Chieftain's Q&A 16. US Cavalry, Irish Border

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greetings all welcome to the i don't even know what number this is october 2020 q a i've had an interesting couple of weeks which is why i'm doing this a little bit low-key so ordinarily it takes me maybe two days of research and writing a day to record in a day to edit and frankly i just haven't had that time well i say damn evenings because i have a day job and an army weekend job whatever else plus because basically you don't get promoted to colonel unless you get a master's degree i decided i'm going to start a master's degree now when i was in college i made i'm not going to say it was a mistake but i made the the common decision to choose a degree that i thought i might be at least vaguely interested in but that would be good for me in my career as i have gotten older i've realized this may not have been the right move so i've decided that for a masters i'm going to do something that i actually have an interest in the army doesn't seem to care i mean the the degree could be in the history of japanese art from the army cares i think just want me to check that i have a post-grad degree so i decided that since i seem to be doing this for a living anyway i might as well get some sort of qualifications so i started a masters with military history world war ii and my god they had me reading hagerman the american civil war and the origins of modern warfare it doesn't do that it's an incredible book it's a very well researched but by god if you're not actually interested very much in the american civil war and frankly i am not this is incredibly painful i highly recommend it but by god it takes up your time so that murdered that um what else has been going on uh i don't think it was out at the time i did my last q a but i did the uh two hour chat with harry ide for the tank killers and if this video goes out on schedule in a couple of days on the 29th of october and doing another two-hour chat with harry idea except on the book the infantry's armor which is the story of the independent tank battalions world war ii uh the previous video if you missed it is up on the world of tanks channel and as will be the uh the second one with harry which is going to be a live event so if you are able to come in on time on the 29th at 6 pm central you can ask us questions and uh you know ask the author of the book so i like to do things a bit differently than your typical book club um what else also if this is going according to plan as you are watching this i am outside of the state of texas for the first time since february i believe it is and i'm recording a vehicle for inside the hatch so hopefully that will come out soon enough anything else tree world is still driving me nuts my wife's had it um okay so so i'm going to be taking a leaf out of ian's book and i'm going to be doing this on the fly because i haven't had the time to do the research so i have a fine example of single malt irish apple juice and i'm just going to take this as it comes so i'm going to kick off with a couple of questions that were posted in the last q a video so as ever the priority does go to the patrons but if somebody on throws me a good question on facebook or youtube or whatever i'll phone onto the list and answer it as best i can so i'm going to start off with a thiago perato zokoli how does tank aiming account for the coriolis effect on targets at a distance it doesn't even if you're shooting indirect i don't think anybody cares artillery yes i believe that they take into account and i'm told that snipers might although i'm not sure why but considering the velocity of a tank round no it doesn't seem to be an issue certainly i don't believe we're not taught about it and i've never seen any reference to it in the fire control manuals uh wanderer rtf how do you view gun motor systems in modern use a light weapon system suitable to be mounted in ifv way back in the day the very first armored vehicle somebody tried to train me on was the aml 60 which had the uh the 60 millimeter gun mortar so it could be the breach loader do you drop it down the top uh you literally step outside the vehicle and you drop the bomb down the far end of the muzzle of the gun for indirect fire but it could be used in the direct fire mode as well including the option to use guided munitions like stirx are such systems useful or do you think mortar should stay separate from direct fire such as the swedish chose with the mjolnir motor system for reference systems like amos nemo or m120 they seem like good systems for bringing plenty of bang for the buck um [Music] add nona invented to the mix i personally don't think that mortars should be in the direct fire roll i i mean i can understand kind of what you're talking about if you got a really light unit that doesn't have anything bigger than let's say an 84 millimeter recorded rifle for blowing things up but generally speaking i think you're probably better off if you're going to have a self-propelled artillery system use it in the indirect role you'd probably want a fairly poorly equipped infantry unit if you really need to have the 120 mortar brought up in the direct firewall i mean i'm not saying that it can't be done or is not useful certainly especially back in the 60s and 70s this was a big thing again the the ml-60 or the 2s9 um but uh yeah i don't think direct fire systems are really the way to go on this and if the swedish he says chose indirect only apparently the swedish agree with me so i'm in good company um i mentioned in the video that with the conversion of the last cavalry unit the strikers the core capability was lost uh ceo by the way ceo no copper c-o-r-p-s uh makes me wonder what is it that armored cavalry units that mech or tank infantry cannot what is the core capability of the use to provide so an acr was the cavalry unit assigned to a core level formation an armored cavalry regiment and cavalry in the us has a different role to calvary in most other countries and when i