Chris Bosh on Retirement, Playing with LeBron and Miami Culture | w/ JJ Redick and Tommy Alter

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Lmao that was actually very nice of him not to completely dunk on Bargs head by being like "Yeah that dude was terrible, never would have picked him"

Very diplomatic and on-brand

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 80 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/goldspiikes πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Primo Pasta is a rich man

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 26 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Most_Objective πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

If Bargnani rebounded and played average defence he would have had a great career. He was good at putting the ball on the floor and getting to the basket and he had a solid 3 point shot.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 35 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/IroncladDiplomat πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Bargs would have been a lot better if he was drafted in 2016 instead of 2006. The spacing and the way the league works now with the faster pace and more shooting would make him the perfect complimentary piece to a superstar.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LLcoolJOINT πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I miss Chris bosh lookin like a dinosaur on the court lmaoπŸ¦•

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Lt0101 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Perspective is how same draft year Kyle Lowry is our team's leader right now.

But it's hard to say if they'd have drafted LA if they'd fallen the next few years to get DD, kept Bosh, win a Championship or traded for a bonafide star for a run like they did for Kawhi.


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lly091 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lemonytree πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

The pick should have been kd smh

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Kizz3r πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

LMA and Bosh would be kinda redundant no?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TreChomes πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
all right let's welcome in this week's guest on the old man in the three podcast oh he just left he just left we'll get it back my bad dude kids bro oh my god fastest up yet [Laughter] we're with chris bosh chris thanks for joining us man appreciate it man good to uh good to be here bro what uh so you you guys are in austin right now uh we were just talking beforehand because uh we had lived in austin for a number a number of off seasons uh when i was playing with the clippers um what has what has your like last six months been like uh both there and just you you said something to me when we first got on just making it up as you go what is the last six but six months been like for you well i mean let me see we're getting on september so what six months ago um you know it was real but it was still more so on the west coast first it was china and and then you know everything just started growing as far as like hearing the news about it and and how serious it is and and around that time i think i um i was supposed to be working a couple games i was going to work a couple of uh the games getting ready for the playoffs and i made the decision not to because it looked like things were getting serious and then shoot then everything uh locked down man and um you know uh we spent some time in miami um you know just trying to switch things up between different houses just to keep the kids fresh you know but um yeah six months ago it had just started um should we um you know said goodbye to kobe um all the way officially and yeah bro and then you know then it just it just seemed to it's just really it just seems like weathering the storm and i mean you know my kids have been great we've had a fantastic summer um despite all of all of the crazy things happening in the world we've had um great discussions and things like that as a family but overall we've grown closer you know it's funny it's crazy you know doing stuff like riding bikes and getting to know your neighbors and stuff like that you know nobody does that anymore so like that was the first thing that started happening because you know you can't go as many places you can if you want to but um you know it's just not the same but you know it's been good bro have you picked up any new skills or hobbies because you have a million you every it seems like every six months you have a new thing you're just either obsessed with or just really good at yeah i know bro i can't help it um i do have some new things i mean really i've just been taking this time to dive into uh things outside of the game you know and even dive into the game even more because i'm looking at it from a different perspective so um looking at the playoffs now um the whole bubble situation watching how the game is changing um those are things that i do and i'm just able to just do that without feeling like i have to get better at it you know what i mean it's just i can just do that that mixed with you know reading um i'm pretty much a full-time music producer now that's that's like my full thing uh i've been picking up a lot of art been you know doing a lot of art with my kids you know just doing just picking up anything now now it's crazy it's funny you say that because now i mean i think we're really really getting into into some fun stuff so i don't know what's gonna happen with it but i enjoy doing and that's the you know that's the main point when were you able to watch games and actually enjoy them i would imagine you know post 2016 when you had to stop playing that those first couple years it was it was probably you probably just hated watching basketball i bet i don't put words in your mouth but i know for me just just having to watch these [ __ ] playoff games i i'm frustrated oh for sure of course man i mean you're a competitor you know how it is and man for the first year it i couldn't i couldn't do it at all um i was very you know one i was trying to still play i was still trying to get back into the game and and you know it's just it was more about what i was doing um the moment i knew that i wasn't going to play anymore is when gordon hayward dislocated his ankle that was the first game i watched in a year i said you know what let me get i need to reconnect with the game i need to know what's going out here and in the first five minutes i see a dislocated ankle i knew right away that i wasn't going to play anymore and so then a year after that it was just kind of like a different i don't know you got to work through your stages of grief you know and i was angry for quite some time um it was it was tough watching and then you know it's it's even like you bro you still playing basketball we've been playing against each other since we were 18 years old you know um it's kind of tough because you know i i felt i wanted that those twilight years of my career you know for whatever reason we make up things in our head and we think um that'll make things way cooler you know but um it just you know just the abruptness and and having to deal with that that wasn't easy but i would say a good two years before i could watch about two and a half my my wife she she actually got me to go to a game you know um she was always on me yo let's go to the game you need to go to the game i think i took my boy and we had a good time and i'm like damn nba games are pretty fun it's not going to be like that anymore so i'm glad yeah you got him while you're still we got this oh man yeah no more court sides bro i i when i was doing my show notes i didn't realize just how young you were like we're this we're basically the same age you know but like you were you were 31 when you stopped playing are you are you at peace with it now have you have you come to grips with it now yeah you are yeah i'm at peace with it you know the thing that hurt the most i would say and i had a conversation with pat um pat riley about this a couple weeks ago we felt we were pretty we were good enough to win a championship my last year and you know for me as a player i wasn't thinking about winning one but i'm like yo we're pretty good we're number two in the east we we got a shot and that's all i need you know i don't care about anything else you just give me a shot and me and d wade are shot and the rest of these guys i think we can do something and it just didn't happen you know and that was kind of uh the most frustrating part but yeah i'm at peace with it now it's a story you know i to be honest with you i can't even i can't even imagine playing basketball i haven't played basketball probably in in years i haven't worked out on the court in in in about 15 16 months man i haven't picked up a ball i pick up a ball and shoot it once alright cool you know i've just totally let it go man which is good and i'm i'm definitely okay with that man this it you know it was um a 13-year career eventually i had to you know i started having um discussions with friends and you come to the realization that there is no perfect ending you know um i think we all it's like a very romantic story of of the old timer going around you know going around the gym one more for one more lap you know and hopefully winning a championship on the way out you know that doesn't happen it just kind of you know um i had to come to just really just to accept the reality you know and that's not a bad thing and and eventually i had to tell myself like yo what else do you want you know what else are you