3 Senior Christians VS. 1 Muslim Speaker - Who Gets JESUS right? - NEW

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foreign could you just clarify just what you ask who has Jesus right and if you could interact on that I would appreciate it oh okay okay sure so this is part two of last night's debate all right so so the question is who has Jesus right uh the Bible Believers or the Quran Believers all right as a Muslim we say that Muslims have him right because the misconceptions people started about Jesus especially after he was gone those misconceptions are cleared in the Quran examples we say that Jesus was a prophet of God Quran says that in chapter number five verse number 75 that Jesus was no more than a messenger many Messengers passed away before him him and his mother they both used to eat so what God is saying over here is anyone who is eating dependent on food and water that person cannot be God so Jesus is mentioned in the Quran as being a prophet a messenger of God so we have him right because Jesus said about himself and also in the Bible at least four places if not many places he mentioned that I am a prophet of God in the gospel of Matthew Chapter 13 Verse number 57 Jesus alluded to himself as being a prophet the second place in the second gospel the gospel of Mark chapter 6 verse number 4 Jesus said he is a prophet of God the third place is the third gospel the Gospel of Luke Chapter 13 Verse number 33 Jesus mentioned that I am a prophet of God the fourth gospel the Gospel of John chapter 4 verse number 44 Jesus mentioned that I am a prophet of God not only that by the way the people around Jesus that took him to be as a prophet you know when Jesus multiplied a small amount of food and 5 000 people they're fed the people they all resonated and they said here is a prophet that God has chosen from amongst our midst so they took him as a prophet right so Muslims we get him right because in history our Christian brothers and sisters that diluted the status of Jesus and elevated him to be God Son of God and divine but Islam and the Quran brings him back to the right status of Jesus the second place that we say that we get him right is because Jesus he used to fast the way Muslims are fasting Jesus fasted exactly that way it says in chapter number four verse number two of the of the Gospel of Matthew Jesus used to fast when he was fasting he was not just giving up just one food by the way right fish or sneaker candy or something it was a total absentee fasting from any food any drink when we Muslims fast from down to Sunset that's how we fast we get him right because Muslim males we are circumcised and Jesus was circumcised on the eighth day not our Christian friends not you know anyone else Muslims are the ones following Jesus we circumcised when Jesus used to meet with his disciples he used to greet with assalamu alaikum peace be upon you when we Muslims when we meet we say assalamu alaikum John chapter 20 verse number 19 says that we Muslims we agreed that way we Muslims when we pray we pray the way that Jesus Used To Pray by facing certain direction uh bowing down and then prostrating some of you may remember from the gospel of Matthew chapter 26 verse number 39. when the Jewish people were coming after Jesus he went to a place called The Garden of Gethsemane over there he prostrated himself on the ground and he was praying to God that oh God take this cup of death away from me not my will not my will but your will so we say that we are the ones following Jesus and we have him right because we are praying the way that Jesus used to pray so a question to my Christian brothers and sisters is suppose if you are in the Garden of Gethsemane two thousand years ago and you see Jesus praying and bowing down and praying to God the question now is this would you pray to Jesus who is a person bowing down to somebody else or would you come next to Jesus and bow down next to next to him and pray to the same God that Jesus was worshiping so I would say Muslims have him right because he was worshiping the Creator he fasted the way we do he converts salaam to other people around him and the best important thing is he is a worshiper of one God he was not a trinitarian he's a monotheistic prophet of the Creator to ask questions what is she asking [Music] oh her question is where do we go when we die inshallah God willing by being a good Muslim by being a good girl by obeying your parents inshallah by God's mercy you and all of us we will go to paradise yeah say inshallah all right good masha'allah good girl your brothers uh from the Muslim faith inshallah and the sisters thank you for sharing uh you a couple of times in your presentation you mentioned the day of judgment uh could you explain in your Islam beliefs from the Quran or the Hades whatever specify what will take place it will be the judge how that will work and so forth okay wonderful so in my presentation I mentioned many times the day of judgment right so what we believe what the Quran says and what the prophetic Traditions what they say is that this life is a really temporary life this is a life of test and trial God wants to see who is going to be following God who is going to obey God who is going to practice God's guidance so then one day every single human is going to pass away just like people before us passed away but that's not the end of our Lives it says in the Quran many many times that God is going to bring us back to life so there would be a physical resurrection of every single human not just in uh in our soul but also in our bodies every single