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oh yeah and VHS of your age okay maybe 11 12. because I didn't memorize it like you wasn't etched in his brain playing out a VCS well Daddy's out fighting [ __ ] defense lawyers scumbag [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] hello everyone it's finally got an office manager over here like on the end really how is it I don't know how much I'm gonna be in here like until I don't know why I mean it's just an everyday thing yeah yeah of course we do it's just it seems like the narrative has been otherwise we need you to hear it I just false narrative yeah I'm here to see for myself yeah we need you banging on doors which which door are you just you're good at getting on people's asses yeah but uh it's gonna take some uh acclimating I think sorry we'll get you there a new city you know where's Pat Bev at yeah one day a week ago damn I wanted to meet him Sean what was it Tuesdays he records yeah show up on Tuesday it's like we got a new kid at school you know did you care everyone meet Dan spider diorio he's transferring here from Avon Connecticut Vibe that's good so this is just some mail that came across the wire it was a eight by ten signed by Jose Quintana and here's the letter Eddie I wanted to give to you this signed Jose Quintana picture to add to your wall in the recording studio I thought it would be fitting since this goes back to the start of red line radio fun story I won this picture on a White Sox charity bus trip to Milwaukee during the game I met White Sox Dave in the Outfield and he bunged multiple cigs off my brother while we watched the Sox lose their last preseason game and we drunkenly discussed making a red line radio better since I was an early listener hopefully you get a truckload of that I did I did thanks for providing the engaging content that helps me get through my work days each week I enjoy the pods and I've been listening to dog walk or Redland radio and The Big Show since the beginning have a nice day Matt that was really that was a nice stretcher about Matt Jose Canton I hope we can uh turn that gesture one day send him back a couple cigarettes I actually should can you confirm that sorry I I was on a bush it was I remember yeah I don't remember this ex meeting this guy or I was there but I can confirm that that happened yeah he lives like blocks away from me first so do I it's not a first you never offered driving you can if you want to ride home yeah come on you're in the also in the West Loop so it's a little update Dave offered to drive me home I took him up on the offer I don't see what's wrong with that just kind of we've gone away a five minute walk you know where I live enough where you live yeah I want to explore the neighborhood I mean spider a little bit how about this huh oh yeah have fun mending all the bridges that were burnt when I told you to you know yeah clean up after yeah yeah people that was this might have been my longest grudge hold ever I deserved it I busted sputter's balls a little bit a few years ago it's all good I'm getting I'm getting door-to-door service yeah so exactly sounds like Davey here is gonna be driving me home every day spider should be his side view mirror fighter will just stick his head out to his right you don't have a side view mirror it got ripped off geez am I gonna die in this [ __ ] thing or my side mirror let's go goodbye forever did your window get blown out too was it down already yeah no no I I usually this guy just left the windows all the way down car's unlocked anyways who's gonna [ __ ] take something out of this [ __ ] box you're right is that the secret to having car in Chicago just having a [ __ ] one uh this one's not that shitty [ __ ] teach you a thing or two about uh driving in Chicago oh [ __ ] popping out of an alley you gotta give it a little beep in case there's any uh but you're also going to take into account headphones a lot of people don't hear you it's inch out like that you're good to go this is one way I actually got into a car accident someone is parked what not at this exact alley but someone's parked here didn't see the car coming hopped out smoked Me It's gotta let me through that's a nice Midwest Hospitality right there did you see Hannah I didn't I see enough [Music] I thought he was kidding he's like you're gonna be my side view you get in the thing's dangling by like the electric cables Welcome to My Life this guy's [ __ ] crazy I mean it was just the sketchiest thing on earth we couldn't see anything zero visibility the the rear view or the side mirror on on the passenger side was just dangling by like a thread and he's like I'm gonna need you to be the highs I thought he was joking we made it he's right we did make it back safe so how what was this texting situation he was dipping and texting while driving just going crazy but honestly to his point we made it safely that's all that matters yeah how are we doing from Minnesota what's up listen I will say there's an open spot nice to meet for all New Yorkers but there's also reason people haven't been sitting in a practical once when I see you then sure I don't see you gotta have to cook on your side you know you get hungry over here you say new office for making a restaurant okay I got it before we're not charging money on a fallen restaurant but I'm gonna have a big enough kitchen to feed everyone in the office at least like a couple times a week people can order food I still gotta work through the the details but big kitchen finally in the new barcel office very exciting how you doing hello welcome