say cavalry i don't mean tankers pretending to be cavalry such as in the british army or indeed tankers pretended to be cavalry in the us army today since they just simply reflect everything that whatever it was infantry armor cavalry and they all making the same unit regardless uh i speak of cavalry in this case as actually this is their function and [Music] their table of equipment so usually we did units tasks with reconnaissance and other armies particularly europeans that is their sole function they get small little vehicles maybe a couple of you know machine guns or something of self-defense a 30 millimeter at the better end and if they happen to come across a light armored vehicle on the opposite side sure they'll take a crack at it but otherwise really it's just sneaking and peeking and that's the end of it it's reconnaissance american cavalry does more it does reconnaissance it does security and economy of force missions so and a cavalry intercourse has off your dispense there are no infantry to play around you just got a couple of guys in the back or in your bradley or monvi or whatever it is striker the reconnaissance mission is as you would expect so guys on humvees with lrasses just somebody gets out of the back of the bradley and climbs over the hill with a pair of binoculars and a radio your typical reconnaissance duties it is a little harder to do a sneak peek if you're 12 feet tall as the movie said but you could do it the security missions are particularly guard screen and cover actually technically it should be said screen guard and cover screen is well again pretty much anything can do a screen because you're sitting there at a radio it's basically reconnaissance in reverse you're you're keeping an eye out for where the enemy are and you're providing warning time for other assets to deal with the problem a guard mission is a little bit heavier and you are expecting to maybe fight a delaying action to give your friends time to redeploy this is something that you want to have a fair bit of firepower to do and a cover mission is basically you are holding the line you're you're providing security for another unit you're fighting pretty much independently self-contained and the idea is that by use of your cavalry regiment you don't have to divert the main combat line units to deal with whatever it is that's coming coming at them from the side you have the cavalry for that so the old acrs they were three squadrons or battalion sized organizations of bradleys or tanks they had a helicopter asset they had their own artillery in fact they had a lot of artillery every battalion had its own battery and every company had a couple of motors so it's plenty indirect going around they had a lot of logistical support for independent operations they had a larger allocation of fuel tankers of tank transporters they had heavy equipment transporters than a regular unit there is a paper i'll see if i can find it i'll put a link down the bottom that basically discusses the acr and what the asset is that the army is losing when it this was written maybe 10 years ago maybe more at this point uh by the deactivation of the acr so that is basically a difference between what a what an armored cavalry regiment does versus anything else now with the absence of a cavalry regiment what what can you use to replace it and really it's a brigade combat team is the closest thing you're going to get and it's not ideally suited for it it's not designed for the role but that's what the army has so that's what we get to play with next question oh evil twin cavalry units in usacb abcts armored brigade combat teams are currently moving from three bradleys and five humvees and 36 soldiers to six bradleys 36 soldiers in the platoons why is the change being implemented and what are the advantages and disadvantages though i have a preference now when i was co i had the humvee bradley mix and there were a couple of debates as to how best to organize it as i recall doctrinally you were supposed to have the humvee and bradley in pairs mismatched pairs so the humvee will go out front while the bradley would cover and those would be the sections inside the platoon the alternative organization is you have a humvee section and a bradley section and you would send the humvees where the humvees could go and you could send the bradleys where the humvees couldn't go or vice versa and the downside though was when the humvees got into trouble they didn't have the bradleys to cover them so easily and then again if you've only got one bradley covering one humvee there's only so much fire power that one bradley is giving so again you know what what are you getting what are you losing of course there was the two mortars as well that the the company has available so hopefully even if it's just that one humvee and one bradley your mortars will be able to cover but the bottom line is that you're getting the worst of both worlds if you're mixing vehicle types because there will be bridges that the humvee can cross and the bradley count or there will be soft ground that the bradley can cross and the humvee can't or there will be you get the idea that you're limited both ways by both the wheel capability and the track capability by going to a vehicle pure unit you no longer have that issue of having both bradleys and humvees now the other interesting little item is that the m3 cfv the cavalry fighting vehicle the bradley basically that has very few seats in the back and has room for more missiles and 25 millimeter ammunition remember cavalry you're supposed to fight in the u.s on the other hand that also meant that in your platoon you tended not to have spare seats for an additional signals guy or a jtac a tactical air controller uh or ford observer or an interpreter heaven forbid you might need an interpreter in the back of your brother i guess they weren't thinking about you know canter insurgency when they were designing the bradley so there's been a move to take the m3s away and replace them with m2s with less of a missile