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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the lord is my light in salvation whom shall i the fear is my light in salvation whom shall i fear whom shall i be afraid i will wait on you [Music] [Music] i will trust [Music] who shall i be afraid [Music] come [Music] shall i be afraid that's the one who's been keeping us through the storm come on who shall i be afraid who shall i fear [Music] i [Music] come on let's sing it again everybody [Music] is shall i be afraid again [Music] whatever your will is i will repay confidence say i will we're gonna see the goodness come on be everybody see i will trust it come on together [Music] come on if that's your testimony we're gonna see it if you know that you're gonna see it i'm either gonna lift up your prayers everybody worship here for the lord our god he's a mighty warrior he's strong god [Music] somebody [Applause] who is this [Music] come on my hope is built on nothing less than jesus blood and righteousness hallelujah i dare not trust the sweetest frame but holy trust in jesus name [Music] yeah i set my hope on you everything that i need is in you i put my trust in you [Music] we set our hope on you we set our hope on your love who the is god i will remain confident in this i will see the goodness of the lord lift your hands and say that so i will read [Music] yes believer every worshiper if you know that you are gonna see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living i need you to open your mouth and give him glory we lift you we love you we live today hallelujah let god arise and his enemies be scattered we declare that giants are falling down even today somebody shout to the lord with the loud voice come on let me hear your shout this morning if you believe that giants do die this morning we want you to identify that giant today hallelujah and we want you to declare where you at wherever you are that giants they do die the bigger they are anybody ever been in a fight anybody ever had a street fight you ought to know you want to declare the bigger they are the harder let your neighbor know that the giants are dying today hallelujah the bigger the harder they fall come on we stand on your words standing [Music] is you will see miracles things [Music] here we go [Music] just walk around walk around is hallelujah we declared this morning that the giants are coming down i want you to know that when you friends when you worship when you shout they gotta come down hallelujah somebody said when you pray when you pray [Music] oh oh this morning that whatever you're struggling with there's an end to it whatever you're facing there's an end to it and whatever triumph that's rising up against you rising up against you you want to decree like david said i killed the lion i slayed the bear and you uncircumcised [Music] oh the giant is coming down i decreed this morning you ought to put a praise on it you want to put a praise on me and say the giant is coming down every situation that you're face if there is a giant [Music] well giants do die the bigger they are the harder they fall welcome to the virtual sanctuary of christ's missionary baptist church as we gather for this second night this second installment of our holy week revival would you help me give god thanks for the music ministry of the greater allen cathedral amy church of jamaica new york pastored by the reverend dr floyd h flake and the reverend dr elaine mccollins flake we give thanks to god for the lord is good and the lord's mercy endures forever i was glad when they said unto me let's go into the house of the lord i was glad when they said unto me let's go to christ missionary baptist church in in memphis tennessee on south parkway in the virtual sanctuary for a time of word and worship do me a favor if you haven't already done so take a moment and like and share this worship experience this revival with a friend with a family member with a colleague like and share if you haven't already done so with someone who needs an encouraging word from the lord i believe there's a word for you tonight i believe that god has a word for our hearing on tonight i am excited that my good friend my sister friend my homegirl the reverend dr elaine mccollins flake is going to be our guest preacher for tonight we thank god again for the music ministry of allen cathedral and you will hear from them more as this service continues but first let me take this opportunity and invite you to follow us on our social media platforms i also want to invite you to join us on sunday mornings at 11 o'clock am central daylight time in our virtual sanctuary for a service of word and worship service of illumination and inspiration and i also want to invite you to give to invest in this ministry to make an investment in this ministry as we uh give tonight i'm inviting you to worship god with a gift of 20 as i mentioned on last night the gifts that you give will go to support the work of ministry and outreach we believe in treating the people's needs as holy here at christ missionary baptist church and we believe that if we are the body of christ and as the body of christ we are called to do the work of ministry and so what you give on tonight what you give this week will go to support our covet relief fund which we use to support food relief to support food insecurity and to meet the needs of people in financial and tangible ways jesus said i was hungry and you fed me and somebody said well when did we do it jesus said well when you did it unto the least of these you've done it unto me it's a pop quiz that jesus gives us while we're on these mundane shores and i am so grateful to be a part of a ministry that believes in investing in the lives of people and treating the needs of people as holy we will also invest some of the resources that you give tonight to support