gonna do what else you want and then after seeing gordon uh have that gruesome injury man i said okay that could easily be you especially after being out of the game for you know it was just it was no it was no good ending that i saw so i might was like you know i just moved on we talked to d wade a couple weeks ago about what he missed um and one of the things he mentioned was performing and that that element that people don't necessarily if you're not playing you don't necessarily get and you've always been like that from day one in toronto i mean it wasn't just in miami you've always just sort of had a flare for that is there is there's sort of an element of that that like you've mentioned the music thing are you do you talk to artists about that kind of thing ever like is there a way you can get that performance feel with it not coming through basketball no and that's okay because one of i think you know when you listen to um some people talk about that i think you would make a mistake i would be making a mistake trying to fill that void that's just that's a whole separate thing put that in the box put it on the shelf and now i'm on to new performances you know or you know uh pushing people to perform you know so like you mentioned music like i work with artists getting them to that place of performance and it's really just doing what you're supposed to be doing doing uh do do doing your job you know uh when it's time and i do miss the performances um [Music] i think the further i get away from it and especially now with the way society is changing it's i mean we play we've 20 000 people a night bro you know what i'm saying like 82 shows yeah you know even hanging with musicians man i mean people work a lifetime to get that but especially especially you guys i mean the the heels the heels it wasn't just the 20 000 people i mean every player in the league has that but when you guys showed up somewhere you were rock it's it is it's the greatest show on earth rolling into the city every night that was a lot of fun and that was a lot of fun and and to just be able to experience that that was crazy it's like this rocket ship that's moving too fast and you're just you just got to stay focused on moving out the you know you got to move out the out of the things you can see and it just goes by really quick and and you know that was the majority of my basketball i didn't play many games after that you know and and really truthfully that whole team you see um that whole team it wasn't much basketball left in us i think we gave it all and it was a four year stretch and [ __ ] everybody kind of went their separate ways after that brian's still going you know which is great and ud is still going uh but damn that's about it man yeah you you and uh ray allen on your newsletter the the last chip you guys talked about that a little bit just about how old that team was and i mean it's true and ray was like you know we were all at the point of our career where we were all just so focused on winning it wasn't about you know the next contract or free agency or anything like that it was just it was all about winning we didn't have a lot of young guys where we sort of had to deal with that uh chris i i wanted to ask you one one thing just going back to this transition from um playing into retirement did you have someone help you through the last four years or did you did you sort of attack this challenge alone uh no my wife i would say uh my wife no i didn't um i've spoken to a psychiatrist a couple times and this is just my humble opinion this is just myself i felt that the information i got i could have gotten from people closest to me and that was that was like an experience a few years ago um about you know five or six seven years ago um and you know it was cool it was good to know those things but i feel sometimes if you um one ask for help to and to talk about things you know um i i sometimes you can feel that it's you against the world and and nobody's in your corner but that's like a huge thing that um that i teach my kids and me and my wife always talk about is just saying look despite anything i know you know we we know how a great team works i have your back regardless you know i've got your back you know anybody can say x y or z i'm talking to you i trust you um and just having that mind frame going through that process not to say that it was easy it was extremely difficult and i'm sure i wasn't uh the best uh guy to deal with you know what i'm saying um but you know we we um we embrace the challenge both at the same time together you know what i mean and and even to this day you know just trying to figure things out just day by day um you know taking on challenges daily man and being okay with not knowing that was like the tough part for me is being so good in one aspect and then in regular life like jj regular life man it's a challenge man it's crazy i think i think that's something that um all all you know ex-athletes have to deal with and people like yourself that have done it at such a high level it can be uh even more challenging and you know when you talk about regular life i always talk about how the first like two to four weeks after the season ends is a real struggle for me it's a real struggle at home my wife is now adjusting to me being around every day i'm i'm adjusting to be in one place every day and and not having that outlet of going and performing and going and competing and i'm i'm in that right now you know i'm on i'm finishing up week three of being home so i got like one week left and i got to get my [ __ ] together hey man that's a serious stuff but what is what's unique about it i mean it's sort of obvious but like you know if you're an artist or you're a band or you're a comic or whatever like you could keep playing the hits so you will have a band that made one good album in 1994 and they can still tour that [ __ ] for the rest of their life they can go do old cella they can do whatever whenever they want they can just i went to ocella bro oh really how was it oh yeah it was awesome it was only one year yeah it was only one year the the best part about that one is it was like coachella but it was so much more organized you had your seats everybody stayed to themselves they had like you know booths you know you it's like a mature more mature audience so you know how to party they had like alcohol food and then they had booths with like advil and merch who headlined it again um roger waters uh um paul mccartney and i forgot who who played the third night i want to say roger closed it but it was dope i didn't see paul i saw roger two of the last three shows i've been to at um at bear at uh madison square garden obviously this was pre-covered i saw eric clapton who should not be playing music on stage still i mean this is the garden and he brought about as much energy as my four-year-old does when he naps and then i saw darius rucker who is still making music obviously and making good music and he his opening act was bare naked ladies which was like a one-hit wonder from the 2000s and i'm like these guys are opening at the garden a little tinge of jealousy there that they get to keep doing it you hit it once you can keep you can keep just keep hitting it again every every year man but it's like that it's like that with with actors too i mean like it financially maybe not the same way but you know if you have a movie in 1997 that are there's still people can always watch that movie over and over again you know and i guess you know what it is man it's the tv shows man that's like um that's pretty and i don't want to misquote anything but um and you know i've been in okay so i've been in a couple of tv shows and you know it's like a little five second clip and i'm a sag member so i get like a check for like a dollar 85 every two months or something like that so and i'm just looking i was like wow that was five seconds how much do those guys how much is their sag judgment it's like you know 18 seasons i have a good i have a um uh one of my good friends jared padillac he's uh he just well they're finishing up supernatural i think it's like 19 18 19 seasons you know so i mean just they'll be just playing those reruns those reruns man that's the you need syndication yeah that's what you need yeah it's an indication man that's uh i i don't know for sure all the way but i'm pretty sure it's decent by the way tommy i love i love the humble brag of just yeah i've been in a couple tv shows what were the shows um i did a cameo in entourage um you know the the um older disney show jesse oh yeah yeah jesse that was crazy um i didn't know it was so big um ncis svu a bunch of shows that got canceled were you were you you weren't a you were in a were you it was just a cameo you didn't have like a role in svu did you no no i didn't have a role i think mello mello was there too oh nice yeah it was me it was uh on svu and i didn't you know it was funny doing those shows and kind of just having you know like i say having those 10 second little little spots you know you don't know how many people watch those shows until you're on it and then you think basketball is pretty popular and then you know you have grandmas and coming up on you you're on svu i love that show you know my mom watches you you know it's like a different audience that's great jj was supposed to be on one tree hill yeah i was supposed to be on one tree hill my rookie year but we couldn't get the production days down and they were trying to film in season in wilmington north carolina i didn't have that type of bread where i was like in a fly pj back and forth day off so i didn't do it i was in uh some some remake of the teenage mutant ninja turtles uh we felt it was a michael bay movie we filmed