out the door as she leaves out the door oh i didn't notice that oh wow that's crazy good makeup like look how pale and gone she looks my god no no no no no no no no no no no don't don't i can't handle jenny dying oh my god oh my god oh no no no no please don't please don't please don't please don't please don't i think like the slip like snapped her out of it right like oh my god yeah um but this is okay this is a meme that i've seen online before where it's him waving like that and then it's um the creepy thing from like the clown from it it's oh it's waving waving back with the arm yeah yeah yeah it's like one of my favorite gifts of all time and i'm gonna be calling you sir [Laughter] are those real shrimp imagine how bad that set smells he is indisposed at the moment alice what's the matter mama i'm dying forced but i was destined to be your mama i did the best i could mama always had a way of explaining things so i could understand them i will miss you first she had got the cancer and died on a tuesday man did he just wait no he did take care of my mother got money he got me invested in some kind of fruit company [Laughter] some kind of fruit company oh my god she looks a lot better that's amazing she want help i thought it would be like forrest had to go rescue her or something because he seems to rescue everybody yeah will you marry me no you don't want to marry me i'm not a smart man but i know what love is oh man i do love you what the [ __ ] is she leaving i'm not running okay what she's just gonna leave him okay now i'm a little annoyed i kind of get it because she's not in love with him the way he is with her and it's not really fair but sneak out when he's sleeping that's not no that's pretty cold but he he would just like yeah he has no idea what happened yeah that's so mean i decided to go for a little run maybe i just run across the great state of alabama that's what i did what i ran clear across alabama wait what where is this movie going he ran to the ocean wow man you just ran through a big pile of dog [ __ ] it happens a lot of money off of it have a nice day okay come on you got air conditioning oh i'm jealous oh it's stuck it's successful can you say hi to him right hello mr gum oh hello that's his kid though right that's his name's forest yeah like me oh he got a daddy named forest too look at me he doesn't know how to deal with this look at me forest isn't he beautiful it's the most beautiful thing i've ever seen is he's he's very smart oh my god he's one of the smartest in his class oh my god tom hanks so good oh wow that i got like shivers from that is he smart or is he like i'm sick i have some kind of virus and the doctors don't they don't know what it is and there isn't anything they can do about it oh thank god [Laughter] it lingered a little too long in silence i got a little worried i love you you died on a saturday morning sliced here under our tree teaching them how to play ping pong and every night we read a book she's so smart you'd be so proud of him i am and he says i can't read it it's about this dude so i just leave it here for you i miss you gently if there's anything you need i won't be far away i read it to you my favorite book a feather oh he's so little i want to tell you i love you i love you too daddy wow oh man i'm gonna collect my thoughts do you need a moment um sure yeah yeah that was uh that was crazy um it's a it's a really really unique movie like there's not really any sort of objective it's just his life yeah it's just yeah and he's been everywhere yeah i've done everything i mean the most interesting man on earth possibly oh my god like if he was a real person yeah wow that was such a heart-wrenching end though so many like back-to-back punches yeah first with his mom and then and then with jenny i did not expect jenny to just die like that like through narration he just said you died on a tuesday morning or something right yeah while while the scene was still like lingering on him talking to her in bed yeah yeah it was crazy how it went from like him talking to her to him talking to her grave you know like it was it was crazy but you also when when it was happening you said that like the when um the mom passed away too like it was really like all of a sudden yeah and i took one note um and it was just it's just a the quote that he's like that's all i have to say about that and i feel like every time he said that it's about something that like really gets him and so like what the i don't know that that makes sense that makes sense with the mom with it with his mom part because he was still telling the story to somebody yeah lady yeah but by the time we caught up to jenny that's real time playing so no i know but i what i'm saying is that like the bluntness of him like cutting off like not talking about anymore is like the movie cutting off the scene and not showing it anymore you know right right right right and i thought yeah i thought that was really interesting yeah yeah that just it just surprised me i thought he would get to have some happy ending life with her the woman that he's been ill you know yeah his entire life yeah the one person and they only got what a year together i don't know i don't even know how long but um her gravestone said 1980 82 82 so and then she said there was a virus that the doctors don't know so i'm guessing it's hiv right it has to be oh yeah maybe yeah because the 80s was like the whole thing when uh when it was still very unknown and and people weren't sure what it was and she lived a very uh very risky life yeah i guess so so i think that's where they were going with yeah that makes sense oh my god and and this isn't any like me picking it apart but i'm just like there were so many things it's like we watched like six different films