China's gateway to Europe – the New Silk Road (2/2) | DW Documentary

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Kis dokumentumfilm a Budapest-Belgrád vasútvonalról. Kis hazánk 32:22-nél jön képbe, de érdemes végignézni az elejétől, nagyon tanulságos. Tulajdonképpen semmi, amit eddig nem tudott (vagy sejtett) volna az, aki valamennyire már képben volt a dologgal, de azért így látni kicsit más.

(A sorozat első része a kínai kikötőbizniszekről szól Európában, itt látható.)

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/utsuriga 📅︎︎ Feb 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Logan_MacGyver 📅︎︎ Feb 21 2021 🗫︎ replies
China's New Silk Road - Beijing's multi-billion-dollar ‘Belt and Road’ initiative extending right into Europe. This first section from New Belgrade to Stara Pasova and the third section from Novi Sad to Subotica are all constructed by China Railway. China aims to get its goods across Europe by train — and south-eastern and eastern European nations are vital to that strategy. They'll enable the transportation of goods to western Europe via a single rail corridor. For southeastern Europe in particular, the New Silk Road project beckons with promises of new investment. For us the Chinese have come like a gift from Heaven. But China brings more than cutting edge-technology — it's also prepared to invest in older, environmentally harmful processes. Cancer is a really horrible disease. All of us know what we're in for. It's a region torn between its loyalty to Europe, and the opportunities that China offers. It would be easy to convince our politicians not to get funds from the Chinese for such projects if there was a serious attempt by Europe to help us in the transition towards de-carbonization. This is no children's model toy railway. Welcome to the exhibition room for the project of Hungarian and Serbian High Speed Railway in the territory of Serbia. Please follow me. Yu Hui is an engineer overseeing the Belgrade to Budapest route. At the China Railway headquarters, visitors are shown Serbia's showcase model. The Beijing-based engineer has travelled practically all over the world for the New Silk Road project. For me it hasn't been too much of a challenge because I was already doing a lot of international projects, not only in Pakistan. I was in Egypt and I was in Iran. Argentina too. Political questions are off the table — we’re only permitted to ask about the technical side of the project. The Chinese government vets all communication. The aim: to tell a success story — China can build rail routes everywhere, including in Europe. From an engineerś perspective, this is not a difficult thing. It is a reconstruction project. It is a reconstruction project. So we have a lot of experience in that. So when this railway line is completed, the travel time from New Belgrade station to Budapest will be shortened to three hours. In recent years, Serbia has blossomed into China's most-favored Balkan partner. Beijing has granted ten billion euros worth of loans to Serbia, more than to any other country in the region. But the New Silk Road project has created hardly any jobs here. Even the construction is largely being done by a Chinese workforce. That’s been a typical feature of the Belt and Road initiative. China imports its own builders, stationing them in the host country for months at a time — just as now, in Serbia. Investment from China began flowing as early as 2011, when a Chinese consortium built the Pupin Bridge across the Danube at a cost of 175 million euros. It became the symbol of Sino-Serbian friendship. Most Serbs view the flow of cash from China as a good thing — even if the money is only borrowed. The loans from Chinese state banks are quick and cheap. The construction projects are headed and carried out by Chinese firms, with even materials and machines 'Made In China'. Serbia's chamber of commerce says it's still a good deal. We need railways. We need good modern railways where we dont only have passenger trains, but also good cargo potential. There is no hidden agenda with railways. But Marko Čadež is also aware that Beijing's chief aim with the rail network is to get goods from China to consumers in the west. Chinaś initiative is especially good in Serbia, because itś about infrastructure. Itś about how fast you are able to really proceed with the projects. These are all complicated projects. And for China, Serbia is part of their initiative, Serbia is geographically there, where it is. And as such, it is important. I think the most important aspect of this relation is that we are on the way from China logistically to the biggest market of 500 million people in the EU. Serbia's friendship with China is a much-celebrated one. Xi Jingping and other high-ranking Chinese officials are popular guests in Serbia, as evident during this state visit to Belgrade in 2016. Serbia holds an important strategic position with a visible regional advantage and it will surely play an important role in this. This is a big day for all of Serbia, for all its citizens. Over the past decade, Chinese money has flowed into in highways, bridges and security technology. A Serbian copper mine and a steel works have also received Chinese funding. Now the next project is on the table — Belgrade’s metro system. And the Chinese want to build it. Serbian opposition politician Marinika Tepić is critical of the plans. She says there were no public tenders, and believes corruption is involved. What alerted us was the drastic difference in estimated cost for building the Belgrade subway. In the initial contract with a French firm almost ten years ago, the quoted cost was 2.2 billion euros. Then, President Aleksandar Vučić suddenly turned up with a Chinese partner and the cost had doubled. Now they've