Chicken & Mushrooms in Cream Sauce, SIMPOL!

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It's SIMPOL time once again, -- and this is Chef Tatung. And we'll, again, be cooking another delicious -- and simple recipe -- that I'm sure your family will enjoy. A little fancy is what we're doing today, -- but very simple to do. So, let's begin. Let's get cooking! [Music] [Music] What we are cooking today -- is a very European-inspired dish, right? Because -- we're cooking -- Chicken and Mushrooms in Cream, right? And it has a bit of white wine. But you know, don't be intimidated if -- we'll be using white wine, -- because I have a trick for you. Instead of white wine, -- we can use something -- that you can definitely -- make at home. So, let's start cooking now. We have some chicken here. This is, around, -- 3/4 kilo of chicken fillet, -- which I cut into cubes, right? So, around, 1-inch cubes. So, -- this is a variety. I have some chicken breasts, -- and I also have chicken thighs. So, it's kind of, -- balanced. There's fatty part, -- and we also have lean part. So, I just season it with -- salt and pepper. Mmm... Generous amount of pepper. I really like pepper in my food. [Music] [Music] There. [Music] [Clink] Then I just mix up my -- chicken pieces. And I have some flour here. I have 4 tablespoons of flour, [Clang] -- and I just, -- you know, -- [Clink] coat the chicken pieces in the flour. And I have butter. I'm using here -- 4 tablespoons of butter. Mmm... And a little bit of -- oil. So, just a little bit of -- Canola oil. Mmm... Warm up my pan. [Clang] Melt the butter. [Knock] Mmm... So, why we are using a combination -- of butter and oil, -- is that butter burns quickly, right? So, we're just adding a little bit of oil -- to mitigate its -- burning temperature. So, -- now, we can sauté at a higher temperature -- without burning our food. Just sauté. Spread out our chicken. So, the flour -- will also act -- as our thickener, later on. Very important -- when we're cooking, is that -- we take time to sear our meat, -- because the searing; -- the browning of the meat, -- is not just about the color, -- it also gives a nice taste -- which is -- flavorful, right? So, -- that's what we're doing right now. Mmm... So, this is a very nice recipe -- where -- you can use it, not only as a -- main course, -- but it can also be, -- like, a sauce for a pasta, -- or served with potatoes. [Sizzle] So, you see, -- [Sizzle] our chicken is not becoming watery -- [Sizzle] [Sizzle] when we're sautéing it, -- [Sizzle] because of the flour. [Clang] [Sizzle] The flour absorbs the moisture. [Sizzle] [Sizzle] There. [Sizzle] [Sizzle] Sauté, sauté. [Sizzle] There. [Sizzle] [Sizzle] And you notice that, -- [Sizzle] [Sizzle] you know, -- [Sizzle] [Sizzle] the chicken is already -- [Sizzle] [Sizzle] a bit brown on the edges. [Sizzle] [Sizzle] we'll just put our chicken aside. [Sizzle] [Sizzle] There. And [Clack] -- we heat up the pan again, -- and what we do now, -- is we sauté -- our onions. So, we sauté our onions first, -- because we want to -- get the sweetness. Sweetness is what we want -- here from our onions. And I season it with a little salt. So, -- I season my onions -- with a little salt, to bring out the flavor. Now, it's translucent. Now, I add my garlic. [Music] Sauté as well. But I don't want to [Clang] brown my garlic. My intention is not to brown the garlic. I just like the sweetness -- and the aroma of the garlic. So, I just sauté it a little bit. And now, I add my mushrooms. So, -- it's very important, -- though I'm using canned mushrooms, -- uhm, -- is to [Clack] season it properly -- with enough salt -- [Music] and pepper. And also, -- what you do is that, -- you have to sauté it -- in a little oil or butter. Why? [Sizzle] [Sizzle] Because -- [Sizzle] [Sizzle] there are certain flavor compounds -- [Sizzle] in the mushrooms that -- [Sizzle] [Sizzle] won't come out -- [Sizzle] if there's no oil or fat. [Sizzle] So, -- [Sizzle] what we are doing right now is -- [Sizzle] [Sizzle] we are -- [Sizzle] [Sizzle] bringing out -- [Sizzle] as much flavor as possible. [Sizzle] We already know it's canned mushrooms. [Sizzle] [Sizzle] It doesn't have much flavor. [Sizzle] But -- [Sizzle] [Sizzle] because of what we are doing, -- [Sizzle] [Sizzle] the mushroom flavor will still come out -- [Sizzle] somehow, because [Sizzle] [Sizzle] we are doing it this way. [Sizzle] We are sautéing it. [Sizzle] [Sizzle] And -- [Sizzle] [Sizzle] Now, I sautéed my mushrooms. [Sizzle] I'm going to add back my chicken. [Sizzle] So, the chicken, -- [Sizzle] I'm going to put it back in the pan. [Sizzle] [Sizzle] Look at that. [Sizzle] [Sizzle] Mmm... [Sizzle] [Sizzle] Now, -- [Sizzle] we're supposed to deglaze the pan -- [Sizzle] [Sizzle] in -- [Sizzle] [Sizzle] White wine. [Sizzle] [Sizzle] Oh! [Sizzle] What if we don't have -- [Sizzle] White wine at home? [Sizzle] So, this is -- [Sizzle] [Sizzle] what you can do. [Sizzle] [Sizzle] I use -- [Sizzle] clear soda. [Laughs] [Sizzle] Any brand of clear