THIS is what Wheeler Dealer Mike Brewer's Secret Car Cave looks like. Private Garage Workshop Tour

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ready Johnny yeah wow it's all right it's like a car Cathedral oh I like that I like that hold that thought card Cathedral [Music] this is a really nice place thank you very much Donnie yes put my heart and soul into making sure my children have a good night's sleep in a very safe and secure environment right so the cars don't live at home no exactly yeah no at home it's a very unsafe environment for my children because Michelle's in you know sort of range so you don't want to pull it in Rain well you don't want to sort of come home with something that you haven't told her about because you know maybe there'd be a rolling pin coming my way so I I house the toys here yeah so and this is only some of the toys I have other toys but some of the toys are here so I can just keep them awake so what okay first things for I mean we've just walked past a pleasantly muddy Raptor Ranger is there any other way to own your Ranger Raptor well that's a good question if it was not muddy it's not being used is it this has been the most fantastic work tool for me since I've had it I've moved houses I've moved businesses uh I moved everything in the back of this Ranger Raptor it's been absolutely brilliant and this is a this is a forward supplied vehicle yeah um I absolutely love it it's got the 10-speed Mustang gearbox 2 liter diesel engine it can tow a couple ton so it's good for getting stuff around as well and the load bed is just the most used thing in my life at the moment I'm I that's why it's all muddy and dirty it's because I use it so you've got that that you use every day and then you've got a Defender a Defender as well so I know I'm being a bit greedy but I do live in the countryside down bumpy muddy roads so the defender is to counteract those days especially when Mrs B's around I wanted to feel nice so I have a nice Defender for that yeah but when I need to do something a bit more utilitarian you know picking up engines gearboxes you know take this yeah take the take the ranger wrap this is cool it's great yeah I love it brutal no before I came to see you I thought like if I said to you make a list of all the cars you've owned yes I don't know if you would be able to do that no I don't think there's enough paper um I've had quite a few cars in my time yeah I do like my cars I know nothing else Johnny you know you've known me what 20 years and under 20 years you know me I can't mow a lawn can't put shelf up can't you I could build you a car though I just don't know much else yeah I'm a car person I I know you are I'm very emotional and actually although this is this is your sort of uh car Cathedral how many how many garages have you had as in private garage is not work on the way to this garage exactly if you traded yourself to this garage I've traded up yeah I'm always trading up in metaphorically both on TV shows and in life and yes this started out as a you know eight foot by ten foot garage in South London in my past and uh by just working hard and trading hard and trading my way up I've eventually ended up with this car Cathedral cathedral which I you can have that you can take I'm going to take that but this is probably not my last car Cathedral I feel that there's another bit of Cathedral coming after this and crumbs no yes because there's not enough babies is there there's not enough children here well we'll talk about what's not here in a second yes let's talk about what's in the room because I'll go around to this site because this this thing is very cool uh yeah so this started Life as a 1982 SC yeah I bought this car off an American Airlines pilot whilst I was living in California uh he was the most uninterested man who owned a Porsche I've ever met in my life he just didn't want the car really um yeah it just didn't want it so much so he didn't really know what he had okay uh so he sold it for a stupid price to me but the car's full black leather air conditioning electric roof uh when I got it it was a standard bog SC yeah since I've had it I've done a lot of work to it I've modified both front and rear bumpers uh group four wheels the bumpers they do look a bit different well yeah it had the impact American bundles on it yeah accordion bumpers a little bit like what's on the 912 here yeah and you could see the uh the indicators wrap all the way around yeah so with this I had a company design me the front and rear bumpers on this car and I wanted them specifically to sit exactly the same height off the ground the society sales I frenched in the indicators so they don't come all the way around the corner yeah they're French they're flush we pulled the bumper back 25 mil into the body from a standard RS they absolutely lost their uh lost their [ __ ] can I say that yeah I lost a ship with me when I kept insisting that we put a flat