said it'll cost 4.4 billion euros. Tepić is a tireless critic of the close ties between Serbia and China. She says that the back-room deals often come with strings attached — and there's little transparency. And Belgrade's cosying-up to China is a strategic mistake — Serbia's natural ally, she says, is Europe. I'm sure that no one here has a problem with foreign investment. But we do have a problem when the dealings are corrupt, when far more money is spent than should be, when we have no idea of how that money's being spent. The Chinese firms are all being handled with kid gloves because they're protected under a bilateral two-state agreement. You can't even get into their factories. The Serbian government prefers not to comment on the matter. It seems content to close ranks with China — especially when there's chance of a photo-op. In 2019, Chinese police officers took to the streets of central Belgrade, to go on patrol with their Serbian counterparts. Ostensibly meant as a nod to the growing numbers of Chinese visitors to the country, it also sent a signal: China is looking out for the security of its smaller ally Serbia. That the same year, thousands of surveillance cameras suddenly turned up in central Belgrade. They'd been supplied by the Chinese telecoms giant Huawei under an initiative to ‘make the city safe' for its 1.3 million residents. Being observed all the time and not being able to be at least authentic. That's something that affects your personal self-development. And needless to say, it also affects one's dignity. Since the cameras were installed, activists like Nevena Ružić have been trying to find out more about the deal with China. But Belgrade remains silent — for reasons of security, it says. You see the round one, that's like a ball. It can go around and it is used for counting objects including people, and also for facial recognition. They all have facial recognition technology embedded. The cameras were installed practically overnight — and without any statistical evidence of a rise in crime. Nevena Ruzić is sceptical: What is missing in the whole timeline of those hundreds, thousands of cameras, is a public debate on why we need it, why the security sector is of the opinion we really need it, and what is the counter argument. So, we never debated. There was no deliberation in the parliament or in the public or among the experts or at least accessible to the public to understand why we need it. The surveillance technology is just one part of Serbia's cooperation with Huawei. The telecoms giant plans to open a regional innovation center in Belgrade — aimed at promoting digitalization in the finance, education and energy sectors. China is one of those countries, they do not recognize privacy as a core human right. And the comprehension of the right of privacy itself is not the same. So, for that reason, this is this is always questionable whether we share information of such sensitive nature with such companies, needless to say, trans-border data. We asked the Serbian police for an interview — and got no reply. However, they did tell the activist group that the facial recognition function was not in use. Nevena Ružić and her group have mapped more than one thousand cameras. These are the ones. They are usually put around. The aim is to alert people to the presence of the cameras. And although data privacy isn't a hot-button issue here, it could hinder Serbia's attempts to join the EU if the cameras are found to violate data protection laws. So ... just why is the friendship between Serbia and China held in such high esteem? Pro-government journalist Milomir Marić has a talk-show covering national and international issues — among them China. And his view of the EU is increasingly critical: I belong to the generation that dreamt the American dream. As a young man I dreamed of joining the European Union, but I doubt I'll see it happen in my lifetime. Serbia has been in accession talks with the EU since 2014 — but its ambitions of joining the bloc are still just distant. According to the talk-show host, this disillusionment has spurred the government to look around for other partners. The Chinese have built us the bridges and roads that the Europeans weren't interested in. For us the Chinese have come like a gift from Heaven. They gave us loans but also did most of the work. And while the EU keeps up its demands for a host of reforms, China's loans come with no strings attached. It's message: democracy isn't a prerequisite for economic growth. China invests much more in many other European countries and NATO members than Serbia. Chinese goods are coming in via ports in the north. Duisburg, Hamburg and Rotterdam. They all live from imports from China, but it's obvious that the countries that profit from Chinese goods are worried about the competition when the southern route is finished, and when goods can also be imported through the Greek port of Piraeus, via Serbia or Italy. That's what's upsetting the competition — not that Chinese investment is dangerous. That's a view shared by the Serbian government, who says it has a 'friendship of steel' with China. Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic in early 2020, cooperation has expanded even more. But despite that, the European Union remains Serbia's biggest financial backer. Serbia is on the fence — trying to maximize its gains from both sides. When Chinese aid arrived in Serbia during the pandemic, Beijing put on as much political spin as possible. Between the lines, the message was clear: China's success in combatting the virus reflected the strengths of the Chinese system. What it failed to mention was that the EU had paid to transport the aid from China to Serbia. As always our government's emphasis was on the Chinese aid. They really went overboard. And the aid from the European Union only got mentioned in passing, and I reckon that only happened because of public pressure and pressure from the EU itself. Fifty kilometers from Belgrade — the Belgrade-Budapest line passes close by a nature conservation area. Environmentalist Marko Ljubičić is a regular visitor to the wetlands, where he comes to spot species of rare birds. Wetlands are important for many reasons. One of the reasons is accumulation of the water because you know that the Danube is making good all around the world. His level of water is changing. So if wetlands do not exist and then Danube gets higher, it could make some big problems for the local cities and villages that are near the Danube. Ljubičić works for the Gorani nature conservation group on the banks of the Danube. He takes local kids on excursions to the wetlands to teach them about biological diversity and the importance of nature. He's worried about what the railway line's construction will mean for the area. A lot of swamps and a lot of wetlands will be destroyed by putting sand for the construction of the railway station and all the birds and the living structure and plants — they will need to find other places to live. That’s the biggest problem the railway station makes. Marko Ljubičić lives and works in Sremski Karlovci, a town of around eight thousand right on the Danube River. But soon the town will be separated from the river by the track. Then people will have to take an underpass to reach the Danube. Several locals started a petition, but they couldn't influence the planning that were already underway for the railway line. The plans had been signed-off on without any local input or democratic participation process. The trains probably will be better. The railway will be better. But to be honest, I dont see the full potential of constructing for the local people. Sremski Karlovci will get nothing out of it. The metastasis had already spread. It happened very quickly. We went to the doctor together. She told us my father should stay in the hospital overnight so that they could examine the findings. When I came back the next morning, I could already see he wasn't doing well at all. He died just 30 days later, because metastatic cancer spreads really fast and gets into the bloodstream really fast. Goran Stojak lost his father to lung cancer in 2016. If you talk to people in Tuzla, you'll hear similar stories over and over again. For a long time, Goran Stojak thought he and his family were the exception. We were surprised, because we thought it was a mistake. He never had any complaints, he was never sick. We were shocked but we knew what was happening with the neighbors. You could hear them groaning and gasping for air. It's one of the most horrible diseases there is. You have to fight to breathe. It's All Saints Day, and people are mourning their dead. Few cities in Europe have a worse air quality than the Bosnian city Tuzla. During the winter months especially, particulate matter and sulfur dioxide levels exceed EU limits for weeks at a time. The poor air quality is making people sick. But only few actually complain about it. Goran Stojak says his father's death was a wakeup call. There's nothing nice here. Someone is always sick. Everyone is being gradually poisoned and dying out. Only a few people here die a natural death. Ninety percent of people die of cancer and almost all of them die before their time. Wherever in their body they’re most vulnerable, that’s where the cancer attacks. Tuzla's air pollution is produced by vehicle and industrial emissions, old residential heating systems and decrepit coal-fired power plants. The bottom line is: coal power is the problem. Sixty percent of Bosnia's total energy is still produced from coal. And there are no plans to change that anytime soon. A new coal-fired power plant is being built — with help from Chinese loans. Now we're in front of the actual construction site of what will be Block 7 of Tuzla power-plant. On the right, you can see the old one, which has stood here since around 1964. They claim that the new one is going to replace the old blocks 3 and 4 and probably 5. You can see the trucks working there. This is, as they call it, the preparatory phase, which is done by the local companies. And they're actually preparing the construction site for the Chinese workers. Denis Žiško has campaigned against pollution here for years. Bosnia Herzegovina's continued reliance on coal angers him as does the deal with the Chinese — all it means for Bosnians is more bad air. The new Block 7 of Tuzla's power plant is being funded largely by money from China. China's Exim Bank has put up more than 600 million euros in loans to the Bosnian state. I know for a fact that this is something which is going to cost the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina lots of money and lots of lost years of life, because if they build it, it will continue to work for another 40 years and continue to pollute for another 40 years. While the European Commission pushes ahead with its phase-out of coal power, would-be EU member Bosnia Herzegovina isn't giving it up. Welcome news for China, which is also using the New Silk Road project to advance its supposedly ‘clean coal technology’. China says the Tuzla 7 block will meet all EU standards. In Tuzla the deal with China is being hailed as a success. The power plant is the biggest employer here by far. In the negotiations and preparatory phase of this deal the Chinese showed a high level of professionalism. Block 7 isn't their first project. They've been present in Serbia for a long time. The Chinese who we were involved with knew our culture and our country. They were familiar with the economic and social situation