Chosen Ones Keep It Private. Tell No One! WARNING ⚠️

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chosen was where you were chosen was three things to keep to yourself okay these three things you got to keep them private all right and um that is what i'll be sharing with you okay um there are a lot of chosen ones that you know um they don't know how to keep certain things to themselves all right but in life there are some vitalities that you got to keep to yourself you got to keep them private to yourself and in this video that is what i will be talking about all right great so uh make sure you watch the entire video all right to be conversant with the three things that i'll be talking about in this video all right great so without much talk let's dab deep into it number one thing to keep private as a chosen one is your income right you got to keep your income so private to yourself you don't have to um share the amount that comes into your pocket or that comes into your bank account with anybody you got to keep it to yourself all right um guys you got to know that um sometimes people want to know um what you do for a living okay in order to do what to accord your respect to know that kind of respect to give to you right that is the society we are living in people will sometimes meet you and they will ask you what are you doing for a living right um they just want to know the amount of money that comes in your in your in your hands or you receive at the end of the day that is people for you so that means if you're not doing any any job or any work you're not doing anything for a living it means that person is not going to respect you or regard you for anything right which is not supposed to be so all right um so as a chosen one you got to keep your income so private to yourself um i know of a man this thing recently happened in my community where i'm living um each man went to the bank to cash his money all right after cashing his money returning home and robes has to rob him they dropped all the money that he cast from the bank all right and how did the robust evie knows that he went to the bank to cash money it could be he has shared the information with a friend or someone someone knows that this man is going for or went for so so amount of money in his bank account all right and because of that boom they've um rob him okay so that is the reason you got to keep your income private to yourself and also as a chosen one if you are a boss okay if you are a boss you are a leader you got to be careful because there are some bosses that um they will intentionally send their secretaries to the bank to withdraw money to do deposit and others so that um their secretaries will know the kind of money in their bank account all right some men some men who are bosses do that just to you know get the ladies you know to to have um an affair with them all right that is what some men do right and i believe ladies bosses to sometimes do that they send their subordinates who happen to be a male to you know cash out money to do withdrawals and stuff for them just to know the money in their bank account all these things are pride they are things that are of the ego all right as a chosen one we got to be egoless okay we shouldn't compose about whatever we achieve in this life or whatever we have in this life right no matter what no matter how god bless us no matter how god um lift us up we still got to be meek we still got to be humble and when we do that the good lord the most high god will continue to keep blessing us all right great so keep your income private to yourself it is powerful it is huge it's going to help you all right and you know another reason why uh you got to keep your income private to yourself is because you know when people know the amount of money income that you keep earning you know that school um bring some kind of attacks to you some people will intentionally come and ask you for help and stuff if you aren't able to offer them the help then they are going to hate you right they're going to hate on you they're going to be jealous they're going to be heavy they're going to see you as a bad person and stuff and they can even you know gank up with people to come and rob you and stuff like that all right so keeping your income private to yourself is key and it is a form of protection that as a chosen one you got to know this right great um the next thing i will talk of is your family life you got to keep your family life private to yourself as a chosen one okay you don't have to share your family issues with people with your co-workers and stuff don't let people know too much about you all right don't let people know what's is going on between you and your partner you and your husband or you and your wife or you and your children are so many stuff all right you know people are people and sometimes when misunderstanding or something okay they can use all these informations that you share with them against you all right just to bring you down just to um spoil your reputation or your name you know or something like that all right that is why you got to be much careful and not share your family issues with people you got to keep it private to yourself because in this world chosen ones every family is going through some challenges all right i'm telling you it is not only you but when you learn to keep your challenges what you going through your family life to yourself and you learn to communicate with your creator with your god god will definitely see you through and god is gonna give you wisdom to um settle every issue or problem that you are going to have with your family all right amicably and peace is going to reign in your family you know people that you're gonna tell they are not going to help you with any solution they're just going to make in fact your situation very worse right so when you keep your family life to yourself private is going to really really help you as a chosen one right great and that also helps in preventing these forms of attacks and jealousy and envy and stuff you know because everybody has an iota of jealousy in him or her right and you don't know you you are happy you are joyous and you keep sharing your information with people but you know sometimes you'll be sharing your secrets and things with the wrong person with your worst enemy and remember your good friend today could be your worst enemy tomorrow and your worst enemy today could be your good friend tomorrow so it takes wisdom to descend and know the difference between the two and know when to talk and when not to talk and know what to share with people and what not to share with people all right great um the last point i will talk of over here is your next move never share your next move with people you know i've done this mistake in my life right this is a mistake that i've done but it's nothing i've shared my move my business plans and other you know goals with people all right and with friends okay um some cool vacation you know later i saw them doing exactly what i said that i'll be doing all right but they try they couldn't succeed okay they tried they couldn't succeed um you know because what um i have in me to do it is not given to you it is not you so you will not know how to go about it so you will not succeed all right and there are friends that immediately you share your next move with them and stuff they are going to you know speed up just to um start that thing right and when they start and you want to do it then it's going to be like um you are the bad one you are the bad friend i'm doing this because of that you two you want to do it meanwhile you are the very person who share the move with them first and stuff like that all right and the chosen one everybody has an idea of jealousy in him or hell you know there are some moves that when they come your way and you share with people you share with friends you don't know the vibration they are in you don't know the energy they carry you don't know uh the kind of people they ah you see we see people as people and everybody as human beings but not everybody is human being you know the same way god needs a potter to use a body to use that is the same way satan also need a potter and a body to use so there are a lot of people that you see um you see them as human but deep in them it is satan it is the devil that is living in them that is using them to operate to achieve its mission in life right so to kill to steal to destroy to lie to support people's name to say negative things about people all right great and when you share your next move with people sometimes when you take notice there are things that when you share with people and later you want to start later you want to carry out that thing the thing doesn't even work or the moment you share with people that oh um i've gotten this contract i've gotten this job that is coming i've gotten this thing that i'll be going for interview or something and stuff as you tell the people the negative energy in them begins to work against what you told them and the thing will never come to pass all right great so it is okay it is advisable it is wise as a chosen one to keep your next move to yourself all right this helps you to avoid some kind of hate and jealousy envy and this kind of attacks that comes your way okay there are certain attacks that we can prevent that are preventable right just by not sharing certain things with people people won't know much about us to destroy us right or to use it against us one day all right great so these are the three things that as a chosen one you need to keep them private to yourself um thank you chosen one thank you for watching this video i'm out
Channel: PAUL AOGE
Views: 3,242
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Keywords: #Chosen Ones Keep It Private. Tell No One! WARNING ⚠️
Id: pydHc7p7k20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 06 2022
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