Edge on it here a flat egg well because you know the SC the G-Body cars have a flat Edge that comes around on the will Arch yep and I wanted that to continue into the bumper both front and rear yeah and uh to mold that is very difficult so uh but we did it we did it and then we end up with something bespoke unique yeah it's not a 964 but it's kind of looking like a 964. it's not an RS but it's looking a bit like an RS but it's not it's a brewer design and I absolutely love it did a lot of work to the engine as well as a guy in America called Andrew uh Gerard who's uh a very clever engineer used to work for Honda in their engineering department and we took what was basically a standard SC we didn't break the Block open but through lots of engineering like individual throttle bodies 964 plenums uh mnk headers and Muffler on the car we managed to squeeze another 27 more power out of it and it sounds like it's about to blow up in between every gear it spins up this castle like 8 500 RPM nuts so how long have you had this oh I've had this car in my life now about for five years now five four five years yeah I don't think I'd ever let this one go it's my my little baby I've got another one of these as well have you yeah I've got another three of these I've got another SC in red guards read again yeah but a full flat out SC with wild Tau 1984 uh so it's got the EFI engine so it's a little bit more grown up than this it's a 3.2 career as well but I'm keeping that as a boggo standard car yeah so I've got a standard one and I've got a hot rod one and I've got a flat nose 1975 flat nose Target wide body oh my God as well that's a flat bow flange bowel which I absolutely love your 911s I like a 911 yeah and I like a 912 as well yeah I I noticed this is the four cylinder four-cylinder version of the 911 great storyness so Porsche uh back in 19 it would have been 1973 there was a field crisis around the world Porsche North America weren't selling any cars six cylinder engines quite juicy everyone wants a driver mod so they went back to the drawing board with the board and said look how can we get a car they didn't have a car to get into Market no how can we get a more frugal version about 9 11 into the marketplace and sell yeah because we're just not selling cars at the minute and uh some bright engineer at the factory said well we have 2099 spare four-cylinder fuel injected engines that were left over from the type 2 Volkswagen bus sitting on the shelf so they said well let's take those engines drop them into these cars into a 911 S yeah drop them into a 911s badgett a 912 E which is what this car is and they only made 2099 in one model year which is 1974 which is what this car is it's looking dirty this car and I apologize I apologize for my tardiness on this car it's because it's just been to Le Mans classic and I I like my cars being driven so I lent this to a friend of mine who's driven it down to Lemon classic driven it all the way there driven it all the way back smashed the mirror off obviously did it and then just returned the car never washed it never cleaned it never repaired the mirror just said cheers did I like these because they are the the nine the original 912 was the earlier body yes and then they just seems to come out of nowhere but this thing I had a look around it but uh off camera Interiors mint yeah you can drive it as well this car see the difference between this and the six cylinder car is this is a hundred pounds lighter over the rear axle uh so you can drive this car at that car I can only drive at eight temps this car I can drive at 10 times and you can Mash every roundabout you come to mash it around a roundabout and you come out the other side smiling and girdling like a child because you can't believe the car made it round with the car screaming its lungs out but you know you're only doing about 50 miles an hour but the car feels you feel like you're doing 150 in this yeah so four cylinder Porsche eight cylinder push uh yes so some people may recognize this car this is a screen star actually this was uh restored on series free of Wheeler Dealers by myself and Ed China series three series three are Wheeler Dealers so a lot of 20. wow or within the 20th year series 18th 20th year this was 2004 so um got 18 years ago this car appeared in my life and me and Ed restored it it got sold to a guy in Ireland and then during lockdown I wrote about some Wheeler Dealer cars on the website and I wrote fondly about this car and then the guy in Ireland contacted me and said I'm getting divorced I've got a car I've got that card do you want to buy it back and I said absolutely so I bought it back and I'll be honest with you it's been a it's been a challenge having it back in my life because it needs repainting again we did it me and Ed it's 18 years ago so it could have another flick over again yeah mechanically I've gone for it from nose to towel I've put quite a few thousand Pounds