at the garden after a game yeah i don't i think they cut the clip though man it was like a three-hour shoot cut the clip so i don't think i made it on i just remember uh the the end of the scene was supposed to be uh the turtles helped the knicks steal the ball from the clippers and the ball ended up in langston galloway's hands and he was going to make the three at the buzzer and i lie to you not it took 17 [ __ ] takes for him to make the shot and this is after the game no this is the next day like the next morning like we all came in it was i was i was like man this guy actually i still get believe it or not i still get a call like every six months from this woman who works for this for for sag telling me they have a check for me but i really feel like it's like a scam like it's a fraud thing so i never oh man you gotta you know get your check bro it'll be like two dollars and five cents man hey i don't leave a penny on the table man that's a good business go get your money all right i'm gonna do this i'm gonna do this chris we we talk a ton on the pot about uh what we've talked about a ton but about about heat culture and you know we've we've seen uh them get off to this 6-0 start uh or get off to a 6-0 start in the playoffs i there's something about their team that i feel like is just it's made for the bubble right can you speak a little bit about heat culture and and what that is when they talk about that well i mean you know and uh it's really just the approach to things um you know it's it's uh it's the way of uh it's the way of the heat really to be hard working to be in shape to compete regardless of who's playing uh playing together sharing the ball and really spo i give huge huge credit to spo um he's done a phenomenal job of really just continuing continuing the heat culture and really putting those things together and figuring out how to how to transition all of those beliefs onto the court um and have guys buy into it i think that's um that that's most important uh uh when when when trying to compete because it's so many factors that that and so many it's hard winning one nba game you know what i mean and say that again for the listeners say that again foreign to win one nba game for everyone out there listening one nba game i'm not talking about playoffs i'm not talking about championship i'm talking about a regular season basketball game you know those are difficult to win and you know just just trying to be consistent as a team and have these principles to base the the system off of is not an easy thing to do but you know spo he's brought um he's brought in intensity they've um they've got the right players uh jimmy butler has done a phenomenal job this year and he's just you know i think they identify with finding that they're really good at finding those guys that fit that culture you know those hard playing long arm dudes that would love nothing better than to get a defensive stop to get it all done you know scrappy guys and and um you know they have a a huge cornerstone and uh and bam out of bio he's uh he's a tremendous player he has his own style i've never really seen anything like it um in the way he approaches the game and plays the game but you know all these guys and just seeing their guys like duncan robinson just improving in the way he's just shooting the ball i'm not gonna lie to you in a regular season you know i'm the cynical bet you know a guy does good in a regular season game i'm like okay whoopty do you know okay seven threes in the preseason okay whatever i will see and he has been consistent the whole season you know and um and and you know guys like goron accepting his role of coming off the bench you know i don't know too many other organizations where you know a guy would buy into that to be honest with you so i mean they do they they're they're just doing a great job of of how to you know approach the game how to be a professional how to play together um how important things are and and i think you're seeing that transpire onto the court and they're up 2-0 right now which is crazy what is the heat conditioning test can you describe it because it's a legendary conditioning test you can't you can't enter training camp like you can't participate in training camp until you pass this conditioning test so what is it it's uh it's just five tens man you've done it before we've all done it before yeah i mean it's nothing crazy it's just as you it's just mentally it's the mental it's not even really it's not hard but it's the mental aspect of it because we've all passed conditioning tests before right you just probably haven't done it since college or since you were like a rookie or something in training camp and they're just busting your balls you know this you know the whole team does it together and i think that's kind of like the the mind you know because you do have to push yourself it's not easy and they have just you know selected times and and and and the deal is you don't start training camp until you pass it and it would be really embarrassing to not pass in front of the whole team you know well a lot of that becomes then it becomes public and then you're public you're publicly shamed so it's so it's ten ten lengths one up one up two back yeah ten times three yeah in under a minute what is is it's time i can't remember the times i think like you know guards uh 61 to 62 seconds forward 62 to 64. somewhere in there okay big 65 to 70 somewhere in there you know but then they'll but then they'll be like okay my my thing all the time was for them to push me they're like you got to make it with the threes you got to go with the small forward cb you can't don't be out here coasting you know and i was just always like man and you only get so much rest and like i say everybody's in front of you so they've got that thing organized pretty solidly so it's quick very quick very quick you know and if you've been kind of shortcutting it over the summer you're gonna get exposed and you know it's i i i you know i come to appreciate it now as a player i hated it to be honest with you um but we all bought in um but but it's just like a certain preparation because a lot of guys use training camp to get in shape the you know their philosophy you know come into can you hear pat and spo say it and interview after interview come into training camp in shape and we get going because you know a lot of teams are kind of just you know still going through the motion in the first month you know still getting their legs still they want to they you know we want to whoop ass coming out the gate you know hearing hearing you describe that test while i think i could pass it it's that's not the issue um i actually started getting like butterflies in my stomach because i'm thinking about all the all the conditioning tests that i had like had to do at duke or even like in my offseason when i when i do like do my conditioning stuff and you know at the end of your workout it's that conditioning day and you get like that sick feeling where you're like man i really i really don't want to do this i really don't want to do it but i know it i know it'll help there's nothing worse than running there's nothing at first and it's still that tap of of like that just breaking your body all the way down i mean your soul getting tapped every time like god damn dude like you just break just bring it to your knees push make the time ah you gotta lay there for like half an hour gather yourself i don't miss that jj how much did you know how much did you know about this culture pre-2010 like was it a thing that you were aware of no no zero i think you know i think it was always there you know um you know social media kind of getting becoming more prominent after that it was more exposed and and really even the heat embracing it and being forward about it i was actually surprised at how uh much they uh the guys started talking about it but um i think it's just been a little bit a little little bit by little bit and from little you know little pieces of information at a time that has gotten out and and you know to be quite frank it works and sometimes people can't deal with the simplicity i think um it's like a simple idea but it can you know lead to lead to great things and and guys like spo and juwan howard and and shane battier and pat riley they they know lonzo mourning they know what it takes to kind of reach the pinnacle so it's really just exercising those habits daily and trying to you know just just be a great at what you do pretty much is what the message is and and it's really hard like i said before it's really hard winning in the nba man and and if you want to be successful you gotta you gotta do things you don't wanna do but um the coaching staff they always do a great job in calling out things nipping things in the butt having that community feel um those those things that can feel corny like christmas parties and and family gatherings they feel corny but then you get into them and and and it's an important thing you get to know the assistant coach's wife and the you know uh seeing the different people that work in organization i mean you know it's um it's a good thing especially looking back on it um you just want to try to build habits to to be successful and that's all that really is that's all that they're trying to do so much of that is accountability and in my experience and i can't i can't speak to the heat because i haven't been there but in my experience accountability is one of the hardest things to actually enforce in the nba yeah um because we we say it the media says it organizations say it it's a player's league and so to get buy-in from on the player's side and then you know to subsequently hold players accountable uh to that buy-in to me is