human who was ever alive from Adam the very first man peace be upon him until the last man who is going to be born every single person would be brought back to life and just like at the end of any uh any semester there is an evaluation by the teacher God is going to have the final evaluation for every single person on the day of judgment that means I would be standing alone in front of God and God would be judging me and all of us based upon how did we live this life did we followed the Creator did we follow all the prophets did we follow the guidance that was given to us so it will take many many years some places it says like 50 000 years maybe longer right so those believers who are going to be saved on the day of judgment they would be placed into Paradise they have to fulfill the two important criteria first one did they worship only one God without attaching any partners that not worshiping any human animal any creation but only submitting to one God the second criteria would be have they followed God's guidance like for example in the time of Moses peace be upon Him God's guidance came through Moses peace be upon him which is called as the taurat so people during Moses's time if they believed in worship on God and they followed Moses as a prophet and if and even too by the way he was also there and they followed the Tauranga the scripture of that time we call them those people as Muslims not as Jews by the way we call them as Muslims so those Muslims by God's grace would be placed into Paradise if they tried their best to follow God's guidance and submit it to one God in case if a person falls short of following God's guidance that in this life the person has an option to repent to God sincerely coming to God for God's forgiveness without any mediator once we pass away there is no forgiveness by the way right we cannot say on the day of judgment okay God please forgive us it would be too late this life is the life where we have to recognize our shortcomings as for God's forgiveness so if a person has the right belief in doing good deeds to the best of the ability then God says that he's going to forgive the sins by the mercy of God those people will go to paradise but in case in case if a Muslim for example if their sins are so humongous and they kept on doing the sins and they did not repent to God that means they have to spend some time in the Hellfire until they get purified But ultimately they will be placed into paradise and Paradise is a place in which they would be spiritual psychological and physical Rewards but those people for example if they keep on worshiping somebody else along with God or instead of God and they die like that despite knowing who is the creator is then Islam also believes in the Hellfire so those people who are bound to go to Hell Fire would be the ones who Associated partners with God because it says in the Quran chapter 4 verse number 116. that Allah is willing to forgive all the sins the only one sin God is not going to forgive if a person dies like that is the sin of associating partners with God that means worshiping a human along with God worshiping an idol worshiping you know animals or worshiping the creation along with God and if they die like that without repenting so they will be getting the bad grade which is synonymous with Hellfire and I hope and pray that may Allah protect each one of us from the Hellfire by God's mercy his guidance right his love that he guides all of us to the truth which is Oneness of God and believing in all the prophets and obeying God's guidance so that's what Islam believes about the day of judgment and what will happen to us in the Hereafter repeat what you said about partial time and hell for purification I miss that yes so if a Muslim a Muslim right if a Muslim if he does some Deeds wrong Deeds evil sins and if they do not repent to God right or if they if they are not forgiven for some of the sins that they have done so a sin also depends on the intention of the person if the person knowing that this is wrong keep on doing it without repenting to God it is possible that God will not forgive that person even though he may have some good deeds so that person based on God's complete you know hundred percent Justice the person would still be going for some partial time into Hell Fire until they get purified but then that Muslim ultimately will go into Paradise forever so at the end of the day every Muslim will go to paradise that's what I'm saying yes brother where is that in the Quran the doctrine partial time at home yeah so in the Quran I have to look up but this is also in the Hadith literature Hadith means the sayings of prophet Muhammad peace be upon him so Islam has two sources right the Quran and the practices of Muhammad peace be upon him which we call as the Sunnah in the collection of bukhari bukhari was one of the collectors of the sayings of Muhammad peace be upon Him Muslim was a name of a person who also collected so in these two and other Hadith collections uh these things are mentioned in there in detail by the way so if you want any book or any links we can send you more details that will go over like even more minute in all the steps from a time a person dies until the person reaches Paradise yeah Islam has two sources the First Source is the book of God which is the Quran the Second Source is the example of Muhammad peace be upon him how he did the interpretation of the Quran how he practiced the Quran how he shared the Quran so those interpretations and the practices and the example of Muhammad peace be upon him that is called