Chris Pratt Thinks It’s Jimmy Kimmel’s Last Show Ever & Reveals Gift from Arnold Schwarzenegger

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our first guest tonight is a hugely successful movie star star lord and tamer of dinosaurs next he travels to the future to punch aliens in their version of a face in the tomorrow war it premieres a week from tomorrow on amazon prime video please welcome chris pratt [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you so much for letting me be a part of this incredible night oh well you know i always love having you here and it's always an incredible night no it's just it's just so nice to be able to congratulate you in person come on guys on his last show thank you very much i appreciate it how many how many years has it been since has weapons since we were on the air yes uh 18 and a half years what an wow i mean that's awesome man i didn't know i didn't know uh i don't know what we're gonna do without you well no i think there might be some commitment because this is your last show ever uh i wanted to send you off in style guillermo hey yeah we got you a cake and don't worry pal now that you won't be on tv anymore you can have as much of that cake as you want yeah but i am gonna be on tv again uh thank you very much yeah yeah sure you will no that's the spirit never give up uh but before you uh go away for good let's just take a moment to reflect i know stuff like this makes you uncomfortable but i had the editors put together a little highlight reel of some of the agreement greatest moments from the show and we will miss you so much forever but i'm not let's roll that now will you remember me wow wow welcome i guess wow wow i mean so many incredible memories i i can't believe we have to say goodbye but you know the thing is you don't have to say goodbye it's not my last show it's my last show for the summer it's just oh you're you're staying on yeah um yes why i don't know what do you mean why because i i don't know i love my job could have fooled me so what you're just go you're just going on a vacation yeah yeah summer vacation god guillermo did you know about this yeah but i want to eat a piece of cake uh unbelievable yeah this is unreal yeah i feel [Applause] he's done he's not he's not leaving he's not even leaving he's not leaving yeah he's staying on yeah i'm coming back why i don't know this was not my retirement all right you know what hey can i can i at least finish the song no oh that sucks no you can't get any g just cursed in our room but chris can i at least get a picture of my kids love star wars get kenny g the out of here [Applause] thank you okay but i'm taking the cake with me okay you take the cake yeah all right well that's you know i guess well we can keep these because we you can't eat this now you know it's interesting i could see you being confused but you'd think my staff would know better than to make a sign like this okay get get rid of it you don't need this time you know what this will be this can now be instead of my retirement cake this is your birthday cake because i know your birthday was on mondays that's correct right thank you you shouldn't have you didn't have hey listen you take cake however you can get it yeah that's it that's the truth how are you doing i'm doing very well you're doing well yeah and happy birthday to you did you have a party or anything are you are we at that yeah thanks guys it's still my birthday week so you can celebrate yes that's right it's your birthday yeah i mean well i'm working right now so i was at work all day on my birthday but when i got home catherine had uh prepared a massive dinner and we got to have like a you know a dinner party of about eight people nice and um very nice it was on a table that i had never eaten on before oh wow yeah we just had we had it made by nick offerman he you know he's like a woodworker oh nick yeah nick made you a table yeah that's awesome yeah it's great yeah he made he made me a table out of uh a douglas fir that was it's like 181 years old well it was two it would be 108 had it's still been alive it would be 183 but it was too cut down two years ago it was born the same year as wild bill hickok so was the is the wood like petrified it's like a very hard table well it's it's been conditioned because douglas fir is kind of a soft wood so he he cut these two massive planks that are connected by metal it's he does amazing work isn't it incredible i got to have uh dinner at my birthday dinner at the uh table that nick off that nick offerman built and it's so impressive when someone in hollywood can do something it's like you can't even believe it right oh yeah hollywood turns people into being completely useless outside of into young children 15 second bits about birthday cake you can do that really well anything else do not look to me to do anything and what kind of food did you have what did your wife catherine prepare for you on nick's beautiful table the traeger grill to smoke two big pork butt rolls oh yes nice she did the smoking for you yeah she did she was so mad because i like i was like can you do i'll do everything because there's an app and i can do it from my phone right all i got to do is turn you got to turn it on i'll do everything from work like all right because she did not she's you know we have a 10 month old baby she's like trying to put together this party she didn't want to be like taking 12 hours to smoke some pork butt right i had forgotten that we changed the wi-fi at our house so that the thing wasn't talking to the wi-fi so i couldn't do anything from work so she had to do the whole thing from home and she did a great job she smoked some butt for you oh she took care of the baby and she put it all out on the table did you i have to ask did your father-in-law