load but you got more room for dismounts in the back so that is basically the gist of why it's what's being done it increases the firepower of the platoon again for the engagement requirement in addition to that they also brought back a tank company so it used to be just bradleys and humvees back in my day see it's great here whereas now they have the three recon platoons and a tank company i remember being brought aside one day by uh first sergeant of the company the tank company oh yeah what's your opinions on how you use these things i have because the manual apparently at the time at least three years ago didn't really specify how the tanks were supposed to be used and it's a case of well does anybody still have the old manuals and apparently almost all the old manuals are gone there might be somebody in the back in the back cupboards at ntc perhaps it has the old maneuver manuals that you'd have to drag down and uh you know see if you've got some grizzled old cw5 who remembers once being perhaps a corporal in the back in the m60 devcav days or something so anyway that's that's what happened the tanks were added because the cavalry formations with the bradleys simply didn't have the capability to do the three security missions they could not do a cover uh doctrinally they were supposed to but everybody realized that in practice they could not do so unless augmented by units from the line from the line battalions which of course reduces the strength of the line battalions so that's that's why they got extra tanks also how was the m17 was it as fun to shoot it's a pistol i mean i like six i really do but i didn't have any objections particularly to the beretta either the m9 and as combat pistols a combat pistol really i mean it's kind of the army's pistol qualification range you can take the rounds out of the magazine throw them at the target you'll probably still pass so it works though the bullets weren't where i told them to go and i don't know m17 there you go i have no complaints best i can say um metal master greetings from germany have a little question recently had a discussion on the new leopard a2 a7v video from the bonus of our channel about ammo storage should the leopard delete his ammo storage in the hull and put it into the turret like the m1 he argued it's better because of blowout panels and it's dangerous to have ammo in the hull which could start a significant emotion of that one hit i don't know if there are blower panels for the whole storage or not it could very well be that the security is supposed to be because it's in the hole and not up high now certainly there's a blowout you know there's an ammo door and blower panel in the in the bustle storage but it's only what 15 rounds uh there's a video going around recently i don't know if you've seen of an austrian loader just slinging around into a simulator and so well yeah that's great you can do it but that would that would be an instant no go in the us army because you're supposed to have the ammunition door closed when you pull the trigger just in case there's an incident and you know there's a fire or something so i as i understand it uh with the leopard being perhaps a little bit more cramped than the m1 the radio is behind the tc if i recall correctly so you don't have the option of putting the extra ammunition back there i'm not sure what else is behind the tc honestly i never really looked and the almost got to go somewhere so if there's boa panel stand there fantastic if not don't get hit all right so now on to the various patrons uh in my last q a i mentioned how european and american conceptions of firearms and firearms ownership are different since i lived in both cultures pretty extensively what i expect and what those differences are fundamentally the main difference is in europe you're in most countries i mean there are exceptions maybe you know like the czechs for example but have one in most countries it's a case of you have to apply for permission to have a firearm and explain why you should have one whereas in the u.s you don't in the u.s it's up to the government to explain why you shouldn't have one and it was i grew up obviously with the european mindset of you know only police and military should have guns and in fact in ireland even the police didn't really have many firearms they still don't you don't see them openly warm they're out there don't worry but your average bobby on the beat isn't going to be wearing one and so when i came over to the us it was a bit of a culture shock to think that i could actually own a pistol and it's one of those things that after living here for a while and researching and seeing how things work it's horses of course it really does i think the american system works well for the american situation and you can't go to ireland and say yeah our system is better i mean you can make moral arguments perhaps oh we have the right to self-defense where you don't have the right to actually have the tools to do it uh but the other thing though is that it's a lot more underground uh there are i think how many how many fireworks it's like 400 000 firearms in ireland and a population of five million and people don't realize that they think ireland is a gun-free zone basically and yeah sure most of them are shotguns or 22s but still they'll kill you dead and the same for the other countries around europe there's it's almost like it's an underground culture and the other thing about it is you go to a firearm shop in some place like germany and it's it's kind of like a boutique shop uh whereas uh you know go to i remember was what was it in in owensboro kentucky it was like the largest gun store in kentucky and it was it was relatively dingy it was in um owensboro yeah was owensboro uh a relatively dingy sort of building but my goddess firearms all over the place anything you wanted more or less you could have and then of course you know those videos you get from rock island arsenal rock island auction company that you know ian will do and it's kind of just rows and