I started with one cow now I have 150 High Grade cows producing 1000L of milk daily& I rear chicken

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mom you actually started with one zebu that's a fact that's a fact there's a real Fact one yeah and today we have all this I think for me what was fascinating was the mattress but seeing cows sleeping in mattress walking in mud everything what's the essence of that just like the way you love comfort because of its comfort so the mattress becomes very happy because remember these are zero greased yes you want to bring them as close as possible to a natural environment although it's not possible but you want to give them a comfort to that level the idea of chicken because I've never been in a room with so many AIDS there are so many I was so fascinating and it's so clean it's so neat the ventilation is there's just a lot of neatness in how you do things but walk me through the idea of chicken when you find the foods for the cows have gone High and the cows are not maybe able to pay for water feeds young we are trying to to give them then you look for something just to substitute for where the deficit is coming in so that's how the the portrait part came in you have Maize right it's only my Hindi um how much land do you use for The Maze right now we are on whatever we have planted for Animals is about eight Acres 80 acres eight zero eight zero yeah but in different in different places yes more one is there with so many acres but in total yeah about eight yes which we have grown soaked powder and Miss in any business if you're going to start a business do not look forward to getting rich tomorrow is a wrong Journey you're not going to go up with a lift use the staircase a step at a time it's tiring but it's worth a journey don't take a staircase I mean a lift because your screen is the same speed take the staircase there's no way the staircase will bamoka at the same time it can you can only get higher than sit and try and get some more energy to continue climbing to the next level one day your life is Gonna Change Keep On Believing you will be better than before so trust the pros [Music] foreign [Music] guys and welcome to today's incredible episode of inspire Global let me tell you something I've spent the better part of my day in a farm and you know we always make a joke when someone says I started with one zebu or I started with one chicken people go out there and say even me I started with one egg I started with one feather I started with but I'm telling you and it's okay for us to laugh about it but what if I told you actually uh today's guest she actually started and her family started this farm with one zebu today I was just looking and I'm like one cow produces how many liters over 30 I think close to 40 liters but she will correct me if I'm wrong guys I've seen so many chicken I've never seen so many chicken in my entire life I saw how eggs were being collected I saw how we had the yoga but we went to their grill shop and I'm like how much more can someone do but I'm telling you guys the discipline with this woman I've spent since we are filming this around seven PM but we've been here from three and we've just been walking around the farm we've just been taking our time she's just been there with us and I want her to inspire you guys with her story and I really wanted to dedicate uh this episode to a sponsor that is running with us right now a campaign we are running but I said today's episode is powered by you the lnn community this is for you you have been so incredible and from whatever we learned from today's conversation please do not give up on your dream start with that one thing start with that one egg one chicken one whatever that people say but please do not give up I want you to sit relax it's going to be a very inspirational story let me let our guest introduce herself and take us through how she actually started with one zebu to have him so many animals so many things going on in her life and what does it take to produce such quality so Mom caribusana how are you doing I'm fine thank you and how are you feeling I'm I'm good oh I'm good I'm good normally people don't ask how I'm doing so I am I am I am happy thank you today I am really happy yes maybe before we go deeper Mom start by introducing yourself uh my name is Anne yes a wife a mother and a grandmother and a director of maybe daily from yeah we are two directors yes yes you are two directors yeah and your husband is so supportive sitting at the back of these guys filming and he's just watching look at him smiling and if it's not this I don't want it he's just looking at you you're blushing mom thank you for inviting us I know this is the last process and we've had quite a day in your farm and it's beautiful but thank you we made a joke and we were like Mom you actually started with one zebu that's a fact that's a fact that's a real Fact one yeah and today we have all this how does that make you feel it makes me feel good but not I personally as feeling great because the first thing I always say is God's work it's not in man's hearts on it and due to God's glory and we give praise to him we have been able to come this far yeah and as a family they are I'm surrounded by many members of the family and people supporting and telling me go on go on is doable even when you think it's too much then you feel some Spirits telling you no no we are not yet there yeah keep pushing him keep pushing and that gives you a lot of energy so I would say without God for that but I also always say I thank you all the members of my family for whichever part they have prayed in either you know words of support encouragement yeah and to my dear husband yeah for all the support I have received from him for the years I've been on this yes yeah we've been also working with your son that's Evans right he is your last born yes but God I saw him putting in so much work even me I was like God this is so inspirational are you mentoring them is it what would you say you believe in a family business and would you actually say your kids are hard working because sometimes you look at life and you're like my parents have everything why do I have to work hard right but him he's running up and down up and down up and down where do they get that from I think uh I would I would say much is much of what we as parents have done again is God's work but still we cannot neglect our responsibility as our responsibilities as parents to be able to Mentor our children to what you'd like them to be and this does not start when the child is 18 years because many of us maybe wait for when it's too late but to start as early as when that child appreciates us there is a life and that drives us when she appreciates that she'll ask for food and you start mentoring them that one day is going to come and I will not be there how will you be there without me and with that you are able to work each and every step without them becoming really like dependence like people who are I call them people who are helpless hopeless but many attempts the parents do like that deliberate mistake may be knowingly or not knowing but we have taught the children that whatever they they found as part of our possession is you know something we received from anybody we worked hard for it and we would like them to push it to the next level they are lucky they will not stop start from where we started because we started from the lowest and we have come up to where we are yeah and we believe they have a better position to pick from where we are to have even better ground and their graduated living move to a better level