soda. You add -- a [Clink] teaspoon. So, this is 3/4 cup of, uhm, -- clear soda, -- 1 teaspoon of vinegar, -- and -- a tablespoon of white rum. There. That's it! That's my white wine replacement. And -- what I will do, I will just -- pour over my chicken. So, -- I will just -- Leave it there -- without adding anything else, -- and let it reduce, right? To reduce, means -- to evaporate the liquid -- so that the flavors will intensify. There. And don't worry about -- us having rum or alcohol. Once it reaches its boiling temperature, -- everything will go to the atmosphere. [Laughs] Everybody will -- go to the air so, -- it's safe even for kids to -- eat, right? What we have here, is we have some -- potatoes which -- I already par-cooked. So, par-cooked means, -- I have already boiled it. I peeled it. I cut it into, like, -- 1-inch cube or -- a little more than 1-inch cubes. And -- I just boiled it in -- salted water. Right? So, what I'm going to do, -- I heat up my pan. And I have some butter. It makes food very delicious. There. Mmm... So, I just melt the butter, -- and I immediately -- put -- my garlic. Right? So, I don't wait for my -- butter to be totally -- melted. I want to add my butter, because -- our objective here is to infuse -- infuse the garlicky flavor -- in our butter. Again, we're not toasting the garlic. You know? I pour my -- [Clang] melted butter -- and -- my -- heated garlic, right? Just [Clang] heated, because it's not toasted. Right? [Clang] In the [Clang] potatoes, -- [Clang] I add smoked paprika -- or Spanish paprika. Around 1 teaspoon. Like that. And [Clang] I season with -- salt. [Clack] Just enough salt -- and black pepper. [Music] And I have -- a [Clang] little bit of -- dried rosemary. Right? [Clink] I will just pound it a little, -- just to be able to -- allow it to release more of its -- aroma, right? So, very little. Right? And especially with dried rosemary, -- I really like to -- [Pound] pound it [Clang] or else, -- it creates inconvenience when eating -- because [Pound] it's a bit hard, and -- I add it to my potatoes. There. [Clang] And I have -- fresh parsley. Around, a tablespoon or so. [Clang] And I [Clink] just toss it. Look at that. [Clink] It's already very beautiful, right? Look at that. Then -- I just -- add some oil. Just enough to -- [Clack] coat the bottom. And I just -- fry -- my potatoes. Okay? [Music] [Music] It's hot enough. [Music] [Sizzle] [Sizzle] and let it fry. [Sizzle] [Sizzle] And you will notice, -- [Sizzle] also, on the other side, -- [Sizzle] [Sizzle] my chicken; -- [Sizzle] [Sizzle] [Clang] [Sizzle] already has reduced is my -- [Sizzle] [Sizzle] "white wine". [Sizzle] [Sizzle] Artificial white wine. Right? It's already drying up. Now, -- it's time to add my cream. So, I'm using cooking cream. You can use all-purpose cream, -- but, uhm, -- you have to cook it at a very low temperature, -- so it doesn't break. So, -- I'm turning down my heat. Low heat, low heat. Then I add my cream. [Music] [Music] Mmm... [Music] And cover it. Let it simmer. [Music] [Music] There. [Music] While I'm waiting for my potatoes to -- brown. My potatoes, -- let's take a peek at it. It's beginning to brown. Toss. [Music] [Music] Mmm... [Music] And we let it -- continue to fry. [Music] And -- my chicken -- is already beginning to simmer -- and it -- in the cream. [Music] Let it simmer, let it cook. There. [Clack] Sometimes, you have to be very careful -- at this part. So, you add the cream last -- and cook it -- at a very gentle temperature. But here, I'm using cooking cream. It's really intended for cooking, -- it, kind of, boils a bit, -- but it's okay. It doesn't blister. Because you'd notice -- when you cook cream dishes sometimes, -- it, kind of, blisters. There are some freckles in our -- cream sauce. Here, it's going to be beautiful. The chicken is already cooked, -- but what we're doing is, -- we just want everything to melt -- and the flavors develop. [Clink] Okay? So, this one, -- a little bit -- more. Probably a -- minute or two. Our potatoes are getting -- [Clack] beautifully golden -- and crisp on the side. And our chicken is -- done. But before that -- I will just, -- you know, -- season it a little bit more with -- salt. Remember, you only seasoned the chicken? We seasoned the onions, -- but the cream and all that -- we haven't seasoned yet. So, now -- it's time for me to season. And I'm ready to -- plate! [Music] Chicken is also done. [Music] Looks so fancy, -- looks so classy, -- but so simple to do. [Music] Remember, -- anyone can definitely cook, -- as long as it's SIMPOL. So, here it is, -- our Chicken Mushroom in Cream, -- and -- Pan Roasted Potatoes, -- SIMPOL! [Music] Did you enjoy this video? Please FOLLOW and SUBSCRIBE -- to our official pages. And of course, -- tag a friend as well!
Channel: Simpol
Views: 82,420
Rating: 4.9281993 out of 5
Id: VKm5ofdas0Q
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Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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