Chit Chat - Episode 24 - Why Didn't We Like These Games?

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it's episode 24 of chit chat did you ever wonder if there are any games that we didn't like well you wouldn't be wrong but some of these games might just surprise you the good news is there's a game out there for just about everyone [Music] welcome back to chit chat this is episode 24 we've gotten two dozen of these things in the bag almost we are gonna be talking about a very probably our most controversial time maybe maybe we're gonna be talking about games not that we hate but games that each of us maybe don't like as much as the rest of the world or at least a large population we're definitely in the minority maybe of whether we like these games or not of course we've got Ryan Geary myself and Jeremy before we get started we have a winner for the game the games last time yeah whiz kids games we had two of them fantasy roams and kung-fu zoo Anthony Miller you are the winner make a comment below get a hold of us we will send that game to you and this week we are giving out Macke sack this is from blue orange games dexterity game fun for the family just make a comment that's all you have to do to be entered to win all right now to segue away from these great games that we enjoy we're giving away we're gonna talk now about games that maybe we don't enjoy so much funny thing is probably a lot of these games are in the top 100 at least the ones I picked are yeah because they're like popular popular but like either we just don't it doesn't land with us well no games a for every player yeah and that's okay you know yeah okay well find out after this episode you guys know none of us have shared with each other what we're gonna talk about not that we have long exhaust exhaustive lists but I do expect there might be a little room for debate tonight yeah perhaps maybe we'll see one of Mines notorious there should be no well if it's notorious well should be no surprise to you guys are people that have watched the channel one of the games a little time stories is one of them yeah it's really weird too because I really liked like in the past year I've really kind of delve into a story game it's like more the more yeah more than I ever had before and I think my problem with time stories and I've said it many many times to you guys and here on our channel I don't like the fact that it has that rewind function where you have to replay through that portion of the game and I think yeah I dig a hole ground fact and I think the problem with me was that I my first experience with the game I think was with you we played we didn't play we only played through once we didn't finish it at first the the one that comes the scenario we played for what an hour a little bit over an hour and then we got to a point where we just died just randomly time and sometimes that's fun in a game like in a video game that's fine because you just restart this you got to restart the entire freaking game and that to me is a huge nono like I want to be immersed in the entire experience I don't have to go through everything they already went especially in a story based game or already know the different avenues because typically for me I'm going to go to the same exact avenues and just instead of picking a I'm gonna pick be the right line because it's probably the right answer right so that to me was a huge turnoff now I've heard from several people that some of the further adventures in the game are really good so I'd like to go back in at least give it another shot and to be quite honest I've only played through it twice like both of my experiences suck though I didn't like either one of them so what do you guys think I enjoyed it I actually the copy we played was my copy you still own that cop no I don't know Brian's gonna do I haven't even knew Ryan that well really he he bought my copy it was a long time it was a long time ago and you used to loan it and still you buy all these okay although I didn't dislike it but I ran I ran out of steam with it and I didn't it wasn't a game that I kept coming back to and after I'd played like the first couple scenarios mm-hm and I'd played that one we'd played plus the zombie one a couple times which one of the things I'll say for the game is at least between those two scenarios do they call them scenarios yeah yeah cases they're very dim they're very different feeling the zombie one was very sort of action oriented where you're fighting and doing a lot of that where that one felt like an old graphic adventure game but I enjoyed the experience and that's why I've wondered why you haven't been didn't like now you are giving it another try well I think the great thing too is about you know the games now that I've been pulling like the seven Sun continent and the games like the graphic novel adventures even that the house of danger that came out from Aspen a recently the way that you fail on that you simply just kind of backtrack just a little bit you're not going through the entire game and maybe if you save points well there's no save points in the graphic novels you just simply say you died all right go back to page 74 and choose something different so you're always progressing in some way but it doesn't have that stifle 'no swear you're just like you're dawn replay through a whole nother hour there's the game having to pull the cards back reset the decks and the right yeah I didn't mind that personally come on up the whole concept of like it playing out like Groundhog