into making sure mechanically it's fine yeah um but I've decided uh to put this one through the auction so this one's going to get sold and recycled back into another car oh is it yes this is an early 912 I think the early nine to eight without the nonsense on them like the little boot spoiler and the lower Splitter on the front I think they're a much puriform yeah and you speak to any good car designer out there you know the Ian callums of this world and uh you know people like that you talk to them about this car and they absolutely love the design of this car it's so out there still it's still out there yeah it's still this whole corner is still out there it's mental this corner in fact um and Peter what's his name who worked that Ford and went on to Volvo he's told me he stole this rear quarter for the Sierra Cosworth for horbury horbury yeah Pete Albury he said he stole this rear window uh for the two-door Sierra Cosworth that was where the idea of that come from yeah so I didn't I didn't I knew you you'd had a couple of Porsches but I didn't know how many Porsches oh I've got a few more yeah so I've got another I've got the SC and I've got the flat nose and I've got a 550 have you yeah spider and I've also got a 1969 in 9 11 an early one which is another hot rod that's an our grouper car that's currently undergoing a massive restoration including an andile engine so the Porsche race team are doing the engine for me um fabrication by elsner paintworker is by hanziger uh engine by andile it's going to be competing in an event and uh driven by Chad McQueen Steve McQueen's son is going to use it in an event really yes yeah I like to spread my cars around I told you I like them being used get a bit of notoriety you know yeah yeah when you're in front of an mg like this this little MGA do Bow curtsy what'd you do salute because there is a protocol isn't there around one of these cars it's got such a low waistline it's beautiful isn't it so this is a really lovely store in this car how it come into mind and my wife's life when I went to California for the first time to make eight Wheeler Dealers we arrived and looked at this Workshop to hire to make the show and we was there with the real estate agent who was showing us around but it was an old guy hanging around in the background and when the real estate agent had finished with us the old guy said I'm the owner it's actually my building um and what are you going to be doing here I'm inquisitive to know what you're doing and I said well actually we restore cars and we're going to bring a car restoration show here and he said what kind of cars well you know some American but lots of British Classics I love my British Classics and he went I've got a British classic he said I want it in a raffle a charity raffle in 1974 what and he said um but now I'm in my 80s it's been sat in the garage for the past 20 years I'm in my 80s and my wife's ill and we can't get in and out of it so I'm willing to let it go and I said well I'll come around and see it so that afternoon me and Michelle my lovely wife we uh went round to see where he lived and he lived in this beautiful house in the harbor in Huntington Beach California he opened up the garage door and under eight blankets eight in very dusty blankets eight uh was a primrose yellow 1959 MGA this car so I said wow that's amazing and it was all complete the whole car was complete uh it was hand painted though Primrose yellow bit like the 912 funny enough yes um and I said uh it's great so what do you want to do with it thinking I'll put it in the show yeah and he said um no you can have it and I want a big problem he went no I don't want it you can just have it well so I can't have it you can't just give me a car and even well I don't need the money and I don't need the car so just take it wow and I said well do you have a charity and he said yes I do have a charity I said tell me the name of your favorite charity and I'll make a ten thousand dollar donation to your favorite charity went oh that's really kind of it which I did yeah I then got the car off him shipped it back to England and I used Moss Europe to supply some of the parts a wonderful paint shop in Oxford I went and designed this paint myself I I you know made this a whole paint code up myself and I thought let's do a proper restoration so I went to RPS rally preparation services at Oxford who are used to building endurance rally cars and I thought because I want to make this a driver I really want to use this car I don't want to stare at it yeah it's a 50 90 MGA it should be driven hard uh now when it had the 1.6 I noticed it yes five speed gear yes yeah so I want to add the 1.6 four pot uh in it 45 miles an hour 50 miles an hour the four-speed gearbox it would run out of steam that would be the end of it get the engine needed rebuild it anyway gearbox was crunchy so I decided to upgrade it so it's got 1.8 B engine MGB mated to a 5-speed