Chris Brown: If I Only Let God - Use Me

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[Music] how many know that Chris likes to come out and he tells stories yeah so we're just gonna do something little bit different we're trying to just keep them guessing this this weekend and so listen here's the rule do not clap because listen stories are more dramatic when there's absolute silence would you agree okay so don't clap I do not clap wait wait wait wait don't don't clap when it promise me you're not gonna clap you can clap it at the end of the message if he does a good job but uh it was a calm morning his eyes gently opened to the view of that white ceiling he had seen so many times as he walked out the doors that seemed to magically open on their own hey you you've taken all the service anyway so to the 68 degree weather and headed over to that great place that once again he would bless called pray side his heart beaming with self-doubt and although he wasn't even sure what he would speak on that day and although he was filled with self-doubt he knew that he had stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night the suspected mistake and so once again he would slowly work his way on to that great stage and tell and tell and tell this story [Applause] [Applause] she took her jar and she set it on the tile it's just inside the doorway checked her reflection and took her scarf and wrapped her on the top of her head and across her nose and mouth tucked one side into the collar and let the other side just hang she will tell people it's accessorizing she loves the colors in the fabric but those that know her well they know her her greatest fears to be noticed her greatest fears to walk out this door and bump into someone who knows the story knows her story so with just eyes showing she will bend back down and pick up her jug one more look at herself in the reflection and she will wink it's it's a leftover habit a friend years ago told her to deal with some of her self-hatred before you leave the house you should wink and tell yourself that you're lovable every day well the telling herself she's lovable that lie she's given up but the wink still remains and she will open the latch and take a deep breath and step out into the crowd she will stay to the right of the small street eyes constantly looking simply down at the rocks in front of her she knows everyone is staring she knows everyone has something to say at least that's what her mind's telling her so her pace will quicken it's two blocks up one block to the right and in the marketplace and this is the danger zone this is where she will come into contact with with many more that might just know she will stay again far to the right and on this day she didn't want to stop but but a whole new table had been set up with runs and runs of new fabric new colors silk like she's never seen before and for a moment she will once again set down her jar and allow her fingers to run through fabric and patterns that she knows she can't afford and that's what she's heard them these two women have also stopped there on the other side of the fabric they haven't noticed her but she has noticed them and they know what she knows with sweat starting to break across her forehead she will grab her jar and make a dash out the back now walking more feverishly than ever face down she'll go to the market place another block to the right and through the gates she won't slow her pace until she's off the main way it's a smaller trail to the right and there with no one in sight she will loosen the scarf and just let it fall around her neck she will let the Sun and the breeze against her cheeks in her face it is it is out there that wildflowers and shrubs don't seem to judge they don't seem to point they don't whisper they just don't care and it's there she finds moments of life it's a few hundred yards to the next corner and one more object she has to dodge will anyone be there and on this day her greatest nightmare is about to unfold and it's what she has to go through and this afternoon we'll have so many twists and turns to it well you got to see the story yourself because on this afternoon it's what she has to do and then walking through her nightmare you and I may just find part of our story today so when only the way the Bible can the lens of Scripture has already taken us an end to the the first five verses I want you to catch up with the story on your own so if you got your own flat screen open it to John chapter four John chapter four we join her already in process in John chapter four we find exactly who she is and what she's about and in the midst of it we may just find who we are and what we're about to try to do one story with the time that I have is always hard for me especially with the time that was just taken thank you very much so instead today I'm gonna try to do three stories yeah so buckle up John chapter four verse one now the Pharisees heard that Jesus was gaining and baptizing more disciples than John although in fact it was not Jesus who baptized but his disciples and when the Lord learned of this he left Judea and went back once more to Galilee now here's how you have to know about the intro to the story his popularity is growing this Jesus this man who apparently can walk on water a man who could touch that using pus and infection and sores of those with leprosy and molecules rearrange themselves on the body a man who can spit loogies in the mud put it on a blind man's eyes and he can see and one who has touched a twelve-year-old girl that has recently died to simply allow oxygen back into her lungs and to raise her up in front of her family but it's not just the miracles it's the teaching it's the type of teaching that causes hundreds thousands to skip breakfast lunch and dinner and just sit and mesmerized it's it's not a religion for the weak it's not a crutch for those simple Minds who need to place they get through life on its big barrel burly chested dockworkers who move wooden ships by hand for a living hang on every word in red letters because it's