Crispy Fried Chicken
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Channel: Princess Ester Landayan
Views: 725,746
Rating: 4.7097487 out of 5
Keywords: pinay, filipina, pinoy, filipino, vlog, vlogger, youtuber, cook, chef, how to, yum, yummy, super crispy, fried chicken, chicken joy, jollibee, kfc, spicy, gravy, the best, cuisine, dish, cooking show, ofw, life advise, negosyo, karinderya, carinderya, business, travel, manila, cebu, davao, palawan, boaracay, duterte, aldub, alden richards, jadine, james reid, lizquen, enrique gil, say tioco, anne clutz, anna cay, full movie, full episode, tagalog, mang kepweng, james vince and kath, seklusyon, ronnie alonte
Id: 77c8D1Rkmdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 29sec (2009 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 23 2016
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