that is a a motto and that's why we would not like to be like we're hanging on on what we are doing we'd like to pass over the button to the Next Generation yes and it's good that you've mentioned something important you started from scratch yes take us through your journey and even because I know this is the story the audience are waiting for how did you start until you know you got to a point that you are here but guys I Wanna Get Right to that before we do what does mid mean mevit has his own street name yes and many people keep on asking that one but not not even the members of the family they know yes really and I've told them I'll tell them one day what it means for now I will keep it as mevered yes does it yes yes even then they don't know they don't know but does that no no it's you yeah really yes is it special too it is special to me it's me and I believe it is special to the family yes we respect that until you're ready to tell them yes what it means to us included yes but mom take us through the scratch you know starting from scratch to getting to this point maybe give us a bit of brief about you also growing up getting to starting now with one zebu to this point where we are right now hey my story is is quite long yes I hope you have the time we got time okay um I was born in the late 50s yeah to be specific in 1950s that tells you my age and um ice cold in a primary school in the rural area my parents were peasants and I'm the firstborn in a machine of nine nine then children but I always make fun of it because I tell people I'm a very I was a very precious baby to my parents who gave birth to me after 10 years of waiting as a first person so you can see how special I was and to my mother this was a big pray that up to now she knows not only the date I was born or the year she even knows the time and day of my day my birth and after that I went to school I went to primary school I went to high school and later on I went to do my diploma course in nursing which I was in kmtc it was the only kmtc in Kenya yeah that is the main campus in Nairobi and when I graduated in 19 82 I joined a PGA and in nyeri I was given the first trial of my life and I think these are some of the things which have made me to be who I am because I graduated and on a level in nyeri I thought when they were opening at Batman which was totally live in the in PGH Mary and because I think everybody else had declined to be the head of the department young as I was I was given the responsibility of to learn the dental Department as if I was the first nursing officer to learn the dental Department and for instance which I will not talk here why people are fail in that department but I was able to copy that and it is within that time I met a patient just within that time I met a patient yeah and who happened also to be part of the PGH family as a staff yeah and this is the person who later after some time later became my husband okay so that's the whole journey mom come on where do you understand mom you will not do that to us so you met her patient yes so you gave me an example okay we won't go deeper yes but please can you tell us how he won your heart like ah what made him you know stand out until you decided this is a good try for you I'm not really sure about that some things you cannot be able to tell the ingredients details but all I remember is he was on my patient for some time because he had he had a teeth problem oh okay yeah so and I was in charge so anytime he needed anybody who wanted assistance needed questions was always referred to go to the nursing officer in charge so he kept on being referred to me and once in a while he's in my office what can we do for you and then and then uh after some time we started now talking in sort of not now like uh okay patient yes nurse relationship then after that his teeth were okay and he moved out of the clinic but he kept on coming to visit me okay yeah and one time he asked me can we go for a cup of tea and the cup of tea was in a in a smoked kiosk where there was a I don't know whether it was supposed to be back at which you call these days you call back at what it was supposed to be but it was a mandazi this one in uh 1985 we opted to become one as a couple yeah and as we were there we got our first child and what happened after that is um he was transferred from near and came to Nairobi yes I was left in nyeri but at the same time I also had applied for my Muslim for my diploma in Midwifery yeah so I came to join him yeah in Nairobi okay so we are the two of us now in Nairobi and that's the time we were able to get the other children yeah and in 1986 just before we left uh nyeri we bought a ride we had we had passion for farming so we bought that that was the first asset we ever owned and we bought a rub somewhere in kieni and it was a five acre brought which was a five acres for sixty thousand that is 12 000 per Pi Pica but we could not even list the money so but the there who was selling the LA tour guide he accepted to take 40 000. yes we could not raise the other 12 000 but you see this is a very young couple it's like mother like my children so let them go with the 12 000 but the let them tell us how long it would take them to list the 12 000. so we finally agreed with him that you'll be paying three thousand every three months so we had four installments to do to complete the twelve thousand we finished so by the time we are moving from nyeri to Nairobi we already had this piece of land can I ask you something because even the person telling to you is saying this is a young couple what is it in your mind that brings you together to a point where you think we can invest together why was that part important for the both of you because usually when you're a young couple let's go live in a fla in an apartment let's rent let's do a b c d you guys you are so young and you're thinking about investment already I think one of the things is that uh in in the Rulo investing on a Friday was nowhere it was not going to appear so many people in the rural were invest in land then I had a passion for family I was brought up by my parents I said to a person so I was brought up in a farm where we used to grow coffee grow Maize a lot so I was used to the farm work and to me it was okay if you have a farm you're good to go then my husband as he tells me was brought up in a teacher's compound because the mother was a teacher so for him he has already always had the you know the wish that I wish we had rad so that I can become a farmer I can have the fun of being in the farm so when we met the two of us had something in common and that's how the idea of the farm came about so we bought the farm not a flat so it reached a point in the year 1999 or around not 99 not 1998. we thought of we need to get another piece of blood so that we can get somewhere to settle and near a Nairobi and that's when we started looking for lad if I say the truth this Lord was asked we got it accidentally it was not my choice because we are looking for lad somewhere towards the upper side of Kenya which is more green Mooring looking beautiful this place was too dry remember this is muaya it was so dry but what happened is we had a piece of lard which was sold was being sold to us somewhere on the upper side but when we were all almost going to the next level of our agreement we noticed that I'd had a kiss which had taken 40 years in court and you were told now the lad we cannot take it much as we wanted the lad so the there who had introduced us to the person who was the owner of this lab that was somewhere near barisho now told us okay don't get so disappointed