Chicken Wing Challenge w/ @SmokinandGrillinwithAB | Smoked and Fried Chicken Wing Recipes

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[Music] all right guys today is all about chicken wings but before we get into the video please take a quick second to subscribe to the channel make sure to hit that bell enable notifications as well what's up guys welcome back as you can see i'm not in my kitchen today that's because i'm in beautiful sunny california with my guy abe from smoking and grilling with ab today we're making wings two different ways i'm going to show you guys how to make a fried garlic parmesan wing and then of course you know you out here in this sunny uh california you know what i mean i'm gonna show you guys just how we're gonna do it we're gonna do it on the grill we're gonna smoke them i ain't gonna over talk it so let's get it let's do it so first things first we're gonna go ahead and dry these chicken wings off need some paper towel lay a nice layer of paper towels down then we're going to add our chicken wings to the paper towel super important when you're frying chicken when you want to be nice and dry that way that skin gets nice and crispy because everybody likes a crispy chicken wing right hey for sure hey look i like the way you did yours look i did it this way after we separated them right right here and i put this down this way that's perfect because air can move around it you know what i mean to get you super dry hey while you're at it let me get a roll of that there you go so look i'm just going to take this and i pat here i mean and i kind of like just make sure i get them like that but what you're doing though i like that so i'll move over here you finish that up lay them flat place another layer on top and just press down let the paper towel do the work these must be bounty man he's absorbing everything all right now we're going down with a little bit of seasoned salt just a nice thin layer we're going to season our flour as well so no need to go too crazy on the seasoning a little bit of onion powder the wind's helping me out a little bit here and then last but not least a little bit of that garlic butter there we go then we'll flip them over and hit them with the same triple combo there last but not least that garlic butter this stuff is delicious so now that they're nice and seasoned we're gonna pop these in the refrigerator for about 15 to 20 minutes let the seasoning kind of settle in there and then we'll get started on our uh grilled version all right so what you're seeing right now is look i put my little starter in here we got the catch in here you see them starting to burn we're gonna wait till they turn white and if you notice if you're looking at the grill right there look only about one third of the grill is gonna have the heat that right there is going to be the direct side right but we're going to put these wings on the indirect or what some people say non-direct however you want to say it but that's the side we put them on there that guarantees we don't have any burn hey nephew let me just give it to you real this right here there's a real way you make a firearm like get away from that girl you don't know how to stop no fire you know what i'm saying put this fire there ain't no fight damn it i know you know how to do it already you know what i'm saying but i just want you to soak in you know the sun out here that's what we pay for living out here in california no doubt you know i'm gonna go back in the shade though because i'm gonna get sunburned go ahead nephew okay here we go chatting through the match now that's the fire okay so look pat it mine dry right remember i told you i put the napkin uh the paper towel down obviously so look i just remove it like this right i did all of that i pressed them down and all that just so we can push any water or whatever into this right here so i'm gonna set this off right here now so i like this i'm trying to level up especially because you here you know what i mean cause you're bringing that uh that real twist to it right so i'm gonna go ahead and add a little olive oil right this is just that skagging infused olive oil which is this right here by branch and vaughn i'm gonna go ahead smells good too and all of the products is fire bro even all the things that you make just think about everything that you make you know what i mean it's already good then you just do it's all like a little small things just like drag race take it up another notch that's it so you want to get them coated just like you see right here look at that y'all right and the more and more you move them on the more and more it transfers the the garlic infused excuse me the scallion infused olive oil on each piece right right right now i'm gonna talk about this right here today we're gonna be using this look black garlic this right here is hey this combination right here i can't wait to hear what you say what we want to do is we want to just add a little bit to it i still sprinkle it on like this i give it a couple of pinches uh-huh and i like it because it's grainy and you can see it right right now let's go a little bit more now why i like it like that so that way when i go ahead and i mix it i can see what's on each piece right right so that helps make sure you get even coverage but i got to say this too this wait we hey just hold up right i got something for you just hold up pulling out all the stops that butter garlic bring that over here i had to raise your pantry that's right hey i'm gonna give it a little bit more because i can see it that's what's important guys you want to season as you go you know use your eyes as you're seasoning make sure you get even coverage like he's doing right here yeah sure looking good now i'm gonna come with this garlic butter my sweet smoky joe now i talk about his products all the time listen the sodium intake on this the sodium count is low right i mean so you're gonna need a little bit of salt just to wake it up to make it even more flavorful and that's where this salt came in right that makes sense now i made them on my channel before uh nephew i've done them like this and i've coated them yeah i did the flour the corn