rows of firearms is amazing uh but uh yeah it's different so even even even in the us i used to live in california and now i live in texas well california you have one set of rules and in texas i wear a sidearm when i go outside the door so a few exceptions but generally speaking so that is your answer matt and i'm now going to get gun of the month out of the way because i didn't have one last month and it's big this may look like an fal it's not because remember i used to live in california until very recently this is an sa-58 because fals are illegal it actually as fal but it says on the side it is an sa-58 i got it as a parts kit uh i believe it was formerly a south african r1 and it came to me in something like 60 60 individual pieces everything except the upper body and i did not have a manual on how to put it together fortunately this was my service weapon in the irish army so i actually had a vague idea what the thing was supposed to look like put together to include inside the body [Applause] with the uh we call it the rat tail i don't know why you guys call it in america and the breech block and slide which i guess in american year called the bolton carrier uh it's interesting how you get different names for exactly the same thing of course in california i had to make a couple of other tweets i had a top loading thing with a fixed magazine other things that it came with they never taught us how to use it i don't think the angus site for the rifle grenade never saw one in my career but it sort of flips up and the way you're supposed to do it is you aim the body of the grenade forms part forms basically the front sight post and then you aim off the the rear sight posts here on the grenade a nice feature and i don't know why other rifles tend not to do it is the [Music] the dial for the gas setting so what you do is you set the you initially set the gas setting fairly high so there's a lot of recoil you fire around fire around and then you keep lowering the gas setting a little bit until it no longer cycles the round which is the lowest possible gas setting that you can have uh minus one so you you kick it back up a notch so there's not it's low enough recoil to be comfortable because you know 760 it's a big enough round and still it's it will reliably cycle and if things do go all haywire and wonky you can adjust the the gas setting anyway uh this was one of those rifles that gave me the feeling of absolute solidity i mean no matter what i did with it and and it still feels this way no matter what i do with it it will work it's like ak reputation as it were so the right arm of the free world as they call it the fal or sorry sa58 another interesting distinction actually i've noticed between the americans and irish so for example it is generally considered bad form oh get in there little booger i don't take this apart often enough obviously is it's considered bad form in the u.s to look down the end of the barrel well when we're doing inspections and the inspecting officer is looking to check is your rifle barrel clear clean for example instead of going through the hassle of breaking it open and looking it down charge it open lock the breech block and slide to the rear place your thumbnail in here and if you get it right the light will reflect off your thumbnail up the barrel and the inspecting officer can then just look down the barrel and they see the rifling and the the inside of the barrel from the light reflected off your thumb and i have seen pictures of this happening and american gun sights are mocking it i said look you've just charged the thing to the rear the ins the officer has watched you do it he sees that you have your finger in the thumb you know in the slot it's probably safe to inspect so that was gun of the month uh it's again this is part of my um my quest to get a rifle or a firearm of everything that the irish army ever used and you will be seeing this again in a future video if all goes well because i have something special planned for it which got cancelled by covid unfortunately well postponed is a better term skino gaming why don't coaxial cannon machine guns such as the 12 7 to 20 millimeter show up all that often and why why were they on tanks such as the mx30 all right so if you look at the m47 patent the mount for the coaxial could mount either the caliber 30 or the caliber 50. by this choice but generally speaking people only ever went with the caliber 30 or 762. the french and the swiss went differently the swiss put their 20 into the panzer 61 and the french of course put the 20 millimeter into the mx-30 the amx 30s cannon had a it was a coaxial but it was independently elevated so you could go much higher in elevation with the amx 30s cannon excuse me than you could with the main gun very useful for shooting at buildings or helicopters more to the point but even then the 127 is the coaxial machine gun under the clerk and it's about the only gun the only tank that has a large caliber coax today and it's a matter of space mainly the the 20 millimeter cannon just takes up a lot of space that could be otherwise better used by other weapon systems inside the tank and that includes the ammunition as well as the the the gun itself a 762 takes up a lot less plus a 762 is usually good enough for most things that don't require a 120. there are a few things perhaps the 12 7 might be better at but generally speaking the 762 is plenty good enough and you carry a lot more ammunition of 762 and if you do have to have a caliber 50 such as you might put on a japanese tank or an m1 or something like that there's nothing particularly wrong with putting it outside for the tc to play with now back in the day you had to choose which of the two guns you wanted your fire control system to use unless you mount unless you mounted the gun externally to the barrel such as you might see maybe israeli vehicles do or the csam system for the m1 albums but with the advent of remote weapon systems you can now have stabilized ballistic computer accuracy on the external machine