Day and with that said and I don't know they may have done this in some of them it would I think you would have found it more interesting had we had to reset but then we were putting in about eleven new cards because we changed the time that's interesting and things might be different now cuz we screwed up yeah and we talked to this guy and now he's that's a different that could be interesting I'm with you I would like to maybe try it again but that game is probably the only game I've ever had an almost flipped the table moment really what are your group yeah we got into something where we were just kind of going in a cycle we realized we can't get out of this and I forget it's been so long but I forget how I did I know other people had gotten to the same situation you couldn't really get out of it so you had to go and do the through the cheats you know and it was so frustrating after 2 hours and 15 minutes of that you know like we're done we're done with this and that really bugged me about that game is I like the storytelling game that's funny because I love time stories I played through almost everyone that's out I feel like I can get that same time stories experience and unlock which is another game from space cowboys that I feel like half the time it's concise you know you're progressing against a very specific time barrier and everyone's cooperating together but in more of a frantic and cooperative way than time stories anyway let's that's enough about time story so let's go into either one of you I've got one that I I don't want any hate for this we're gonna give its I don't know in this group but it's pretty high there are people out there that I know like this is the game for them and I just could not enjoy and that's mage night like oh so many people love major night so many people talk about how it's just such a good game and I know they've even like really themed it with like Star Trek and some other but man it just was boring to me like it just felt tedious and boring and like I got I had no enjoyment I got to the end of the night and I was like I wish I had not even played it I will say this mage night is a fantastic game but it has such an extreme learning curve to it oh my god that it turns a lot of people away especially if they're not on the enthusiast side of board gaming like if someone's just getting any game like say for instance my wife or she if I set her down a playmate never in a million years never number one the theme to put turn off but just the gameplay elements themselves there's just too much stuff to keep track of it's it's got a huge tracking issue it's almost like I mean it's not an RPG but it's as intense in terms of what you have to learn mm-hmm like that's interestingly enough that is one of the first big enthusiast games I bought and I tried to play with my sons at the time who were very young and I was super excited to try this game and there's a rule book and then there's a book like for the rule book like it's here's how to use the rule book like that's a lot to take in but I've been actually was recently looking at that online thinking get that and maybe give it another try because like with this group I think it would be a company interesting yeah I thought we would have playing I fear some smart things in that game for sure I think I got to the end of the night and I still didn't really know how many years ago was it that you played this was a couple years ago at this point I guess obviously your game experience is true my giving yeah I've had I feel the same way because I haven't gone back to mage night since it was originally released 10 years ago maybe I don't know eight years ago a long time so it's been a while since I've gone back to play but I do remember covering it on dragon strike stuff and I do remember how complex the game was and I worry for people that aren't enthusiasts gamers but I'm probably like you I'd like to go back and show you get a big box of it now that comes with like whiskey just coming out three years willing to go back and retry something and see my change but well don't have this to it I'm sure we'll all go back and try major night I just number the TD up line it in front of the table it'll be a five-hour presentation well yeah one game had stuck to me right off the bat when we were talking about bring this they're talking about this topic was role for the galaxy I was gonna pick that too I've played it a number times get out you bring a game up I'll find something I'll be a Yahtzee over roll over the gallic rough with the galaxy I didn't I didn't I don't care you don't see enough cards I feel like and I and I don't know to me if you ever somebody mentioned it's the last time I played it that dull so didn't care for they go can there be a game with too much dice mitigation cuz there's so many wilds that do pop up on your dice and it's almost like you can really kind of just dictate if every knows if you have an experienced player that knows what to do they're gonna explore and they're gonna develop yeah and everybody else will be sitting around tries to defend to figure out the iconography and how to use your wild and it just it wasn't fun i I didn't like either of the plays that I did with Natalie that's the one where you can use like any die to do actions right well it's my son oh sorry I'd like all these faces it was very strange and I will admit and how explain at the people to that's the hard part it's how I enjoy the game the first time I played it Alicia and I played it with Jack Matt in