the greatest challenge that a coach and a front office can have in the nba for sure for sure i agree with you and and and that's one of the things about um getting older as well um you kind of see i had those pissed off angry feelings at the young guys or even really just guys that played period you know and then as the game changes you're automatically like oh look at this [ __ ] you know [Laughter] but i had to come to a realization that yo dude you had your time don't tell you shouldn't have an opinion about how they express themselves on the court you know what i mean the game changes people looked at me shooting outside jumpers when i was young and been like hey get the ball to a guard you know that was that um that era and i took part in being part of an era that changed that and then the game continues to evolve i i think that's more important and accepting that you know and not not fighting that and being okay with that and that kind of that kind of really really helped me and then you know just just watch the young guys do their thing but with that said yeah you can't escape accountability and and me being removed from it with really the salaries being at all-time highs you know um it would be more and more of a challenge to tell a guy that's making 25 million dollars before taxes a year yo you need to be the low man or you know you didn't rotate like man what you talking about man give me the ball [Laughter] you know and it's those little and asking that guy that's making 25 million dollars to say hey you need to come off the bench i think it's the money has kind of which is a great thing but it's it's kind of changed the ego just a tad and that's natural it's going to be natural you know but there are when you when you're building a team there are certain things somebody's got a rebound man you know somebody's got to set screens it's basketball that'll never change you know somebody has to just stand in the corner you know and then you can't be jj redick no i don't want you cutting in front of the ball i don't want you moving off screens i don't want you shooting threes off the screen stand in the corner that's what i need you to do and you know a guy might not accept that [Applause] no it's you're right i mean i think the money certainly has affected that i think in some ways uh the money has it's weird has demotivated winning because the money so much now right you used to be like all right if you if you're on a team and you win you know the best players are going to get paid no matter what if you're if you're on if you're on a great team and you win like the role players get taken care of you know you're going to go find a a healthy market for you in free agency right now now it's just like everybody's going to get paid basically or everybody assumes they're going to get paid who knows who knows you know and so i give you know that's why i give the heat so much credit just uh you know and the spurs as well great organization getting guys to buy into you know the system and asking them you know to be responsible for their roles and yeah be accountable man hey you missed that one bro you know you [ __ ] that one up it is what it is when you uh when you guys joined together in miami were did you go in with the understanding that you were gonna have by all accounts relative to toronto sort of a reduced role and and how hard was that at first to kind of uh navigate because it so much of being that third guy is not having the ball go through you and learning to play off other guys and that's two different things relative to what you did in toronto versus what you did in miami right especially when braun was there because after braun left you went back to being sort of you know one or two depending on what what was going on you know i'll just i'll answer the question but just a funny quick thing when i got to that second phase or third phase of my career i didn't want plays called for me anymore i didn't want it i just wanted to play in the system i was telling fellow like don't draw any plays for me all my stuff was random and i just made the decision when to go and when not to go that's the funny thing about that um but yeah in toronto it was you know it was mainly it was it was a block league at the time throw it on the block and go to work um let your guy go to work and i obsessed about that i wanted to be the best at that um and establish myself so coming to miami to be honest with you i thought i was going to be the leading scorer because in my mind i said okay my thing combined with just getting open shots from d ah yeah i'm he'll you know yeah for sure but i think we greatly underestimated how difficult it was going to be to gel as a team under the microscope on top of that so and just kind of learning on the fly and like a lot of people forget like we didn't have a preseason we we did but d got he pulled his hammy the first possession of of the preseason and so we didn't you know so you know how it is you pull a hammy sit down and he just got ready for the first game of the year but we had no chemistry coming out the gates um and it was gonna we weren't gonna have that much on top of it anyway even if we would have had um a full preseason so i think all of us kind of we we greatly underestimated um the the things that it was going to take the jail for me i didn't really see it was still about me me i i um so i was not understanding why they weren't giving me the damn ball um on the right block you know and then you had to get over that the system was different everybody was just trying to figure out what the hell is going on while people are heckling you know and it and you know hey we a lot of it we brought on ourselves too full you know hey i'll be the first to admit it which you know that's funny but it was difficult it was very very difficult but i'm glad it was it was a great challenge and i'm glad that we were able uh to learn a lot from that experience how did you um adjust to the you mentioned the microscope but like you mean you were in toronto you were obviously incredibly successful in the court but you were just a fan favorite you know you were making those all-star videos and you were the guy that like even if you weren't a raptors fan everybody liked chris bosh like he was just a kind of quirky also really good player and then all of a sudden you get down there and you get thrown into this and you're just taking you're taking kind of like shells left and right and you're like what the [ __ ] did i just walk into oh bro you know the funny craziest craziest part up until 2010 like like you were saying people liked me i understand now because it's like yeah you're a good basketball player and you're non-threatening i wasn't threatening i was north of the border toronto i'll never win a championship you know and da da da you know people could make up whatever in their mind the summer of 2009 bro people were so nice to me because everybody wanted me to come you know next year during free agency so dude the love that i got it was the last it was a grand finale for all that you know i went to chicago new york it was like everywhere bro la you name it everybody up until that moment then it was like okay we can go with the rest you know so me coming from um that situation i was really naive lebron and dwayne had the upper hand on me because they knew what was about to happen to a certain extent me i'm just like yo what's up you know some people in the back shut up [ __ ] you know i'm like damn who said that you know and and so yeah bros it was a bunch of stray bullets man yeah we i was in the car too and [Music] [Laughter] dee came on the podcast a couple weeks ago and he said he even he was surprised by the backlash like he thought this was going to be sort of a celebrated um thing that you know three three great players joining together to sacrifice to win championships and everybody's like hello but that was the funny thing that's what caught us all off guard because we we were all basketball fans and and the little boy in us is thinking like yo what would be cool and that's how i would totally get what he means i've told people that same thing like i thought people would just be like yo i want to watch that basketball but with it was just the way that it happened and the way that things and then and and you know the way that i learned how they could take it and twist it it didn't need much twisting now don't get me wrong they went from you know he was on medium high they like okay hi let's turn up that pressure and yeah we walked right into it we walked right into it but hey it was good tv um do you guys ever i've always wanted to ask one of you guys do you guys ever regret or have you ever talked about doing the victory parade uh before you guys ever played a game together when you guys all came out on stage like was that a mistake in retrospect was the baby that brought a little bit of that animosity on you can look at it yeah yeah the animosity totally a hundred percent but people have to understand we didn't organize that if if they say yo we're signing jj reddick tomorrow and it's 20 000 people there you're not gonna be like nah let's just yo no hey pull the plug no we're not doing this you're not gonna do that we went right along with everything that was going on and i just found out that um the only reason that stage was there is because i think i forgot who had a concert somebody had a concert was in between concerts they were doing three days or something like that a three-day stretch so the stage was still there so we got there they're like yo yeah but come on bro they like yo we get there like yo look we got the stage you guys coming up right here i'm like oh my god it's like your dreams coming true you know with that