yeah like it all it all was worked perfectly but it was there's so much like i just like like jenny just really really wrecked me because like at first i was kind of annoyed with her and then i got angry at her when she just left yeah and then and then i don't know i notice um throughout the film he doesn't really change he has in forrest gump like his um his personality has always been this innocent direct person you know that doesn't nobody ever gets to him he doesn't get angry anybody he never well except when people hurt jenny yeah that's the only time he gets angry right yeah and he's also always been good he's just purely good yes and uh that's it he's like that his entire life it's everybody else around him that changes because of him right like lieutenant dan changes because of him yeah right uh jenny obviously changes a lot because of him even those random people that he met on the while he was right which is like which is so um opposite of what traditional film structure should be like about the character arc yeah yeah in this case he doesn't have an arc his arc is it's almost like he was perfect from the beginning as a human being you know yeah yeah that's funny though because everyone around him thought that he wasn't like we had we talked about it when it was going on too but the scene when he finds out that he's a dad um it's just like that was such good acting yeah before he even this was so good before he even says the thing that he says like yeah he just it oh because at first when he stepped back i thought he just kind of he was afraid maybe yeah you know and well i think he probably was i think all of those emotions were mixed up and you know like yeah it was but because he's also so innocent maybe he thought he did something wrong right and then and then when jenny told him no no you didn't do anything wrong you don't have to do anything yeah that for that brief moment before she said that i was like is she just now that he's rich is that what it's after and then she said no you don't have to i didn't even think about that right but then she immediately said you don't have to do it yeah yeah right and then it immediately followed up with him going uh is he smart or is he and then he couldn't even finish that sentence oh wow i think i mean as you're you're my friend so i've probably talked about this a lot but like i love it so much when there's comedy in dramatic movies you have to have comedy like it's and there's so many hilarious moments in this film that is just like yeah they kept like changing back and forth between comedy and shocking and then yes tragedy and then comedy and then shocking and then tragedy that's yeah just over and over and over again so good i mean to keep you engaged right because it was just laugh after laughter laugh even funny would get boring if it was yeah drama you got to have a balance yeah yeah yeah it's oh god it's so good how many things in history has forestry right oh i'm so mad at myself for not like making a tally of okay so elvis elvis was the first yeah elvis was the first one yeah so elvis stole because he had the braces on his legs and so he danced a certain way he stole his pants that's so iconic though like that's insane oh my god you stole the elvis dance um or he created the elvis dance yeah uh the other one was i mean i mean there is more in between but i go straight to watergate and like right but there was like i i don't know yeah there's so many of them john lennon john lennon he inspired jonathan's uh uh imagine is that what they meant to do by that with that yes definitely definitely he said he said the lyrics out loud as if it's a part of the interview oh okay wait forrest gump you did yeah no no it's between uh it was forrest gump describing what 1969 china was like okay and then uh you know nobody goes to church and then john lennon goes uh no religion two and then the uh yeah says it's hard to imagine and then he says you can if you try or something like that right right right so that yeah that conversation sparked that song yeah that's amazing it was yeah oh my god uh and then i guess he's responsible for opening up the western uh the west and china by being the first all-american people he invested in apple right is this fruit he was the early early investors oh my god that was too good oh uh what else did he do i don't know i i wish i had written this he inspired the the the smiley face right and the oh and the [ __ ] happens [ __ ] happens yeah okay but the okay this is the smiley face one is where i'm kind of like come on it's a little it's a little silly but yeah like it's i mean that's obviously mine for the comedic part cause it came right after the [ __ ] happens right yeah yeah it just seems like yeah how far can we okay it was yeah it was like i'll i'll accept it but they were really close to the line there yeah but uh he met a bunch of presidents all of them in like his time yeah i was gonna see all of them no in his time come on definitely didn't want to be george washington but uh no yeah in his time so he yeah i think the earliest was uh kennedy right no it was it was no it was kennedy it was before it was when it was when the woman was going to school and he picked up her journals when they first allowed um no that wasn't a president that was uh but he went on to running oh okay no no he was running for president and then somebody killed him right because the mom was like i remember when whatever his name was got shot i was in school or something like that yeah okay yeah so i think kennedy was the first president he met because that's when he discovered dr pepper right from the football team was that candy no i think that was someone else was it anyone else yeah it was definitely it was def i don't know i don't know enough about american