our jackson mississippi relief fund as we know our sisters and brothers in jackson uh have issued a macedonian call for us to come to macedonia and help them and so the media ministry is placing the giving options on the screen i invite you as you are able to worship the lord tonight with a gift of 20 many will give thanks because of your generosity well it's almost preaching time and as i said before i am so excited that my friend girl my home girl my clergy sister a great pastor a great visionary one who has been instrumental in my life and has touched my life in so many ways one who's been like a big sister and a mentor and a wonderful friend the reverend dr margaret elaine mcaulis flake is going to be our preacher on tonight she has served in ministry and with her partner in marriage uh dr floyd flake for more than 40 years at the allen cathedral amy church in jamaica new york it is an amazing ministry it is a ministry that provides the gold standard the platinum standard and that has served as inspiration for so many of us you're going to hear her introduction in just a few moments i ask that you will prepare your hearts now to receive the music ministry and the word from dr elaine mccollins flake and the allen cathedral amy church thank god for stanley brown and for all of the wonderful musicians and singers uh that always bless my heart whenever i'm there in at allen cathedral would you join me now as we go to god in prayer god we thank you for this night for this day that you've made we thank you for all who have gathered in this virtual space as we remember as we anticipate not just easter but as we travel that road with jesus to the cross we thank you o god that you did not regarded robbery that you would do something of cosmic significance to save our lives and to give us our life back to give us the privilege of not just eternal life but abundant life i pray now in the name of jesus that you would send your power and send your anointing in this space that makes preaching ease i pray you word the mouth of the preacher i pray that you let the words of her mouth and the meditation of her heart because them to be acceptable in your sight i pray o god that you will save a soul and salvage a life for the living of these days and god for every gift that is given we give you thanks and we ask that you would not only bless the gift but bless the giver cause it to matter that we've gathered in this space tonight and calls us to be better because we've been this way we pray this in the strong and sufficient name of the one who died so that we might live his name is jesus long recognized as a powerful preacher teacher and role model with a gift for reaching worshipers of all ages the reverend margaret elaine m flake has been impacting the many lives she touches at the greater allen amy cathedral in new york city where she serves as co-pastor with her partner in marriage and ministry the reverend floyd h flake she is an itinerant elder in the african methodist episcopal church and has committed her life to the education transformation and empowerment of others dr flake is the author of the popular book god in her midst preaching healing to hurting women and has contributed to many other publications and writings a native of memphis tennessee dr flake earned her bachelor of arts degree in english from fisk university in nashville tennessee a master of arts degree from boston university a master of divinity degree from union theological seminary and a doctor of ministry degree from united theological seminary she is a member of alpha kappa alpha sorority cnbc is pleased to welcome back reverend dr elaine m flake [Music] how can i say thanks for all the things [Music] you've done for me [Music] things someone deserved but yet you gave [Music] to prove your love for me and the voices [Music] of a million [Music] angels could not express my [Music] that gratitude am i'll never hope to be i [Music] [Music] to thee to go [Music] to die he has it was [Music] is he let us live to see another day he has time [Music] just please [Music] foreign is he is [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] me [Music] yes we thank you god we want to thank you for everything thank you for doing it for me thank you [Music] [Music] has glory to your name many many things this is the day that the lord has made and we have come to rejoice and be glad in it wherever you are won't you just put your hands together and give god praise give god praise for this day give god praise for your life and give god praise for another opportunity for us to gather together virtually and worship the lord in spirit and in truth truly i thank god for this opportunity to join with my christ missionary baptist church family there in memphis tennessee i thank god for you and i salute your steadfastness and your spiritual tenacity a tenacity that has brought you safe thus far as you have been continuing to do the work that god has called you to do and then of course i want to salute your pastor my friend the reverend dr gina marcia steward who is not only a prolific preacher a passionate pastor but she's also my friend and i certainly thank god for her and i thank god for this invitation to join you on tonight i do send you greetings all the way from new york city greetings from the greater allen cathedral of new york where my husband and i have served here for over 45 years amen and for that we do give god praise tonight in this holy week service i'd like to call your attention to the new testament book of luke luke chapter 17 and we will begin reading at verse 11. this is the word of the lord now on his way to jerusalem jesus traveled along the border between samaria and galilee as he was going into a village ten men who had leprosy met him they stood at a distance and they called out in a loud voice jesus master have pity on us one translation