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i swear this better be dippin dots [Music] welcome back everyone the days come it's doing some weird snow flurry type thing yesterday we got about 35 hundredths of rain which is the most rain they've gotten in a month and a half so we're actually kind of happy for that just kind of recharge everything also the ground was like way too dry to be doing tillage it wasn't getting much done our chisel wasn't getting in the ground after chores here in a little bit we're gonna head out we're gonna try to do some chiseling and some tillage and we'll just see how it goes other than that i had a couple cookies for breakfast so i'm pretty ready for the day good morning she's excited about the snow that is some gross water don't drink that ew i guess the fresh water in the bowl by the house isn't good enough last video i was talking about a new air compressor here it is we got 60 gallon it's wired 220 volt so uh we had to move the location put it close to an outlet like that we're gonna hook the chisel back up one thing we're gonna definitely be doing is getting our shiny equipment real muddy yep here's a little before shot it isn't going to look like that in about 10 minutes the hydraulics are really cold a couple days ago we were hitting some of that stuff we chiseled there were some giant clumps of solid third i was bouncing all over like crazy hitting my head on the top that said maybe knock some sense into me i don't i don't think that helps what oh i thought i hit you with a stick dad we ain't done with harvest man today ain't a good day to harvest peanuts do you suppose we should have picked up the sticks first and then harvested instead of going around that darndale new york farm girl was here and she she missed the end roll she didn't pick up the sticks no sticks thank claudia claudia pick up the stick that thing's gnarly oh he's getting that thing so plugged up with the weeds right now and he picks up we could we could bail that stuff that looks kind of dry once again the goal here break some clumps up oh we're getting some mud on the tires eat a little mood on the tires sorry i'm bad at singing we're hitting the slew making it so all these weeds will break down faster here in the spring so hopefully we can farm it we're also making a little more surface area with those clumps and so the sun and the air can get to it dry it out dad with that chisel he's breaking through that hard pan that tough compacted layer we might have some slippage going on in here okay that's some nice black stuff when it's wet it ain't that iowa at minnesota ground by any means but it can still look pretty fancy so [Music] [Music] things are starting to get dirty got some slippage going on that is spinning out hard over here oof hey you need some ibuprofen ibuprofen and some sunshine will cure him right up it is starting to get real greasy you ever go tubing on a lake check this out [Music] it's beginning to look a lot like christmas we're just kind of showing up like that band kid at the party who invited him just kidding guys i wasn't banned then kids rule i played the trombone part of the boner squad not only was i a part of the boner squad i was actually named the boner champ it's a pretty pretty highly regarded position we're gonna need a quad track full bunny the camera probably won't do it justice but out in the distance there's a jeff a jeff sunny out there fixing fence in the snow the drive of that guy nothing can stop the jeff oh man he is losing traction dad's heading to the next one that thing is flinging mud got some big slippage so conditions are poor and we're running out of time this fall until the other day i stopped at a business and let your thing were telling me the husband and wife were in there and they were telling me how much their little girls enjoy watching us on our youtube channel and the girls said how funny we are and that reminded me of the story that one time a co-worker at mom's work not where she works now but a different place mentioned how funny she thought i was and tammy's reply was yeah we just laughed all the time i felt like there was a little bit of sarcasm oh i believe it it's dry underneath but the top is greasy it's moist and it's greasy oh man that's like mud soup back there it's greasy it's one we're gonna head home make some lunch and then i don't know what we're gonna do of course i better try driving fast through the corn stalks get some of the mud off before i go on the highway don't want to upset the city folk got a feeling there isn't much combining going on today that's dirty the twos are holy crap yeah and everything else works just fine and the twos are good what's the bad news i don't know yesterday he went and got a haircut he bought some cookies and i found them okay it seems like it ain't shifting quite like it should going off i wrecked stuff or what i think i got a wreck still yeah what we think is wrong with it shouldn't get worse with use right yeah i don't think so and so uh we we got tables still left to do and so we're gonna i guess we'll find out in a few hours if i shouldn't have done that or not i still got other gears so kelly wants more cookie so it goes just not in gear too that's gonna be expensive gonna have to juice up the four-wheel drive a little bit we're getting low i'm ripping up the yard driving in and out of here ma i'm sorry must be hunting season hello it's my brother he didn't wish me happy birthday yesterday so he's doing it today hello oh dad's going he said he's slipping like crazy can't get anything done we're pulling into some corn stalks i got a couple slews to hit and we're hopefully he gets something done ahead of me so i'm not waiting again [Music] that stuff looks rich don't get much darker than that kind of looks like fudge getting hungry again going right through the soup oh nelly gold money the dang trench is back oh it's still bumpy looks like we missed some corn paw don't need to get the combine though i took care of it you know what that was city folk hunters getting in my way and i think it's been a video or two since we mentioned the free tractor giveaway i just got an email back from pam and she said let's do the auction she was mentioning maybe donating the money to something dead and i will get that ready on the auction we'll send out the lincoln case and if you wanted to buy it for some reason i'll keep you posted dad is just out there spinning tires yeah i'm sure he's in a bad mood something's wrong with the getting about an acre down an hour it's rough so if we walk over here you'll see why we're hitting these end rows see in this spot nothing even grew it's just so compacted that compaction is leading to some other issues you know a lot of denitrification and also the salts moving up with uh through capillary action and it's just making alkalized soil spots and it's just not conducive for growing corn and soybeans like we want to all areas got some traction [Music] glad it ain't toilet paper stuck on there i'm sure we're gonna get some comments like obviously it's too muddy to be out here we're trying to improve some of the lower producing areas and i just mentioned why they're low producing because of that compaction and various other reasons in like two weeks our ground is going to be frozen solid so we're just trying to get this done while we can we're not going to be able to do it in the spring because we'll be trying to fertilize plant roll till and so this is kind of the only time we can do it a lot of other farms they do some really deep tillage and they do like the whole field and we're just trying to hit some problem areas and we're hoping that we help it out a little bit i was just about to hop out and go to the bathroom and i look up and up a school bus is driving by that was a close one now we're pulling into our biggest field that's that 240 acre field goes around these trees i think after this one we have one more that we want to hit and so we're getting somewhat close to done when i was filling the tractor we ran out of fuel in the fuel tank so we're sitting around actually just hopped back to four bars when i turn it and the fuels move and it goes down to one bar and it actually starts yelling at me that i need to like quit i guess when it starts cutting out on me i'll know that it's time to quit it's about 5 30. we just got one field left and then we'll be done now here's some karma i'm going to put a bunch of mud on the road my mom's going to drive on this coming back from work she's gonna put that mud in the garage and i'm gonna have to sweep it getting stopped thanks he was sitting in the tractor looking at me like this he's getting sick of it we're almost done daddy-o almost done [Music] did i ever tell you about the time that cole was in high school and he had a game camera set up over in that old building site by the deer stand and it was about halloween so i put an alien mask on and i put a unabomber hoodie on and i went over there and did a funny little dance kind of freaked him out a little bit when he saw it that's how i roll all clean we're gonna have to get that tractor checked on i call the guy yeah what'd they say said it might be an oil leak on a sensor type thing leaking by that's that sounds better than going out i hope you enjoyed the video we'll see you next time have any drink with me all afternoon so all i got to say is it sounds like a personal problem we'll see you next time have a good one wants to tell me something what's that
Channel: Sonne Farms
Views: 158,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: breakdown, expensive, tractor down, tractors, john deere, farming, ranching, cattle, cows, sonne farms, south dakota, tillage, big tractors, chiesel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2020
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