what's up White Sox Dave dozen challenge I know I know I'm seeing this this idiot in so long now I get to go hang out with him so fired up at least you know he's not gonna cheat I know right Dave's not boy's not a cheater I've been saying that for a long time I've defended him he's never he's never been suspended from the show Once other cheaters have been suspended so that's he's he has never been suspended from the show he got he got scolded once because maybe he was being stupid but that's about it that's not cheating being stupid is not cheating the goal on Thursday night is to get to get to admit that he cares about the Dozen [Laughter] my secret would be a top three cares most about it but is the only one who's never refuses to admit it I think you should just spend Brandon from just the college football question no can't you guys are fine Pete we're doing this new thing for social we have to explain what you're wearing I will start with the shirt please Polo and if you specify a brand how about why there's two animals on it as opposed to usually one I don't know I didn't design it is it cold in here now next it's not cold in here pants I don't have some zippers yeah so they turn into shorts yeah so at some point in the day you're just gonna take him off it starts getting too hot oh yeah it's not it's not a time of day thing it's a temperature thing right yeah so you actually take them off if it gets a little too hot it gets a little too hot we got a hey spider can you turn the heat up a little real quick will you be at the Dozen yeah I need to get another clip of the whole crowd booing you again maybe they're maybe a little Jimmy this time any time Pete trips me on Twitter I just reply with that video and it gets more like so whenever he said [Music] I'm not gonna follow you back no you don't yeah I unfollowed you don't worry okay what time do these bombs usually roll in here um whenever they're feeling they gotta rest up I mean just Eddie has to rest out but I was gonna say please I'm in this goddamn things no she's four first time here what a [ __ ] no it's not bad it's about what I expected or but it's way clearer than New York I'd much rather be here than New York not even it's like it's night and day compared to no I can see why these guys are why Dan The Cult of cats has alert all these guys to Chicago it is way nicer dude I know same with you I don't know well you didn't you did not look very excited to see that dog which ones video what can I explain the stage I literally opened the double doors but we need we need to do this together he started us off by saying we need a form of Coalition no a coalition of we you we both have to be better yeah we're just a Band of Brothers where it's like back against slander because there's this narrative that is out there forever of us being anti-doll guys you as a pro dog guy a very Pro dog guy I I am a pro dog guy you say [ __ ] dogs that was a that was a miswording situation that happened the situation with Dave's dog was tough but it was in the middle it was the middle of a heated game I I didn't have the time to be playing with the dog I needed to focus on what was going on in the game I need to be focused on a billboard reveal yeah and I got smoke for years now yeah I guess it's like no matter what you have to drop everything at all times this isn't good this isn't good this isn't this I didn't say that this isn't good but you you and I just both have to be better because every time you get tagged in something I get [ __ ] and we gotta be each other's bouncers we got to be looking out for each other yeah when people come at us with this [ __ ] all right all right let's do it that was that was supposed to that was you went for a dab I went for a engine there oh really yeah no we but we got it done I mean hold on we got it done Max hold on we need yeah we need uh we need that meme so we need he's like if you know you know if you don't you don't yeah well that's trivia but Jeff I don't know yeah we'll see we'll see I know that you think he also wants you to win uh Brandon I know that Brandon is very nervous that's what I'm worried about it's Brandon's nerves because he was like the more Brandon texts me the more I know that he's really really thinking about it a lot and he's been texting like all the time I mean he like was losing it during the playoffs like before this yeah so Brent is very nervous but again when Brandon's sometimes when he's like in his own head that's when he's the best so I think I'm going to try to lean into it and just make him more nervous like put the spotlight directly on him strategy that's very good that's what a good uh Robin does for his back yeah right as much as I like you my my enjoyment I would get out of brain losing like trumps that wouldn't you I'm not I'm not considering I'm telling like I would be like heartbroken if you lost either I'm glad I'm glad to have you on my side appreciate it you and Frank are stopping clay with Draymond it's awesome no you listen we're not we have our own game to worry about that's what I'm saying I'm not focused on you guys unless we happen to meet the championship yeah yeah I had some people in this office no I love it two three year like build up get the energy up for one when no we work slots on here plenty give me interested it would be great for all parties come on it's the beauty of time we'll figure it out I told Dan you should get one of those you know those old shows you see people punching on the clock when they walk out punch out like like and you pull the handle yeah put the paper in have you seen