decon maybe two years ago now and Jack his whole family really likes the game Jackson friend of ours and he taught it to us and the leash and i sat there he kept explaining the rules and I both of us were like we felt like idiots because we couldn't understand what we were talking about and part of it what Ryan was just saying is like you're using dice some of them not for what's on their face but just kind of as a generic placeholder dice or something like it's been a while here played it but it is it is hard to get your head around but I not once I did I do like the game and you can play it online too okay and yeah and if you can get some of the more experience under your belt with it I don't know I'd be interested to see if you change your mind if you try it online race for the galaxy is the same way hard to wrap your head around the thing I don't like about that game and those type of games is they have those player shields and oh yeah and I don't like the fact that when you're rolling dice someone could just take their fingers and another's do you want to cheat in that game yeah I hate that like any of those games that use those you know roll dice behind the shield thing now forget let's all keep it open I know organizing from the C's yeah yeah yeah it is your tie like all games I've got one this is gonna be controversial I'm a little concerned about bringing it up and I'll caveat this by saying I still want to play this more before I make a final judgement I can I guess I know you know what it is Donis yes it is it's villainous thing everyone right now is talking about villainous and I promise you this is not the sort of anti hype I'm not because everyone's talking about I'm not like cynical or some or skeptical of that I've played it a couple times now in just a couple and I want to love this game and I love so much about it it's a beautiful looking game the asymmetry is amazing and fantastic when you think about it and when you first start playing it everyone I played I played again just last night and the guys I played it with we're playing it for the first time and they're like once they start seeing how their particular engine works for their particular character it's very fascinating and satisfying I'll still agree with that but every time I've played it it just turns into a bit of a it really kind of grinds and it gets to the point where there's a lot of and I know people like this there's some players that like this there's a lot of oh he's about to win everyone stop him oh now he's about to win everyone stop them so it just turns it to me it feels like it just goes until someone like last night all three of us were like kind of feeling like we just wanted to let someone win like because it just went on for so long and it wasn't and people ran into the problem to where there's some of the characters some of the villains rely on you finding stuff in your deck and things can happen when you're like well now what I'm gonna be a long time before I can even get back to where I needed to get the first time I played it my son was playing Jafar and his the card he needs out of his deck was he he'd noticed was on the bottom of his deck because he had had another card that let him look for through his deck for something so he realized that the card that was the first step towards his wind condition was on the bottom of his deck so then he was gonna have to basically just bend his time burnin cards to get there and then last night someone was playing the Queen of Hearts mm-hmm they set up all their wickets mhm had it all set took a shot came up shy and when they drew the cards for their take a shot card it was the other take a shot cards mm-hmm then get discarded so then they knew they had to get burned through the rest of their deck and then reshuffle to even get their take a shot cards again so it I don't know it kind of draws out a little bit I think so counter points any other point I've played four games of it now with four different characters and it has not worn thin on me when I played Jafar Mike it's like the whatever card you're supposed to find in the map or whatever yeah it was towards the bottom of my deck but like burning through my deck to get to that card and playing it and getting the genie I was one turn away from winning when somebody else won so all of our games have come down pretty close to yeah I was a step away he won one of the games against us even the game that we played I won directly after I turned that you had a wand right that I see that but I also I think the simplicity of the game like the turns are fast once you know what you're doing I think some of the problem you may have that if you're if you've played a couple times are you playing with people that aren't typically magic the player is sure they'll have to look through all the actions I have to read all the car it's like once you started learning those cards the game burns at a very quick pace so I don't think it's the the link I don't mind the length of the game we're playing it it's just the the actions that seem to just continually put someone out of reach of winning and it just turns into a game of stopping like cat-and-mouse of stopping stopping someone know they're gonna win to stop them oh this guy's gonna win no stop them and then eventually someone someone falters and then someone wins I think that's the nature though I'm not having a victory point track in that game sure with which each each different villain having their own a symmetrical wind conditions I think that's