I have another place um if you if you want to take a you know this opportunity maybe is a good thing to do it is in this in this place that place is so dry will you survive there but we said now we are determined to get a piece of land follow on uh and the one we have in Ken is too far so in 1999 early 1999 he brought us to this Farm it was a three acre plot the owner had four so he was going to dispose three acres and give us one acre and be left with one acre so we did that but again it turned up to have its own issues again issues of the Raj potato DS lost you know he gives a lot of stories but at the end of it after going through a court process we are able to get that in the year 2000. what was amazing after all that struggle most of our relatives who came to know this where we are caught in peace of land in this world did you look all over Kenya and the only place you could get ready is in where or four places and actually for about earlier we could look at this place and wonder how did we come here why did we have to buy this land but today with it was a blessing in this case yeah so in 2000 when we were given the title did we started the first family like every other Kenyan kikuyu of course we'll start with mace we planted Maize the Maize germinated then the rain went off where there used to be no reason remember those days so it was so discouraging then came in the next crop we planted again quite a little bit up we were able to harvest a three acre pot we only have a harvested I think half a bag because there were three bags but with cobs it's about to have a back of the three acres it was like what you saw this we have no house here so that time yeah coming we are using people to do the farmwork for us on a daily basis we come all the way from Nairobi so that's the life we have gone through but coming out where the animal the animal particles after all that this was in 207. because like I told you I went to Kenyatta I did my diploma in Midwifery I finished I continued working in Kenyatta and I worked in Kenyatta for 17 good years but during that time I went back to the university did a degree in psychology and after that what was to happen is I I opted to leave Kenyatta National Hospital joint what you'd call I don't know NGO world so I worked with the Americans for about six years almost seven years but uh what happened in 207 was a turning point for us as a family because 207 I was before 2-7 I was still working with the Americans and they had projects which were running I was running a project in South Africa risotto and this was that I had another one which I used to go to Ghana and in Kenya I was in Western and another one was in Eastern and now Central Province engineering because I was basically dealing with maternal health and newborn issues in a research organization so when 207 came I was I was on the project in Western and I was to break off to come and do the voting for the 207 so we did the 14 but I after that when the chaos came I couldn't go back but after what happened in 208 Rio came back here as a family now the children that time you had built a house that yeah the small hotel yes we had built that house there was no Kenya power so we are using a solar solar system on top of that and that time when we were seated outside is the time that time before 207 we had a car one azebukau why had we put it there we had put it there because we had already employed somebody on the farm for purposes of when you come there's somebody taking care of either chicken um and the compound so when we came we noticed now the problem we have because this place had no source of milk so you wake up in the morning and you have come with all the children because you have learned away from the chaos in Nairobi the variance in Nairobi you have come but you have no milk to cook tea so if we need a milk we have to travel all the way to chumi which was I think in karatina that time or the other part of the other side of Grenada and I even remember the date it was on 31st I think that first of December of that 207 we were seated under the mango tree outside the small wooden house and you asked ourselves and Afraid came to visit us and as we are sitting there I my husband and the Fred yesterday's there's no milk in this place is not even becoming of any purpose to us because you can hardly Harvest anything and we're sitting on a good night why can't we think of doing something like putting up cars this Zeb here gives us uh about Alita in the morning I have in the evening it is for the person who looks after the fun so but I think we can do better than this so that's the time we decided to get another cow which was now a hybrid the other one we call it the first one we call this 025 this one we bought I was even inviting my husband the other day no yesterday evening where we got it from with this baby that car we bought it at 20 00. a whole cow but because it had this calf which was about a month old the owner said if you want to carry the cuff give me one thousand you carry then the cuff so we had now so we had the zebu we had this in between not hybrid in between in between a crossbreed between uh zebu yes and the hybrid and a cup instead now as we were there we said now if this is the situation and the milk we were getting from this car which has come with a curve we are getting I think about around seven meters at the end of the day the question is where are we going to take seven liters so what we did is we started uh Libra started asking us you people have a cow can you sell milk to us so you could wake up in the morning and you find a child outside the door with a bottle with a bottle remember so we started that dream then before the cures were down and everything was to go back to normal and we go back to our places of work what happened is we agreed I think we need to put some money so we arraged to get some animals and we got six of them now hybrid friction from Kenny and they came here in July to eight so in another three months we are there with milk now the question is you have 20 liters then 30 then 40 50 you can deal with it because you still have people coming with bottles until the day the milk became 150 liters I don't know whether that's it foolish or naivety what we did is to think of the way or we can we are still working yes the way we can get to bayakula so whatever milk is extra they put in a cooler cooler 500 liters cooler so it can be amazing but you see you keep putting it today tomorrow so one day we are caught maybe I took the cooler is full so but before we reach here we passed through one or two processors you don't have to say their names and we tell them we have 500 liters of fresh milk kaija can you take it from us and unfortunately we informed that you only sell milk to some of these processors if you are a member which we were not if you're a registered member So within that struggle by the time we reached here the fourth tank of 500 liters of mucus part by that time we were making we wanted to come and give it to the children good just good with it to a school Distributors the children we don't even need it to be paid but when we came to check on it it was already spoiled that is when the idea of value addition started now making sense to us value addition value addition that's the time it started making sense to us but meanwhile we are able to sell the milk for about six months yeah it's one of the main processes in the country so but with time as we continued we started thinking we're done and that's the way now the hope the project you are seeing now has moved from one level to another to another uh yeah we have had quite a