as if creation it's as if creation has just been spoken to by creator it says this someone who made you and knew what was broken is telling you how to fix it it's the words in red letters the crowds hang on and as the popularity grows Jesus will step outside the borders of Judea and it happens she happens now he had to go through Samaria circle highlight underline had to go because anytime you see Jesus had to do something he doesn't had to Jesus doesn't had to do anything that's really bad English but that's good Bible jesus doesn't had to do anything this is what he must do this is his agenda this is the one thing on his list this day but he has to make sure it's taken care of and this is why we read the stories we don't go back and read the stories because I'm a fan of history I'm not sorry history teachers I don't go back and read the stories because I just want to learn about ancient civilizations I don't they're dead I don't really care I go back and read the stories because God invaded planet Earth and I saw how he dealt with people and the way he dealt with people back then is the way he deals with us now because he hasn't gotten smarter he hasn't gotten stronger he hasn't gone to school he hasn't figured out his creation better He is God so the way he dealt with people back is the way he deals with us so entering what he had to do then my bet is it's what he has to do with you today this is what we can't keep stomping on purses we got to start reading so he came to the town of Samaria called Sychar near the plot of ground Jacob had given to his son Joseph now Jacob's Well was there and Jesus tired as he was from the journey sat down by the well it was about the sixth hour when a Samaritan woman came to draw water jesus said to her will you give me a drink you see his disciples had gone into town to buy food and the Samaritan woman said to him you were a Jew I'm a Samaritan how can you ask me for a drink you see Jews do not associate with Samaritans and jesus answered her if you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks for a drink you would have asked him and he would have given you living water and the woman understands you're not supposed to be here it's the twelfth hour Jewish time will start at 6 a.m. it's the sixth hour I'm sorry I'm in my mind doing math I'm like that doesn't make any sense at all it's the sixth hour and Jewish time starts at 6 a.m. so the sixth hour it means that would be 12 that's right it's noon it's where the Sun is straight up you don't go to the well to get water at noon even in third-world countries today in Haiti where we do so much ministry I've been there multiple times outside of st. Louisan or there's a big pipe that comes out of a rock wall when there is running water that pipes simply just flows and people will line up in the dark in the morning on both sides of that pipe and they will have buckets or they'll have an old milk chugger and old antifreeze can and and they will wait this one will fill then this one will fill then this one will fill then this one will fill and they will get enough water to get their family through that day and then at night they will line back up and they will get enough water to take their family through the night but you don't come in the heat of the day most families are going to need at least two trips with the water that you're gonna intake as a family and you can come at noon when is your second trip you see it doesn't work and it is that line where all the tabloids are talked about where all the news is spread when you're standing in line that's where you find out what's happening the community the politics of the day who's doing what or who's doing who unless you come into 12th hour if you come at noon it's because you know you're the tabloid you're the headline of the day and she wants to avoid the talk and she finds him talking to her now there is a race divide here that goes back about 600 years before this story I don't have time to get into it Google Samaritan versus Jews it is a violent divide you are Jew I'm a Samaritan you are a rabbi I'm a woman in the first century rabbis wouldn't talk to females in public it was known that a Jewish rabbi in the first century wouldn't even talk to his wife his daughters or his sister in public for fear that someone would misunderstand there's a relationship going on are you kidding me I know some of you women are like I think I married a rabbi we kind of just grunt and shrug anyway but he's breaking every social norm every racial norm and every gender norm that there is he's like look if you had any clue who was talking to you you would ask me for living water now she's intrigued sir the woman said you've got nothing to draw with and the well is deep where can you get living water are you greater than our Father Jacob who gave us the well and drank hlynur himself as also did his sons his flocks and his herds and Jesus said everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again but whoever drinks the water that I give them will never thirst indeed the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life the woman said to him Sir give me this water so that I won't get thirsty and have to keep coming here to draw water and he told her go call your husband and come back where you get living water bubbling water running water we got to get water from this deep pit it's clay water it tastes like chalk water he was look I'm talking about more than water I'm talking about something something that will cure what's inside it's something that is eternal and she's like sign me up he was good go call your husband you see it's like a timeshare presentation I need both of you to attend give us at least 45 minutes at the end you can get a helicopter ride a luau or a bottle of living water plan on the water but I need your husband present to win I don't have a husband she replied and Jesus said to her you are right when you say you have no husband the fact is you have had five husbands and the man you now have is not your husband what you have said is quite true the sir the woman