says have mercy on us when he saw them he said go show yourselves to the priest and as they went they were cleansed one of them when he saw he was healed came back praising god in the loud voice he threw himself at jesus feet and thanked him and he was a samaritan and jesus asked were not all ten cleansed where are the other nine has no one returned to give praise to god except this foreigner then he said to him rise and go your faith has made you well may the lord have a blessing to the reading and hearing of his word tonight as we preach to you from the sermon topic the faith to move out the faith to move out today would be a day that would change their lives forever they had awakened that morning living in a painful reality but by the end of the day they would meet jesus and their pain would turn to joy you see these men had become accustomed accustomed to living in isolation and exclusion they knew what it was to live in misery and to live without dignity they were lepers and law dictated that they lived with lepers in a leper's colony they could not come in contact with the larger community because you see their disease was infectious it was deadly and it could be easily spread these men had sores and ulcers all over their body nerving the nerve endings were dead and fingers and toes were being eaten away and their very lives was slowly drifting out of their bodies most of them no doubt had been family men and women priests scholars homemakers farmers but now leprosy had taken all of that from them now all they had was each other they had to eat together and sleep together and no doubt commiserate together and when they traveled outside of the leper colony they had to announce their presence by yelling unclean unclean how that must have damaged them emotionally and psychologically to be forced to call yourself dirty unclean that had to be hard especially when their condition was out of their control for you see these men did not elect to have leprosy but leprosy came upon them and i found out that when stuff comes upon you when sickness betrayal foreclosure a racism comes upon you its presence contributes to an inner reality which is difficult a man to live with joan chitister says and most of us would agree that when something comes upon you that you do not want that you do not choose that change breaks our hearts and smothers our souls and haunts us and can leave us hollow to the core oh but even worse when change demands that we rename ourselves when the divorce comes or the rape happens or the job loss uh comes when sickness comes into our lives we we have to then rename ourselves we begin to call ourselves divorcee and rape survivor and unemployed and cancer patient i tell you it can do something to us on the inside when your name change has the potential to position you in ostracism and rejection and isolation causing you to lose family friends and community it can clearly have a profound effect on how you live your life and how you see yourself so often shame and self-alienation and depression becomes your reality when you have to contend with something that you never wanted to come into your life i i'm here to remind you though tonight that though life is filled with the unthinkable we must always hold on to the possibility of change but you see that's what faith is faith is hoping for and holding on to the possibility that it won't be like this all the time and that is what we've done haven't we over this past year we've had to hold on to the possibility of change hold on to being set free from a virus from a disease that just seemingly will not go away it often appeared that the darkness of covet 19 was impenetrable it was a darkness that separated us from the reality uh uh that we had learned to navigate we we were living our lives and and quite frankly most of us were not prepared for what we had to face over this past year but lord knows we have been holding on to our faith we have been believing that sooner or later things would change for the better because after all god had promised us that the gates of hell will not prevail against his church god has promised us that he would be with us always even until the end of the earth and so we know that god has been with us and and here we are one year later with the testimony that the darkness of this pandemic forced us to seek the light of jesus in ways that we have never known and we have lived in faith knowing that no matter what blows a life inflicts on us jesus is with us jesus is with us in the crucible of our suffering jesus has been with us in the crucible of our isolation and our fear and yes we have learned like the lepers that jesus will shine a light on our darkness and jesus comes daily to release us to new ways of living as we see jesus in this text luke tells us that the master is now on his way to jerusalem traveling along the border between samar samaria and galilee he's on his way to jerusalem the city of his destiny the place where he would die the place where humanity's salvation would be accomplished oh it was a long and arduous journey that he had to take toward jerusalem toward calvary but the good news is that it was a journey that would bless the lives of many jesus was traveling along the border the bible lets us know that he encountered ten men nine jews and one samaritan all of whom had leprosy now we know that ordinarily jews and samaritans would not be together for they were intense enemies but but but uh we know too that shared suffering has a way of bringing enemies together no doubt these men had heard that jesus was a healer they'd heard in fact that he had healed lepers in days gone by and so when they realized that jesus was coming their way they did the sensible thing and they went to meet him and the word tells us that when they saw jesus passing by they were standing afar off but they raised their