I Made New Mega Pokemon in The Games!

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there were rumors everywhere that Mega Evolution was returning in scarlet and violet I mean I didn't see it happening but it was everywhere well Pokemon day happened and we got a pretty cool DLC coming but it doesn't look like any megas so let's make some new Mega Pokemon ourselves and actually use them in a battle against a team of legendaries and if this video gets 25 000 likes we'll keep doing this I mean there's an endless amount of Pokemon that didn't get a Mega so comment down below one you would like to see and hit that sub button so you don't miss it now up front let's give a starter some love that so many people adore coming in from jodo we have Typhlosion I originally thought of bringing him down on all fours for his design as he's actually classified as a quadruped but the artist I hired had a great idea Typhlosion resembles a volcano ready to explode so let's focus on that and maybe put like a magma cave covering his back almost like an emperor of a volcano if you didn't know Typhlosion basically has anger issues if he ever gets triple flinched he's ready to explode and with the design revolving around that I think it'll be really cool to make Typhlosion a fire and ground type he can learn a lot of good ground moves but the issue I'm running into is he doesn't learn so instead of just cracking out his speed and special attack I feel we make him a mixed attacker he already has really good special attack and speeds we just need to crank up his physical attack and then split the rest into those and I want to give him the ability drought to help him with his water weakness and to boost his fire attacks and I know some of you are probably already like these are so broken but listen Mega Pokemon were typically broken as you were only allowed one per team we can't forget about Mega Rayquaza that got a hundred stat boost and then lost his flying weakness or Mega Blaziken that has insane attack and speed boost I'll try my best to make these new megas balance but I mean some of them might be a little broken high-flosion is one of my favorite Pokemon so I really wanted to do him Justice today also I want to challenge all of you really quick I want you to name all the mega songs that these new Mega of all pokemon would get I can't wait to see what you come up with next is a Pokemon from generation 5 that was a massive favorite for me we have crocodile I still remember finding the pre-evolution and naming him goggles on my first run through Unova I love his typing so we're gonna keep that the same but we're gonna transform him into like a prehistoric Beast maybe a little bit influenced by the new suicune that's water and dragon that I love anyways he'll also keep the same ability intimidate as a mega but I mean look at this thing if you were strolling through a route and you saw him you wouldn't be intimidated plus intimidate is one of the best abilities in Pokemon and if crocodile himself has intimidated plus his Mega when you send that thing into the battle you're gonna get two intimidates off then we just crank up his attack let's go with a Pokemon that we all expected to get a Mega when Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire announced yes you already know Milotic this graceful creature got utterly betrayed as she deserved a mega and immediately I want to make my low ticket dual type and there's two obvious choices to me one being fairy and one being Dragon I feel like everyone expects it to be fairy but no one considers Dragon but it makes sense to me Milotic belongs to the dragon egg group learns dragon tail Dragon pulse Dragon Dance and is covered in Scales which could end up being dragon scales but I have another Dragon planned for today's new megas so I'll keep this one water and fairy and you never know we might One Day end up doing a water dragon Milo ticket if we keep hitting these light goals and making new megas but the biggest issue I'm running into for making my low ticket water and fairies we're gonna have to kind of break a rule with megas because megas never get new Pokemon moves they just Mega Evolve and keep their regular moves but Milotic only learns one fairy move and that's disarming voice so to make Milotic viable treat this is if game freak did bring back Megas in generation 10 and had one planned for Milotic and change my Loca to a water and fairy type which would inevitably give it more fairy moves which obviously game freak has done more than once so it's not that far-fetched get it that spooky one so my low tick will get a defense and special defense Buffs to be able to take hit and to be a stallman with toxic or scald but also giving it good special attack and a little bit in speed then if you give her the ability Triads to wear draining cancel Gophers recover will go first this Pokemon is gonna be a little broken but hey