said I I can see you're a prophet you're good did Cynthia put you up to this is Cynthia around you know our fathers worshiped on this mountain but you Jews claim at the place where you must worship is in Jerusalem what she's doing what we do you're in a bad place in life things aren't going well it's a nasty divorce a friend calls you on it I think you need to get help you know I've been thinking about going to church I'm thinking about going back to church you guys have a church over there you know we have a church in our town and he's all lady I'm not talking about religion religion will get you in a bigger bind and trap than you're currently in in fact it's the religious leaders that are opposed to me right now I've come to abolish religion once and for all and Jesus declare believe me woman the time is coming when you will worship the father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem you Samaritans worship what you do not know we worship what we do know for salvation is from the Jews yeah the time is coming and now has come when true worshipers will worship the father in spirit and truth Circle highlight underline spirit and truth for they are the kind of worshipers the father seeks God is spirit and his worshipers must circle highlight underline must worship in spirit and in truth underline video cafe you hearing this video cafe lookup are you hearing this okay there you are you can't check fantasy-football during church your team will lose it's in the Bible those of you on Facebook live video cafe here in the auditorium do you get that this is why your religion isn't working for you let me tell you about true worship let me tell you about true people that follow Christ Christ the enemy it's people that worship God in spirit and in truth because our God is spirit and truth so true worshipers must circle highlight underline worship God in spirit and in truth get that it's why when you walk in here and you go oh Lincoln's leading today and you get your Jesus fingers ready we're gonna get it going oh you're playin me jeepers then yes and you have this great spiritual moments until ten minutes after you walk out of here because when you walk out of here you're gonna walk out with you and that's the truth and you're trying to worship God spiritually and you may have moments in this building you may have moments in video Cafe Facebook live Folsom Prison you may have moments where you can worship God spiritually why don't they last because true worshipers must worship God in spirit and in and we stop before we get to the truth Lord I want you give me this living water okay bow your heads fold your hands say a little prayer dear God your God come into my life come into my life and be my Savior and man congratulations you have it Jesus give me this living water and he goes now let's talk about your sex life oh well that's personal he goes yeah but I know it you've been married five times and the guy you're currently sleeping with is someone else's husband we shouldn't talk about that in church and he's on that's your problem this is the one place we should get at the end this is the one place you should know that you are known this is the one place that you have to realize there is a God that knows everything about you every place you've ever been everything you've ever done and who you've done it with and in spite of that he loves you and he really really likes you until you get that you are the one thing that he has to do that he has to do because whatever religion you try to pull off in this building spiritually I promise does not go out the door with you because what goes out the door with you is the truth about you and he goes woman if I'm gonna sign you up for religion I'd signed the contract but I'm not signing you up for religion get your husband I don't have one I know that's why I'm here I want the truth and I want you to know the truth and I want you to know that I know the truth because right now you're gonna walk out of here and you're gonna go back to a life of guilt and shame and their different guilt and shame you know that they go hand in hand but but guilt is knowing that you've broken God's law shame is knowing that you're broken guilt is knowing that you've done bad shame is now knowing that you're just bad and our American Church does an amazing job talking about forgiveness but we do a lousy job talking about freedom and first John 1:9 says that if we made Jesus that our well and that if we confess our sins God is faithful and he is just and he will forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from all guilt and shame and no one told me about the and it's why you've asked forgiveness for the same event in your life over and over you're forgiven what you're not is freed what is it what is it what is it today that if everybody in your row knew about you well you wouldn't sit in that row any longer would you what is it already students what is it what is that night what is that relationship what is that event in your life that if we put on the screen today well you would never walk back into this church again what is it so if you have one of those you don't own your past your past owns you and our past will be Satan's greatest weapon against us or it can become God's most powerful tool for us and this is what he has to do he doesn't want you spiritually he can't have you spiritually until he also has the truth I'm telling you when when a time is coming in fact now has come where´s not just about trying to get spiritual I want the truth and the woman said I know that the Messiah the one called the Christ that's the Son of God I know he's coming when he comes he will explain everything to us Jesus is like biting his lip right now he's like oh this is good it's going better than even I thought and I wonder if she's asking the question because inside she already feels like creation is being taught to you by creator I know there's one called the Christ Greek word Messiah Hebrew Christ wasn't Jesus's last name they're both titles I know the Son of God is supposed to come and when he