starch and all that but check it out we going in like this because then when we're done i'm going to toss mine in some barbecue sauce man and then i want you to taste this and tell me what you think i can't wait i'm hungry all right you guys got to trust the process you don't want to put too much but this right here transferred on all of them there you go tell me what you think all right so for our breading we're using all purpose flour and cornstarch equal parts one cup each then we're going to season that up we're going in with some seasoned salt and one real important tip guys i always recommend tasting your flour because otherwise you're just guessing with what you're putting in there and if it doesn't taste good before it goes in the grease it's not gonna taste good when it comes out so we're going down with a little onion powder just a pinch of cayenne pepper to add a little bit of heat not too much and then we're making garlic parm wings right so we're going in with a little bit more garlic flavor or a lot more depending on you know how you're feeling break out the whisk give that a good mix what we're doing right now is we're looking at the flour to make sure that the color is looking right that'll indicate that we got enough seasoning in there and the last step as i said a minute ago is to taste it just to make sure that it's seasoned adequately if not we'll add a little bit more seasoning so take a little fingerprint in there i think it needs a touch more salt so we're going with a little bit of seasoned salt give that a good mix and then it's ready for our chicken okay so look take a look at them coles you know them cold is ready right see how they turn white i remember when i was a kid one time i was saying hey they burning out let me add more to it right that's when you put your food on top when they get white yes sir this is a little chip i'm gonna go ahead and put some of this olive oil on here just like you see here so if you guys ever want to know like why is your stuff sticking just right here hey you can spray pam on it you can do whatever but just do something right right all right so we're leaving like this because when i put the wings on i'm gonna put them on this side and the beauty of having the spinning grade is then i turn it around and put it on the direct side all right so look now we got to talk about placement right so i'm gonna cover this part right here since i got the whole trough right here you know hot so it's not like it's burning from one end to another we're not doing a long cut right so since it's like this we're gonna go ahead and put it over here and don't forget this is only so big but you know what i'm gonna go for the charcoal flavor yeah you know what i mean i like that on wings you know a lot of people man i see them they doing all kind of stuff man they set stuff up to do certain things you know but sometimes simple is best man at the end of the day when you decide you want to go outside and you just want to grill yourself some wings you know what i mean let's do it they're still going to be just as far as anywhere else right you know what i mean we go from there so you can see i got them arranged this way right you can see over here on this side how the coals are look all right guys so we got the uh deep fryer set up right now for 350 degrees which is the perfect temperature to fry these chicken wings all right so we're just gonna take these wings nephew i hate to interrupt you on this right here though hey but check this out this right here it's fire bro what you got in that cup huh you know that's that kool-aid right hey i should have did the traditional grape you know me i put a little something extra in my kool-aid yes i do all right guys so we're going to toss these wings in the flour and the cornstarch mixture here that we already seasoned up and you want to do this about 15 to 20 minutes in advance so it gives time for that flour to really adhere to the meat that ensures that your chicken wings are nice and crispy and that flour doesn't end up at the bottom of your fryer stays on those chicken wings look at that stay with me guys looking good in here with our hands of course make sure they're breaded nicely and that flour and cornstarch we're going for a kind of light breading here so we didn't use any eggs or buttermilk or anything like that because we're using the sauce for these so you just want a real light breading just to ensure the skin gets nice and crispy shake off any excess and we'll set them in this baking sheet here for about 15 minutes to really allow time for the flour to adhere to the meat i can smell the grease warming up these are some beautiful large chicken wings here i'm getting hungry this chicken was in the gym for sure all right so look this is what it looks like after about 17 minutes right look at the color that it's putting here on the top what i'm gonna do now is i'm gonna go ahead and take this and just turn these over just like this don't worry they're not getting all crispy like everybody like it that's what we're gonna use that direct side for but right now we're just gonna turn all of these over look just like this super easy we're gonna set another timer for about another 15 to 17 minutes and we're gonna go from there all right so this is how we're looking after about 15 minutes you can see the flour is really adhered to the chicken looking good i have my wire rack set up here we're going to allow the chicken to drain on this after they come out of the grease some people put their chicken right on the paper towel but what happens is the paper towel absorbs that oil and it gets soggy and what that does is it ends up making your chicken soggy so i like to give it some time to drain on this wire rack and it'll get nice and crispy and that's what we're going for we have our oil up at a nice 350 degrees we got some wings that have been in the gym lifting so where to do these in batches you never want to overcrowd your fryer guys so give them some space and we'll do these in batches if you overcrowd your fryer you run the risk of your oil decreasing in temperature by too much and then again you're not gonna have crispy wings so let's go ahead