Chris Christie responds to Trump's insult

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Republican presidential candidate and former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. So yesterday, Governor, when you announced that you were running for president, you called Trump a former friend a, quote, lonely, self consumed, self-serving mirror hog. You've been rather unsparing in your criticism. We should note that you might have people out there who are skeptical of this because when you dropped out in 2016, you endorsed him or you ran his transition, you helped coach him for debates. What do you say to people who say, you know, this guy has always been this way. You just enabled him and now you're changing your mind? Well, look, you know, back in 20, 16, Jake was clear to me he was going to be the nominee. I had a long relationship with him at that time, over 15 years, and I felt I could help to make him a better candidate and a better president if he won. And I didn't want Hillary Clinton to be president. And that's why I ran the first place. Turns out I was wrong. I couldn't make him a better candidate and I couldn't make him a better president. And he disappointed me. And he disappointed a lot of people in my party. And a whole lot of people in this country. By the way, he performed and for me, the breaking point was election night. 20, 20 when he's out there at two 30 in the morning claiming the election was stolen when I knew he had no evidence to prove that. And when you want to cut democracy in that way, you have forfeited the trust, in my view, to hold that office that he's now trying to regain. And so, yeah, I did all those things that I and I make no apologies for them. But when I make a misjudgment, I'll admit it. And I thought I could make him better And then when I was up, I couldn't. In fact, he was much worse. So Trump last night in response to you running, ran a rather mocking video on social media. There it is. It's it's you. I guess he's he's making fun of your weight. That's his we're going to be small That's his response. What did you make of that? What was your response to that? You know what I saw, Jake? I just renewed in my own mind what a child he is. He's a baby. Whenever you want to criticize him. I mean, anyway, that's the way he responds. And you and I are both lucky enough to be parents and if we had a child who conducted themselves like that, we'd send them to the room, not to the White House. Yeah. And I think character is destiny for this country. And we've got to make a decision about what the character of the person should be. Who sits behind the desk in the Oval Office. And if they're going to do that, kind of stuff. I mean, it doesn't it's. It's so childish. It's so juvenile. He is such a spoiled baby that, you know, beyond that, what he even say about something like that, that's ridiculous. You know, I if we want to break news here today, I struggle with my weight for about 20 years. Like tens of millions of Americans. The devil you said. Right. Exactly. So he's breaking news there. He keeps telling people something they don't know. In the end, for me, it's about how you perform as a person. Yeah. What kind of heart you have. And I'll put mine up against his any day in the week. So on the subject of you admitting mistakes, you were pretty candid last night about some of those mistakes in your speech last night. I don't have time to play the excerpt, but one of the you talked you talked about the Bridgegate scandal. Right. And trusting people you should have trusted and also sending it. Do you admit setting a tone that those people thought that that would be something that you would find acceptable? No, I didn't admit that, Jake. And I'm asking if you know, I don't.
Channel: CNN
Views: 850,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chris Christie, Donald Trump, GOP presidential candidate, US presidential elections, 2024 Elections, GOP, Jake Tapper, The Lead, US Politics
Id: jHG9VNAte0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 49sec (469 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2023
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