China Adoption: Lincoln & Penelope's Gotcha Day!
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Views: 4,501,089
Rating: 4.9542036 out of 5
Keywords: Beijing, family vloggers, Food, grace for the millers, teen, Nanning, daily vlog, christian vlogger, mixed family, China, Lifeline, Family Vlog, family vlog, vlog, China Adoption, Guangzhou, Parenting, international adoption, large family, interracial family, Older child adoption, christianity, Hong Kong, Adoption, Stephen miller, Travel, Nanjing, texas family, china, Gotcha day, christian family, Routine, Teen adoption, Moving, american family
Id: bVHgjY5KH3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 7sec (1087 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 13 2018
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