MX-5 gearbox oh there makes five books and now this car drives like you cannot believe it it sits on a Motorway at 70. it will overtake somebody at 90. it goes from 0 to 60 in about eight seconds it's quick it's beautiful to the gearbox is like a little switch it's beautiful everything works and uh I use it a lot this car and if I'm not using it I'm getting other people to use it it's Immaculate it's beautiful it's a lovely restoration and it's really well used this car stunning it's only a [ __ ] train that is all the lads are in the back they've all got their masks on they're all torn up ready to go that video it took of you at the end of the NEC show in this with the window down sharpen the tires on the Polish do a little bit I absolutely love that crazy well this this um again on Wheeler Dealers I went to buy a Astra GTE mark one Asher GTE off of a guy uh Jason up in Huddersfield or Hull somewhere near there and whilst I was there this was in the background it was red it was a fire engine uh and I see it in the background and I I desperately wanted it for myself because we have a merchandise shop and I thought it'd be the perfect Willy dealer merchandise shop yeah uh so I kept pestering the guy could I bite can I bike and he wouldn't sell it to me eventually he I pestered him so much I think I just wore him down and he said okay I'll let you have it but it was it was just a shade too much money what he wanted for it but it had only done 10 500 Miles because it's been housed in the German fire station since 1974. yeah heated German fire station pushed out washed pushed back in yeah and it's occasionally gone out to you know squirt a cat out of a tree um but that's it that's all it's ever done yeah you could definitely tell my absolute love for this Transit van I love that this track I genuinely fell in love of it yeah and um it was heartbreaking because there is a rule in Wheeler Dealers that we're not allowed to keep the cars uh so I have to sell it I have to genuinely sell the van so I sold it to a van Center uh who put it on display they just had it as a display piece but as soon as the show went out I was inundated from people online saying you idiot you should have kept you should have kept it why didn't you keep it and I said well I'm not allowed to you know and I would love to have kept it I even thought about keeping it four-wheeler dealers as our shop band but we weren't even allowed to do that so I contacted the van Center and they didn't want to sell it but they offered to lend it to me to go and do the NEC yeah and I said can I lend it to the NEC and once I went down and got the keys in my hand getting them back son that this is staying with me so I I wrote out a sizable check with a profit for them uh to get the van back and I'm so pleased I did because uh that weekend the sister van of this at the NEC the sister van identical to this almost in every way X ex-german German fire brigade converted left-hand drive to right-hand Drive same color same everything as this went through silverson auctions at the weekend of the NEC and it sold for a world record 62 000 pounds bloody Health 62 Grand so I was quite pleased with my purchase I like cycling cars I like them to be enjoyed and I like cycling cars through uh my collection um some I just I'm not I'm not ready to part with yet I'm not ready to say goodbye yeah Defender Defender I'm ready to say goodbye uh this actually are you ready to say goodbye to it because well it's annoying it's been gifted to me by a friend of mine it's his vehicle technically it's my friend's vehicle but he said you can have it and he's gifted it to me wow and it looks like it's been tapped all over with a ball pit doesn't it it's got cellulite it's got cellulites but like a ball pin hammer has been tapped all the way around it um it was I don't know it's been in a farm field and people just abused it someone's been pecking it like yeah I think so yes a woodpecker yeah so it is something like that but it's um it's just been on a big tour this actually my friend flew over from California uh Nick Levin he's beautiful wife Shannon he's technically their vehicle they took it and went to Scotland's Ireland uh in this at sort of 60 miles an hour they actually drove to um Amsterdam as well to go and visit East altering University and uh they drove it around and then um Nick just drops it back on my toes and said here's my vehicle mate um enjoy it I might want to borrow it again one day so it's sort of been gifted to me which is lovely yeah but Nick it's a pain in the ass now because I can't sell it because it's technically it's not mine to sell yeah and I can't do anything with it it's just sort of a thing that I'm housing I like it TD5 yeah TD5 I mean it's a great vehicle honestly it's really handy if I need to tow something or move something around yeah uh this is the one to get it out of a ditch you know this is the one that I'll use right driving this