Chicken Queen | Dryland Farmer From 100 Chicken now 8,000 Chicken & 1,500 Mudfish

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foreign agriculture my name is Anne and you can call me a chicken Queen I come from makueni County that is uh which is constituency I usually keep a chicken and fish I keep a tilapia not tilapia keep a mud fish which we also call it a catfish it's the 1000 a number they are now three months old So within the next uh two to three months it will be ready uh this is not my my main business I just started decided to keep the fish for nutrition you find that your company is very very very very dry we actually pick the fingerlings from machacos and also from Martin Luther that is kiboko we have a farmers usually breed them Naturally by one fingering at 10 Shillings so I went there one month old when I bring them here actually the feeding is very simple they shall take a very small quantity of feeds they are not heavy feeders they don't need any treatment you just observe them so they don't need the vaccination keeping fish is very very very cheap in fact I've only spent sixty thousand that's it for digging uh the fish pond buying the damp liner the fingerlings and uh the the the water so it's very very cheap you just need two hours very small capital and then you are ready to go like around 60 to 70 000. you find that okamban is very hot and people usually think that cut fish fish farming cannot be done or carbon which is not true because you just need to have water water water what is the only thing which you need so that you can certain the the the you can see the visual for me I chose to keep a catfish the ones which was just in here they are catfish 1000 number I chose them because they're Hardy you can give them uh salty water you can keep them with fresh water and that's all you find that with the tilapia which will need fresh fresh fresh water it's very hard to get a fresh water so that's why I chose uh to keep a mud fish because they are very handy they can feed in they can say in what hot uh salt water and soft water I keep chicken which is the one you can see here this is a free range I also keep another bunch of layers which are caged these ones are two months old breed and they are now fully vaccinated I usually keep them in free range like now actually I'm giving out their Mains in the morning I gave them the feed feeds which are from a company that is a full coffee yeah there are 700 in number my chicken farm has been a journey I started with one uh 100 actually I started with the one chicken which I got for my mother's my grandmother that was long long time ago that was 1995. and then when I come here I came here I started to keep watching whereby I started with the 100 chicks whereby I grew them to maturity and then I saw them the only challenge uh which actually get is the high cost of fields and water water is the main challenge here because chickens will take a lot of water if you fail uh to give them water do not grow well it's better if you want to give them feeds and then you give them water usually consume uh uh uh a tank of 5000 liters in five days that's why I'm saying that they shall take a lot of water I just picked my cheeks when they are one day hard I brewed them I preferred them with worms then I vaccinate them I usually there is a difference between vaccinating chips and vaccinating well I usually vaccinate them well so that I can avoid the outbreak of diseases you find that uh most of our farmers are give giving up uh in keeping party why because of the high mortality rate but in my fine actually I don't get any mortality because I usually vaccinate them well from the first vaccine to the last vaccine whereby actually inject them the New Castle vaccine the the only uh disease all um and what do you call it outbreak is Newcastle and Newcastle if you treat and vaccinate your teeth well when they are young do not get the the Newcastle or a disease whereby it declares or but if you have 1000 they will be clear though but to me I usually vaccinate them the injection are Newcastle vaccine that's why you can see them ah chicken farming is the best business to do because when they get the chicks when they are one behold I usually release them to maturity and I sell them I will sell uh depending on the market price I usually sell uh one tick like this one I'm not selling it at 400 cedis when they are mature and sell them at eight one thousand Shillings whereby if you have one and six you'll get around uh 100 times 1 000 that's a lot of money so it's you you'll get a good business if you sell to if you keep chicken you'll get a good money usually wake up very early in the morning that's around 6 30 we start feeding the cheeks we still have our small teeth here besides feeding the small teeth from the small cheese you go to the next uh Bunch according to their age from money to around uh breakfast at 10. yeah and then from 10 we start cleaning the houses we have the the kids system we start removing the droppings and also cleaning their feeders our day is usually busy from morning to evening usually you usually don't get time to sit down do other things but to just take care of our chicken which are here for those who are watching me I tell you it is the right business if you keep watching you not go wrong you will always have money in your pocket you not start borrowing people I don't have for one and Shillings I don't have one thousand you'll always have a flow of money and then you keep your opportunity your cheeks in different engines you find that every time when a customer needs a chicken you always have it you'll not say that I don't have I don't have I don't have to uh you love a flow of uh uh business I'm a woman and I keep pottery and I usually have uh four stars or two which are permanently employed there they are women and two all our cashels they are men what can I say about women you find that uh there before women used to sit down to be provided by men but nowadays that's not the case you can start with a 10 chicken and then you raise them you sell them you pay another lot you'll not be saying that every morning you tell your husband oh give me 10 Shillings I go and buy uh tea leaves give me 10 20 Shillings I go and buy a milk you'll always be having money so my dear women and my dear women please let's keep watching because we'll always be having money in your pocket when we want to go to our Chamas we women likes are going to Thomas you'll always be having money you can feed your your family with a chicken whereby if a man comes with 10 Shillings you'll also come with 10 Shillings and then your family will be rich this is my uh Leia's house whereby usually keep against layers yeah as you can see our layers which are the ones which are yeah 3 000 layers we have already collected the eggs are taking them to town we are the ones which are remaining uh just few yeah uh the cages are automated the water is a tomato they shall feed that from this draft they usually take water from these chickens are always attracted by anything which is bright so they usually take water from here once they leave we collect eggs from here as you can see yeah we collect it from here usually collect 85 to 86 trays per day now when it comes to droppings once the the droppings comes down here as you can see we have what is their mattress once they come here after two days we take them outside we are by to our oil by we usually keep the manure yeah the advantages of kg is that you know the number of bars you have accountability is there