the new spot not that that I'll probably be dead before you guys aren't there September I asked what 2023 right now 2025 early maybe I took a podcast with Pete I asked him the most Maddie you've ever been at them when do you think he said I know the answer I can't remember what it is if I know the answer I was [ __ ] furious when the TVs didn't work for Michigan Ohio State yeah I was very mad that's his answer I was already mad because I lost half a million on that and the TVs like the it was up I think we're up seven nothing and when the TVs came back it was 14-7 like they scored we turned it over they scored I could tell he did not deal how mad I was so [ __ ] mad and it was awkward for like months after that made it why flights not for like a minute I should have known my face reunion don't put that part anyway [Music] can you give us a what the [ __ ] is up Chicago what the [ __ ] is up Chicago shot down this will be the office until December that's the voice of a hater 25 I'm giving you an extra year three months so you're saying the office is going to be less than three days delayed I think it's gonna be days we're talking about three days no I'm comparing they're building part of my take studio right now this morning with the security guys and I'll just say it seems like there's a lot of work that needs to be a selfie it looks just a concrete slab there's nothing in there all you got to do is put wood on it and it's a basketball court what is basketball court but a concrete slab of wood haters all right you guys are good 30 minutes early you want to say thanks 30 minutes early are you doing are you doing the crushes Rico that's not good for him that's not good for his mentals Rico he's in four what time is it Dave Dave what time is it oh okay interesting well no there really isn't a knock it's Dave just been you did I had your number yeah No Lie figure that go figure all right all right fine you want me to span you from my house oh can you just give us a daveless house one day one day phantom one day no Dave's allowed so I can have one try to run a scam on me five minutes I told you it's a scam I'm just telling you out there there's a lot of gripe in there like we don't even have it right oh he's so he's so funny what's happening here oh yes don't listen to him don't fall first I need you to be stronger than this he's trying to [ __ ] up I don't think he is oh great thanks you don't think gay porno is trying to [ __ ] with you not in this has he ever done that too before no in studio second draft ever uh Dave portnoise here Dave thank you for joining yep happy to do it uh this is your this was the topic you're most passionate about I don't remember any of that you remember saying it nope what's that yes no no not right away oh yeah I think he's asking a yes or no question are you moving to Chicago not right away that implies yes you are I would like to but not for this fall okay is he being quiet I think he's being quiet it opens up Pandora's Box I'm not looking we're doing a snake Drive oh because you're not under contract and following you that's not Obsession that's not like you get through just keep running off good weeks god so let's say you had a content if I was like you have a contract next year which I'm not would you say then yes you're moving to Chicago it's a little easier to make the move yeah all right look it up it looks like he's not sure we'll figure any time yeah it's tough to do that in a year year to year contract well give them a bigger deal well give him a longer link dude Eddie I don't know what you guys are doing in Chicago here but he left and he uh harassed the wife so we don't can't we don't hand those contracts multi-year deals out liberally to those types because you never know what so how do you say he'll never get a multi no he's a year to year God he's been good he's been best New York State of Mind then he should be happy and divide it up three leaders Miami leader Chicago leader doors open in New York all right it's the way I look at it it's a good way to look at it and your office is going to be unoccupied helps a little bit like I grew up on this show this is a little bit older than my age Nicole Eggert was a [ __ ] smoke she was also they think she had a little bit of a run in Baywatch which I didn't really watch but she was beautiful and Charles in Charge you gonna say it what you're not gonna say it he shouldn't be allowed her oh that one yeah that one I had I found out about that later on and went back and watched and was that was a nice little surprise but I did not grow what's the name of it I don't know the name of the movie Blown Away you can't be a nickel like she can't be on your list I want the list when did the movie come out I want the listeners at home to disregard Rico's pick based on he doesn't know anything about her okay oh did you hear that where where did he go let's get someone who's on all right no that was unbelievable that was all cute goes literally when you looked at he goes Nicole Eggert he goes away literally directly 1990 1992 which is right it was like guys were telling each other you're in the hallway it was like wildfire are we getting this five years ago he picked up never heard of the movie I'm like you this your crush you don't know this movie exists so is it unforgivable to take her that would be like that would be like taking Pam Anderson and not mentioning yourself yes exactly I found come on foreign [Laughter] I would say it's a significant part of the actress's biography every night cooling which actress memorize the scene you didn't know the name