comes he'll explain things to us arty are you and Jesus declared I who speak to you a.m. he now just in the disciples returned they were surprised to find him talking with the woman but no one asked what do you want or why are you talking with her because it's really hard to correct Jesus and so leaving the water jar and I bet her scarf the woman went back into town and said to the people come see a man who told me everything I ever did circle highlight underline could this be the Christ the Son of God and they came out of town and made their way toward him now he and the disciples have a conversation but because the sake of time we're gonna skip that verse 39 now many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman's testimony he told me everything I ever did so when the Samaritans came to him they urged him to stay with them and he stayed two days and because of his words many more became believers and they said to the woman we no longer believe just because of what you said now we have heard for ourselves and we know that this man really is the savior of the world three times it happens three times it said she went to town and told people he knows everything I've ever done isn't that what she's running from isn't she running from a crowd and the people isn't that why she shows up at noon because she's afraid she would have to explain everything she's ever done and now it's what she leads with then the townspeople come back and they meet Jesus and they exclaimed now we believe because we've met them not just because of your testimony with this testimony not just because of your story now we have our story and then the entire story ends with we no longer bleed just because of what you said we have heard for ourselves three times she said her her story as a testimony and what she said what happened what turned her greatest fear and her greatest nightmare was she prayed to God no one in this building would ever find out about the event that she hoped no one would ever watch on the screen it's now the very thing three times that she leads with a church she didn't find forgiveness alone she found freedom and now the entire town comes out not because of who she is but because of who she met and he stays multiple days so when I'm invited to a series that says if I only let God and they say Chris your day is use me if I only let God use me I start going through scriptures who are the type of people God uses and I realize it's her and isn't this different than your reason for not being used by God Bayside you got to bring people brave side you got until people work Bayside at school Bayside any life I don't have that I haven't studied I don't have a degree in theology I don't understand creation versus evolution what if people bring up dinosaurs in Abraham I have no idea what does that I know there's an apologetics seminar I came to that before I took notes but you have to memorize all kinds of dates and artifacts and I just don't have that how much preparation did she have a half hour an hour what did she use to convince people my story my lack of scarf and you can't argue that you can argue who he is and where he come from an is he or isn't he I don't have the answers for that all I can tell you is this is who I was before and this is who I am after well Chris that's like one story in the Bible it's a woman I'm sure other people man I'm glad you asked look at mark chapter 5 look at mark chapter 5 it's a story of what do I have 11:26 11:25 24 minutes to - what ray and what Lincoln did I got an hour and a half so here's what we're gonna do and Marchetta don't encourage the boy because he'll just go it's not my church I'm screwing up and so mark chapter 5 here's the story and let me bring you to a place at the very end of it jesus's boat had to land on this beach now many times jesus had to yeah you're starting to get the story cuz on this beach there's a graveyard right above in the limestone cliffs there's dug tombs and in that graveyard lives a man who is naked who takes sharp rocks stones and broken pottery and carves on his flesh see see cutting isn't something new 2,000 years ago we still try to cut and we still try to carve to get an inward pain that the knife can't touch he said he's been chained hand and foot before by Roman guards but because of the demon-possessed power of this man he has broken all the irons so now healers day and night amongst the tombs it's a grotesque picture and Jesus has to land his boat on his Shore and the man comes running down from the tombs and he screams what do you want from me and Jesus says what is your name and somewhere from within the man it comes my name is legion because we are many [Laughter] and Jesus takes the demons from the man and cast them into a herding a herd of pigs on the hillside and the pigs run off the hill and they jump into the water and they drown and the boys watching the pigs run back into town this is all chapter 5 read it on your own it's free and the boys run back in the town and they tell the people you just lost your investment well how many pigs did you lose all of them and the townspeople run out and we catch up the story in verse 16 mark chapter 5 now those who had seen it told the people what had happened to the demon-possessed man and told about the pigs as well and the people began to plead with Jesus to leave our region and as Jesus was getting into the boat the man who had been demon-possessed begged to go with him and Jesus did not let him but said go home to your family and tell them how much the Lord has done for you and how he has had mercy on you so the man went away and began to tell in the region of the Decapolis circle highlight underline how much Jesus had done for him and all the people were amazed it's an amazing story it ends right there we have no idea whatever happened to the man all we know is the scariest part of the story is not a naked man is not the tombs is not the carving the scariest part of the story is there is a God that if you don't want he will row away you are what he has to do but if you don't want it oh he