just part of the game I see your point though they can see where if with the right kind of conditions if someone failed like a take a shot on the Queen how it could be frustrating for that player it was very hard but also in the same sense they have two powers and they have three power ones player three power ones play Spears on them before you take your shot be more judicious with the way that you play your card so maybe you're not trying to hit an eight you're trying to hit a 12 and then once you know the debt cards in the deck they range from zero all the way up to four in that deck with them scaled more towards the lower end or in the two range so you can start doing the math behind it looking through your discards seeing what's there and start doing some basic deduction on your deck and make it right maybe they shot too quick and so I mean that's a that's a fair point what I would say though is that game to me doesn't feel like it should be a game targeting people who are going to take that approach to well right target exclusive with Disney characters but I think yours adult mechanics are but I guarantee you there's plenty of families are gonna end up with that game on their table and there's gonna be people upset at the table but not a nice game but the game it's not what I think explain it away by saying well you're playing Disney Villains so we're all gonna be nasty each other right and I think it's immensely important to tell that to everybody at the table so that everyone can embrace we are going to be foiling each other's plans left and right because if you don't explain that and there are people at the table who don't like that they're not they'll be frustrated mean yeah but it comes it does come like into some really cool moments like when we were playing when you were maleficent and it came down to one person me maybe could have stopped you if i drew yeah and i didn't draw a car that could stop you and was like oh man but like it was a pretty epic win for you because it was like that like that breathing moment of like is he gonna draw a card like that particularly game didn't go on terribly well the 30 minute that was a pretty quick game but the game some of the other games the other times i played at him going on to things I will say about two of the games that we picked times are not time's up time stories yeah that's and loved their stories and villainess out of all the games we've picked they seem to be the most approachable but they also have a huge amount of design space around them like time stories can be developed for the next 10 years I mean they can out go all kinds of different routes with that and it's such an easy game to play there's not much to it same thing with villainous like villainous is fascinating to think about what they could do like each of these characters aren't completely I symmetrical and they all play completely differently so it'd be I'm excited to see what the next two to three years has with it's like yeah I'm guessing villains every couple months would be fantastic I will a bit like I said although I'm sour on it a little bit I haven't completely come down on my sort of position on it I do want to see what they do with it and I am as a consumer excited about that aspect of it and I was the same way with time stories if you remember when I got time stories there's the thing in the back of the book the rule book that talks about like kind of how the system works and how you could make up your own adventures and I was like oh my god this is fascinating I'd love to see what people do with that and people are doing the same thing with Vilnius there are like people are doing on bgg print and play villains let's go already that they've come up with and how they work and how they work different very cool yeah because of any other games we can briefly tell there's one that I think briefly I don't know that any of us like it but for some reason it's hugely popular don't throw us under the bus well I'd be surprised here that any of you love this game and it but it's hugely popular outside of maybe like the what's the game enthusiasts game what is it it's munchkin which ok sells crazy amounts how many different versions of them of munchkin are out there I understand much and I just feel it's just not for me yeah I would put myself to insane category I'd I in fact interestingly enough I had this exact conversation after I played villainous last night because some people have drawn similarities between the two in terms of it turning into kind of a grind that slows down and then someone finally wins the problem I had with munchkin the first time I played it and my kids in fact my kids and all my nieces and nephews they loved munchkin they always want to play munchkin and my son's always say let's play munchkin knowing that I won't want to play it's like the only game the but the rules or lack thereof the first time I was playing it I was like wait a minute this kind of just says do whatever you want like just have fun with it and that was a little weird to me yeah okay and that of course that's what the kids liked about it is cuz it's just character progression look at all this crazy stuff that I put on my hero and yeah anything uh yeah I got two quick ones one is I think it's in the top 300 if you pull this game out when I'm around I'm not playing it but the lords is it it that programming game there's so much it's so luck based yeah cuz your program it can be totally blocked you're sitting around and then you get to that end game