said we did not empathize [Laughter] or even consider it was like miami was a bubble bro we didn't think of anything outside we were just like staged hell yeah interview nailed it i mean yeah bro we you know went right it was just bro thing to think parties legendary you know what i mean we're living out of a hotel you know it was it was just crazy man it was just a crazy time and then about two days after all that stuff happened that's when the smoke cleared and we kind of figured like oh they didn't like that i didn't even think that think of that stuff in retrospect do you do you feel like it specifically being the city of miami that this happened in caused some of this because i remember people saying at the time they were like this is this is like the kind of like dumpy girl getting dumped by the prom king for the supermodel like no one's rooting for the supermodel that's the classic story bro it's the classic story and i mean you can you know which i'm glad it worked out for brian and him and and the city of cleveland and northeastern ohio getting that healing uh through a championship but yeah man it's like yeah leaving your prom prime girl as soon as you get the deal you know what i mean like oh i'm out thanks for it all but i'm about to and you know us everybody knew was about to happen you know they were um you know it's the same thing like when katie went to the words like uh you know it's it's a it's a similar move but hey man you know it um it could go so many different ways and and when you're young we're you know i think sometimes that gets a little misconstrued people kind of expect athletes to automatically just have these life lessons and know things you shouldn't have done that man i didn't know what was going on you know we didn't know people were gonna do that we didn't even consider it man i was partying you know but you know going through that and kind of kind of seeing how how your words can be powerful one you know we didn't do any bad actions but just to consider you know people doing that [ __ ] we didn't we didn't see espn with jerseys burning you know i was we were at live we were at wall at the club we were at mr chow 20 people dinner you know what i mean it's just like things are going so fast you can't even catch up you know because it's like this new life and for me i was wide out i was i was like bring it all bring it all yeah i know i i was what i thought i knew you know i watched mike my my naive ass was like oh yeah we watch the bulls hell yeah we know we watch kobe and shaq we know what's going on [ __ ] you know it was not the case at all it's a different flavor [Laughter] we should we should note so you you were like 25 or 26 at the time braun was 25 at the time yeah d was 28 or 29 like you guys were all in your mid-20s yeah i was like yeah it's so to expect anything less i mean if look if i signed at 25 if i signed a 110 million dollar contract to play with two of the greatest players ever in the city of miami yeah i'm going to live for a week straight i'm doing everything you guys did yeah there's no doubt about it but the course the course is that you know the course is that everybody's not gonna like that and you know we had to come to terms with it's like that aha moment like oh this is what you gotta go through in a championship and so that's like the and then pat's like i was telling you you know what i mean but it was it you know it was great i mean it was a very humbling experience especially um not being successful that first year i felt that that probably would have been the worst thing for that team to be successful right out of the gate i think mature mature wise we wouldn't have been able to bounce back and deal with like the things you have to deal with as a defending champion you know i don't think um i don't think we would have accepted that challenge the way we did what what did you learn from that first year and and to follow up on uh something you said earlier when did you sort of come to the realization that hey man i got to change my game a little bit to to make this thing work and it i guess maybe did those things happen you know kind of simultaneously those things coincide with each other yeah i think i think um the best thing that happened or the thing that i learned most from that season is is to really just one you can get all the way there and lose nobody you don't get to the championship and lose i don't care who you're talking to you don't lose right um mentally in your head when you're visualizing it man having to deal with that bro is it's embarrassing um you get you're shameful it's it's all that stuff you only want to go anywhere because everybody saw it you know what i mean and it's so tough because when people see they just yeah man you know and that's the people that like you you know people that don't like you they're you know you feel you feel the the kind of the point like oh yeah damn oh damn y'all blew it you know um and i came to understand that a little more and how much pressure you have to deal with in that but how real it is that's how how much i learned and how how humbling it is and and just to be like hey man okay take that off the table let's just let me get let's get back to a place of enjoying playing basketball because that wasn't we weren't enjoying ourselves i don't care if people were booing you they're gonna boo you're on a road game and they're gonna cheer you at home the media is gonna do their job and their job is to create stories you gotta what it is what it is let's get back to a place of falling in love with the game and and being with the guys and and enjoying this experience we have the ability to win it we just gotta we have to accept the challenges you know and and you have to accept knowing that you could lose that's what i think a lot of people don't talk about because with that with that thought process in mind right you know you're a kid you're in little league like oh yeah we get to the championship we win it right that's that frank my frame doesn't change so when you lose it's like it's crushing bro and then for me that was my hometown in dallas like i'm looking on facebook i'm seeing like my old high school classmates with like maverick shirt on posing like they're mavericks fans nobody was mavericks fans back in the day i'll be honest with you now everybody got maverick shirts champs i'm like ah you are you know and being an extreme competitor i am it hurt man but also i was gonna i was mean to ask you this before like that felt like that series or maybe your run there felt like the first time like twitter was coming up social media was starting to blow up like you were becoming memes you everyone but like you mario was like this a little bit it would be like you guys would have a fight on the court that was not even important it'd be some stupid thing and everybody would be talking about it and like psychoanalyzing you and everything like that so it's not just that you have to worry about the game you have to worry about people like thinking they know what you're thinking for sure you're just playing yeah it was and that was always a funny thing because like i mean rio we it was all love out there we we like yell at each other then after the game yo let's get somebody all right come on let's go you know what i mean it was nothing because we're both intense competitors and we just sometimes i like yelling at people he likes yelling too we could be talking about you know going to you know what you eating i'm eating in and out after okay you know and people are yeah they'll make a meme about that you know but you know yeah it was kind of it was raising as kind of and that's why i disconnected from social media because i learned early on like oh yeah don't read the comments bro like my day was getting ruined daily man and i said okay i can't i can't do this anymore i can't i can't put myself in this mental mind frame anymore because this is this can cannot be good for me and and it might be some 12 year old in cincinnati you know cursing me out or something like that and it's really affecting my day i i kind of stopped that and stopped trying to connect and pour myself all the way into the game you know what i mean and my family is it is it harder to win that first championship or is it harder to defend the championship way harder to defend because the first one after losing it we were motivated it didn't matter what you said to do we were going to do it um if if if we had to grind it out 70 to 70 if we need to fast pace it like today's game and score 130 points cool we need to that's what we need to do we were we were too motivated that first year the second year you know dealing with the target on your back and [Music] pushing yourself to compete every day like that that was very tough and then i mean even even the first day bro we like they kicked us off we had china so we won a championship you know the international trips you start training camp they nudge it over about five or six days and those days are important man you know when you coming off you know a two month rest you you wanna you them five days you need those we didn't get those we went right to china and man when i tell you spo got right to it but we were all focused because it's like you know now we got rey and richard here oh [ __ ] this it's serious bro we gotta yeah we got it we gotta get to it you know and we got to it and and just the whole season and teams getting better you and you feeling that you know and dealing with the you you like that late march mid-march slump oh it's it's you know the season drags on you're ready for the playoffs and you still got 20 more games and we're a half game out of first place those same intense goals that were a year before you get a