Chip Roy Directly Refutes AOC's House Floor Speech As Lawmakers Battle Over Debt Limit

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they are accusing Democrats of saying we spend too much for anyone that wants to entertain that thought I ask you to think about the last time a person said has said in this country that the government does too much for them that their social security check was too high that teachers are paid too much when was the last time anyone has heard or seen that another quote uh President Biden already lowered the deficit by 1.7 trillion dollars they say his budget would cut the deficit by another 3 trillion by eliminating wasteful spending on Big Oil and Pharma we're told but it is in fact our Democratic colleagues who prefer to maintain their massive subsidies for the elites and the wealthy and their so-called inflation reduction act just last year my friend from New York Mr ocasio-cortez said quote I ask you think about the last time a person has said in this country that the government does too much for them when was the last time anyone has heard or seen that I'll say it I'll say it right here I don't want the government doing most of the things that the government is doing to interfere with the ability of the American people to carry out their lives federal state and local when was the last time you had a bureaucrat show up and you said oh joy thank you I'm really glad there's a bureaucrat here when was the last time you were thankful for 32 trillion dollars in debt a hundred thousand dollars almost for every man woman and child in America anybody thankful for 32 trillion dollars in debt anybody anybody thankful for a border that's wide open being exploited by cartels while fentanyl comes in and cares kills our children everybody thankful for that Department of Homeland Security that doesn't actually secure the Homeland everybody thankful for an FBI that went after Scott Smith and labeled him a domestic terrorist for daring to defend his daughter in a school board meeting because she was assaulted in a bathroom anybody thankful for the IRS knocking on your door auditing the poor the minorities three to five times more people thankful for that are you thankful for the EPA or the department of interior that sent a man to prison because he had some ponds on his Ranch in Montana we have a government that is weaponized against the American people and is undermining our liberties and they want more of it my colleagues on the other side of the aisle want more more government they want more taxes they want more spending they want more bureaucrats knocking on your door
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
Views: 1,279,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fIXBT_1_Ti4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 58sec (178 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2023
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