here. They assured us that they would be able carry out these projects, and they had references. It might look inviting — but these waters are awash with highly toxic chemicals. They're the waste product of the power plant, a few kilometers away. The waste is disposed of in the surrounding environment and left to seep into the groundwater. Denis Žiško and his team have complained for years that there are no environmental standards when it comes to getting rid of the waste produced by the power plant. That’s also the case for the new Chinese block under construction. Itś basically killing people and nature. There are no proper prevention measures stopping this water from penetrating and poisoning the underground water. There are no prevention measures. Once the surface dries out in the summer, the wind just picks up the dust and takes it even to the center of town. Žiško is angry that the Bosnian government signed the deal with the Chinese. He doesn't hold the Chinese investors responsible, though — he sees his own government as largely to blame. There is a market. Our politicians are interested in doing building coal power plants, and China is the only one willing to provide loans for such projects. When we had meetings in the Chinese embassy, let's say, five, six years ago, we asked the same question, why? Why are you providing loans for coal and not for renewables, for wind, for solar, for whatever — because they produce everything. And the answer was very simple. It's your authorities who are asking us loans for this type of technology. If they asked for wind or for solar, we would be more than happy to provide that too. Denis Žiško has invited politicians, energy policy experts and concerned citizens to a round table meeting near the power plant this evening. The big question: how should the surrounding towns and cities deal with the power plant waste — the ash, the dust — for the next 40 years? The green oases between Tuzla and the town of Lukavac are terribly polluted, by industry but also by private household with their own heating systems and by traffic emissions. We just shouldn't be destroying even more nature in our region, by turning it into a dumping site for ash. Residents here are no longer willing to accept the waste on their doorsteps. Goran Stojak also hopes to raise the pressure on the politicians and force them to take action. I understand people who work in the energy sector. Their whole business model rests on Block 7 being built now. And undoing all of that now — that wouldn’t be easy. Even so, Denis Žiško has managed to get the issue onto the agenda. And the local politicians have agreed to try to find a different disposal site for the power plant waste — a site far enough away to spare Tuzla. Edin Delić is the mayor of Lukavac, the town right next to Tuzla. It's election campaign time, and Delić and his supporters are cleaning near the river. The politician says the new Tuzla Block 7 guarantees no one need worry they'll have to go without energy. Our economy as it is now depends very much on the energy sector. So right now we have an existing thermal power plant, which will be shut down in the next five years. So in order to ensure the continuation of energy, we need to replace these old blocks with Block Seven. And it's also important to consider that investing in building Block Seven will rapidly increase environmental protection in this area, even while the same levels of energy are being produced. The argument is that a modern coal-fired power plant will help protect the environment. And the shift away from coal to renewables is just not affordable at the moment. For Bosnia Herzegovina, one of Europe's poorest countries, investment from China means opportunities. If you don't mind, I'll be very open and very direct. We are thankful to everybody who supports or invests here. It doesn't matter if they're from China, Turkey or any other country. And I'm sure most people would be even happier if the European community came with solutions better than those from China or any other country. Goran Stojak lives with his family in Bukinje district, not far from the power plant. Right behind his house is an old ash dump. There used to be 500 residents here. Now there are only 100. His are the only children. He'd like to see Bosnia phase out coal power more quickly. Our problem is that we're surrounded by waste disposal dumps. We live between two coal ash dumps and a thermal power plant. We're hoping for change in the government, so that the west can have some influence. Clearly, at the moment, the government is only acting in its own interests — and doesn't care about the people here. The rail corridor that begins at the Greek port of Piraeus and travels via Belgrade is meant to end one day in Budapest. It'll become the delivery route for many Chinese goods coming to the EU. Hungary's close ties with China go back decades. We've come to meet Gergely Salát, an expert on China and its policies. He's taking us through Budapest's Chinatown. From here, Chinese goods go on to be distributed around Europe. It all started in 1989 when we were still a socialist country. And for some reason, Hungary and China reached an agreement about not requiring visas from each other. But in 1989, after the Tiananmen Square massacre, it was actually not the political refugees, but many small businessmen who left the country and they looked at the map. They were looking for a country they could reach easily and they found out that Hungary didn't require a visa. So about 50 thousand Chinese small businessmen came to Hungary very suddenly. Of these 50-thousand, around 30-thousand remain today. Since Hungary became the first eastern European country to officially sign up to the New Silk Road initiative in 2011, their