scoring yeah you get knocked out during the endgame score I'm like it's a pretty game though it's a pretty game but after an hour and a half like what am i sitting and I bought that thing that you're sorry GenCon well I bought it came with seasons promo sold the game cut the promo yeah good that's a reskin of himalaya right I think it's a reskin dog game called has a negative and then the other game I just don't like I think there's a couple of us here probably don't care for I know you don't but that's scythe yeah I don't I I I somebody's got to explain to me how it is fair that somebody is going to get X more turns and everybody else tables away the game ends you put that last star out that's it I don't like race games either I know I never there are race teams at least everybody at least to get to finish that final round yeah I bet like it'll have at rent one more round of table so I finished it but you sneak in and get it yeah like equal turns like it should always be that way if I was to come up to you go hey we're gonna play a game but I'm gonna have one more turn than the rest of you not really when the game is completely what route has that same issue right doesn't one player well it just kind of ends like that is that how it works in route I've only played a couple time I know but it's not as bad as safe sure but it's also a end it could end with the first player because what I'm saying right it could end if the first player plenty of other games we played yeah where it's just like yeah but I think the thing about Roux is that you go in a specific order for your character routes not on the earlier by the way because I really you go to a specific order and so like the player in the front maybe is a little weaker like it takes a little Jimmy's a brilliant guy I'd have to ask him the question why do we do it and what's the philosophy behind this because I would be I'd be willing to bet that it some of us would walk away from that conversation go okay wait I give it I like a better culture told me yeah you know I do like that and maybe just I don't know it's more condensed but you're something more than your game to write a zero that's not the only thing about sad I mean there's you know sometimes I forget those cards that really lets you do those special thing that are random yeah I ran there wasn't enough that's why when they came out with I just didn't get it yeah otherwise interest campaign was like maybe that will fix that fix the random cards fix the way the game ends maybe give some alternate campaign based in maybe shion's yeah anything else I don't have any other game we can talk I'll do it briefly Dominus species I really like that I I like the game super cuddly super fiddly it's also not easy to understand for new players so it's very hard to tease new players and also looks like a Christmas tree for like it's nuts it's not a pretty game at all it needs a really funny game - that's true the ugliest games Astor's it's got all those little little tiny shits that you have to move around as a straight line it looks like so let's let's if we can possibly transition away from the standard topic - really quickly you talk about some of the games we've been playing because we've been playing some good games post gen con' right yeah can't even look it's just you play Newton so finally play Newton I've been waiting to play and I loved it really enjoyed it no no if it has unseated Marco Polo as my favorite of his I need to play it a couple more times but that was a lot of fun and we just played earlier today we played MacGyver the escape game which you made a bomb it was I don't want to just give away spoilers there is a paper clip that you need to use to solve one of the puzzles but it's like it doesn't feel like MacGyver like an escape room yeah it's definitely an escape room game with with the MacGyver theme ison attached to it yeah as much as I didn't care for time stories I'm loving detective Oh because that's doing everything that time stories didn't do but I felt right mm-hmm you don't have there isn't a card that says you win you know you just have to get you have to do all the exploration and stuff and even if you don't pass that first care any of the cases you don't feel like okay we could do this better the second time yeah not in there and there's no shuffling cards all back and spinning all that time so it's just cool I love the theme and what they're kind of incorporate with real history stuff I was like oh yeah this is super neat so I'm really loving detective cool I've got a couple games and you've probably heard of one of them and not the other one I'll start with this one there's a game called Poetry Slam yes it's fairly new Alysha picked this up I hadn't heard of this from May Day and we played it with her parents and it's a it's kind of hard to describe but you're laying out some cards one card says that you're trying to come up and you're all gonna have to come up with poems eventually but you have to write a word that it says write a word that has the last letter is and then you flip another card that has a letter or this card might say the third letter from the end is R so then everyone's quickly writing down a word behind a shield right and you're trying to write long words because you're gonna score points for the link of length of your word and then as soon as you're done writing your word everyone can grab out when they're done grab a tile from the middle of the table and these tiles are facedown but they have points on the backs of them from