voices and began to cry out to jesus in one voice jesus master have mercy on us they still too far off perhaps afraid of being rejected oh but their cry for mercy resounded in the air it it it uh their cry for mercy was essentially the cry that they made knowing that jesus would know what they need and today they needed healing jesus master have mercy on us can i tell you church that that is a cry that is intrical that is just imperative that we make daily for you see have mercy too many of us neglect to appropriate the request for mercy in our lives we ask for power we ask for recognition we ask for success but what we really need is mercy for you see mercy is greater than getting a job or or a complimentary comment on facebook or job promotion uh mercy is is something that we should go after because you see mercy is what we all need can i tell you tonight that mercy brings healing mercy brings deliverance and strength and inner peace and hope you don't even have to be specific you can cry out lord have mercy and the lord will know what you need when we cry for mercy we're asking god to be our problem solver and our burden bearer and our heart fixer and our mind regulator and our waymaker and our miracle worker uh somebody needs to join me tonight throw your head back throw your hands up and cry out like the leopards jesus master have mercy on me so the bible says when they called out to him jesus looked their way spite of the fact that he was about to go and suffer a most painful and degrading death his was still a heart of compassion and his eyes were always open to the reality of his created ones and i thank god that the open eyes of god the open eyes of jesus the open eyes of our savior are always going to and fro seeing our reality and knowing that he will uh and we can know that he will always be there for us the open eyes of jesus that is a reality that makes me shout today for you see jesus sees us oh yes he sees us at our very best and he sees us at our worst he sees us when we're hurting when we are suffering from rejection and hollowness hollowness of spirit jesus sees us when we're being consumed by low self-esteem or guilt or social invisibility jesus will see us oh you ought to thank god tonight when your family is falling apart or when you're struggling with the loss of a relationship that you wanted with all of your heart jesus sees us while many have been isolated and alone over this past year you need to know that jesus was aware of your tears and aware of your concerns and when no one seems to understand no one seems to care jesus sees you and jesus declares i am with you and i will indeed perfect those things that concern you you ought to put your hands together tonight and give god praise and the bible says when they called out to him jesus didn't do what jesus would usually do in psalms eyes it would seem like jesus didn't do anything he didn't go over to them he didn't call them over to him he did not touch them as he had touched the leper in mark um and made himself ritually unclean he did not speak words of healing to them as he often did he didn't do anything he just told them go and show yourselves to the priest that's all he said now church this clearly had to be a test of their faith and be clear jesus demands when jesus comes into our lives to make a change jesus demands that we all have a level of faith jesus simply said go and show yourself to the priest but the interesting thing is this luke does not record that they hesitated they didn't protest they didn't say is that all they simply did as they were told and the bible says that as they went they were made clean that's amazing first of all it's amazing that all of 10 of them went without question they took a chance going to the priest because they very well could have been stoned or wounded for their going but they went without knowing what would happen to them because they were ready to obey jesus and they had this level of faith that moved them in the direction that jesus sent them yes this was an act of faith and one we should all emulate for you see there comes a time when we just have to decide to do things god's way it doesn't always make sense it may not come jesus may not give us instructions in the ways that we expected or his instructions can be a bit bizarre uh may appear to others that we are being foolish and overly spiritual but guess what we have to know that when jesus speaks we have to obey we don't question because review refusing to obey jesus instructions will knock us out of the blessings that could be ours sometimes we simply have to do as we are told because you see faith is central to our relationship with jesus leonard sweet says that christians must learn to say yes to the moment that god has given them in truth many of us have had opportunities for deliverance had opportunities for healing transformation and cleansing but we have said no to the moment we were at the service we were at the retreat we were at the conference and and god had spoken to our hearts but uh uh uh uh we said no to the moment we could have given it up we could could have given that person up could have made a clean break could have moved beyond the past could have started over the lord was there to make it happen but our feelings got in the way and we said no to the moment and held on to that anger or that unforgiveness or that guilt we could have been freed from the yoke or the dead of financial bondage for the from the yoke of of of of anger and bitterness ah but we said no to the moment and we have learned clearly that saying no to jesus will keep us in states of spiritual and emotional leprosy that day these ten lepers moved out in faith they said yes to jesus and the bible says that as they went they were made clean they had begged for the miracle and now they were experiencing the miracle for which they begged they