numbers have grown further. But traditionally, the Chinese population here keeps itself to itself. Zhen Zhi's family story is a typical one. Thirty years ago his parents came to Hungary on business, but he grew up back in China. Ten years ago, he came to here himself to work. My parents don't live here anymore, but some of my other relatives do. When I left school and was looking for a job, I realized that opportunities outside China were a lot better. Some of my relatives were already in Hungary and so I came here to help them. Zhen Zhi feels at home here. The Hungarians have been very open toward him, also an important factor. And business is good — as a member of the EU, Hungary offers easy access to the rest of Europe. How much of that business might involve illegal dealings, no one knows for certain. I believe the fact that the government is quite friendly to the Chinese immigrants, this whole policy toward China and Chinese people in Hungary reflects Orban's desire to have much closer relations with China. And that's why it's strange that the Hungarian government is quite unfriendly to immigrants. But in Hungarian public discourse, Chinese people living here do not count as immigrants. Indeed, Viktor Orbán rarely passes up an opportunity to publicly woo his Chinese partners. It’s no accident that also sends a message to the EU — Hungary has its sights set on the East. To develop this region we need external technologies and financial help. European money alone is no longer enough. So we welcome as a sign of the new world order, that China is looking to this region as a place to get involved. Under this 'new world order' Hungary has decided to profit from China as much as it can. And that despite the fact that most of the money flowing into the country comes from the EU. Gergely Salát works for Hungary’s Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade, which also produces analyses for the foreign ministry. I dont think it's just the Hungarian government... the Hungarian government is maybe the loudest. I think the whole of Central and Eastern Europe turned towards China about ten years ago. And we became too dependent on the West. And I think in turning to the East, these countries are trying to get some more room to maneuver. They are trying to decrease their over-dependency on the West. The railway line that the Chinese engineers are already working on in Belgrade will one day end in Budapest. Though the project is much vaunted by the Hungarian government — construction still hasn't begun. Bernadett Szél has been a member of the Hungarian parliament since 2012. She's a vocal critic of Prime Minister Orbán and his government. Her chief concern is the rule of law in her country, and the increasing pivot towards an autocratic China. It's very clear that we want to live in a liberal model, a liberal democracy here in Hungary. Orbán doesn't. He wants to go the illiberal way. And from what I see, the Chinese do not really see or they don't really ask any questions about liberal democracy values or they do not have any expectations about the democratic values. Our European ties do have that. The EU commission has sharply criticized the rail project, not least because it initially lacked the public tender required under EU rules. Hungary finally addressed concerns by giving the project to a joint Hungarian-Chinese venture. Work on the route is estimated to cost 1.8 billion euros — 85 percent is loans from China. A flagship of our joint projects is the modernization of the Belgrade-Budapest railway line, which is going to be of strategic importance for transportation on the new Silk Road. The Hungarian nation doesn't need this investment. We don't need the railway from Budapest to Belgrade at all. We would need this money for the already-existing Hungarian railway system because it's in a very bad shape. Now the situation is even worse — we are worse off with this investment. The Chinese loan is pretty big Hungary, and we'll never finish and paying it back. Not far from central Budapest, Ferencváros will eventually be the final station on the Belgrade-Budapest line. It's the only New Silk Road project that China and Hungary are currently working on. All the money that Hungary's been hoping to see from China hasn't begun flowing yet. Could the Chinese be losing interest in central and eastern Europe? Most of the governments in this region believe that the Chinese are coming with bags full of money and they will invest here and they will build the roads and railways and everything that we want. This has not happened. And many countries have grown disappointed in China, but Hungary still sticks to the idea that we'll try to get as much assistance from China as possible. I would advise them to be more realistic and realize that even though the Chinese are very good at making you feel you're a very special partner, they won't necessarily play a very significant role in Hungary's economy in the foreseeable future. The Belgrade-Budapest route is planned for completion in 2025. It would be the fulfilment of China’s dream — the first Chinese-built railway line to finally reach the European Union.
Channel: DW Documentary
Views: 343,862
Rating: 4.5226374 out of 5
Keywords: Documentary, Documentaries, documentaries, DW documentary, full documentary, DW, documentary 2020, China, new silk road, Belt and Road, economic project, railway line, Belgrade, Budapest, Orban, coal power, environmental protection, documentary, New Silk Road, Silk Road, China documentary, Europe, China and Europe, Huawei, China Europe, new silk road documentary
Id: V2C0sMXyD80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 26sec (2546 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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