and drop these about seven to ten minutes and we'll check them all right guys so you just wanna make sure that they're not sticking to the bottom or sticking to each other we're looking good right here if it sticks it's going to burn so you just want to ensure that they're not sticking and then cover them back up and let them finish so as you can see they're getting nice and golden brown they're just about done once they start to float and you hear the grease getting kind of quiet that lets you know that they're just about ready okay so check it out hey look you look at this you see that color right there that right there is fire right hey nice all of that so look take a look at this bowl right here this is what i'm gonna toss these in in the barbecue sauce so look we just take these out listen to this you hear how they hit in there nice and crispy there you go there you go take a look at that right there that's my savory brown spicy whatever you want to call it but this is it right here i'm ready to eat yes sir now we'll just take these like this and we'll just give them a toss look at that right here a lot of people probably won't even go back on their grill got to put a look at that right there i eat one just like that yeah sure all right so now we got our last one on here right and this part is going to be key i got just spin grate check this out folks i'm gonna move this over here on this side i'm not even gonna put the top back on here and we're to put it on the direct side right we want that heat underneath because we want to help caramelize the barbecue sauce that's on here this right here these are my little level up tips plus using those seasonings you know the salt the oils and all of that this is what separates smoking and grilling with av from the rest all right so look we're going to turn them over because it don't take long you see that right there this right here look at that flavor [Music] folks all right so these wings are done we'll go ahead and remove them place them on that wire rack we talked about that way they can drain and remain nice and crispy that's the perfect color right there this might count as a money shot huh hey i can't hey i can't show you nothing about it bro i'm ready to eat right there look good man all right guys so now that the wings are done it's time to make our parmesan garlic sauce so what i'm gonna do is take the back of that knife and just give the garlic a light smash you don't want to fully crush it because we're going to grate it just want to peel the skin off the garlic here all right guys so now the garlic is ready we're going in with about three tablespoons of melted butter and we're going to use a little bit of this garlic infused olive oil from branch and vine about a tablespoon or two of that we'll link to that in the description box below and we're just going to grate some of this fresh garlic in there to really get that garlic flavor throughout about two cloves nice size cloves man i like that you gotta really get this it's parmesan garlic right so you gotta you gotta taste the the garlic all right so while my uncle helps me out here and chops up this parsley for me we're gonna add in some grated parmesan cheese for our parmesan garlic wings about a half cup or so of grated parmesan we're also going to add about a teaspoon more to taste really or that garlic butter break out the whisk give that a good mix and we're going to toss our wings right in here oh man that smells good i'll find you like this fine as you can get all right now it's time to go ahead and coat these and our sauce that we just made oh lost one good hands huh all right now that these are nice and sauce we'll go ahead and plate these up on a cutting board all right guys so we're gonna go ahead and plate these up i'm gonna hit it with a little bit of that grated parmesan cheese check it out while you're doing that i'm gonna go ahead and just start laying some of these over here because you know we got a good thumbnail right yes sir let's go ahead and do it like this i feel like i don't know why i feel stressed right now like me you could competing because i know you love that presentation bro now you're doing a good job i'm trying to catch up to you just a little bit of chopped parsley for a pop of color i think this right here homie hey this is the place as you would say let's get a money shot i like it gotta have that pop of color gotta have all right guys we're about to wrap this up we just showed you how to make fried chicken wings with parmesan garlic sauce my uncle abe here showed you how to make perfectly grilled barbecue chicken wings nothing left to do but give it a taste test i'm gonna try to barbecue hey okay cool let's dig in oh just about to say hey please don't over target i'm hungry hey look at that right there oh yeah so good don't even need sauce that barbecue sauce is good you taste that charcoal flavor just right here on fire bro hey you want to talk about hey the garlic is here man i like that that fruit that grated fresh garlic gives it a little pop yeah that's what i love about you know cooking with somebody else man listen i'm not too old to learn that right there but you'll see that you don't see that real song all they're missing is the kool-aid oh that's true all right guys that's how you fry and smoke some chicken wings special thanks to my guy ab hope you guys enjoyed the video let me know what you think in the comments don't forget to hit that subscribe button and that bell to enable notifications and as always thank you for your support
Channel: Mr. Make It Happen
Views: 98,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chicken, chicken wings, fried chicken, grilled chicken, smoked chicken, easy chicken, chicken recipes, chicken wing recipe, garlic parm wings, parmesan garlic wings, bbq chicken, bbq chicken wings, how to make chicken wings, mr make it happen, smokin and grillin with ab, how to make bbq chicken, how to fry chicken, how to make fried wings, crispy chicken, crispy chicken wings, crispy wings recipe, chicken breast, smoked wings recipe
Id: POVogBTMgyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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