just put one foot in front of the other moving out in faith and with every step their skin got clearer with every step their nerve endings fell back into place with every step the lid uh uh the the the fingers and the toes that were about to be eaten away were restored don't you see uh uh uh they got everything that they had hoped for there they got everything that they had begged for they were being cleansed they were being healed they were being restored with every step that they took but the tragedy of this story is that nine of them seemingly anxious to get back into community they kept going toward the priest ecstatic and overjoyed i suspect they broke into iran as they saw themselves being cleansed and restored they were running to get to the priests so they could be declared cured and eligible for restoration to community oh i surmise that nine of them were religious jews and they were so focused on ritual and religious rights that they rushed to do the religious thing and in doing the religious thing they forgot to do the god thing may i stop here parenthetically and say to us we've got to be very careful to always keep god in the center of our hearts and and the center of our thoughts sunday was palm sunday and many churches faithfully distributed palms to be waived in person or in virtual worship because you see people want to do the religious things they want to get the palms they want to cry hosanna millions uh uh wave their palms on sunday and guess what even now even more so millions will gather uh on this coming sunday some in person and many in front of their devices to do the religious thing to celebrate a resurrection sunday but yeah you know we have to be careful y'all we don't want to miss the reality that the real goal of palm sunday and the real goal of resurrection sunday should be to develop an intimate relationship with jesus palm sunday praise and resurrection sunday worship without daily surrender and constant prayer and ongoing thanksgiving will surely bring on an unhealthy and non-productive spirituality can i warn you tonight that religion without relationship results in a lack of permanence and spiritual strength to live out the faith that we claim to have oh i would hope that we would see this and we would remember thanksgiving is always the order of the day as i look at these leopards i would hope that they were all grateful but it appears their excitement lord overruled their gratitude and they missed their opportunity to thank and really connect with jesus oh they had a they had a good reason to praise they they had a good reason to jump and shout and kiss the feet of jesus but nine of them chose to do something else uh too many in the church should be praising and should be showing uh our gratitude for what jesus has done in our lives especially in this past year and we must be careful that we don't choose to do something else we've had to stay home and we've had to stream i couldn't go to the malls couldn't go to the golf course couldn't go to the sorority luncheons ah but god is still good and i declare right now that you ought to just give god praise take the time to show your gratitude every day even if you're broke even if you don't have a job even if your hearts are yet filled with fear because you don't know what the future holds with this covet 19 you don't know how this situation will turn out can i tell you you still have a reason to give god praise do it right now do it tonight when before you go to bed do it in the morning before after you wake up it is good to give thanks unto the lord it has been said that gratitude is the purest measure of one's character and one spiritual condition and in this age of entitlement in which so many are self-centered and believe that they deserve more than they get ah can i tell you church we must be careful to remember that gratitude is an expression of faith and gratitude acknowledges that we treasure the grace and the mercy that jesus gives gratitude reveals a humility a humility of spirit and declares that i know that i'm not self-made i know that i'm not entitled to anything and every success every breath that i take every opportunity every expression of god's love is really unmerited and so today and every day i understand that i must give god praise the bible says that even though 10 had the faith to move out 10 had the faith to be healed only one of them had the faith to go to the highest level and worship god in spirit and in truth this man had the faith to turn around and move out away from his friends he moved toward jesus he returned seeing that he was healed back to the one that had healed him and the bible says that he was glorifying god with a loud voice he screamed praise he he he he loudly proclaimed his thanksgiving to god so that everyone could hear all ten of them had been loud when they wanted something but now nine of them were gone off in another direction only the one was utterly uninhibited only the one was utterly unrestrained in his declarations of his thanksgiving to god he was happy he was delighted he was overjoyed uh he was beside himself that his need had been met and he was focused on giving god authentic praise scholars are quick to point out that the central event of this story is not the healing of the ten but it is the praise of the one you see the praise of the one was what counted because his praise was grounded in thanksgiving the message of this text is that we must not become so focused on our feelings and so focused on our needs that we fail to surrender self and we fail to value the blessings of jesus christ more uh uh we we we cannot value anything more than we value jesus christ we value our relationship with him uh we have our agendas and we have our concerns but but can i tell you today can i tell you in this holy week that our faith is calling us to move out from the crowd to