guns as well so there's no longer even the argument for putting the 50 cal as a coaxial machine gun so now i would strongly suspect that coaxials will never be more in any other future tank will never be more than the uh then the small arms equivalent in this case is 762. the only reason i could possibly think of why you might do something different is if you're trying to lower the profile of the vehicle because the uh the 50 caliber remote weapon station is a little bit big but again that space that's not inside the volume of the tank so comets are coral i was about to go to bed may as well ask my question in world war ii there were plenty of vehicles that were so thin skinned that was feasible that most anti-tank weapons would zip right through and cause no damage unless they hit something like an engine or transmission yes uh recall reading that armor attacked by the japanese were defeated by sherman's only when they switched from h from ap to h e which was otherwise just over penetrating data ordnance or anybody else do testing of the effect of 75 millimeter he directly impacting on thin armor uh was there an armor thickness where hey g shell would just shatter the armor or go straight through so were there any recommendations and manuals about armored vehicles that should be engaged with he such like nashua and half tracks or so on yes to both if you look at the armored force manual for example uh for the us army you will see that when engaging anything with a gun shield such as let's say a pack anti-tank gun which had that sort of sloped gun shield and if you look at that it's actually a double layer gun shield as well it's a bit of spaced armor so it is actually quite effective armor as well against small arms it recommends the use of he delay or at least he base and the reason being is that it has to get through that shield first before detonating so they expect what you lose you should shield go through the shield and then detonate on the inside i have no doubt that such things ended up being done for half tracks as well but i don't recall seeing that in the manual also ordnance did test the effect the ballistic effect of high explosive rounds against it against armor so they will drag an m26 or m4 out there and they'll bombard it with you know that one bombarded what actually just said he charged next to the tank or hd shell next to the tank and detonate the shell and they'll use anything up to 155 around he to see what happens so i don't know if any if they did anything directly for the offensive effect of he rounds against enemy targets but they certainly tested the effect of he rounds against their own vehicles so if they did more i don't know i don't recall it off the top of my head noob x n 0 0 8 x is there any specific reason why toad antidote guns fall out of favor in the aftermath of world war ii have you seen the size of them they're absolutely massive oh going back also that he round against tanks remember when the 8.8 centimeter anti-tank gun the flak 18 you know anti-aircraft gun was used in spain against russian tanks t26s and bts there was no ap round available at the time the ap round was developed in 1938 i believe it was as a bunker buster until then they only had he with contact fuses but again if you're firing an 8.8 at a bt5 or t26 it doesn't really matter so anyway uh total anti-tank guns they are bloody huge that's why uh they were fine when they were 25 millimeter or 37 millimeter even at 57 you can get away with but when you're talking about 17 pounder and the 8.8 71 or whatever the hell the the pac-43 was uh or the towed 90 millimeter these are guns that if you're going to shoot you better kill everything in the first 10 seconds because you can't run away you can't drag them out and there were plenty of instances uh in world war ii places like mortana or anzio where towed anti-tank units were simply overrun because they couldn't escape with their guns it was it was a case of shoot and oh dear we haven't killed them all yet so now that you have the guns are really big you have the infantry now have bazookas and rpgs and you know that sort of thing to provide a little bit of effective range more than a hand grenade or a rifle grenade there or even recordless rifles start coming along the anti-tank gun just isn't really required so if you look at what the anti-tank systems were in the 60s for example you're looking at a 106 millimeter recordless rifle for the americans you're looking at things like the wombat for the british um i seem to recall there was also a a higher level sort of uh weapo instead of a one that was weapon of magnesium battalion anti-tank implying that there was either a company anti-tank or a regiment anti-tank i'm not sure what let me look that up actually but once you have those they do more or less the same job as the anti-tank gun so that was the end of it hugo you was there a reason why some late war casemate tds lacked cupolas such as the eggplant sephora egg panther and so on i don't know and it's a question i have been wondering about myself because if you look at the prototype for jagdpanzer iv you'll see that the tc comes fairly well equipped with optics yet when you look at the production vehicle it doesn't and the the other thing was when panther got a optical sight for the bow gun that you know actually looked forward instead of the old letterbox that it had on the panther d because they put the optical sight there they decided to delete the periscope that was facing phasor so it almost makes you wonder if the germans were running short on glass or something like that because i can't think of any other reason why they would have done that because the germans know about the advantages of kubulas they tried them out and i see no reason why they would have been deleted and unfortunately banter tracks doesn't tell me why although now i think about it maybe the medium jagdpanzer book has it uh let's try this by this is spielberger come on yes so let me look for hopefully the eggplants in this eggplants are for page 99 see