one two three or four four four players you grab it you're going to get those points two for this round but on the other side of that tile is a letter that you won't be able to use for the rest of the game in any of your words unless it's in the rule of the word which makes it interesting because obviously if you pull the four point tile it's the more useful letters in the alphabet but you could take the one every time and play it safe and get rid of letters that you'd never use otherwise then once everyone's done that everyone kind of just comes up with a brief little two-line poem just basically two lines they look like two lines that rhyme and you're doing that so that somewhat someone around the table guesses what your word is your poem is kind of almost like a little riddle for what your word is and then if someone guesses it you get points they get points and if someone guesses it before you finish your rhyme or your poem they get more points because you want to try to come up with rhymes that you have to like people have to listen to the whole one before they even guess your words so you kind of it I didn't expect to like it but it's got a lot of we had a lot of try it and her parents had more fun with it then I think they expected because I didn't think her dad was gonna be on board for coming up with poems I really did I really didn't but he was like the best at the table at it it was awesome that's you know now I can't even remember didn't know it so cool I've been now I haven't played a hole I've been reading a lot of rules we've been doing a lot of Kickstarter so we put a ton of games this week you've been playing a ton set a watch which is that's a cooperative game we played thieves den was thieves den was fun from daily magic we played lock up which is the new role player worker placement game the one game I will mention which I haven't played but I'm very excited to play is the Lord of the Rings LCG app which is coming out next Tuesday and the collector's editions coming sometime in the next week we'll just play it just on the app or not what's just an app based game so it's just being moved over to the app and I cannot wait for this game like if you guys haven't played this LCG it's fantastic especially if you like Lord of the Rings so I've got one more thing to say it has nothing to do with what games I've been playing but I just remembered because I talked to Manny the other day and I just wanted to make sure everyone went out and check this out he's a fantastic artist this guy yeah Kickstarter and it's not rocks Lee it's it's actually Manny himself who has this kick-started running he's doing graphic novels to kind of tell the lore and the narrative behind dice thrown and it looks really cool I love his word awesome he's yeah probably I mean I love cutting thin and that stuff but his art style is exactly the kind of art style that I love so definitely go check that out we probably have some pages that we're throwing up right now because he sent us some it's interesting knit well he's doing it more games actually haven't done that because I think there are a lot of gamers that would like think I'm gonna start seeing you might start to see that yeah we we were talking about maybe having that as a topic for a future to chat where we talk about where board game IPS are going to like people are making movies right settlers you know people are making digital games like mansions of madness that's coming out which is not a reimplementation it's a graphic adventure based on the mansions of madness there's just not enough of them yet right now but it's cool to see that happening absolutely so maybe a future topic for another chit chat stuff fables the katana they everyone there's a movie coming out for there's a movie coming out forget to yeah yeah that's gonna be interesting what was that gear whoo shameless plug if you haven't watched player-versus-player another show we just launched definitely check it out we had a blast doing it and these two guys squared off in sort of a trivia showdown triple a lot of people we heard from in the comments thought it was going to be these two playing a board game against each other so if that's what you thought and you didn't watch it check it out but other than that if you like chit chat I really think you guys will like that should Gary drop some Erica Lang knowledge yeah there's a good display of knowledge and lack thereof on player-versus-player but that's gonna wrap it up for this episode of chit chat thanks again for tuning in as always like us on face book and follow us on Twitter and all of that and we get will catch you guys next time well that's another episode of chit chat in the bag thanks for watching if you want to check out another one there's probably one right over here in the bottom left-hand corner or probably your right hand corner whatever corner we have something to click on so click on one of these things and good things will happen
Channel: Man vs Meeple
Views: 17,116
Rating: 4.8386168 out of 5
Keywords: Detective, Scythe, Root, Board Games, Chit Chat, Man Vs Meeple, Boardgames, Kickstarter, Watch it Played, The Dice Tower, Mage Knight, Time Stories, Dice Throne, Villanous, Near and Far, Newton, Munchkin, Roll for the Galaxy, Lords of Xidit, Gen Con, Essen, IGN, Spider-Man, Cyperpunk, Poetry Slam, Thieves Den
Id: nyqvCOFVdlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 11sec (1871 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 27 2018
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