number of cars I will assure you and this is a fact the number of cows you have met are not even the number of girls you'd have met if you are here and here go the highest number we had was 172 animals yes which now have reduced to 120 I think to 122 this so inclusive is because of the two years drought has hit every farmer in their own way and for us all the stock we had for two years were depleted when this drought hit so and we knew if we continue keeping them one of the things is that the food we had in the South will not sustain yeah but when we moved the cows we start as a family and we agreed we are not going to leave the cow bans empty so we have infused we have filled the cups with the chicken that's why you are the pottery currency where our capacity is at 10 000. chicken um and we also keep a few umbrellas meaning for our trades not for sale only the Outreach we have at the green kit and another two wait how many trees of eggs do you get per day we correct 250 Trails per day unfortunately not even a single egg ever stays in the store ahead of the day yeah foreign [Laughter] because I've never been in a room with so many AIDS there are so many I was so fascinated and it's so clean it's so neat the ventilation is there's just a lot of neatness in how you do things but walk me through the idea of chicken the idea of chicken I would say also is started long before the cows if I may go back because that time we were trying to do funny we also had chicken where our house is today used to be um a place for Living Chicken but we never used to have the these other chicken okay you had about 300 of them and people knew us for that so at any given time we have always had chicken until now recently that is in 20 I think 20 19. yes the first a lot of cake chicken because our chicken you notice they're in cages is when we had the first 500 Chicken in cages whereby Mr Mark went to a shoe grout and they were talked to about uh the kid chickens and it came with a he bought a cage some kids which could accommodate 500 so we started the first lot with 500. and with those 500 we learned how to now to keep pottery in a small house so how did Patrick come in we are looking at the what is what is kicking at any given time in in this sector of agriculture because it has it's all challenges so one of them is when you fight the feeds for the cows have gone High and the cows are not maybe able to pay for water feeds young we are trying to to give them then you look for something just to substitute for where the deficit is coming in so that's how the the pottery part came in so like now when we reduce the cows the pottery came to fill up this part we are there yeah the cows are left you gotta be smart someone has to be smart in the family yeah farming is hard it's not easy yeah you need to keep your your mind like a like you know like a clock face you know you always what's next what's next yeah you keep mentioning about the feed when the feed becomes expensive but now let's talk about the video growing for your cows you know at first I was like um you have Maize right um cooler how much land do you use for The Maze right now we are on whatever we have planted for Animals is about eight Acres 80 acres eight zero eight zero yeah but in different in different places yes more one is there with so many acres but in total yeah about it yes which we have grown sugar powder and Miss yes yeah I've also noticed they don't cool heavy they but they want even when they were like you were explaining could you walk me through the whole feeding process what do you feed your cow and what inspired that the whole Lemmy plant let me give them value what um what inspired that the beauty of it is when you go into an area you need to do a lot of research of what is expected and what is the correct thing to do and other than Richard you also learn from other people you'd go to experience you get to share with other people who are farmers personally I've visited quite a number of firms have to with them with my husband trying to understand what other people are doing in this particular country as well as daily for me is concerned I have traveled to Israel so I have an idea how people do farming in those developed countries I've been attached on a farm in Netherlands through smv what you learn as you go through these experiences you try as much as possible to get what is you can domesticate you can't take everything from some of these countries because they are so high and very sophisticated for us but you can pick one or two things of what they are doing and Trend domesticate it to your level yes that's what we have learned so as we went on learning and also our phones have become a dictionary they have become a encyclopedia they have become everything to us so you have a challenge and just go through yeah who becomes your friend yes and you get the answers filter what you can use if what you can't use and everything goes from one level to the next level yes there isn't anything we haven't done other than growing food for ourselves we have also made food the daily meal we have made you saw machines we have made Daily Mail for ourselves for this Farm yes I think for me what was fascinating was the mattress part seeing cows sleeping in mattress working in mud everything hey the VIP section we went to where you have your VIP what does that do what's the essence of that uh there there will received there are three aspects to having a good daily call and one of them is the cow comfort just like the way you love comfort S comfort so the mattress becomes very handy because remember this as little greased yes you want to bring them as close as possible to a natural environment although it's not possible but you want to give them a comfort to that level so you see when they step on the concrete yes print what happens is their hooves get spoiled because they are being eaten up by the concrete yeah so that becomes necessary that you give them that comfort so we we decided to put that so-called mattress so that they don't have their ooves getting because you at the end of it it's just it still costs you a lot because these hoops keeps on getting uh either worn out then infected then the car is on drugs you buy the drugs you throw away the milk because you can't sell milk which is already having drugs and so for the soul so why don't you try and see how you can do it in fact they're not the only those are not the Beast of comfort the Beast of comfort are the ones which are lying on nice asks hey you remember them the ones which you are like where this is open yes open space like there is yes let's ask all of us yeah those ones are very comfortable because they sleep like open you don't have the section of where you're going to sleep sleep anyhow you can fix this you can face this way it's okay but the ones you're talking about the mattress they have a structured way of yeah so it's basically for the comfort of the cow that is one aspect or one aspect of uh making you know your daily Farm yes be what you'd like it to be then the other the other one is the feeding so what do you feed them on you have already talked about the face and the face we are talking about silage we do Mason circumcilate and other than that we have the Dilemma which we add yes and from there we go to other things like bombers here hey yeah you saw it there we also put area so I did we have a grass called the black area yeah and now we are having a Napier yeah which many people are calling the super leap year or the hybrid Napier which is an important breed we are made to understand is a cross breed over Napier and I don't know that and that