how it's the initial mock-ups as i recall for the eggplants are four had more optics okay maybe it isn't in maybe it isn't in this one either um it could be in panzertrucks which unfortunately is it's one of these and it takes me forever to find it but i remember looking up because i did the inside hatch video on the apanzer 4 and it had optics josh conte um i served on both the m2m3 bradley and the m1 correct yes what are the pros and cons of being assigned to both vehicles well you get to sleep here and it's lovely and warm then again in the bradley you drop the ramp you put a block of wood underneath you sleep on that and you're still dry if not quite as warm uh would i change either one um the m1 i prefer the m1 i think uh that's not to say i didn't like the bradley yeah for a vehicle that has such a terrible reputation i like it and i think most bradley crewmen actually do the 25 millimeter is absolutely fun to shoot there's no it's a hoot and it'll take your fingers off if you get it wrong getting the damn thing in and out but it is a fun gun uh the 120 isn't so much fun it's just awesome just you know sheer raw power but the 25 year old having lots of fun i found the road more or less the same in terms of you're way high up you're bouncing around a little bit over rough uneven ground uh the m1 you certainly got more leg room even with the gunner in front of you the loader could reach the uh you could reach a team maker without having to get down into the back of the back of the track yes the m1 now has a boiling vessel and it's had one since the early 2000s my m1a1 aims had a boiling vessel that made a lotus feet the bradley had to get he had it was down by the background strikers have it by the back ramp as well i do believe so we're not too proud to steal a good idea what would i change on any vehicle i don't know if there's much i would change about the tank i mean it works fine the bradley obviously is well in need of upcoming but that's in progress as it is so i don't know i like both uh especially the if you recall that my experience is many years old now and there are updated versions of both so the even the a1 is now the ames sa v2 or something like that with better optics and god knows what else inside and the bra i mean i had literally the oldest bradley in the army i did so in 2000 and was it 2010 2009 my bradley was still a pre-ods where you had to dial the range into the into the ballistic computer bless the computer all it did was adjusted the reticle a bit uh and then when the data got upgraded it got upgraded to a plane drain ods so they spent a week and a half teaching us how to operate this new vehicle and really the only practical difference once you had a little extra button for your thumb for the laser rangefinder but we had to go through the entire new equipment training so this is the tax dollars at work still it was fun it's a good excuse to go drive around and blow things up on the range um geralt hogue if liquid propellant can be made to work reliably would the size of ammunition be sufficiently changed to make the change to 130 140 150 guns more reasonable yes but why would he do it if the 120 can still do the job your rounds will be shorter yes but there there's still be uh you're still adding 10 20 or 35 millimeters to the diameter which will reduce your overall capacity so when it does go to liquid propellant or if it goes to liquid yes i could see an argument for doing a 130 millimeter round manually loaded with propellant being squirted in afterwards although i i strongly suspect it was really going to happen is that they'll just uh just autoload the whole damn thing anyway get and get on with it adam schindler what was the relationship between the irish and british armed forces during the troubles cannot give an exhausted history of the british occupation northern ireland was this something i observed firsthand not really he wasn't coming to a close when i was in and as a reservist i didn't get involved with it anyway um generally cordial uh there there would have been perhaps a little bit of time in the uh jesus who was it lynch jack lynch was a t-shirt uh prime minister uh when there was talk about invading the north obviously it's a story that has grown in the retelling um but generally speaking both sides were both sides were fighting the same fight against the same opposition i i never heard much good said about the ira when i was in the irish military or i should say the provisional ira because the actual ira ended up being the irish military there was an incident in the mid 70s 1976 up near was it up near dundalk a british sas unit was on the wrong side of the border some say by accident some say deliberately i think the the jury right now says deliberately and for whatever reason they fail to report in or they they sent somebody to go get them and these guys drove across the border one of whom was fijian so it didn't look very local drove across the border in an unmarked car armed wearing civilian attire and they come across a police checkpoint and again the guardian aren't armed uh so they feel under no particular convulsion to be uh to be cooperative and the guardian there is kind of like where are you coming from where are you going to and the answers were not what really satisfied the guardian the police so it's all right let's get out of the car because they also saw they didn't make mention of it but they saw there the one of the guns uh sort of half badly hidden as that right lads out of the car and they said no is it right heads out of the car uh until finally the army shows up they step out from behind the hedge now i if you don't know how an irish vehicle checkpoint works i say irish is in northern ireland as well it is not the same as an american vcp it's very low key and i've been on the receiving end of them as well so you're driving along you go around the corner and all of a sudden somebody steps out from behind the bush stop and it may be a guarder i mean he may be armed he may be unarmed whatever so he stops and he