you said you watched a clip on early internet then you change it it's a little film I only watch that scene no yeah you're lying and you felt dirty about it he's lying what do you mean you watch a whole movie no I know I know when he lies so what's a lie though he's never he's ever heard no no he didn't know the name of it why even but don't even it's you want to talk about being creepy you're saying you just out of the blue Google it like three years ago Dude if you find out she's in it you gotta go see that it's just the scene yeah with the website that's all pop-ups three years ago why is why I didn't invite anything it was him yeah because the orchestra because tonight a year ago we should have broke this guy nothing this didn't even matter well no he threats in there what way he said I'm about to go crazy well in about four seconds we sorted out of who voted I was like oh that's why I didn't go crazy you didn't even let me finish sentence I said I wasn't going crazy cases you state cases through High Noon cans that's passion the crews are still going we just found that out yesterday what you can't realize is that he hired a [ __ ] psychopath who objectifies women racist scumbag piece of [ __ ] uses other books lies piece of [ __ ] and there's 50 people who want this guy dead Eddie so I show up on the roof I show up on the roof and there's already people trying to kill him they're just not in my car 15 to 20 people wanted that guy dead and had an ax to grind I just showed up on the roof they showed up on the roof a good thing we got rid of all the Psychopaths absolutely saying it already existed that's all you're saying yes you can't get some of these kids like no well no that's not no no no no no no no he didn't say Sir broker oh that was the whole debate and then you know with that movie that's like it's like Elizabeth yeah exactly but I see he I know when he lies I've been with him now he's one of the worst Liars I've ever seen you're a bad liar I'll give you a chance where are you lying about that absolutely was not I've seen the scene one time four years ago within that range on your website with tons of pop-ups dude when you Google something you have to like it's not just what comes up IMDb an article about it maybe like you got to go through a few pages to find it what'd you Google Nicole Eggert nude Blown Away you didn't know the name of the movie when I found out about it I didn't know the name of the movie I've seen it one time it's not in the top of my head it's just the scene all right yeah because I didn't memorize it like you wasn't etched in his brain playing out a VCS well Daddy's out fighting [ __ ] defense lawyers scumbag I don't know somehow I'm getting dragged here for not being a [ __ ] pervert who like oh there's a child that's right that's right come on break we don't realize it mean I'm not I'm with you on this same [ __ ] same [ __ ] I think it's a good pets I got two of the best leaders [Music] I've actually never seen that you remember the answers to questions back to a certain time in his life usually like in like a really important or sad part of his life he somehow gets the answer really from that event I mean that's I mean I always try to do that like if it's I see a question 2005 2009 I'm like all right I was in high school who was good in high school college 2009 2015 who you know what I mean so like yeah you do that are you worried like poor noise gonna Michael Jordan knew you're like Steve Kerr you know in the championship team but well I mean here's the thing we changed our Niche today to uh king of Kong fish full of quarters don't tell anyone that I'm just telling you to do that for the camera whoa so we're not snack Niche anymore he's taking the ball yeah would you know anything I mean I was watching the [ __ ] out of it I'm probably the worst at it out of three of us but Clem made a cheat she Clem is the best guy in the group project it's not even funny he shared a note saying how you feeling uh I don't know I really don't know kind of dead inside are you less stressed everyone made it at least yeah and everyone's here that's good I don't know I would say good not great this is like a very WWF moment listeners waiting for Goldberg honestly I don't have to use the bathroom but this just feels like a very WWE hallway it does doesn't it yeah feeling fine how are you feeling yeah broke out some good shoes tonight uh they're the Zions he's going through a tough time so I'm staying with them hey Brandon I think I won that draft s well I Kelly Cabello's only one overall that must have killed right now he's got Alyssa Melinda Milano let's pack me up where did Pam Anderson go she didn't go what what okay the last time we were in The Green Room a dozen there was a heated debate about your Peloton statuses he does Peloton a lot his scores are an Abomination shut the [ __ ] up Stephen no they're not and if you you are openly to stalking my Peloton scores you're a psychopath you come up on some of the rides that we do because I've never done a single ride aside from one with PFT in my entire life so you've never I follow you so your score is safe so why don't you follow me how would you even know how to fall you gave me your username they're terrible they're not terrible yeah they're not terrible we went through this last year I'm consistently consistently in line with the tiniest girls I know it's okay even if that is true I'm consistently the top like quarter like right around 25 30 percentile it's not a quarter of what on all runs yes or all Riders yes that is absolutely [ __ ] true Stephen Jay really