around right some people when you're driving a one of these around you can sort of bash people out the way because you know they're scared it's intimidating well it's got a lot of dance on it yeah people tend to be abusive towards me sometimes when I'm driving it yeah and sometimes when I come to work uh here in my car Cathedral I feel like the abuse uh needs to continue right okay so I have this little speaker here so I like to get the speaker to just give me some abuse okay so Alexa say 100 100 100 100 in Welsh 100 100 100 100 100 in Welsh's content tail feels right at home now that's exactly how I get when I'm driving that on the roads around Warwickshire that's what I hear a lot of I hear a lot of that right so um this is Johnny Smith welcome to my dream car okay so people often ask me and you they're going to say what's your favorite car of all time yeah they expect me and you because we're car people on TV they expect meeting you to say Ferrari 250 GTO they're expecting us to say that McLaren F1 block McLaren F1 they're expecting but I always say 1964 Mini Cooper S because there is something so connected about this car and the person you become one when you're driving it it's just insane Plus there is something naughty about driving an early mini especially Cooper S it's something naughty about it it's like is this legal am I doing is this um am I not breaking laws here yeah when you attack a corner or roundabouts at ridiculous speeds and you just swing around it in one of these you think you've just broken several laws but you haven't you've just got a really good connected little car that makes you feel alive uh I found it's beautiful I found this at a farmer's auction farm and agriculture an agriculture auction I found this uh it was red with a white top on it we discovered the original colors uh almond green it's one of my favorite mini colors yeah we did discovered it was the original color um we also discovered that my car had once been reshelled and it had a race in history and it had been resheld with an 850 shell so I did this story about I put it together in conjunction with mini magazine and British Motor Heritage and Andy Ace Harrison is one of the countries if not the world's finest mini restorers I I set about a story trying to discover where is the soul of a car is the soul of a car in its body is it in its chassis or is the sole of the car in the Machinery that makes it okay so I went to British Motor Heritage and I got them to make me a new body uh and the correct 1964 uh Cooper S exactly the same rivet marks exactly the same world marks I wanted it identical so they built it on the 1959 jigs the same jigs that it would have been built on originally together with people that works those machines way back in the 1960s so these blokes are still working at British Motor heritages are in their 70s some of them they're in their 80s and they're still putting these cars together and I discovered through the process that the soul of a car like this lies within the people that put the car together not necessarily the car itself the result of it is and the result of the story is I ended up with a 1964 2021 brand new Mini Cooper S yeah um that's amazing isn't it unbelievable this car I mean it's just Flawless it looks again it looks Flawless so yeah big big contrast between the little mini and the big Tycoon so it's an EV uh yeah so I needed to dip my toes into the EV Market as you know my Porsche man I personally think this is the best electric car out there yeah lots of other people agree uh so I'm I'm stumped up and went for one of these I actually ordered quite interestingly I ordered the Turbo S okay that's what I ordered but I went to the dealership because they had a demonstrator and it was a 4S and I went and drove this Forest up the road and uh it was on a single uh two lane carriageway and there was a truck in front of me doing 59 miles an hour and I waited for a gap in the you know in the road legal to overtake with the arrows I was I was in economy mode driving near taken I put my foot down to overtake the truck and by the time I passed the truck and was pulling back in I gazed down at the speedo so I went what the is that that's ridiculous so I turned the car around drove straight back to the dealer and I said cancel my Turbo S and he went what why I said I don't need it I'll take one of these instead and save the money yeah but rather because I noticed this was the 4S and I actually think this is probably the it's the most ridiculous pricing policy on the planet yeah so Porsche will show you this car but for 30 grand more have a turbo or for 50 gram or have a Turbo S but they are identical cars they're no different it looks exactly the same it's not as if it's got gills on the side or carbon fiber bits they're not they're exactly the same so it's only a badge and then the bit that you're paying the 50 gram for is ones and zeros it's a computer it's I've got the