as the Sunnah Sunnah yeah s u n n a h okay so on the internet on the books it may say you know Muslims believe or follow the Quran and the Sunnah and that is in the Quran in chapter 33 verse number 21. it says in there let me just give the translation that in the person of Muhammad peace be upon him we have the best example to follow for those who believe in Allah in the last day and remembers Allah much so we Muslims and all of humanity in general we are supposed to take Muhammad peace be upon him and follow his example his Sunnah right yeah that sounds very much like the Catholic doctrine of purgatory similar thing yeah can be analogous to it yes but it's important unlike the Catholic faith we don't believe that somebody else died for us for us it is what we do is what we bear if we do something wrong we directly repent to God there is nobody dies for us so there is a dissimilarity of their mother would you say that the Islamic view of going to Paradise is it what would self-salvation earn in your way be an appropriate way to describe it uh so the question is is it earning your own way it is doing good deeds and good deeds will land us into Paradise uh no because uh one of the sayings of prophet Muhammad peace be upon him he said that it's not the number of Deeds that you do it is ultimately by God's mercy a person goes to Paradise but to be eligible for God's mercy a person has to exert themselves give the best with the right intention and nobody is perfect right we fall short but when we fall short we keep on going we keep on repenting to God so God will look at our effort Our intention and our abilities and all the circumstances based upon that God's perfect Justice and mercy will lend that person into Paradise not our Deeds only but this is very similar you know last night I was having a discussion in your in your church with uh Paul right he was one of the people in the church by the way yeah he didn't go to church but he did he did yeah yeah so so I mentioned to him that the concept of having uh the right belief and good doing good deeds is not unique only to Islam I mentioned to him even if you look into the book of James second chapter of James 14 and onwards James mentioned that to be safe I'm just paraphrasing by the way a person has to have the right belief and also they have to have Deeds because beliefs without Deeds is not going to be saving but this is more profoundly mentioned by Jesus peace be upon Him Matthew Chapter 19 Verse number 16. so a person came to Jesus and asked him an important question that oh good Master what should I do so I can gain eternal life so I can gain Paradise right so Jesus peace be upon him so look at the question the person addressed Jesus as good Master right good so Jesus he mentioned in verse number 17 that why do you call me good there is nobody good except God then Jesus he continued so so the question is it really explicit question how do I go to paradise and Jesus mentioned a really explicit answer Jesus he said for you to gain eternal life follow the Commandments and then Jesus he said okay what kind of Commandments and then Jesus the man said what kind of Commandments and then Jesus he said the Commandments of the old don't you know it do not lie do not cheat do not murder be good to your parents and Jesus gave a list and those are the Ten Commandments and those Ten Commandments important thing is the very first commandment has to have the right belief the rest of the Commandments has to do with good deeds that means According To Jesus to go to paradise a person has to have the right belief and then doing good deeds see our Christian brothers and sisters over here that would be a good time for Jesus to let the person know that salvation is by me dying on the cross just give me a few weeks I would be crucified if you believe in that that's the way to go to paradise Jesus did not say that that would be a good occasion see the person asked the question how do I go to paradise and Jesus mentioned the right belief and doing good deeds that aligns with what the Quran says that aligns with The Messengers and the prophets this is what alhamdulillah Islam says about Jesus a mighty messenger of God who came to convey Islam to his people as you know in John 3 a very religious dedicated man came to Jesus was complementary of Jesus Jesus directly asked him or said you must be born again have you been born again so the question is am I Born Again I think I was born only one time by my mother long time ago but if you mean like spiritually born again right is that what you mean I mean it has many meanings I mean I can say that yes when I was a teenager uh I realized that there are so many face out there just because I was born into a Muslim family does not make Islam the right faith I could have borne be born in India in a Hindu family right that does not make Hinduism as the right faith I could have been born into a Christian family with his family but what I did was I started to ask questions to myself okay let me put aside all the face I asked four questions to myself to arrive at the right Faith what is the right concept of God that touches me here and touches me here that is consistent with all the prophets and consistent with the scriptures so I came back to the concept of God which is absolute Oneness no Trinity no multiple gods no idols so it does not defy logic it's consistent with all the prophets and The Messengers so that's the first question I asked and I came to Islam consciously by asking that first question the second question of the four questions that there are so