little more comfortable like i will win anywhere you know what i mean and you have to deal with complacency we did a great job in beating that that year but you have to you have to deal with complacency just a little bit and then you know guys wanting bigger roles and wanting to do more and and not being satisfied with what they're doing and for me that was like the thing it's like you know i'm meeting with spo he's like all right cb all right here's the big game plan for you this year share the ball i'm like yo come on man you know i'm gonna play you and ray a lot i need you guys oh you know i gotta i got less shots than i did last year but it's a continuation and trying to figure out how things go you know i think simultaneously there's the complacency internally that a team has after winning and you have to battle against that i don't care how much you like winning or how competitive you are it's when you do something at that level it's hard to let it down the other part of that is you know even before you guys won starting in that first year for four years you guys got everyone's best shot every night oh yeah you you were you were playing in hostile environments every night i would imagine and then making long playoff runs to the final i would imagine uh amazingly rewarding four years of your career of your life very enjoyable at times very difficult at times but i would think the one of the words to describe those four years would be exhausting i would think that whole experience would be exhausting oh yeah oh yeah and i mean a lot of things happening off the court just personal attacks that you have to maneuver around that's taxing you trying to live your life and and being able i don't know just disconnect from basketball for a half a day and go see a movie hey yo boss we win it or what you know what i mean it's like damn you know which i understand it but it's it's not easy to deal with and then yeah like you said getting getting the team's best i mean we got so good at anticipating who was ready to go because we'd be like in the in the in the national anthem we you know how you be some guy's clothes you look up now we're looking at the other team like oh boy they're you seeing when they jittery and moving here we go let's go and it's that you know and it's no offense to um you know a city like new orleans but we're in new orleans and it's like a playoff game on a tuesday so we're just trying to get better we're you know we know that these guys are gonna bring it and it's gonna be probably that guy that we don't see coming that's gonna kill us tonight it's gonna have like 20 points you watch him again that next week he's not so successful because he's not as hyped up and amped up you know but just like dealing with that it was fun though it kind of sucks too because in that situation i remember rudy gay we were playing in memphis one night i think it was like a friday and before the game he was like hey man appreciate you guys man it's it's only like this every so often then he hits a game winner i can't remember if it was over who's over but yeah he hit that right right going right fade away shot over like two dudes to win the game in front of everybody and they're going crazy people oh but just to see like taking a road loss like that and like it being just a crazy night we aided to the crazy night they're about to have in memphis it's just like seeing the big party if you guys beat us and if we win it's like ah you know uh what you gonna do uh you know whatever it's just the dudes sweeping the sweeping [ __ ] off the court and that's it we just keep going doesn't that make that the win streak even that much more impressive though to win 27 straight when everybody is doing that every night oh yeah i mean we that was a part of it too um just like i said before accepting that challenge and and and rising to the occasion a little bit and just being able to say all right cool we want it now with that said i remember uh me and david fizz that we were having a conversation about that he said you guys were the worst during the winning streak trying to coach you guys oh my god it was the worst like and then you know spo being spo he he'd be oh it was like it was three games i remember correctly for sure it was in boston we were down 20. at cleveland we were down 28 points to cleveland when they had won like their winning percentage like 16 they were whooping our ass and we came back and ended up winning the game by like 18. um and it was another game i want to say against charlotte at home like totally just playing with the game and down 20 in the first half just kind of dogging it a little bit but still making a dramatic comeback and it was crazy time i i really um i really can't even describe to you kind of we were just in the moment going game by game and some of them it felt like they just happened that way you know and and we just strike a comeback or something crazy and then then we win and in chicago then we play chicago and [Music] not that we knew we were going to lose but we knew like all right guys come on you know you know what time it is tonight and it was loud and they beat us i had i have found out too that thibodeaux rested the rest of his players the night before the night the night but we had a game before he had the guys sit down and then okay now let's go you had him fresh had a game plan that's how that's how that's how much of a competitive chibs is was was miami lebron peak lebron yeah i have to argue i think um he's he's transformed so many times but i feel that second year yeah i think he was he was on another planet and it got to the point where we were just kind of i'm a pretty good basketball player but i'm kind of just watching him do his thing right now because he's just i don't know what the hell is going on i don't know where he is but mentally i mean he was like shooting 60 for weeks you know and i mean he wasn't missing he mean made it easy then it's all right cool i'll be here on defense getting some stops i'll be open whenever you guys need me it just became yeah it became he he was he was very very motivated to be successful and um and i think us as a unit the way we played the game it allowed him uh to be successful and then i think um he was able to play off the ball a lot i think once he went to cleveland he he had the ball in his hands more um and he was asked to do more still the case in la and i don't know how he keeps up with it uh but i think that time we could put him off the ball have him working off of cuts you know make a play for him you know um get him in the post you know get the pick and roll excuse me get the pick and roll you know we he he functioned in in different spots in in in um in the court but he had ray allen to kick it too and james jones and mike miller to kick it too i mean dead eye spot up shooters you know so i think that made him a little more dangerous uh but still either way it's like 1a and 1b to me i mean you know i'll take i'll take his fifth best career and that'll be the best of my you know best ever i i say this all the time but the the longevity of excellence i don't know how else to phrase it but the longevity of just being at the top of your game at the top of the league for so many years i just don't think anybody else i don't think anybody else has done it you and i you and i grew up watching mj the last dance uh you know was was awesome to watch where do you stand on the mj lebron debate of who is the greatest you know what i don't even compare it i don't even compare it to be honest um i think you're one yeah no it's not even being pc you can't it's impossible to put them together and i think it's disrespectful to magic kareem kobe and bill russell you know so it's like okay who's the greatest ever one or boom i'm like well what about kobe this is before he passed away okay well what about bill i just put bill in his own stratosphere he was like this dude was he won a championship as a coach and then he's like leading the sports civil rights movement put him over here greatest philanthro i don't know you know put him in his own uh stratosphere i mean you know with with mj and and and brian it's just two different players magic he won five championships and then he didn't even really finish his career like he wanted to you know what i'm saying this was 80 80 1980 to 1991 what 10 11 finals appearances or 10 i want to say five championships okay kobe five of them tremendous career you can two jerseys retired i don't know i mean how do you even compare those things kareem abdul-jabbar there's another example of longevity and doing it at a high level for so long you know i asked you that just because i wanted to get your thoughts and i actually to to a large degree agree with you because i do think it's so hard to compare players from different eras um and it does seem like as you transition out of one era right you're transitioning out of the 80s with magic and larry and it's like mj picks it up and says i'm the guy and then there's that that period where it's like shaq's the guy and then it's like kobe's the guy then it's lebron's the guy it was like ai yeah yeah exactly fella and then you know then the wave of fours kind of came along in the late 90s early 2000s um and yeah i mean it switches it changes and i mean you know now you have the transformation stuff transforming the game and you having players that are influenced like trey young um coming in there saying damn i know you could do that you know and then the biggs braun kd tremendous athletes that can you can't put them in the box and tell them how to play the game they're going to play everywhere then you got guys you know that are influenced like that like giannis you know then you got just you know the straight