your terminator in law did he get you a present he did he did yeah do you think he picked it out himself you know what of the many things that are surprising to me about arnold he's an incredible gift giver really yep he doesn't just pass it off to a staff he got me a really beautiful cigar box with uh artwork from the tomorrow war which opens on amazon prime video july 2nd uh but thank you it's it's my it's my picture and it says the tomorrow war and then you open it up and there are all these cigars inside and he signed happy birthday chris love arnold wait did he really get you a cigar box that says the tomorrow wore on it yes oh that is the most arnold thing i've ever heard of a promotional item and he signed it yeah and he signed it yes did he write his last name just arnold oh just donald okay okay not dad or anything like that yeah yeah if you'd have wrote if you'd have written the whole thing out that is great yeah i love it i love that my kids will be like that's grandpa's cigar box he gave dad yeah yeah well we're gonna take a break when we come back we'll see um the movie that was so celebrated it became a cigar box that resides in chris pratt's home the tomorrow war we'll be right back that is chris pratt in the tomorrow with a very scary alien now this in this movie you play a science teacher who travels through time to fight aliens right correct yes now my science teacher do you have a science teacher in in uh high school i assume yes yeah mine was not filing fighting aliens he wasn't no not at all his name was mr douglas and he um if we were late to class you had to stop by arby's and get him a jamoca shake or else you were in a lot of trouble is that true mr douglas mr douglas is not going into the future he's not fighting anybody no i had a really i had a really cool uh high school biology teacher yeah yeah he was like indiana jones really in a town of seven thousand people he was like our indiana jones he was cool did he wear a fedora for sure yeah he hit a whip he had like uh he had always had knives on him wow yeah super inappropriate for you yeah yeah yeah it sounds like he should be removed yeah yeah yeah it might have been i don't know he's lucky indiana jones came out because otherwise he would have just been a psychopath yeah i was like you like indiana jones he's like i don't watch tv okay no but he was great he had all kinds of cool artifacts and we did cool experiments and stuff we shot this movie in iceland which is a place i've always wanted to go and see and the northern lights is something that it's really like if there is a bucket list in my brain that's definitely in the top five and you were fortunate enough and they actually shot some video off yeah i was able to see the northern lights up close it was kind of the magic our daughter was conceived uh in iceland wow and i think it's due to our exposure well let's take a look at video and you can tell us about the where you were and what you saw so gorgeous i can't believe we're getting the northern lights [Music] [Laughter] she was pregnant okay she was she was like 15 minutes pregnant is do you really help pack because that's that's bad for me if you do are you a helper when it comes to packing oh um no no no no no i i sometimes usually my job is to close it yes that's right i wouldn't be able to do that without me but all the other she does you have that moment where you're gonna closer you're like really are we gonna really we're trying to force all this stuff into here yeah yeah i'm like i have to i have to close it another 18 inches that can't be good for any of the stuff you put in it's going to kill everything your high heels are all flats down [Laughter] it seems like you're always off shooting something you are you work a lot you're always what are you shooting right now uh right now i'm working on a show called the terminal list oh okay here in los angeles based on uh best-selling novel by jack carr it's a really kind of gnarly dark uh conspiracy thriller and we shoot it here in l.a when do you shoot another guardians of the galaxy movie the next one i'll do the next one yeah um we will be shooting that at the end of this year in the beginning of next year so like november to maybe uh april and you can say nothing about it i assume correct do you know anything about it yet yeah i know everything do you really yes you've read the whole script yes well the script was written years ago because we were going to do it years ago and due to unforeseen circumstances and then why did something happen i can't i don't even remember what happened but uh for some reason we didn't shoot it and now by the grace of god we will shoot it and it will be directed by james gunn okay that's really good well congratulations on the baby on the movie and on the new table thank you all big thanks chris pratt everybody tomorrow premieres a week from tomorrow on amazon time video we'll be back with michael cohen hi i'm jimmy kimmel i hope you enjoyed that video hit subscribe and all your dreams will come true assuming your dreams are to watch more youtube videos
Channel: Jimmy Kimmel Live
Views: 932,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jimmy, jimmy kimmel, jimmy kimmel live, late night, talk show, funny, comedic, comedy, clip, comedian, mean tweets, Pandemic, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Social Distancing, Quarantine, Interview, Chris Pratt, Kenny G, Surprise, Guillermo, The Tomorrow War, Amazon Prime, New Movie, Live Bit, Goodbye Jimmy, Nick offerman, Birthday, Douglas Fur, Woodworking, Tragger Grill, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Science Teacher, Iceland, Northern Lights, Actor
Id: mM4MdiqBV8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 26 2021
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