will row away that's the scariest part of the story and as that little boats being shoved off from shore and the twelve disciples are inside the new thirteenth disciple starts to climb in and he feels a hand on his shoulder and demon Dan looks face to face with the one who is just freedom and put him clothed and in his right mind and he hears those words there's no room for you here go home but back here are the people that don't want you back here the people that used to beat me back here the people that used to chain me go home tell them who you met and you go tell them that you found Mercy Mercy that you will not get what you actually deserve but you get grace instead go tell the story and they were all away now these next few sentences don't take notes on these are the words of Chris not the words of Christ and that T is significant one speaks in red letters one should not be quoted but he leaves the Decapolis with a crowd that is pleading for him to get out of the area he leaves the Decapolis because the town wants nothing to do with him his three chapters later at the end of chapter 7 verse 31 Jesus left the vicinity of Tyre and went through Sidon and the Sea of Galilee and now he tried to go back to the region of the Decapolis and now we begin chapter 8 it's been three chapters since the naked man who carved himself who was bleeding in the tombs it's been three chapters and last we saw the city said get out of here we want nothing to do with you and no matter what Jesus tried to say they pleaded with them get out of here three chapters later he comes back and I bet there's gonna be a battle and in those days another large crowd gathered since they had nothing to eat Jesus calls disciples to him and said I have compassion for these people they've already been with me three days they've got nothing to eat if I send them home hungry they will collapse on the way because some of them have come a long distance and his disciples answered but we're in this remote place can we get enough bread to feed them well how many loaves do you have seven they replied and he told the crowd to sit down on the ground and when he had taken the seven loaves and given thanks he broke them and gave to his disciples to set before the people and they did so and they had a few small fish as well and he gave thanks for them also until the disciples distribu them and the people ate and were satisfied and afterwards the disciples picked up seven basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over about four thousand men were present on that day and I won't know until I get to heaven and ask but I bet a crowd that sat through breakfast lunch and dinner for three straight days to hear words that came out of a man in rent someone on the hillside to the far right a man sits with the tank top he's not afraid to show the scars across his torso of where he used to carve his flesh and during this three-day sermon he's got a Jesus grin on his face and a tear in his eye I knew you'd be back so I brought some friends I hope you brought some food cuz we're not done til you're done the only change agent in the story of a town Decapolis an area of ten cities that hated him and told to leave and the next time he crosses the scene gets their 4000 show up and they wait on every word and the only thing that was left was a man who lived in the tombs and carved his own flesh yes these are the people that God uses because if these are the type of people that God used back this is what God uses because they were people that weren't afraid to tell their truth well Chris you're talking about God's will I'm not talking about God's will I'm talking about your calling see God's will is for things God's will is for us to know him to surrender daily to give thanks always and to reach others that's God's will and that's all of us God's will is for us to simply know him it's second Peter 3:9 that God is not wanting anyone to perish but all to come to know him in fact the only way you go to an eternity outside of God in heaven is over his dead son's body he has given everything to keep you from going to a godless eternity he's like my will is for everyone to come to know me it's John 3:16 for I loved the world so much that I gave my only son that whoever believes in Him won't perish but have eternal life that's God's will that we know him God's will is that we surrender daily Romans 12:1 says therefore because of everything God has done for you because of his love because of mercy because of grace because of his son you offer your bodies daily as a living sacrifice this is your act of worship this is God's will that everyday I wake up and I go do I want to build the kingdom of Cris or the kingdom of Christ and I've got to see if that T is there now some of you got a lot more letters to deal with but I love the kingdom of Cris and I don't always agree with the kingdom of Christ and so every day I surrender to his law not mine Thessalonians is pretty clear you give thanks always always joy and pray without ceasing you walk in an attitude of joy and thankfulness oh there's a lot of stuff going wrong but your list of what's going right is longer we just focus on the negative be people of joy and praise because you're gonna be a change agent because lastly God's will is to reach others it's to reach others you say Chris I know and I'm just I got my career and that's where I'm at but our careers what we do for a living are calling is how we live our career is where we go to work your calling is how you work you understand that your career is what you do for a living and that's great but our calling is how we live that's where you find the woman at the well that's where you find diamond Dan that's where you find fisherman that left nets and boats and said we're gonna fish for people you see our cool we're someone else can do our career no one else can do our calling someone else can do your job oh no I'm an entrepreneur I started this on the founder I'm the presidency shut up did you really create something no one else has ever seen there's competitors in your marketplace