chris evans and scarlett johansson being a married couple for 11 minutes and 25 seconds straight

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you because you're so good I was so well you're so so good it's like my only actor friend that actually came to see the play they paid me - sure sure she's the only one who came to see me in lobby here oh yeah that's right I was like what the hell was it go that's rate lobby hero that you were great in that play we all knew Chris was gonna be here we didn't nobody told me that it was coming out your kid no I actually woke up and I got a text message from Chris Evans and he was like the trailer looks great I don't know what he was doing up at 5 a.m. that's a whole other story but yeah lifting yeah sure no but I'm likely to make you laugh in the middle of the scene I tried to let garlotte's always in superhero shape don't let her tell you anything otherwise that black widow suit slips on and off pretty easy [Music] [Music] [Applause] I mean I wouldn't say weird very beautiful girls it's not a bad day at work but you know she's a good friend of mine and I think I think it would have been kissing scenes can sometimes be strange when you don't know the person so so our level of comfort and the fact that we can y'all cut and we kind of laugh about it makes it a bit easier I personally I think yeah hilarious I think Renner is hysterical but there's a certain kind of it Oh retirin is funny but he's he's darker it's yes it's a much darker more disturbing but it's really funny but Sam is really funny too yeah we just got a bunch of comedians so laugh riot just go out for the night talk about God in the world oh wow scarlet yeah I would take a beer with you actually I got it so I felt so lucky not everybody is able to bring your kid to the workplace and and certainly on this job there's actually a lot of a lot of a lot of us have kids now and you and we all started out we were young and unafraid and now we're all I'm at the bar alone what about the romances I mean Black Widow and the Hulk there's always been this unfulfilled Wow going on there this tension but you know for Captain America and what they call you guys like yeah yeah I mean I think you know brought together in a kind of unlikely unexpected friendship I think and kind of help each other to break down some of those barriers they both put up you know those were just behind the scenes man we were just bored one day we thought let's send the press for a loop yeah certainly don't want to be a producer I certainly don't want to be able I'll produce your films for you Chris okay but I'm gonna box you out okay I want to be hands-on I just want to financially produce them Ben I then we can work together I have been fun for young producers producers I don't know what I think about producers I don't know why I can't say too much I want to bite the hand that feeds me but I have nothing I wouldn't say other faces you know some people are creative and Wow you need to go down that no no what am i doing what am i doing don't get off the train - you rather have a metal arm or an eyepatch ooh that's it I'll take metal arm what I need I need like to be able to catch footballs and things arm amazingly one handedly well I can wear that anyway with my metal our share the same stories jet lag caught up with me a little bit history so we landed and went to bed sweet the hotel we're staying at beautiful delicious I wish I had more time to actually explore the city of it but on these press tours trying to end out got to make sure you have enough energy to do these things so I kind of recharge my battery way these it's it's it's exciting and it's humbling and it's an honor to jump back into it no matter how uncomfortable my brain can't think that quickly I'm sorry I don't have any funny clever really wordplay what do you have you guys don't I don't know maybe something like the five beehive the five captain Drive I love all of those I'll accept it captain driving the fives captain drives alive with the fire these are all gonna be the subtitles for the third film I think Kevin okay captain drive in the fight oh it's amazing and then there were four no cask or cats cap score for another question can you show me your abs yes please okay can you can you show me your um when the camera comes up to you and you could do that cool face yeah can you do it ready ready here's mine that was cool yeah see I do then on to Anna down Anna Anna Anna Anna my goodness that you guys look like you kind of lean into mine would do looking good what I do I would have a good time as well I would get away with so much when I do leave the home finally finally put on a dress you know I'm going to turn my head further you know doing that but the interesting thing about the patches that I didn't discover until Captain America the first one was because I never had very many lines to say when I all of a sudden had dialogues and I would learn it the night before when I got to work I could only see half the page seven look into the camera yeah you should be looking at my mom and as soon as we get any closer to that building you won't be Steve we got a bogey short-range ballistic the revert field I didn't do this you go where is it well let's see what the ghost wants find out what the ghost wants let's get this good that's going any outtakes hang out together which is great [Music] [Music] and I are both enormous Disney fans like it's our dream to be in Disney the two of us is like you and just like ride every ride on the park so I would have thicker scarlet you know what I'm curious about what was it like meeting me the first time I'm trying to remember when I'm I don't know when I met you for the first time it must have been on the set of the perfect score I mean it's hard to remember because it was so long ago doesn't - yeah it felt like feels like a long time ago but it I mean we were just children back home was 20 years I was like 17 years old or 18 yeah I think we all went out one night and you couldn't get into the club cuz I was 17 oh yeah yep those were the days I felt that we had a great chemistry as actors and you know what there was a sort of naturalistic approach that I felt a kind of that was you know there was some likeness there between us and then and then then we also got to work together on The Nanny Diaries which again was so such a pleasure and and also just very easy I mean I felt it's always easy between us for whatever reason because I think we have some similar approach maybe to performance and you know where we are present with one another maybe just for various reasons but also you know I mean one of the fact just being that we were friends and never known each other for such a long time they have a lot of
Channel: cloughssd81
Views: 4,277,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #chrisevans #scarlettjohansson
Id: dGMJrX0-1ic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2020
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