up bucket getters and step back three-point shooters i mean you know it's just it continues to evolve but you know comparing the errors is one thing but and here's the thing about the great players they don't care nobody cares because they know it's so hard that even if they did meet remember we never saw lebron kobe finals everybody thought it was guaranteed we never saw it even if they did get there both competitors would say oh i would love to do that to compete because you know it's just going for it you ask both guys that say they're gonna win a hundred thousand percent you know and and it's just it's just it's really is you can't have that conversation and they're two different players like mj is you know killer assassin guy that's just like okay yeah i'm gonna get 55 tonight and just crush you under my thumb lebron is is is he's more um he's more of a point to me in my opinion he's more of a point guard facilitator he starts off the game by getting other guys involved if he needs to get himself involved he will but he he's more of a flow of the game guy and he wants his team involved you know so he wants danny green to get five three-pointers a game he's aware of that you know so it's just two different games man and any magic was different he was brought some i mean come on jack nicholson was at every game how is he not the greatest of all time you know it's just it can it just varies bro and everybody has their own life it's subjective bro it's like saying who's the greatest artist of all time you can't you can't quantify that um i want to say bill russell greatest like winner in our sport i mean that's just 11 championships um one i think he won his like you said he won as like a player coach in the middle of dealing with racism and the civil rights movement and being outspoken i mean it's he's even he couldn't even go eat at the restaurant you know what i mean he win titles in that town you know he's he's incredible um i i just do want to point out that for some of those championships there were like eight eight teams in the entire nba uh some of those championships he only had to win two rounds right in the playoffs like sure the format was different back then and you know you're playing against firefighters you know dude you know dudes had jobs like in the summer time you know like fighters yeah bro like lifeguards like lifeguards go work construction after the nba season after the finals i don't know why that's so funny stories bro i didn't know that i i didn't know that i didn't know that those jobs like dudes went in the summer times and they went and like got a job bro that's amazing that's amazing did you have a favorite opponent to beat i did yeah absolutely any any dude any guy that um i felt that we were competing so like you know um it started off with like you know the garnets the the webers the rasheed wallace's uh my heroes tim duncan's um didn't happen often uh but then you get into the thing with your peers and you know like carlos boozer zack randolph um just those guys you're extremely competitive against because you know how good he is um later on dwight howard um [Music] yeah but with that said i mean yeah i i just enjoy i always enjoy winning and it was always very a lot of people don't know where i'm from and where i'm from we're very extremely competitive extremely competitive so i enjoyed being beating everybody that's the pc answer but the real answer is like you know seeing if if if yeah if it was a tim duncan kg anybody who you know is extremely extremely talented and who you knew that you've drawn from in their game yeah those guys 100 percent that's great um all right let's get to the speed round uh all right if you could redraft the 2006 draft my draft who would you pick number one and why would it not be andrea barney [Laughter] okay andrea is my man and andrea i hope you're doing well out there my man you know i have been playing against lamarcus aldridge since i was 16 and he was 14. and i watched him develop into where he had gotten to at that moment which was being the number one pick in the draft easy i actually looked forward to playing with them i thought we were going to be like a hometown twin towers kind of thing because that thing was still alive in the league i knew they were gonna pick andrea first when i started talking to him because and andrea he's very talented put the ball on the floor had a few good years had a few good years you know very good he was talented very very but it's just the way that i saw it i figured like yo lamarcus head and shoulders is the best player in the draft you know and you could one could argue that he's had the best career you know one of the best careers now with that said andrea he was very good we still had a very good team and he fit what we were doing you know so i think uh i think it was more of the vision uh that they had um with european domination in canada i'm joking but half of our team was from europe who is the young player in the league under 25 right now who'll remind you the most of yourself oh uh jaren jackson i'd say and i hate to say that because he's left-handed i hate when they're like make the company yeah he's like because he's left-handed is he left-handed or just he's he's not i don't know is he left-handed i mean i've seen him he's more like two-handed okay yeah he's got he shoots like a sense like a i don't know how to describe it like a butterfly shot yeah you know i met him it's two-handed yeah i met him and you know how older people are when when a young dude get around the old guy and they're like yo you need to talk to him you know and it was kind of that situation one day and i spoke to him he's um very intelligent dude um [Music] he loves to play he's he's like more of an interior player he has the ability um to shoot outside but he's more interior uh he knows how to move without the ball i wasn't that good at that um at that age uh but just seeing his low post moves and kind of seeing his demeanor because right away he you know and i hope he listens to this one day but the minute he figures out how to turn it up a notch you know and especially him and john morant i think they man they could be they could be a huge huge huge part to to getting the grind house back on track um and then competing you know for a championship one day hopefully if uh if they desire that uh but yeah i think uh he he would be and it's more when just the game it's his skills and just kind of his approach on the court you know because i looked at myself too kind of i like watch old game filming myself and i'm just like come on man come on you know you want someone to do certain things that you want them to do instead of allowing them to play the game and i think that's a good thing i like that comp uh so i know you're you're you're you guys are big on travel you've had some legendary uh bosch family uh world tours on instagram yeah and and we haven't been able to travel for six months so the question is well the question is where's where's the first place you're gonna travel once that restriction is list lifted i mean my wife would get too mad at me i can't give away the top top secret that's classified but one of the places um that we would definitely go and i hope they're doing okay is italy we love i mean italy italy is one of my favorite places in the world um i've been there a bunch of times but they've got the beaches they've got the mountains they've got old stuff they've got museums they have different cities different type of foods i always have a great time anytime we go go to italy and you know a lot of huge basketball fans out there too so you know like a funny story bro like and you know we were going there while we when we were winning so as soon as the championship was over we go and i mean we we're coming out the hotel you know we take a taxi to a to this like this little little spot maybe the size of a living room some you know this dude comes out he's like oh sitting on the bus i'm making things for my mama god and then he ran off and like i'm like oh [ __ ] yo what's going on he comes back it's just me and my wife we have like a spread of like 15 or 20 plates and he just keeps bringing food i'm like dude no no no more no no it's okay you're weak and he ran out and when i get some more he ran out it's like goddamn but incredible food the people are incredible um you know we're definitely hitting there and you know we'll you'll have to you have to see the pictures for the other spot i don't want to i don't want to expose it too much [Laughter] fair uh 2010 go back to 2010 in your mind miami if we're like playing devil's advocate or we're second guessing it miami was not an option what is this what is your second choice i would have went to chicago chicago were the knicks were the knicks ever a consideration um i took a meeting with them up into having a meeting with them but they were they didn't have they had a bit more of an empty plate um they still had some blanks to fill in um one thing i didn't expect with chicago to have a such a strong offer because their their pitch was okay they have d rose which you won the mvp that year d rose joe kim noah lual dang two free agents taj gibson and we can figure out the rest later that you know that's a that's a championship team right there um but you know uh it was just all about it was just all about more of the feeling and and you know picking up the vibes and who you connect with but yeah chicago they made a very very very strong offer and um you know they had a strong situation going which we had to beat those guys so yeah you know it was uh it was very good in that alternate universe maybe we could have been teammates because i actually signed i signed my offer sheet with chicago um all right