many scriptures which are out there every scripture they say that this is the word of God either all of them are wrong or one of them is right all of them cannot be right so how do I find out the right scripture when I was a teenager I asked myself one of the criteria for the right scripture is that scripture should be preserved without any changes I looked into the Hindu Vedas right the bhagavad-gita and the ramayana and many scriptures of days I looked into the Buddhist scriptures I looked into the Jewish scriptures I look into the Christian scriptures then I found out that none of them have been memorized none of them they came down to us in a pure form that have not been transmitted from that time to our time 100 in a pure purified way but when I looked into the Quran Quran was memorized by Muhammad peace be upon him his followers memorized it the chain of memorization is coming from that time to our time so there are 15 million memorizers of the whole Quran so that's one way Quran is preserved then the writing of the Quran is also coming from the prophet's time we have manuscripts right now that go back to the time of prophet Muhammad peace be upon him so both the manuscripts and the oral transmitters they play as a check and balance so we have a dual way of protection of the Quran say suppose if the memorizers if they miss one passage they can look into the Quran they can refresh the memory and suppose if somebody makes a mistake in the writing the memorizers can identify the mistake and they correct the mistake it's a dual form of check and balance so looking into the scriptures I found out consciously doing research Quran is the only book that has been preserved so I came back to Islam with the Quran uh not because I was born as a Muslim but by conscious Choice the third question I had was this Humanity needs guidance comprehensive guidance not just for a person but for family and all of society we need guidance for our justice system economic system political system family system social system penal system we need comprehensive guidance so which which scripture gives comprehensive guidance the Old Testament has comprehensive guidance but only for the Jewish people the New Testament does not have comprehensive guidance for example if I ask a Christian scholar give me comprehensive guidance from the New Testament only about how to have a just economic system a just political system right A to Z comprehensive way practical way it doesn't have it I mean we respect it but it doesn't have it the Quran along with Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him they have comprehensive guidance so I came back to Islam with that question consciously right and the last question I asked was this there are many different ways that people say that they are saved you know the Hindus and the Buddhists and and the Jain people they say that after you die you come back as a reincarnation if you're not a good person you come back as a cockroach a cat a dog right then my question to them would be suppose if a person comes back as a dog how would a dog know to be a good boy dog right our prophet's going to come to the dog is the dog going to go and read some scriptures go to the public library come on foreign to me that kind of a reincarnation concept our Christian brothers and sisters they believe uh that somebody dies for their sins again I find out as I mentioned last night that is the height of Injustice suppose if I have criminals over here and then the judge is saying I will forgive all of you you know guards bring my son over here and if my son is sacrificed if you believe in it I will forgive all of your sins if a judge does that now today there would be an uproar that he will be kicked out from his uh you know from his being as a judge so it did not appeal to me from a logical Justice and fairness point of view then I looked into the Islamic point of Justice Islam says that if you have the right belief doing good deeds try your best have the right intention if you fall short you know God can forgive the sins that appealed to me because it's personal accountability if you drive over the speed limit you are the one to get the ticket or forgiveness by the cup not my wife should get the ticket my neighbor not my mother right so all the four questions I came back to Islam for every single one of them so for that reason I am consciously a Muslim I am a born-again Muslim right I am a born-again Muslim now I consciously I chose Islam not because my family my culture my neighbors compel me but by being born again Muslim consciously choosing Islam based upon these four questions thank you for coming out we're going to conclude right here and wrap up with the questions and answers we'd like to really appreciate Dr sabil's his contributions again with the dawah and the information and the dialogue
Channel: Sabeel Ahmed
Views: 114,159
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Keywords: what is islam, dr. sabeel ahmed, who are the muslims?, women in islam, islam vs christianity, convert to islam, sabeel ahmed debate, christian students told to ask any question on islam, non muslim listening to quran, surah rahman, revert to islam, sharia law, christian music 2022, quran recitation really beautiful, latinos converting, catholic mass, catholic rosary, catholic hymns, catholic church songs, pope francis, vatican live, vatican catholic
Id: 1uJ1HcK4fxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 34sec (1534 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 22 2022
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