you'll know the bus which are laying the ones which are not laying they will prevent a wastage of feeds yeah and then the the chicken will not miss the the droppings it's the best business which I can advise men and women to do and most of women he bumping this if I'm keeping uh three a thousand chicken every woman can keep this the business is not a cost intensive so I would like to tell my fellow women to come we keep poetry I'm there to advise you on what to do and how to keep the party and how to vaccinate them and also for market I'll link you with Market whereby will not say that oh there's no matter there's no Max women come with you 40 we get money actually the usual face challenges one the biggest challenge is here here is water they usually take a lot of water and it is also advised that it's better you fail to give them feeds and then you give them water usually take a tank of 5 000 liters in five days so you find that and I'm buying one bus one tank at 3 000 Shillings we find that it's a bit expensive and also their feet their feet are expensive uh though you are still going on well because we are also getting profit bunches in a different edges like these ones I'm supposed to set them in June that's the next month June 2023 the other Bunch which you can see here I will say them in December 23. these ones I will set them after one year so there is the reason is to actually keep them in uh Bunches of uh different edges is that so that I can have eggs throughout the year yeah uh you can see you have seen where I am now I have 3 000 layers which are now laying I'm collecting 84 to 87 a trace per day but guess what my target is to have 10 000 layers as you have seen there I still love kgs which have no cheeks so I'm still thinking of expanding come two years I will now be the router of this country yeah I'm emulating the water our present is doing yeah I'm now competing with them I want to compete with him so that I can be number one as we talk now is number one I want to be number two and also go ahead to be number one yeah greetings everybody if you are new to our YouTube Channel please just subscribe and join the family I'm happy so much and thank you so much for welcoming me to your Farm Anne or the chicken Queen indeed you're a chicken Queen what I've seen this is just amazing guys this is amazing she's doing a perfect job Allah not give you a hundred percent and when you talk about as chicken this is where I come in professionally and also passionately this is my passion I've seen you doing the free range it's perfect I've seen the cages it's also perfect you've put a chicken in tears so that at one point you don't miss out on having chicken however you don't miss out on some floors they're just not so much which I'm sure you can correct them and work on them important thing that you need to check I've seen your drinking the the pipes the water lines and also the water containers have got something called algae the green stuff that has started growing which looks like the one that is growing in the pond that one is not very advisable you need to clean as much as you're cleaning the the water system and you're saying it's still growing there's a way you can go about it I wanted to introduce something called an acidifier yes an acidifier is you'll mix it with water then it Alters the water pH when the chicken drinks that water the pH is altered in the stomach no microorganism that is not useful that can there is no microbes in that or any bacteria that can survive in that stomach because of those changed changes in the pH the pH is lowered this way you will somewhat be minimizing on use of antibiotics [Music] it sells on your cost you're also taking care of the consumer who will also consume eggs that are antibiotic free the same will also not create a conducive environment for the growth of the algae the ugly cannot grow in acidic conditions so it's a win-win and you benefit more you will find that an acidifier in the market is cheaper compared to an antibiotic an acidifier is safe when you eat um we eat some things like ginger they have some component of the same when you drink some sodas they've come from the same but you you know it's food so an acidified is like food the other thing that I would like to advise you is management of manure the droppings I've seen you've aligned bugs on the empty bags or Journeys on the floor where the dropping is dropping it's also very good however I'll advise that first you need to buy a plastic paper you spread fast on the floor and then you take the nylons sorry the empty bags and spread there very important when you're feeding a chicken in the morning don't assume that all the nipples are working always check nipple by nipple it is something easy and doable as fast as you can when I was in Mogadishu you could realize because you are keeping volumes of chicken about 430 000 buds you could realize that some chicken in cages like just die a set of like five chicken in a in a in a cube are all dead when you check the buds they have got no any physical illness just realize that the nipple had blocked so it's very important especially in such an environment where the temperatures are very high we need to check on that happy when I came in the farm but I was a bit annoyed or disappointed when we entered the focus please please please as I leave make sure that you build a foot bath a foot bath is very important at the door or a vehicle deep at the gate so that anybody coming from outside will leave all the bacteria there all the viruses on the foot bath [Music] puppy you're doing vaccination and you say you're not just vaccinating you are doing proper vaccination guys this is where we go wrong don't just buy vaccines from any aggravate the rules are a vaccine should be refrigerated but some aggravates this being funny they have no mercy for the farmer these guys when they're closing their groceries in the evening they switch off the fridge then when they come in the morning they switch on the fridge so that is not a vaccine that's a disease so be very careful with where you buy your vaccine especially you can see foreign such a magnitude of a project this is a massive project and therefore she is very cautious on any step she takes then Anne why can't you think about making your own feeds I don't have the the schedule for how to make the things yes if I can get a good feed formulation schedule yes I can do my own things the best thing I'm going to give her I'm going to take her through how to formulate her own quality feeds not just feeds quality feeds I'll take you through making of cheek Mash grow as much and for Less these days we have gone super we have something called Aprilia Russian a Russian that stimulates or prepares the bird for laying it has enough calcium it has got enough carotenoids that will make the egg yolk yellow it has got enough calcium that will be stored in the medullary bones so that in case of Alex a reduction in calcium in the feed the bird still can regenerate calcium and you have got the good sized eggs smooth shared nice colored and that's it thank you so much and thank you for hosting us keep it in agriculture and you'll watch more and you learn more from our Channel thank you thank you Keep It farming with aim agriculture
Channel: AIM Agriculture Farm
Views: 475,068
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Id: a4dkfKsclyQ
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Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2023
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