Chinook Pilot takes a headshot... then flies the thing home

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that's it we're able we're away minutes absolute minutes under a full firefight the chinx loading Bay has indeed proved its worth by aiding quick loading and minimizing the aircraft's time on the ground it's time for the mer team to deal with the casualties everything works fantastically when these guys are under pressure look at the professionalism look at what just doing their job but we're still under Fire and the helicopter's been hit a few in the airplane there fellas and it's not just a helicopter that's taken a bullet our Pilot's been shoted too all right trap just to let you know it took a round through my front wind screen which came up hit me on the head got a bit of a crack and a bed there with the chin struggling to remain Airborne our co-pilot makes an emergency call back to Camp Bastion m73 9 mil to South we' taken around through the cockpit um we also got some uh transmission problems yeah I think we taken round above me not only has the pilot been hit another bullet of seven a hydraulic pipe and he's wrestling with the controls of 12 tons of helicopter traveling at 200 km an hour tricky 73 tricky 73 tricky 73 contact great covering fire from the back door from our ra regiment brilliant work from Paul there on the m6 never experienced anything like this clearly in my life before don't know what to make of it to be honest with you it's um it's both shocking and or inspiring all at the same time injured and bleeding our pilot Chomper wrestles with the helicopter's heavy controls I've got a sword a sword sure something drifting down my [Music] left it's going to be a bit wobbly on the way guys we have out Roger six five and right [Music] we've made it you're right fella yeah good pilot Ian who's bought us all back safely is getting a bit of first aid his Escape is nothing short of a miracle the bullet ricocheted off his flying helmet yeah we better take off the ballistics if the finger on a teley ban trigger had squeezed a fraction earlier or later none of us would have stood a chance no loss of consciousness at all no what's your first I can't believe that that's Chomper he's the pilot he flew that back after being shot in the face we were being shot up pretty bad there and as for the chinuk bullet strikes everywhere there's a good little one there excuse me the full drama of what's just happened to us finally sinks in not a minute please
Channel: NurdR4G3
Views: 3,803,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RAF, CH-47, Chinook, Hero, fuselage, hydraulic, rounds, Pilot, headshot, amazing, multiple, hits, severing, composure, crash, British, glancing, shot, troop, extraction, run, Afghanistan, ricochet, left, temple, Chinook Pilot takes a headshot, Tricky 73, Mayday, Sun Reporter, Sun, Reporter, The, Medivac, Flight, Lieutenant, Ian, Fortune
Id: -xjbvz-vE2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 55sec (235 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 16 2010
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