aspects of uh of a daily cow management is the breed which breed are you using yeah when you are selecting your Bridge yes you you look for a bridge which you go well with your animals and now that I'm talking about how we breed our cars we breed the cows we insulinate our cows on the farm the person who does the examination is one of our staff so you have a trained person to do examination and the manager of the livestock say section and we select the cement we want to use on animals and how you select the semen to be used on the animals is dependent on what you want to correct for example you're just just going to pick acid you go I have a car what is a iska production aspana maybe that that elitas so I can't go and pick another one to breed it which also produces 30 liters I would improve that breed so I'll be looking for one which produces something 40. so so that way now it gives a curve it will be producing it is that a plus 40 that is so now I'll be promoting the daughter to produce 35 then the other aspects you look for when you are selecting is uh what is how does that well how does the under look like how are the teeth placed what is the length of the teeth what is the length of the cow you're going to be to give how are the legs all these come into oh absolutely yeah yes yes to be able to get what you really want for your animals yes your work makes you happy I am I'm not complaining I am you are complaining yes I see a lot of people talk about how they build the electricity bill to you what has been your experience and is that what inspired you to have the solar panels is is electricity too expensive I know the obvious answer yeah but to a farmer how does that hinder you from you know expanding this you ever existed not even now when it has gone up because we just put the solar this year yes and we didn't start thinking about putting up the solar system this year we started in 2018. but we are not able to put up we have we went round and round until in 2021 2021 is when we now decided now we have to put solar and uh Sola the one you have seen was uh fitted in April last year 2022. I keep on telling people and it's not a joke if there is anything which is going to make many people close their businesses method included is the cost of learning business with their accessibility bills we are getting a good amount of money to Kenya power can I ask how much if you want I will tell you even the actual figure for this month we paid 768 000. and that is we have that percent have been paid through solar because solar contributes about 30 percent of our electricity bill and now we pay 768 that tells you if with US dollar maybe it could have been a million a million plus that's the sort of uh Power we are talking about and if anybody can do anything for manufacturers processors or anybody in this country is to reduce the cost of energy yeah yeah in particular electricity is just too much it's too much you you you sometimes you do the mathematics you are left wondering how am I supposed to balance this wow that's and how what's your staff number our pillow is 72. so you have 72 we have 72 staff on the payload but on a daily basis because of some of the virginity things which need to be done on the farm yeah we have about 10 yeah because of the basically because of the Farms where the feeds are going you can put on an average every day we have 10 everything yeah make your profits yeah it's crazy oh me I would close I don't think a lot of people would even have that energy I think it's not easy it's not you are very wet it's not easy but as a family what keeps us continue sometimes is twofold one this country is struggling with employment so I don't know whether this is our donation to The Nation I'm not sure but we feel we have a responsibility to create a job in the rulers in the rural areas as Kenyans and reduce because we can't stop reduce the rural to Urban migration if you can be able to achieve that as a country there will be less people in the cities who are struggling with joblessness because there are jobs in the rural that is one and the other is we also want we feel we have a responsibility as Kenyans and as a family to give Kenyans quality in the ruler interesting enough with us he thought we are giving quality to the population in the rural but our our main consumers about the main consumers of our products are actually from the urban yes I was gonna ask that you know we where we were a group just came and you could tell these people are from a different place and they really were going crazy on the products you know for the yogurts for everything that you're giving out what makes your product stand out I remember you off camera we were talking about because I had your strawberry yogurt which is really good but I hear Amala is what people are crazy about I want to go try that personally I had this strawberry yogurt right and it was really good it's so you are having quality you can feel it why what is it you are doing with or is it a trade secret that makes your products stand out because look at me where I'm from I'm from Nairobi but I have been requesting you for this interview for such a long time you know and I was like I have to understand the quality aspect what makes your product stand out what are you doing different okay I'll start by saying this you are not the only one who has said that and and even to bring uh closer to you yeah we have customers who drive all the way from Nairobi over the weekend specifically to come and pick milk yogurt Mara from method all the way from Nairobi how many supermarkets are on that Highway how many farms are on that highway but somebody will come all the way from Nairobi yes with the family I've come to pick me up yeah okay but what makes our products stand out I remember my husband was making a joke that there is a time they have said let's join the full Market yes the market yeah and this is business and we are here to do business not to do you know what what is what what is yeah and I said I'm okay if you can do business but I'll not be part of that um he said his words she said I'm going to pull out nine Nails yes and uh to be fair to you is just to tell you I have that's why I started with giving you my my background my profession my profession for over 21 years because I left my job in 209 that's when I I decided not to renew my contract in it more after uh we talked with my husband and we agreed this Farm cannot be done by employees only so I stepped out of my employment and I came to run the farm initially then after that two of our children joined team yes so now I'm actually easing off yeah uh my daughter and my son are with me on the farm and with a very supportive a lot of support from their father which we always are very very grateful and he never feels to come to the farm even if it means an hour to be on the farm and not be Nairobi but what makes our product start out is that aspect of Health people who Value Health one and I hope you saw our our statement there yes your motto yes Farm Fresh for better fresh for Better Health For Better Living For Better Living Better Living we are so passionate about what we give people and for me as our medical professional is I'm so particular because I always keep on telling me if you can you can do anything regardless of the cost to get away from swallowing a tablet because you are sick please do it and there are some of the things we know they are also aggravating illness cancers have been associated with many things and among the things we take so if you can be able to guess some of those things out of your way if you can be able if you are be in business