move out from the mundane and our faith is telling us that with all that we have been through good and bad we need to give god praise and we need to shout it wherever we are i suggest to you that the praise that many of us did in the sanctuary we have not done it home because we didn't want folk to look at us like we were crazy ah but i don't know about you but when i think of the goodness of jesus and all that he's done for me every now and then in my home in the bathroom in the kitchen or lying in the bed i have to shout to god with a voice of triumph i glorify god with a loud voice i can scream praise i can scream thanksgiving and they may hear me at home and they may not but god has been good to me and i thank god every day every day for what god has done all ten of them had been loud but now they were silent in their praise the bible says let's look at this and then i'm finished the bible says that this one guy fell down prostrate at the feet of jesus and he thanked him profusely and we must point out that this one who came back was a samaritan not a religious man but he recognized the lord's grace and mercy had given him the gift of full deliverance and restoration and healing and for that he was compelled to praise the lord who had brought him out of his dark and desolate world i say this often and i'm going to say it again one out of ten came back some would scoff and criticize that number but i found out in truth that one out of ten is still operative in the church of the living god today i think many pastors would agree that whether you have 60 members 600 or 6 000 one out of ten supports the church only one out of ten participate in the ministries and truly seek to live for jesus only one out of ten give to the church sacrificially and so often only one out of ten are willing to give their time and their talent to the master 100 will ask for blessings and will receive blessings but far too many in the christian community fail to show gratitude for the mercies that they receive from god folk will receive but they will become so distracted by life so distracted by stuff that they will not sincerely express their appreciation for the graces and the mercies of god and while the lord does not ask for one out of ten dollars all he wants no i'm sorry the lord does ask for a one out of ten dollars that's all he asked from you he wants one tenth of our income but he wants 100 of us and we want 100 of him and he gives us 100 and we ought to praise him all the more because we understand that having the lord jesus in our lives has made all the difference oh say amen somebody without him i would be nothing without him i would fail without him my life would be rugged like a ship without a cell jesus responds to this man's praise with a question jesus says were not ten cleansed where are the other nine has no one returned to give praise but this foreigner and that is the question that still rings from the portals of heaven where are the nine when it comes to giving their talents and their opportunities and and where are the nine when it comes to giving of their resources where are the nine when it comes to feeding the hungry uh have they taken off in another direction have they just gone to do their own thing i tell you church that is the challenge for us tonight we want to be the ones who come into the presence of the almighty god and we want to give him our praise we want to give him our best we want to move out in faith in whatever direction he tells us to go because we understand that we all have a good reason to give god praise and jesus said to the praising leper rise and go and go rise and go your faith has made you well and the message in jesus words are that while the others were healed physically it was his gratitude it was his praise and it was his uh uh uh willingness to move in the direction of jesus christ that determined his spiritual wholeness his praise was fueled by faith and his praise positioned him in the will of jesus christ and it is in the will of the lord that we want to be we want to have the kind of faith that makes us move uh wherever he tells us to go i don't know about you but i am calling on uh myself to to to reassess and and evaluate where i am coming out of covet 19 i want to be better coming out than i was going in you ought to say amen and church let me tell you this i don't know where god is taking us as a community of believers i don't know where god is taking us as the church of the living god but this one thing i do know we are going to have to move in a direction that we never even comprehended but the word of the lord to us tonight is that we must have the faith to move out see faith has brought us saved us far oh you ought to declare tonight i've come this far by faith leaning on the lord but also declared i don't know where i'm going but i'll go where he tells me to go and i'll do what he tells me to do 2021 2022 is a blur to me i cannot imagine what the future has for you and for me but this one thing i do know i'm standing on the promises of god and god has declared i have plans to help you i have plans to keep you i have plans to use you i have plans to protect you i have plans to give you hope and the future and we need to declare thank you jesus because i believe that these next few months these next few years are going to be filled with unimaginable directions oh but lord i thank god that i can walk in the confidence that where i go you will be with me and you will be with me and because you will be with me i shout tonight because i can believe that no weapon formed against me shall prosper and every tongue that rises up against me in judgment the lord shall condemn and show christ's missionary baptist church of memphis tennessee and so every believer under the sound of my voice just the clam i have faith to know that wherever he leads me i will go just like