has a chat with you and uh it's actually called the chatter and what he'll do is he'll ask you just engage in very very brief conversation like 60 seconds of conversation just uh just to see if there's any little alarm bells go off and you've got you've got to have a fairly switched on man to be the chatter and what you can't see are the rest of the squad with the machine guns and all that which are well hidden now from the background and maybe there's a vehicle around the corner that can come out to cut the lane should you decide to bugger off and after the first 60 seconds or so the chatter maybe two minutes and you might ask you must even ask you you know what's simple stuff like what's the license plate on your vehicle or can you turn on the can you turn on the wipers just to make sure it's actually your car uh but if after 60 seconds he doesn't get the alarm bells going off for two minutes it is so right that's off you go you're good and if he a couple of alarm bells do go off he'll ask you to pause to the side of the road and have a more stringent talk and maybe they'll even disassemble your car at the side of the road but it's all very low-key and generally speaking pleasant such a thing whereas an american vcp the way they teach is basically everybody gets out of the car and every the car gets stripped searched down it'll take you five minutes to do one vehicle and god help the traffic but hey we we don't care with the american army we tried teaching that to some of our lads didn't necessarily take apparently there was some force protection issue about having one guy just stand up while the guy was still inside the car so it's one of those things of how much are you going to piss off the population when you try to do your job anyway i digress so this guy has uh they're convinced to get out of the vehicle and they are arrested by the guardian for you know unlawful possession of a weapon and so on so they get they get arrested and sent back to the station so once they get dropped off the station the guardian go back to their checkpoint and a while later they come across another couple of vehicles coming to their checkpoint looking for the previous guys same thing they end up getting arrested and brought back and so we now have i think it's like eight guys eight members of the sas are sitting in an irish prison in dundalk i think it was a little uh little international incident going on there and the british aren't happiest look we're all after the same guys and the guardian you go well yeah we are but you're on the wrong side of the border now the border is not marked there is a it's like a state line in the u.s unless you actually know that you're crossing in from texas to oklahoma there's there's no border fence or anything and it could be that the the road itself is the border so a patrol walk on one side could be irish army you know in ireland the patrol walk on the other side could be british army in the uk uh but you know no dice er in order in order to solve to settle it what they ended up doing as they i mean technically the the charges uh were prison uh of the the unlicensed possession of a weapon of governors what else uh they could have been facing 20 years in an irish jail obviously it was going to happen i'm not sure i would i would give very much for the life expectancy even of an sas man in an irish jail in the 1970s but so they ended up as i recall they stood trial were fined a hundred dollars or a hundred pound and uh then ejected from the country i think that was it they stood for a trial they were found guilty uh they paid the fine the weapons were returned they were investigated to make sure they hadn't been used in any any other killings in the republic and uh and that was that uh but uh there were that was the most famous uh incident but there were other incidents of usually the british crossing onto the wrong side because the british army would rotate troops in and outwards the irish obviously you know they pretty much just lived there uh of you know lieutenants getting lost and crossing onto the wrong side of the border by accident and all being very embarrassed and going back or things like that covert missions to rescue soldiers that accidentally got caught on the wrong side of the border no engagements just yeah corporal i i think i'm in the republic i i'm in front of this pub here can you come and get me um what is my take on the upcoming leopard 2 a7v from alexander h i i haven't been in one i don't really have a take uh new optics fantastic i think the biggest the two biggest lethality improvements is going to be the new optics and the programmable fuse high explosive ammunition so it'll do air bursts it'll do timed explosion it'll do delay burst it's basically the german version of what the americans are trying to do with the amp round now what the amp round does that the dm11 doesn't i don't know why we're spending this extra money and the the israelis have a similar round as well the apam around i think it's called uh however we're we are making a room and uh the a7v also is it's supposed to be do mode you can configure it for uh and i love this the k the kmw uh the press release says dual configuration and duel is in d-u-e-l you know man or tanker tanko and the uh and the alternate configuration is counter insurgency which is less armor up front and more armor around the side so obviously they realize that there's a limit it's only 60 tons it still has the same 1500 mt uh horsepower mtu engine i mean it's an evolutionary upgrade i i don't think there's anything particularly dramatic about it uh other than the programmable ammunition which now should be a default for any new any new tank or any new weapon system that comes out it should have programmable high explosive um loch ness hamster where's nessie this is nessie by the way and you can see that nessie has jump wings because i did all five jumps with nessie in my pocket and i had her she had a long book that got stamped after every after every jump so she is actually a qualified jump