to get those things which you know are harmful to the human being please don't put them in their food so what we do is our milk is always fresh because it's milked on the farm we buy a few from a few farmers surrounding us and these are farmers we trained wow and got got them to get interested with the data farming wow and their biggest problem was if we put up a cow where would you sell the milk we said we'll be there to pick the milk and buy the milk at a competitive price and what we do is that milk on a daily basis you know you have you saw you have a plant is once it's collected nothing is removed from it straight to the processing and when it is processed into yogurt or mazurala nothing is added into it not even a preservative a little bit of sugar but we dry mainly on the sugar which is naturally in the milk the whole cream if you are those people who don't like milk which is full milk then you not be a customer because you say you have util the whole cream is here yes but the alternative is you don't want to take the clear but you you take an another more unhealthy product which has got construction added construction and then a lot of sugar so that keeps us thriving when we tell you we are selling what we think is the best I I always say I don't think there is anybody else who is doing what you're doing when it comes to production of these products yeah yeah when you eat our chicken our chicken is growth on the farm and prepared on the farm so we grew we take care of it from one day out until it reaches the age of Slaughter and we prepare it what you have eaten either beef burger for beef burger we have the we have a small bowls unlike many farmers who dispose their bull calves we don't we keep them they become their future yeah for your beef you know you made me laugh or not laugh but I was like so even when you slaughtering Abu now like the big ones people are on the waiting list yes yes because when we start foreign [Music] migration right and that's not something that is happening a lot I don't know people fear these kind of jobs they're farming the livestock whatever on those things and we were just saying we are so concentrated in places like Nairobi yet our Farms What observations have you made and what advice would you give to Kenyans uh you know one of the reasons why these countries and let me see not only Kenya the African continent as a whole is suffering from food insecurity it's not because we don't have rad we have enough rad and let's let's not try ourselves that is because we don't have rain we have enough rain the problem we are having is I think we have all come to the opinion that best life is in the city in the city okay so who has been left to deal with the Farms the elderly and the school dropouts unfortunately and of course the school dropout doesn't have the capacity to do farming because farming is expensive it needs a lot of resources you need a lot of capital and so when you leave it to the elderly and the people who dropped out from school you have left the lad basically unattended too so and many of us decided to go to Nairobi which was good because we went to Nicholas better and I keep on saying I wish that the way we went to those cities to make money would be able to prow back to the community because remembering we like it or hit it we left the Rulo we went to the urban where is our destination back to the ruler so if we do not take care of the ruler the rule will never take care of us now what is disappointing is that many people don't want to come and invest in the rural but I thank God whoever came with the idea of devolution because we have seen something trickling back to the ruler through Devolution there are a lot of opportunities in the rural if only more people can take the risk of investing in the in the rural so that if I'm producing milk somebody else is producing chicken okay what do we do in the two we make this country food secure and we offer jobs to the youngs men and women and therefore we curtail the movement from the rural to the urban city because we're just overcrowding the that's the Nairobi City we just overcrowding Nairobi but those young men and women they are spending the better part of your life walking up and down looking for jobs jobs which are not really available yes you have seen that you've also taken in quite a lot of young people yeah how are how are they behaving towards working how is their mindset one uh I hope I don't know whether you notice that in the farm we have a representation of Kenya yes all different types but we have everybody in the farm and uh we need to work on the mindset of the young people because many a times is when you are recruiting and somebody is so interested and a job I'm really looking desperately for a job but immediately you say the job is not in Nairobi the next question is the job then you see oh we are somewhere in Clinica County somewhere between Sagan and makutano where is that again then they ask what did you say somewhere have you ever did you do you know yeah I know I even come from near so I passed through sagana many times do you know a place called mevit yes Maria maziwa they call it Mahalia the place of milk once you do that interview the next minute you call that person because the prince is not enticing for them so that's the problem we are having so to get this the type of personnel you'd like is different from Nairobi that's in a body and I really respect the people who come to work for us or work with us as a family we all call ourselves the family the method family because it takes a lot of will to appreciate that you are going to work in the especially when you are young and I remember one of your young dads told me is Nairobi is suited for our age because there is social capital then I said oh none of us was born in Nairobi so we went to Nairobi and created the social capital yes so why can't you come back to the rural and create social capital in the rural because we create Social Capital you can be in that Nairobi and be isolated okay you can be in this Rural and you are a part and pastor of everybody as we walk with you in the farm did you notice I and Mr Monkey work in the farm like equals to our staff yes we go chatting with them and you know all of them by names which was really beautiful two names not just the first one all of them all of them close to it I know all of them and each one station will work yes yes wow yeah but you see that environment is so healthy yes let's have a lighter moment because you guys have been married for how long right now close to 40 close to 40 years what still makes it beautiful this is supposed to be beautiful oh yes it's supposed to be what did God create because whatever God created he sat back and said it's good isn't it what makes anybody think when he created the marriage Institution on Earth what makes you think he looked at it and said this is somehow beautiful or not beautiful you are the ones who people are coming with this but it's supposed to be beautiful yeah yeah it's us we are making it the other way and you know why it's because people want to be defiant just the way we are rebelling against everything else people have decided to Rebel even what God has brought in naturally and that's why people you turn to all sort of things which don't make sense tell me which child would like to grow without a mother would you like to grow without a mother who would like to grow without her father who which child would like to grow and be told you don't have a grandfather you don't have a grandmother God made marriage to be beautiful but we are the ones which who are giving it another disc