the leopards i'm going to move out in faith knowing hallelujah that nothing is impossible for my god i move out in faith knowing that jesus is my healer jesus is my keeper jesus is my deliverer jesus is my friend and won't nothing separate me from his love so tell somebody if anybody's around you in 2021 and in 2022 i'm moving in faith in the almighty god if you think this last ship has been unprecedented i decree and declare that the coming year is gonna show us unprecedented blessings unprecedented opportunities uh unprecedented love and you ought to put your hands together oh come on shout to god thank the lord tonight that god is not through with us yet god has something in mine and whatever he has in mind i want to be a part of it don't leave me out lord show me what to do lord show me where to go that's my word church we're gonna have to have a faith a new kind of faith to move yes even in uncharted territories everybody has declared that the church can't go back to what it was [Music] and i do agree but i also say that we don't know where god is taking the church in the next few months in the next few years and so we cannot be so attached to religion like the nine word that we forget to keep our eyes on jesus that we forget to stay in that position of humility that we go back like the one and that we continue to to to to surrender ourselves in his presence i have no idea where the church will be next year this time i have no theories [Music] all i know is that jesus is still king of kings he's still lord of lords and so let us not become so committed and attached to what we think god is doing we got to see because i promise you these next few months as this last year has been lived out in faith these next few months these next few years we're gonna have to have a level of faith that has been shaped and formed in the darkness of covet but the light of jesus shall shine in us to the degree that the world will see a new and more dynamic church we will see greater grace greater glory greater mercies greater ministries greater work but even more we will see greater numbers that's what we want we want greater numbers to connect and become a part of those who follow the lord jesus so let us pray tonight that god will indeed make [Music] god's presence felt in our lives personally and then that god will make god's presence felt in our lives collectively because i tell you god is up to something and we want to be in the midst of all that god does god we thank you for this day we thank you for this night we thank you for this year this year of of your hand of protection some have been sick but they've been healed and so god we thank you for every healing that took place some of us have been kept not just from covet but we've been kept in the midst of other sicknesses and diseases people have had to live with cancer and and and and heart disease and blood diseases in the midst of this trauma but god you've been faithful and you've kept them and for that we give you praise and our declaration tonight is god we believe that because you have kept us that you shall continue to use us in your service don't let us be like the nine and so caught up get so caught up with what we have done get so caught up of getting back into community that we miss what you want to do with us individually and how you want your church to function in these next few years we want to be religious but we want to be in relationship we want you more than we want to get back to the choir to get back to the usher board we want you and we pray right now in the name of jesus that we will continue to be yielded vessels that we will surrender our lives to you and say god whatever you want i'm here to perform it i'm going to move out in faith and though it may not be a direction that i would have chosen for myself i'll say yes to your will my soul says yes my heart says yes everything within me says yes in the name of jesus let the people of god say amen let the people of god say yes lord let the people of god say yes lord because that's what god wants in this hour god wants our yes well we want to thank god for that word from dr elaine mccollins flake the faith to move out what a word that is for somebody that's a word for somebody tonight perhaps you need the faith to move out and not just move in a physical way but move in a spiritual way to take that step to move in a new direction with a relationship with jesus christ i'm here because i want to extend an invitation to you to not only be a member of this faith community but to enter into a relationship with jesus christ perhaps you don't have a relationship with jesus christ perhaps you have not heard about this god who was in christ that dr flake was preaching about well tonight is your night this holy week revival was designed for people who need a relationship with god and for people who just might need to be a part of a community of faith the media ministry is placing the information on the screen if you'd like to become a part of this community if you want a relationship with god through jesus christ i invite you to text that number text that cnbc to the number that is on the screen the truth is i would love to be your pastor we would love to have you as a part of our faith community we are the church and the place where everybody is somebody and where we are trying our best to become hearers and doers of the word so while the music ministry sings and the church praise the doors the virtual doors of my father's house or the virtual doors of the church are open me foreign [Music] yes you
Channel: Christ Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 424
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: kMoG_K3EUKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 6sec (5346 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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