just said you ride a bike like a girl tiny girl I know I've never seen that yeah they gotta pray for this one oh it wasn't like that for that I thought you tried to but the printing people like [ __ ] everything up I I put in once they're gone and they'll probably read it I studied as much like we put in a lot of work I I think I maxed out on any kind of remember other [ __ ] too yeah maybe all that cram you remember that you forget the stuff you would have known like you know what I mean yeah yeah you said he had unlimited capacity you can't laugh that hard bro have you seen the stats on zd's record with you and me yeah listen I think those guys are my friends but all of a sudden you pulled out Hall of Fame careers too hey man it was it was the blind lead in the black oh you could watch the tape we're all doing it together man there you go that's what I'm saying at least like yeah you listen you've had way like your trajectory has been definitely oh but yeah you're right like the three of us got in each other's way but one thing changed yeah yeah right right it was you okay sir the modern style and Portnoy get them in line I don't we don't I we're not like that at all I think I think your team may be the one that's kind of like that I'll run through a [ __ ] wall for that that's crazy to think about it he plays against the third turn three big QB like this our team doesn't form like this that's right that's right right yeah he refused to play this cons I haven't tried to be like hey we'll have like a four-man roster if Rico doesn't want to play against people he doesn't want to play against we'll just sub them out Dave's like nope Saratoga needs to tweet it in someone he's like what's the uh what's the bar graph been like since uh he sold more than I he sold like 40 Grand with the watches that's cool way more than I ever dreamed I thought I I finally sell one maybe two what was it the announcement or was he out with the with the traveling sales I think it's the announcement people are only supporting them yeah that's good you don't make them still send the emails do you no so how is he he's like seemingly working a lot harder on this than he ever worked for us yeah all the time how does the payroll work you just like quick pay them all right oh I set up like payroll so he gets like checks and [ __ ] Rico I'm having not a bad night okay good whoever he calls oh really definitely cool yeah I couldn't hear anything else stuck worse than my Peloton scores that's true it was bad okay I ain't seen him beating like dancing so much stuff to Banana down my pants and turned the monkeys did you guys not make a tournament there's a narrative going around that we blew the season because of our third teammate and I'm just gonna let that be the narrative he was great I know we cheated that's fine you know what that is that's that's Daddy's away you don't learn how to play with the kids in the street you're gonna take your bowl and go home and make an excuse got it we got y'all you banged like a [ __ ] booked like a book what the [ __ ] is happening [Music] yeah [Music] we're up now uh me and Eddie both are nailed the Taco Bell Doritos Locos question on the nose so the stomachs are working the stomachs are awake right now here we go keep the trophy on Belmont this season [Applause] tonight I think Fran might have got the loudest okay ran obviously but Eddie got one bigger than Portland I need Rico against Portland's finals after what I saw it today one PFT revealed [Laughter] [Applause] [ __ ] I don't think that's it dude 10 seconds the other guy I think it's Michael J fox but spin City's the only thing I got what Spin City final answer for the win we want kirkmanahan the answer is just shoot me final answer [Music] yeah okay thank you ziti a bluebonn over here you're the one of the greatest gifts the day in February disappears right after extra days I figured here's how I did it in my head I think there's been two in like every 100 years in the world ever well no every 100 years is two leap years no I told you my my math was right my execution was wrong guys so if there's two every 100 years how many are there there's one one every four years I didn't know that anyway so what was the one every two every hundred yes I was trying to figure out how many years since he said the beginning and it was like 300 years or something from 1700s yeah there's two that's how I did there's two every year there's been three years White Sox Dave claims he knows more about Sublime than you but then when your question was asked and you said get ready he just goes I think it's get ready like after you yeah I know more about Supply he wants a 1v1 battle we can do that 500 leap years it's gonna go down in history yeah 550. I'll leave here yeah but you got you guessed more leap years than actual years by double yeah so you're not in your brain it would have to be two leap years every year that's what I just said I thought it was like two leap years oh yeah that makes no sense I knew I was dead the second they said I had no foreign [Music] [Music] we need this mic down [Music] why are you crying I'm not crying I'm not I'm not crying every time you go I'm not crying you're crying yeah man I don't I don't know how long we want to run this bit into the ground but I'm obviously not correct I I'm not against I'm just curious why I thought like something happened this is like very much in a crime I mean that was obviously on purpose I'm not doing it I mean maybe allergies dust in my I'm not crying hey Tommy's by the way I didn't mean what I said back there man hopefully I