description whatever it came from I don't know but they could help us we have survived it for those years and brief we are going to survive it amen for so many more years because I think we took a note of until death and because of only two things I I only submit two things and I say love is not one of them no yeah it's not wow it's not I don't I I I honestly I have not been able to Define love but I don't think it's one of them but one of them is respect for each other if I respect you I will never do something which I know is disrespectful to you and face faster okay because a love we are so many you can love is you can divide it into so many many things therefore what love for what love but if I respect you I'll never do anything that disrespects you and vice versa wow okay that is number one number two is a what we call genuine communication I'm sorry I'm I'm shifting kidogo but I've always wanted to ask this question to anyone that I come across that has a beautiful and truthful marriage and the question I would want to ask I know guys this is more of Elena's than Inspire the question but to you as a woman what does submission look like and to your husband what does leadership look like let me ask let me note it let me not answer for him yes let me see some Mission I think women have been have been misled by the word submission means like being stepped on what is lived enslaved but even when God created Adam and his distractions were very clear Adam these are your responsibilities if these are your responsibilities okay if each one of us would keep to their line do you know you have no you have no line of conflict keep to what God was very clear keep to what is yours can I if I give you an example and this is a true example er do you know I've driven a car since 1996. I've been a driver for those years see 1996. do you know I can't change attire and I'm not I'm and not that I learned so many things but I'm not going to learn so because so and I always used to tell my husband you know me I did a very difficult job which many have not managed to do and I or they are not they were not lucky to be able to do it I did a very difficult job to look for somebody in the name of a husband and stay with this person as my husband and I continue taking his responsibilities when you came before you came I used to purchase my bulbs in my house that time I had not met you but immediately he came I tell me I can't take us to step on us too to change your bulbs because hey I'm very serious I don't know how to change that and I'm not going to learn how to change one no I'm not I think if we all took to watch yes but I think one of the things women have decided to do is to take other people's role pretending they are fighting equality equality yeah I think what we should have is something another word not equal because even God didn't make us equal in many ways yeah but let's have keep to your line the other person keeps to their line okay yeah to close the chapter on what keeps you yes is we have never and I hope you will never ask each other because everybody every money is our money and it is that respect I talked about that he believes there is no way I can I am under signatory to his account yeah there is no way he expect me to go and remove money from his account to do what as a family we have not agreed upon he is a secondary to my account whatever is there so because I believe there is no way he can take my money what is my money or our money now our money to go and use it in something which is not going to benefit the family and may God forbid that it would happen so so because money has become another the only issue and it's because if one is earning more than the other things the other one is inferior is inferior and sometimes you also look at also quantify what somebody does if only looking at what somebody brings in form of cash quantify quantify each and everything the other person is doing and how much it contributes to the family for the wear of the family and you see we are all striving towards one thing yes make this family better than you started it make your generation better than what you you found which were your parents and you hope the children will continue for us we want to have a a business would you be like just use a if not a bad example the Indian way that India's business do not die with every generation how we wish our this method will not die with one or two generations but it will be for generations and generation regulations to come that's your legacy that's the Legacy one place because I admire you thank you you are Powerhouse thank you no you are I've spent quite the better part of my day with you and even right now you still have the strength to speak to me where else you're such a busy woman you would have decided now go back so I I acknowledge that that's really beautiful and thank you for that but Mom before I wind up for anyone in business this course now we have to like com we have to bring in together business and family what are some of the three key tips that you would give our people in learning business yes the three key things might not be the very key to everybody yeah but for us like I've said the three key things is whatever you do do it with intrinsic passion not that which is driven by money because he always say riches or wealth is a product of service to humanity okay so when you when you serve Humanity God rewards you and that's what you yeah you say she's doing very well in business he's doing very well in business they are so blessed they are you know that's it the other thing is like I said be genuine in whatever you do business people have been accused and is so unfortunate of um learning businesses which and especially in the food industry producing what you do not like to consume I do not even like your children to consume but you are giving it to other people to consume you you plant vegetables today vegetable Tomatoes today you spray them the day after tomorrow you sell them they fall into people what are you doing poisoning I only put a word of caution when when you have expose vegetables or potatoes all nyana's and you take them to the market you have sold to the other people but here you are going to eat from somewhere else because you you go and get what you think is of good quality and product but what you have sought in that Community is what you eat tomorrow in a hotel so you're still eating your person you're adding up there you have relatives you who buy those potatoes we buy those Tomatoes those vegetables your children your grandchildren you never know who who will be the next Consumer so yeah poisoning your own making your your personal people and it's all because of grid of money I know money many people say is everything but I think one thing I am very sure in my mind money is not happiness no no live a life that even when you leave this world because none of us is here permanently people say they lived somebody here who was you can you could have counted on her or him could not have done anything which she thought was not good for her to anybody else and that alone is enough you see nothing my Parting Shot is in any business if you're going to start a business do not look forward to getting rich tomorrow is a wrong Journey you are not going to go up with a lift use the staircase a step at a time it's tiring password Journey don't take a staircase I mean a lift because your screen is the same speed take the staircase there's no way the staircase will bamoka at the same time it can you can only get higher than sit and try and get some more energy to continue climbing to the next level foreign before