I mean she deserved a mega I don't know Matt that one might be a little too broken I feel bad Whoever has to battle that today next let's go to Generation 6 where megas originally took place to what most people consider the weakest pseudo legendary Goodra it has amazing special defense so it'd be a great special wall but it can't do anything with hazards and it can't toxic install a Pokemon or heal itself and if you want to make it offensive it's pretty slow it doesn't have anything like Dragon Dance and it doesn't really have any great stab moves sides just dragons so one clean twitch into fairy and you're done I want to do my best to try to make this Pokemon viable and up front I want to make it a dual type in dragon and poison type now I can't make Goodra a stall Pokemon unfortunately because it doesn't learn moves like toxic or heal and the only way I could do that is if I change it like I did my low tank but I'm only gonna do that with one Pokemon today so instead we're gonna focus on making Goodra a heavy hitter luckily Goodra has a great move pulley can learn sludge bomb we've got Draco meteor ThunderBolt ice beam and moon so boost up his speed special attack and summon defenses then top it off with an amazing ability like sheer force it will be able to take hits out speedmont and deal devastating blows maybe the pseudo legendary will finally not be an r-u and uu and competitive Pokemon battling now we're going back to 9 Andy's baby for red and blue coming in from generation one we have my Champs such an iconic Pokemon with already an amazing ability but I can't give him guys because obviously you can't hold a flame orbit if it's gonna Mega Evolve it would need his mega stone so we're gonna go with no guard instead which actually is gonna work really well for us we're gonna keep him a solo fighting type Emperor's design it's obvious what we have to do we're gonna add more arms and you know give him some tattoos I mean I love tattoos I have five on my arm right here from different animes and I've been thinking about getting a Naruto tattoo right here so comment down below what I should get sorry ADHD kicking in this thing is gonna be a behemoth crack up his speed and balance out the rest no guard Dynamic punch stab oh my God this thing is insane last but not least let's do a Pokemon I'm sure not many people would immediately desire to have a mega but I mean come on he literally has it in his name Yan Mega poorest ass we need to focus more on his special attack and speed so we can do a lot of damage and then buffing up his defenses but I really want to change up his typing being bugging for lying is not the greatest if you don't have any way to get rid of Hazards and you have stealth rocks up he's gonna come in and lose half his health immediately and even if you run heavy duty in the future you couldn't do that with a mega stone so I want to change his typing I really want to give this a typing that I think is underrated bug and rock type but hear me out the reason yanma evolves and neon Mega is with ancient power so we could even focus more on it being like an ancient version of yon Mega now obviously I could keep this simple and make him a little bit bigger of a dragonfly with some small changes I think it would be really cool becoming a bug and rock type he curls up to boost his defense standing on the ground but let's go a little while with this one we did keep it a little simple with like my Champion crocodile we're gonna keep tinted lens he's gonna curl up to boost up those defenses boost up his speed and special attack this guy's gonna be amazing now let's see how these six new Mega Pokemon do in a battle let's see this Mega team oh my God these look so insane okay you definitely brought somebody dude what the hell is that bottom one Dylan oh you'll have to just wait and see buddy that looks like a tree stump Dylan don't insult my boy like that all right all right who did you lead with my favorite Pokemon yeah yes okay okay Daddy okay dude he came out so good I love him dude I just want to give him a fat hug bro kind of scared with your lead I'm not gonna lie yeah you think your megas can face against fist me uh I don't want to risk Machamp going down he's really good oh that's cool you're gonna send him up oh she's so pretty turn yeah oh I could have so stayed in you could have you could have but you did it you fooled all right well it's time for my favorite mod Zachary because that's awesome he looks like a Zachary he really does you ready for the back attack don't ever say that again what are you gonna do huh what are you gonna do against Zachary you're gonna take this Walters to the face baby let's go Zachary I'm not okay no dude this thing had triage an insane bolt too I know I'm happy he's gone yes all right I'm gonna I'm gonna bring your attack back down oh wait I love this I love what this his hood yes we got uncircumcised all right