didn't get too too hard what oh about the the Midol no it's not why you're crying right okay [Music] [Music] okay Dave I played college basketball oh you did not [Music] did not I can shoot a basketball rather than you I could wear you out on a basketball court uh I can't throw baseball as hard as you I've seen you throw a baseball I could probably hit a baseball instead of you ah you're a stuffy little dude I don't think I'm gonna swing though you're like a fire hydrant fire hydrant yeah you wouldn't make contact on one single pitch after you I would I would actually you can't throw it over Strike Zone I've seen you try to throw 90 miles an hour you never I was wild in the zone I could throw a strike though it was more hitting edges I wouldn't have to worry about hitting edges with you though seven step running to start like you did when you beat Carrabba's how did I get a seven step brain start we are on a mouth oh he was a Happy Gilmore throwing a baseball yeah just Crow hopping and you were Crow hopping in this [ __ ] do you think stop it thank you pitch not speed bro correct you pull up the tape right now of that day no very much no because you know I'm right I I just don't want to watch it I like Dave of course I don't I but I did not like you then I had not grown my dislike for you yet that came later when you cheated every single time you played in the devil why do you think you cheat so much because he cheats a lot but he doesn't get many answers I swear I want you to give me a list of things athletic achievements or athletic because he's the one who annoys me the most about this I'm just kind of trying to get on your skin because it's so easy like uh these guys have said about you we're just talking what's a runoff it's another word for a race yeah just say it right yeah no it's different like you you have this starting point and then someone goes off in a distance and like holds their hands out and once you cross that person right okay but we like of any distance we know yeah we know he'd be in a race would he be in a runoff though not racists big difference you can pick the distance for the runoff too and be I would beat you if I if I'm gonna if I work out here minimum three days before I just oh you're moving here yeah yeah I actually think you guys are going to get along because you're a big throw ball around guy there's nothing he loves more than that you're just going to kind of bond over like tossing the ball around a little bit he look every time I've been around Brandon he just loves talking the ball around what do you want me to do it I can do it that's the problem all right just chill all right let me get my stuff out of myself ready and I'm just bad just think I'm ready I'm ready [Laughter] laughs I need a towel put the camera down give him a towel no really we only got paper ones yeah really what he had when he had streams coming down both legs came to the bathroom or something yeah okay good yeah there's a pea carpet this is the P Carpet uh George has been potty trained for about four years now so I haven't had to clean up pea carpets in a long time but it's a new day you'd rather he'd rather pee himself than dump a cup of water on its head because all we had was cups but that's Jerry is she at the door for me all right are we allowed to throw in that dumpster is that even ours I don't know it feels great yeah what'd you do with the other side okay good I think that's the right move but you you clean the [ __ ] shorts though I did those were expensive dude it's piss Ed he literally [ __ ] his pants like it was [ __ ] World War III and he cleaned them he pissed his pants a little bit and he throws the pants away they were nice pants wow Megan yes so you're officially a worker here at Barstow Chicago I'm paying I got my pandering sweatshirt on so yeah I am a official Barstool Chicago employee the guys have been absolutely one like the most Pleasant group of gentlemen that I think I've ever been around I mean I'm saying that now because I'm wearing bars from Chicago merch and I'm in their office Dave did just offer me um his spot in studio which was very nice and seemed a bit out of character but that never happens I'm I mean whatever happens it's a great guy I mean I'm bringing the best out of all these guys in here you know what do you really think about White Sox Dave do you think he's actually as funny as nice as he comes off the real White Sox Dave um I think honestly I think he's a great guy he really I joked yesterday saying that I didn't think he was Charming I take that back I think he's extremely Charming um very funny and um yeah he hasn't done anything to get on my bad side yet so maybe this will change like you know with with for the in the years for now very Charming very funny very nice guy who do you think the villain out of those three guys is the villain I think it's Sneaky could be I think could be White Sox Dave actually I think he's his own his own worst enemy and that's all I got thank you thank you foreign
Channel: Barstool Chicago
Views: 267,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chicago move, barstool chicago, barstool sports, behind the scenes, big cat, brandon walker, chicago, chief, dave portnoy, eddie, el presidente, kirk minihane, megan makin' money, pardon my take, rico bosco, snake draft, stool scenes, stool scenes chicago, the dozen, the mid show, tommy smokes, vlog, white sox dave
Id: ccDMY2ftSqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 47sec (2867 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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