same engine the same battery I've gone for the high power battery cost five grand more so you get for five grand mortar same battery you get in the Turbo S but you haven't spent the Turbo S money and some buffing has just limited your car half a second slower to 60 and five mile an hour slower at top speed and that's just done by ones and zeros isn't it well and and you save 50 Grand so with the money I saved I managed to get the turbo bumper on it with the bigger gills yeah I'll put the side skirts on it and the Aero tits yeah uh panoramic roof and I spent it on big sound system some toys yeah you know inside the car to make it a bit more comfortable that's a good idea it's a wise idea no I I absolutely love it I I'll tell you what I love it for uh Johnny I I have a very complicated life I've got a car business I've got a TV show I'm a producer of that show I'm the patron of a couple of Charities I've got a house to unrenovated I'm a very busy man constantly busy yeah and this becomes that to our journey to work and back from work this becomes my office it's just brilliant for connectivity it's quiet uh I can get so much done inside the car and I love that I love the fact I I can lock myself it's like sitting on the toilet it's that moment alone yeah uh I can have my moment alone in this car be connected and just talk to people get stuff done I just like getting stuff you're not anti-ev then you're not you're not no not at all you know we don't find it threatening to the rest absolutely not you know we need to we need to embrace we need to embrace uh whatever future we can have as long as it's getting us moving on four wheels I like electric Classics I like Classics I like EVS you know I think they're there's his face for everything but this is definitely got to be our future this has been a really interesting garage tour I I I'm going to finish by saying Mike what's not in here that you own right now well I've told you about a few Porsches you're talking about a line of Porsches yeah but but um there's a couple of other things that are really nice yeah but you know Mrs B might be listening do you still squirrel of course I do of course I do you can't say that I own that little Motor Company oh yeah look at that I got this how cool is this look yeah motor compo right so uh I bought that from a guy that import some in from Japan I love those they're brilliant aren't they it's a it's a trunk bike it comes with a Honda Civic in Japan uh when you bought a Honda Civic you've got one of those in the boot of it the city turbo the city yes and then and then that's uh that was in the boot you lifted it out the boot you folded up the handlebars and popped up the saddle yeah and then you could commute to work and uh it was just bloody Wicked it runs drives it's lovely I had one and I my mate hounded me for it like you did with the geez with the transit and I eventually sold it and I regret it because it was like it was a yellow one and I really loved it somebody offered me six grand for that get out they did they said I'll give you six grand for it and I went wow I actually like staring at it and so I think it's nice up there you don't commute no that would be funny I'd like to go down the M40 with it on the motor with a cape which is fantastic I've had poops bigger than that honestly I I uh I really thank you Mike that's pleasure I uh I really hope you've enjoyed this little garage tour of of Mr Brewer's uh car Cathedral it's not a garage um if you want to look at some of the other um tours I've done I'll put a link somewhere above our heads if you want to subscribe and you haven't already I don't know what you're thinking but you should do it uh comment below which is your favorite car of mics or which one is he sold that you wished he hadn't and he should have kept it Etc yes called tina was pretty special he sold it the SM yeah sold that Ferrari 360 was nice we're here with the brown chairs in the car Cathedral owned by this man Mr Mike Brewer the the car TV man well that's nice I think there's plenty of car TV men out there I'm just one of them you're one of the um veterans that makes me sound really I'm pretty sorry you know there's a
Channel: The Late Brake Show
Views: 1,107,418
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jonny smith car reviews, wheeler dealers, edd china, mike brewer, mike brewer on edd china, mike brewer wheeler dealer, new wheeler dealers, project car build, wheeler dealers discovery channel, private garage tour, car cave, the late brake show, mike brewer interview, best car tv shows, restoring classic cars, carpervert, jonny smith car cave, mk1 ford transit, porsche 912e, mga restoration, 911 restomod, mike brewer car collection, best classic car, defender, project car
Id: ydQwQtgiExw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 2sec (1922 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 11 2022
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