let's let's get to let's get to the draft so tommy please explain uh this this week's draft topic we're picking the best songs specific songs from the years 2000 to 2005. okay any any genre okay chris and i were the same high school class same mcdonald's class 2002 hey mvp right there the mcdonald's game mvp right there you the first dude killing everybody from three i was so mad but we got our ass with that game you know what was funny the coaches were yelling at us during halftime bro at the mcdonald's all-american game you guys i knew is there a video of that hell yeah there's a video of it you could you can look that up yeah it was funny because like we um we knew we were going to get crushed because they had like mellow ray felden amari jj reddick amari they're stacked and we're over here all the scouts were at their end watching them practice and we're just kind of i don't know try to put in motion then the dudes were yelling at us like this you ought to be ashamed of yourself like dude this [ __ ] is crazy but yeah we quick sidebar my last three i hit was uh was like a 30-footer and dj khloe was sitting courtside and had like i hit like five threes in the second half so he was getting like super hyped and like i kind of was buying into it and so like i hit the three and i like looked over and then i pointed to the spot where i hit the three this is this is something a 17 year old kid does who's never played i'm nationally televised jj this is the beginning of duke jj oh yeah baby all right anyways i was gonna say hey chris start it up yeah go ahead let's do it i'm uh i'm definitely gonna go with in the club by 50 cent bro come on dude everywhere classic classic album the whole album is the whole you can put the whole album on there yeah we ranked with with uh lillard a couple weeks ago we ranked best rap albums ever and that could have made an argument in the top five oh for sure just bangers on that on that yeah great album great album all right i'm second um first uh mr brightside killers oh great pick tommy great pick i'm winning this i'm winning this draft i thought you were going back and forth we always lose to the guest i'm not losing this time i'm winning this this chris chris tommy only makes choices to pander to the people he doesn't actually make choices that pander to his own wings yeah because i was about to say yeah what makes the criteria is there a certain criteria for this no there's no criteria your favorite your your best five songs from that era all right i got two picks okay so my first pick is gonna be grinding by clips uh and my second pick is gonna be i know i'm gonna get crushed on social media for this but my second pick is fix you by coldplay great [ __ ] song great song i was wondering if something's gonna do that [ __ ] past dude no way is it okay i can't believe you guys have any i get two picks now yeah okay i'm winning this thing so now remember it's based off is my criteria so first the first one is gonna be hiding here hiding her you know what i'm saying nelly hot in here and then uh uh uh yeah with usher and little john now you might hate that song but that's only because it was so infectious you're just picking [ __ ] no [ __ ] hit you're just picking billboard this is like this is like 2001. he just looked up what are the number one songs from two things bro this is this is off of my memory and then again i said the criteria because remember i was drafted so i was partying with grown-ups i was 20 years old and in in in the club with the sharks this is what they played so this is the best club song we're talking best cl yeah okay i i get it that's what i was doing in two thousand two thousand five yeah that's very hard all right i gotta tell my kids that one time like i was young at 1.2 [Laughter] don't be like me um i'm going bombs over baghdad outcast for my third as the these are the you're you're going that is one of the best songs from that five years that could have been top that could have been bro you picked grinding as you're number one it's a great song it is but like i don't even understand what you're just go you're up you've got to find it just so you know chris my number one draft pick when we did our best rap albums of all time my number one pick was equemeni i am not an outcast hater outcast in the 90s were phenomenal they went a little a little pop for me in the in the yachts in the early odds chris is going to pick hey yeah guaranteed all right my all right so my next two i'm going to go with uh through the wire kanye yeah um and i'm gonna go with take me out by franz ferdinand oh franz ferdinand that song is just so annoying it's not annoying and it wasn't annoying back then it was annoying then it's annoying now all right all right let's go with it now i'm fourth uh feel good ink the gorillas that's a great song that's a good one all right chris you got to close uh i got prototype about three stacks and i'll just go off the win what do i remember i can't even remember 2000 2005 bro i'm a oh oh oh burned by usher bro when that when that came out you can put the whole album up there but confessions that was my soundtrack a hundred thousand percent that's a good soundtrack at that time you know you played that one after a breakup boy yeah [Laughter] is burn a club song or no no that's like get the hell out of here go home song you know but that's like yeah that's like a riding in your car alone don't tell your don't tell your homeboy song you know what i mean like me and me yeah man yeah man my good friend we had to figure out that we liked this like the album like weeks after it was out you know you know r b you want to be you don't want to be you know to r b you know you want to present yourself you know in the according way but after a while man that's on that whole album bro we just start talking about it just start coming up in conversation like yo you yeah bro hell yeah man i love that you know great album top five album for me for sure fifth elevation youtube elevation i was between i needed a u2 i was between beautiful day or elevation i i think elevation is a better song i mean tommy you have a good list you have a good list i'll take my win i like i like the fact that your list is is eclectic it's a it's an eclectic mix of songs um honestly the france ferdinand [ __ ] you because you had a chance but france ferdinand is like not a top 5 000 song it's one of the most iconic songs from that period of time all right dude you're just you don't like at the i mean you don't like like whatever indie rock has become and was back then if you don't like it you don't like it but it was it was a it was a pivotal song during that time it's just annoying you know for me i wasn't i wasn't at that part where i my musical palette wasn't as diverse as it is now you know what i mean like right after around 0.607 is when i started listening to other things but other than that i stuck with what i was familiar to which was usually hip hop and r b and eventually i started like getting into you know the cold plays the the tom yorks and the you know the radio heads and listening and even gorillas like great album you know what i'm saying demon days that was like the first album that kind of was like yo you should listen to this stuff like this chris this is cool too and and that was like the year when i started changing it up a little bit but it had been out for a couple years so like oh yeah around 0.607 is when i started you know but those those songs that's what's in my head because you know we were just young hanging out and you know i've got a memory associated with each one of those you know what i mean so it's like not safe for podcast memories from the no yeah yeah this is strictly up here but i ain't putting that on paper yeah all right i'm gonna i'm gonna close this out with my fifth pick so i really wanted to pick um either um nas ether or bubba sparks deliverance here but since we're competing so hard i'm gonna go with stan from eminem all right good song it's a great song it's also my favorite it's also i can't believe it's my favorite karaoke song yeah i can't believe i didn't pick that one yeah that was a good one uh all right chris uh thank you thank you for all the time man thank you for the insight your thoughtfulness is always appreciated uh you've been a great guest appreciate you man appreciate you guys man and hey man good luck with everything hey man you an iguodala bro you you the last of them you guys the last of the mohicans bro keep it going keep it going baby and i think and i don't think you guys get enough credit for what you guys have put into the game and when you've given to the game i want to tell you that bro just watching you go from where we were which was a good place starting out you know high school all-americans but then actually making things happen to be successful you know that a lot of people don't know how hard that is you know so congrats on that you an iggy man you guys you guys man you give me hope [Music] [Laughter] thank you brother i appreciate that thank you guys man you
Channel: JJ Redick
Views: 173,904
Rating: 4.8948846 out of 5
Keywords: chris bosh, chris bosh miami heat, chris bosh lebron james, chris bosh lebron james dwyane wade, chris bosh jj redick, chris bosh jj redick podcast, chris bosh jj redick interview, jj redick, jj redick podcast, new jj redick podcast, the old man and the three, old man and the three, om3, om3 podcast, jj redick old man and the three, chris bosh lebron james miami heat, chris bosh retirement, chris bosh jj redick old man and the three
Id: FRQ5x1oX-zk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 47sec (5267 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2020
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