you reach the ground floor because you have been walking on the stair things might turn positive and you start going back again yes do not look for instance instant gratification yes yes yes that is crazy that is putting yourself in what we call we call um you know uh uh short time pressure and then it doesn't last yeah yeah it just ends so even when we are doing business let's be fair there is a statement I was given about three months ago by somewhere where I go for some of our supplies I'm windy and I was really lamenting and the place reduce the price for me just me mama are you the first line and founder of this business I said yeah two of us me and my husband then he told me that's where your problem is ask me I'm from the Indian Community and I know and the problem you have is you are found no business father ever ever sees the fruits of the business because you initiate you become the founder so during your time you'll be actually inputting Capital that's exactly what you're doing with my husband you put you put you put you put you put in first in first in first sour by the time now the business is most likely starting to like because yeah we bought the Latin we bought the equipment we built the houses you see all that this money we are in putting in putting in putting by the time you start putting getting to see a little bit of fruits it's not you who is there now it's your children wow so what you should be playing is that your children get interested with what you're doing because they are the ones who are going to do the first see okay Dogo of the Harvest the people who are going to benefit now properly are from their grandchildren period so your grandchildren are the ones who will leap from what you sought for and I said if that's it yes never had something so profound no founder ever yeah ever yeah but it's different now just do what you can do what you can do it diligently that was so beautiful one of the most beautiful interviews I've ever had and I feel like we need another sit down sometime in the future so that we can talk about different other topics apart from you know farming and our world is hurting our people are hurting and sometimes they just need a voice of reason a non-judgmental voice of reason that's what they need but other than that I know they will want to buy some of these products this is not an ad but I had it and the yogurt for me was amazing my dad said Mala is where utamu is yes so I'm going to I'll text you about it and tell you what I feel honestly about Mala but for the people who would want to just come pass by sagana you can give them the directions they can also have Burgers the grill is also wow that's some beautiful job done there but for the people who would want to connect and maybe get some of your products how can they contact you the the grill part of it yes I want to own up and say courtesy of being with the Young Generation yeah when they came we were all analog everything was analog became and even the logo was changed to look more beautiful more attractive yeah more digital yes and mean the person who have been on it is Mario himself he decides he does all the bloody yeah and we thank God for his uh for his participation yes on the farm yeah many people when you say maybe they think it's a very big company and I'm not saying we are not big we are a big company yeah we are big in our own ways until the fight is not there that big company like multi-million yes or multi-billion yeah company but we are worthy our name yes we are proud of what we do and we are proud of our all our customers and staff for the great great job our customers have been very very supportive every part of mevid incremental is done with the con due essay consultation with the customers because when you find us doing baking bread is because they requested where do you sell us milk without without bread and milk is 40 and T is supposed to be taken with bread bread yes and why do you why do you tell us to stop on the roadside just to take a glass of milk or take yogurt which you used to have before why don't you open something where I have when I come with children they can have some meal they can take you know just something and so we have the stopover which people pick and go a few will sit down and take their chips and chicken and butter the one you're talking about we are the Nairobi yeah near the highway yeah between sagana and makutano yeah yeah exactly for kilometers yes from The Junction to embu Yes it took me four minutes yes to get here sorry sorry yeah that's where we are yes yes we have contacts you can call and you'll be told about a minute yes we have a light in the office that is zero seven zero eight yeah eight hundred yeah seven hundred okay and then we can also use my line yes zero seven two two yeah eight three nine three six six okay I'll be putting the numbers also on the screen so that they can be able to contact and also thank you for just having us around we've had fun we've been challenged thank you my people as you can see we gotta wind up so Asante misana for tuning in water show I don't know what other questions that you have but you can put them on the comment section and maybe if you want me to sit down again with Mom we can have another conversation but just let me know in the comment section and of course if you want to just consult and talk and ask about them the contact details are right here on the screen I hope you guys have been inspired I hope you've been motivated I hope now you can actually start without one egg and then egg don't be ashamed about anything here you go foreign polite reminder we are going to God we are God he has been faithful yeah to our people in the UK see you at the end of July for Kenyan friends in the park here we come in the UK and you all know now we are going to Dubai with Bountiful safaris on the 24th to 28th of August so guys you can start registering and I hope we have Beautiful Moments together so don't forget about those two those are the ones that are confirmed UK and Dubai so for the people in the UK you can start sharing your stories this is our email here info at elenendo digital and for the guys who want to go with us me and kagoni Dubai boundful safaris are contact details are right here here on the screen and to say thank you to my team for making this happen I don't do it alone so muga scholar Joshua Asante Nissan and to our amazing editors Kelvin and some for compiling this episode and making sure it reaches you guys right on time please feel free to suggest to me someone else I can interview on this segment I want it to be super inspirational for you guys and I want us to chase our dreams no matter what let's change the narrative like just come could you need to limit you can see the beautiful things that go around when you decide to take a risk but as she said which one are you choosing the stairs armadillift the speed is what we have to consider and think about so rude in Nairobi it's been real my people till tomorrow 10 a.m yeah to an Annika 10 AM bye trust the process [Music]
Channel: Lynn Ngugi
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Keywords: lynn ngugi, Lynn Ngugi network, Lynn Ngugi show, Lynn Ngugi video today, Lynn Ngugi latest uploads, Lynn Ngugi latest video, Martha rena, tuck talks with lynn ngugi, tales of wanjiku, inspire global, mens desk, gala real, Lynn ngugi latest news, Lynn ngugi latest show, Lnn, Lns, Inspire global today, Inspire global lnn
Id: OqTqLOar4pM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 14sec (4874 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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