presidents yeah yeah but there were a bunch of them in this film he definitely met president we know that for sure uh kennedy for sure nixon for sure uh i think johnson as well okay he's the one that he showed his ass to right yeah hilarious oh my god i know i i only remember johnson because of the famous phrase or the the uh behavior called the johnson treatment oh uh apparently like the the president johnson was like huge he was like a six foot four six foot five kind of guy oh and uh when he talked to people especially foreign dignitaries he would like lean his face way too close to them that's like a power move oh crazy and if you see photos of him he's like leaning at like like a 45 degree angle and the guy he's talking to will be way shorter and leaning back at a 45 degree angle looking really uncomfortable yeah crazy yeah um so i know about that but so that that's johnson and then uh was that it was that all the president he met i don't know again like i don't know the president's well enough to have it's not too bad that makes sense oh god i love tom hanks so much yeah he was so good at this um okay so should we watch more topics in seattle and you've got mail or how about we watch good movies like um uh i'm sorry you don't think we don't think that those are good films as well i've never seen you got mail so i don't know uh but have you seen sleepless in seattle i haven't actually no i haven't have you seen joe versus the volcano no we should just have a tom hanks marathon okay but it has to include apollo 13 and in philadelphia have you seen those two okay well there you go listen man i'm watching all these war movies you gotta watch some rom-coms well philadelphia is not a war movie neither is it yeah but they're all like that's we have to okay comments patrons if you want to watch us watch rom-coms for some reason we'll do it we'll do it oh there was also that other one speaking of rom-coms uh terminal the terminal the terminal i i haven't seen that one it's uh him and katherine cena jones i think i don't know all i know is that he's in an airport yeah i know it's based on a true story like uh there's a uh the story is i think it's a pakistani or indian guy who lived at one of the airports in france for like 18 years or something like that hold on and tom hanks played that character no no it's inspired by that story i believe i don't think tom hanks as good of an actor as he is can pull off a pakistani man no no i wasn't saying that i was saying like they took that a story of them and got tom hanks all-american guy to play it i i love him i love him but you also know how i feel about that stuff we'll see how it goes so um yeah but i mean i've seen a couple of people recommend that one so okay no i don't doubt that it's great but yeah yeah true well we could just move on to the toy story okay uh anyway anyway i think um yeah yeah but uh but um yeah i don't know people tell us if you want me to suffer through some rom-coms i'll do it if the internet peer pressures me into it um do it do it i don't really care i'll watch it anyway okay well i think that wraps up this episode of cinebinge thank you everybody for tuning in um you know the shtick like subscribe share it with your friends and family i hate this part um but you know the liking thing um and the subscribing thing does help our channel so it's for sure yeah it really all that stuff algorithms all of those things other things yep um and then we also have a patreon which is uh gonna be linked below and also this is it right here which is in text form yeah ta-da um if you want to go there and check out what we have there that'd be great too yeah and yeah of course if you join us you will get access to the entire archive as well as full-length reactions that you can use as a watch-along um you know commentary essentially right and or sometimes just zoning out the movies are so good yeah just long stretches of silence if you enjoy that i don't know um anyways and uh of course if you help us uh meet our goal um we're gonna start another series where we purposely watch terrible movies that you suggest uh that the patrons vote for and uh you know we'll poke fun at it we'll make fun of it we'll tear into strength depending on how bad it is uh i i uh neil breen anyways and um don't give them any ideas coming down the road we're also going to try another series where we will be doing first time playing games with simone because she got her first gaming pc so that's going to be exciting hopefully you guys will enjoy all that and uh long end short is that a phrase anyways at the end of this speech for about patreon i would like to thank our current patrons as a filming date uh so we're gonna rattle off some names so kev john karen beggy uh zavulu jose cassidro kake uzumaki tali huber sedano stephen offerberger jimmy uh caleb harvey travis starnes dan mcdevitt emmy bradley astle stewart uh rio ciros rb games37 uh patrick rainder mimsie uh king panarisi abridged goku and alexander thank you all very much thanks everybody thanks we'll see you later bye
Channel: CineBinge React
Views: 64,334
Rating: 4.8979864 out of 5
Keywords: watching forrest gump for the first time, first time watching forrest gump, forrest gump movie reaction, forrest gump first time reaction, first time watching, forrest gump review, forrest gump, forrest gump reaction movie, forrest gump reaction, forrest gump react, react to forrest gump, forrest, forrest gump (1994), watching forrest gump, run forrest run, react to forest gump, react forest gump, film react, forest gump, movie react, first time forrest gump, movie reaction
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 51sec (2271 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 13 2021
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