this is scary for my team yes you are the ground type and one thing you should know none of my Pokemon have items on them because they're megas and they would have mega stones on them oh oh that's that's nice I don't know what they're doing it's this is really scary all right well it's time to go even further Beyond okay all right our respective literally literally him okay okay good I didn't want to do too much I'm curious what you're gonna do here you megas were born in zygarde's generation you think you can just take him down easily no that is so sad I had to click outrage there I was like I cannot risk this you do get to go into zachian now I do you do you did give me a good free switch free hit but that's okay what are you gonna do Dylan Zachary's Gonna Eat You Alive I don't like Zachary dude Zachary is too broken actually I love him he's such a cool design but my God if he's not broken what do I do to this thing what are you gonna do what do you sending to for Zachary Mega Goodra oh my God the goop on you oh my god oh Dragon poisoned the way it should be that should be literally thank you you're just really good so uh I'm getting out of here yeah of course you would that's okay who'd you go to is this hello yeah we don't eat it that well let's go let's go wow all right I'm gonna hit the Dynamax button here real quick yeah just go ahead just go on no this is really bad um yeah that's a yeah that's free that was really free for you that was free God dang it hobo this might like Lugia better okay I love them both though it's a really hard choice for me okay well I gotta figure things out fast here because uh it's not looking good right now for your boy it's time if you go to Zachary again thank you oh my god dude yes you might be megas but I'm a fusion can you defeat me I lost my fairy type this sucks I have to do this I think I think you just go through track goodra's no goodra's too important counters melodia team I need a Versace you did go for Draco meteor yeah I had to I had to make sure that thing died This is Gonna Knock Out yonmex him some bugging rock with tinted lens he's he's actually insane yeah well he's also dead he looked cool he was like bass leave Zygarde had a kid that's what he was young Mega yeah he had like the little things I rate that all right fighting type interesting he was send this in this is a good switch for you this was a great switch to basically no matter what you go to this is gonna hurt I only have really one switch here um I don't think Zachary can wipe your team so I'm gonna send him I'm so glad you went to him now I think I might be on a one shot and I need this thing gone oh God come on Zach you got this oh confusing oh my God thank you I hate zachian that was very skillful of you Dylan very skillful think Dylan I don't think there's kills don't have it though I barely Live come on exactly come on Zachary is so big for me oh my God that was killed that was killed shampoo okay okay you bring out the drizzle yes come on come on Kyogre okay come on it's okay you got the championship so much more think think yes let's go to the Rain baby go to the Rain [Music] should have done so much more he has 150 attacks well you can't withstand the juicer I hate this Pokemon dude I genuinely am so upset you can let him die Draco yeah let it die let it die let it die let it die let's go baby I had to I I didn't want I need my champ still out here but I really feel like you're scarfed didn't fit so I named a mega Explorer I actually really hate you for setting up the sun I needed the sun because you have that water one left your your Draco meteors right now you literally ruined my plan I literally set up the drizzle so I could just sweep you asserting strikes all right well I have oh God come on my Fusion please live yes that is so big that's really big for you oh God it comes down to a 1v1 scenario against fist me you did say this is your favorite can he clutch up come on come on fist me please fist me don't take it out of context well I am soy scarfed on him so I will have speed you no matter what it's quiet this is gonna kill it's quad oh my god dude that's insane it's all down to Mega Machamp I didn't even know you had a mom left I thought that was it yeah I'm pretty sure you just killed me oh my God why does nothing wait wait I've been bamboozled punch is definitely still gonna hurt oh my God oh my God oh my God if you hate yourself I win fist me I'm begging you [Music] oh my God please come on miss me no there's one there's one one oh my God [Music] oh baby it was so close oh Jesus Christ
Channel: United Plays
Views: 816,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, mega pokemon, new mega pokemon, mega evolution, new mega, new mega evolution, Mega Evolution Pokemon, Pokemon Mega, New Pokemon Mega
Id: 1zsLB_u-AKM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2023
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