qualified loch ness monster picked her up and drum that rocket um rather than upgrading to a 130 141 what about nader tanks up the velocity of the 120 what are the limiting factors on the velocity of a projectile it's basic physics there's only so much pressure that the gun can take and if that has been maximized the only way of increasing the velocity is to decrease the mass of the projectile and right now if you look at a cutaway saber around they are pretty damn small they're very thin they're very very dense so as long as the ammunition is capable of achieving the requirements which in the case of the american 120 with this du ammunition is the l44 in the case of other tanks that don't use the eu ammunition for whatever bizarre reason oh it's inhumane to use depleted uranium as you ins as you shred the insides of the enemy tank and murder everybody inside sometimes you wonder about people war it i can go off on a tangent about the part you know the the moral philosophies of war it's got like if you keep making it more and more humane then it becomes a more more viable way of settling the world's problems if i'm inside the t-72 i don't think it really matters to me if i got hit by tungsten or du anyway digression i i should say just to be clear i'm saying this in my own personal opinion capacity not as a representative of the united states military or anything else um george paramore when did he become truly effective as a tank shell to the point of replacing ap it never did really uh if you look at the ammunition supply of tanks from you know the heat era which is really the 60s and 70s there was always ap rounds it was always fins uh finn or apds uh he did become a it did become a round of preference for medium range because you did have that effect that was always going to be the same regardless of of the distance and obviously for lower velocity cannons uh it would be the default so things like the aml 90 or the medium velocity guns but i did it ever replace ap maybe or maybe older folks can chime in on this one oh speaking of chiming in this is the downside by the way of not using the teleprompter and the script is i do i do my typical irish thing and i go off on tangents there were quite a few responses in the last q a as to why tanks don't use boxer engines so if you are waiting for the answer on that go back to the go back to the previous video and check out the text commentary but i mean he was always viable and of course british always loved hash anyway but i don't think it ever replaced ap uh is there any penetrator that's better than du but not used due to supply or cost reasons probably i don't know what it is because it's not used um generally speaking the only tungsten is the default now what tungsten doesn't do is it doesn't have a sort of a self-sharpening effect that du does and there have been attempts to create a tungsten alloy i mean in theory tungsten should be better because as i recall correct it is actually more dense than du but the effect when it actually impacts the metal is is not as good so as i understand there are attempts to try to create a tungsten-based alloy which has du properties whilst being tungsten and heavier and also more politically acceptable but it hasn't happened yet jesus george how many questions are you asking me has any afv i know have personally been saved by ara no they are the only afv i've seen personally hit by by a shaped charge was hit by an rpg it impacted on the left side number seven skirt as i recall detonated went through the hull and the shock of all things knocked out the engine when the firefight was over it started up the engine and went home uh but uh other than that no uh there are photographs obviously uh also of the cage armor defusing rpg sevens and that's what cage armor does it doesn't predetonate normally it's designed to defuse rpg sevens if it's not an rpg seven that's not the matter entirely but since most things are rpg seven okay usa usa what and when did the western allies know about the t-34 did the soviets give or sell a copy to the west for trials and it is usa usa okay um yes they did the t-34 which is in fort lee it was a donated vehicle given by the soviets for the americans to basically poke around in and the british similarly their t30 uh they got a t-34 76 for the same reason and they tried them out the the reports from both are generally available online at least the soviet report on the american report is available online for the american one and somewhere i've seen british assessment as well and by the time we got there i mean it was they weren't the latest and greatest but uh they were still relatively early on obviously being a 76 model and after the korean war of course the americans got plenty of 34.85 as well to play with uh opinions like anything else is kind they've got a few good points he got a few bad points the the american negative side is often a little bit perhaps overstated they didn't like it very much but they did appreciate some of the factors uh the british similarly is overstated the british oh we should we should build the t-34 here in british factories no you know you shouldn't uh it's like one or two lines that get emphasized in in third party reporting okay i am calling a break here because again like in the reading of the booker armaments this went on way the hell longer than i thought it would actually it's about two hours so i'm splitting this up to two which is good because it means that actually i might be able to finish editing the video that i'm filming right now when you're watching this uh by the time this the part two of this is done so uh or maybe i'll release us on once i haven't decided yet we'll see anyway i'll see you in a couple of days for the next one take care
Channel: The_Chieftain
Views: 64,690
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Id: jBnnJyfOOow
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Length: 58min 12sec (3492 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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