and guess what if you die on the way out of here someone else can run your business they can someone else can do your career now here's the beauty nobody can do your calling you are made uniquely Psalms 139 he knit you together in your mother's womb you are fearfully and wonderfully made and you have a purpose a significance that goes way beyond your career when you tap into your calling see our career is temporary are calling is eternal are calling is eternal and I find so many of us Christians today we put so much time and effort into a career that is temporary when our job our calling is to impact a population of heaven forever I love the way CS Lewis said we are not human beings that have a soul we are eternal souls that for a short time get to be a human being and most of us put our time and effort into our human being when the only reason you and I are here is to populate heaven the only reason you and I are here is to be salt and light otherwise why are we in a broken world why does God let us go through pain and suffering he says because in your pain and suffering you are gonna be a light to people that need to see you that is your calling you see our our calling is a combination of Who I am what I have and where I am you will find your calling when you know who you are what you have and where I am you are who you are you've been put where you are you have what you have for a specific circling group of people that is your calling and only you have that only you have that I was a kid that was always taken out of class that was a kid that was always being removed from the class that was a kid that was always down in the vice principal's office I was a kid that the principal didn't know what to do with because the coaches to come to him and said look if you expel him he can't play Friday night I don't care what you do but he will play Friday night you see in West Texas the coach had a little bit more power than the principal I was good with the coach I wasn't good with the rest of the system so it's been days and hours sitting in a room by myself we're sitting in an office they didn't know what to do with me but this started when I was in second grade third grade in fourth grade and no one ever came along and said Chris you have a spiritual gift I'm like what is that and they're like you're doing it really they're trying to beat it out of me they won't be able to you're supposed to be the only one who talks in a room that's you you're not supposed to shut up you weren't made to shut up you're a DD it has a purpose it has a gift you can't see things in print you'll never teach verse-by-verse you're gonna have to do stories but there's a lot of people who like stories a lot of people don't like it they will go to another Church tell them leave quickly because all we're gonna do is stories here and we just do stories and there's other churches for other people you're not supposed to reach them heaven is gonna be big let them go and you know you don't follow rules you know we like doing stuff outside the box you know you can't do the way others do I want you to be the type of pastor that's gonna be outside the box you're not gonna do things away you're gonna have a really weird Church don't try to get anyone else to have a church like yours it's weird for a reason you're weird and that's a calling anybody else could do my job all the amount of speakers you have here oh my gosh but no one can do my calling if I only let God use me it's not in Scripture but my bet my bet is four weeks later there's a table out in front of her house she's selling scars for cheap others should be able to enjoy she's got dozens of them she doesn't need to wear him anymore she's okay with her story not that it happened not that it was done but he knows and he loves her and he really really likes her anyway and the next time her hands come up and that little voice goes do you remember what you've done with those hands instead of putting him down she worships God in truth and says yes and he knows and in spite of that I am loved and I'm forgiven and freed and I will not put these down and three hills away at the coffee shop he sits on the main corner of town he sips a tea with a tank top on when the people next to him keep staring at his scars with a little Jesus grin he goes would you like to hear what happened he's got a story she and both of them simply used the same line come and see I don't have all the answers but come and see congratulations most of you have a career it's only gonna be 60 70 80 years at best it's temporary your calling is eternal and if you've missed that well you've missed the point of why you're here you've been freed to free others and if you don't have a story of grace and mercy by question have you ever sat with him at the well he knows you where you been what you've done and what's been done to you and he loves you and he really likes you and you have a story to share it's your scarf it's your scars that's how this works oh if I only let God use me well that's the way he used people back I think that's how he uses us God made this church continue to be a people that show their scars may we show our brokenness may we show our pain may we show our divorce may we show our rejection may we show our abuse may we show our suffering may we show our hurt not because of who we are but because of who's we are not because of what we have but because of who we met may we be people that shine grace and mercy and may we lead with a simple why don't you come with me and see let's just come and see and if you are truth and if you are real and if you are God may you do the rest with our calling mase we simple look every day for who we're supposed to call in Jesus name you [Music]
Channel: Bayside Church
Views: 11,060
Rating: 4.8534031 out of 5
Keywords: Bayside Church, Bible, Hope, Compassion, Love, Chris Brown, Pastor Chris Brown
Id: K3j-qjPeYYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 40sec (2560 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 20 2019
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